Chapter 28

Blind Love




“I don’t see any problem with his CT scan. Actually I’m bothered why is he having this episode” junsu said as he talked

to jungshin’s parents and jieun. “all he remember is that he got blind and he didn’t know when he had the surgery”

junsu said. Dr. jaejoong talked to jungshin earlier for some psychological test. “we will conduct further test on him.

Well what matters is he is out of danger now and he is awake” junsu said. “thank you doctor” Mr. Lee shake hands

with junsu. Mrs. Lee patted jieun’s hands. “don’t worry dear, everything will be alright” Mr. and Mrs. Lee went back

to jungshin’s private room. jieun kept silent sitting inside junsu’s office. “jieun-ah, don’t think to hard. Everything will

be alright. It might be temporary” “might be oppa, it might be temporary. Come to think of it, maybe this is the way

of saying we can never be together.” Jieun said covering her face with her little hands. “its all my fault oppa, I deserve

to be nonexistent in his memory” jieun said while crying. “ssh, no, that’s not it. aish, I told you I want you to be happy,

why are you being so hard on yourself. I think you should rest.” Junsu said. “oppa, what does your omma say when

you told her that….” “she felt sad but she said she is proud of me. Saying ‘you really love her, you let her go to be

happy. I’m proud to be your mother son’ you know my omma is very theatrical right?” junsu chuckled.





“how are you feeling?” jieun decided to visit jungshin before she go home. Her parents are begging her to go home,

jiyong reported everything to them. including the “temporary amnesia”. “oh jieun-ah” minhyuk was there when she

entered the room. “hi minhyuk ssi” “you know each other?” jungshin asked. “of course she is your..” “I’m your doctor”

jieun cut minhyuk. “ah, so your name is jieun.” “ Lee Jieun” she corrected. “oh, thank you for taking good care of me”

jungshin said. jieun smiled faintly. Inside she is feeling hurt and happy. Hurt because he didn’t know her, he cant

remember her. happy because if there’s one thing that temporary amnesia brought to jungshin is that he is smiling

again. jieun notice that the pained aura is long gone now. “minhyuk, when I get out of here, let’s visit sooyeon’s grave”

jungshin said. jieun felt a thud in her heart. Not only his mind blocked the memory of her, but also in his heart. He

must love sooyeon so much then, she realized. “ahm, okay, I should be going, I’ll tell the nurse that the dextrose needs

to be changed. And in two days you’ll be discharged.” Jieun tried to sound professional. “thanks again Dr. Lee”

jungshin smiled and bowed to her. “jieun-ah” minhyuk tried to stop her from leaving but “if there’s anything you want

to asked, tell it to the nurse okay? I really have to go. Nice seeing you again minhyuk ssi” jieun walked out of the






The smiled on jungshin’s face faltered. “are you happy now?” minhyuk asked. Jungshin glared at him. “dude, cant you

see she’s suffering?” minhyuk asked. Jungshin scoff. “that’s makes us even” jungshin said sarcastically. Minhyuk rolled

his eyes. “I don’t know what you’re trying to put off, I just don’t feel like lying to her.” minhyuk said. jungshin stared at

the door. He too felt the guilt feeling jieun’s registering on her face. But he cant back down now. He must continue

with the plot he made in order to push her away. After that night that she rejected him again, he promised himself not

to be linked  on anything about jieun ever again. but this accident was a mistake. It brought him to her again. he

heard all the things she said to him why he was sleeping. The promised she made that she will do anything for him. He

cant do that. he made her suffer back then, and if he walks back into her life, what will it become? He realize that

junsu will fulfill all the responsibility that he didn’t gave to her back then. He knows that the guy can love jieun. And

junsu will never make her cry. “so, you really don’t want her anymore? What if she ended up marrying him? Can you

accept it?” minhyuk asked. “that’s the way it’s supposed to be. I will be happy knowing that she will end up with a

guy who loves her” :but you love her too?” “I hurt her, I saw that when we talked. And I heard how she suffered

looking out for me. She deserve better than me” “this is bull, jungshin.” Minhyuk said. “I love her so I’m setting her

free” jungshin said.






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update tomorrow night ^^,


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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 33: Awwwww...such a sweet story done reading this one! :)
BoiceKings #2
Chapter 33: Wow~ so romantic ending:D so many obstacles before the happiness kkk

Thanks for nice story. u updates fast so nice <3
thanks ;___;
Will post the updates tomorrow! I got 3 chapters! Kekekekeke
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 27: Ok u_u
Btw fighting :D
BoiceKings #5
Chapter 26: My heart is aching T^T
loveydooley #6
Chapter 22: Oooh Gaaawwwd..Jungshin how could u do that!! I hate u..good thing Jieun moved on..miss ur ff, chingu..fighting!!
Aznmafya #7
Chapter 21: Wah I can't believe he's back with the lookalike. I bet he's gonna regret it.
BoiceKings #8
Chapter 18: Saranghandan keojit mal~
BoiceKings #9
Chapter 21: :B
I feel wanna hate Jungshin lol
BoiceKings #10
Chapter 19: e____e
Jungshin is a playboy character again