Two hearts


Fantasy story about EXO and Sarah Choi (OC) and saving EXO planet



Sarah Choi, 18 years old

Lives in Seoul, South Korea alone, her parents are in America

She is innocent, sweet girl but can do amazing things and be very strong when needed.

EXO-K and EXO-M, they all have individual powers and sings, They are the guardians of EXO planet. They all have tattoos of their signs.


Gicheol. leader and boss of the evil forces, very evil and cunning

Kim, Kai's twin brother, Gicheol's minion, bad guy, complete opposite of Kai. He has tattoos all over his body (which dont say 2012 or Kai or EXO or anything but just imagine similar tattoos without meaning). Can also teleport and unlike Kai, can summon creatures from the underworld.

Gicheol's minion Eunja and his evil pipe. Can make incapable of moving and using powers for a moment with his pipe. Doesn't talk much.

Shin, also Gicheol's minion. Can control minds, touching with her hand. Not permanently though.



Story: EXO used to live in EXO planet wich was maintained by the tree of life. But evil forces and their leader took over EXO planet and tree of life became evil spredding devastation to EXO planet. Heart of the tree of life was split in half by the evil forces and they disappeared. EXO's twelve guardians find out that the two pieces are on a planet called Earth and split out to EXO-K and EXO-M. Oracle of the EXO planet gives a hint to these Twelve guardians that the other half is in Seoul, South Korea before he is captured. EXO-K and EXO-M go to Seoul to find this other half to restore the heart of the tree and safe planet EXO.  


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