Girl meets boy


Mina walked between her parents along the lobby. She reckoned the ceiling was so high that even if she stood on top of her mum who stood on top of her dad who stood above Driver Shim, she wouldn't be able to touch the ceiling. Perhaps she'd be able to reach for one of those dangling, golden chandeliers. Blending in well with the elegant chandeliers and decors, everyone seemed to be dressed extremely well and walking so elegantly, Mina didn't know if she belonged here anymore.

Surviving the scary glass elevator trip to the 29th floor, the three of them arrived at the fancy restraunt and a worker led them to their table.

"We may be joining hands with this company. Just maintain a good image, honey," her mother worriedly taught her. It was Mina's first time being at a business dinner.

...So was it the first time for the young man at the table too. He tapped his shoes on the floor impatiently. 

"Please maintain your posture young master," Driver Yoon pleaded, "Mr Choi has arrived."

Mr Choi and the two females appraoched the table. Wu Fan stood up a little too rushed and the chair squeeked.

Mina looked up at her father who looked way more serious than he was in the car 5 minutes ago.

"Good evening," he greeted the younger who reached a hand out from the other side of the table.

The man took her father and mother's hand and shook it but Mina decided that it wasn't her place to greet the businessman.

"N-nice to meet you, sir. I'm Wu Fan but I'd prefer you called me Kris... but you may just call me-" Kris nervously blabbered and it wasn't until Mr Lee nudged it that he realised what a fool he was making of himself.

However Mina one the other hand, nearly hiccupped when she heard his deep, melodic voice. She couldn't help but to take a glance at what this man looked like. Her eyes widened. He had well defined features, his eyes dark, sharp but soft at the same time and if everyone in Korea was this good-looking, damn! 

It was the first time in her life she had observed someone so carefully. The young man who introduced himself as Kris, was tall with broad shoulders and if he didn't earn a living with his company, she bet her father would be able to hire him as his company golf-attire model.

Mina's father nodded. "I'm Choi Siwon (A/N Siwon!!!) and this is my wife Miyoung (A/N SNSD Tiffany!! SiFany!!)," Mrs Choi bowed, "Oh, this is my daughter here."

"Please sit down Mr Choi," Kris offered.

Mina swooned at the voice again. *Omo! What am I thinking!* she mentally scolded herself, getting back to reality. She didn't want to look like a low class girl, oogling at him and tried not to look anywhere near him anymore.

They settled that it was best to talk business after the meal.

While eating, Mina couldn't stop herself from stealing a couple of looks at Kris' skilful hands cutting up his own food.

*Aigoo! Get a grip on yourself Mina! You're not at a blind date. Besides, a man like him is probably already married!*

She thought she was mentally slapping her head however she noticed she was doing it physically when she felt three people staring at her quizically.

*Uh oh...* "Haha... Just a small headache... Sorry..." she chuckled nervously.

Since everyone had finished their meal, Mr Choi got ready to talk about the company matters.

Unknown to anyone, Kris' hands were sweating by the second.

"So, do you have any contracts ready?"

All eyes were on Kris for the moment.

"Er... C-contracts sir?"

Mina's father frowned, "Yes, contracts. As in documents we sign."

Kris looked forward then at his driver then back forward to the older man.

"Um... About that..." Honestly he didn't know anything of this dinner until last night after he came back from the hospital.

Suddenly Mr Choi stood up from his seat and looked at him angrily, "This isn't a joke, young man. From the moment I saw you I knew teenage boys like you couldn't handle a company and it looks like I was right. You have wasted our time Mr Wu." He strode out without another word and soon after, Mina's mother pulled Mina up from her seat and together exited the restaurant.

Kris shut his eyes in frustration and his mouth was in a thin line.

"Master Wu Fan..." his driver tried to comfort him.

"That didn't go well did it?" Kris ran a hand through his hand.

"Honestly, no it didn't."




They meet! For like 2 seconds! :) Hello everybody!


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mpnadal and bunnyhearts!!!! Many thank-yous!!


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fida0704 #1
Chapter 7: if you feel bad, you won't discontinue your story. Next time, make sure to finish it. I hate if when an author do this to us, the readers
:D I like dis story. Keep updating once in a while okay?~
hehe thanks people!! I've got to admit Kris is cute too XD
Yay SiFany supporting!! See you very soon
wish_with_me9 #4
Chapter 4: haha i like a honest driver :D mina seems to b in a daze~ and SIFANY FTW!! update!
parkchanyeolism #5
Chapter 4: Please do make sure everything goes well for Kris!!! He seems so cute being flustered here! Update soon! :)
wish_with_me9 #6
Chapter 3: cute!! well maybe not the situation kris is in but...
please make them meet now!! please!!!!!!!
Thanks so much! @StarryHwang well, I'll make sure I don't keep you waiting! :)
wish_with_me9 #8
Chapter 1: sooooo sweet! and to think its based on a real story :) good job!!! umm kris cant find his way to his own bed?? LOL plz update <3
parkchanyeolism #9
Chapter 1: Hello there! It's a great starting to your great story! It is real good! Can't wait for more! Update soon!! :)