I Want To Know About You

Can’t Love, Can’t End

"Aish,what wrong with this girl or maybe she is crazy?Why she keep following me?"Dongjun rubbed his head and just look at Sohyun who keep smiling."Can you stop following me?"Dongjun said while look seriously at Sohyun face.

"I just want to know about you?Can we be a friend?"She smile and want to greet Dongjun but Dongjun harshly hold her hand."You want to be my friend as soon we meet,it's really strange.You didn't scare with me?"Dongjun said while realeased Sohyun's hand.

"Aniyo,You're really cute.You are my taste."Sohyun said while point at Dongjun's face.

"Ah,this kid is really.."Dongjun was really angry and walk away from Sohyun.He then look at Sohyun's face and shout"If you follow me again,I will kill you,okay."Dongjun enter the lift and disappear from Sohyun's eye.

"I just want to know him,but it's okay.I will ask Myungsoo oppa to help me find his address."Sohyun said while jump happily.

"I have to find oppa."Sohyun said and start looking for Myungsoo.


"Yah,let go of me."Jiyeon said while hit Myungsoo's back."I didn't want to realeased your hand until we arrived at the salon."Myungsoo said while stick out his tongue to Jiyeon.

Without waste time,Jiyeon kick Myungsoo's leg and run away."She stop and smile at Myungsoo"Don't play with me.".She continue to run but hit someone,it was Sohyun.

"Oh,I'm sorry."Sohyun said while help Jiyeon to stand.When she look at Jiyeon's face,she start to laugh"Hey,I know you.you are the who help me.Thank again for that."Sohyun said and bow to her.

"It's okay."Jiyeon said while smiling to her.Myungsoo walk toward them and quickly look at his sister."You know her,Sohyun ah?"

"Of course,she was the person who help me when i....."Sohyun's word was cut by Myungsoo."No way!!"Myungsoo scream while shout at them.

"What wrong with that oppa?"Sohyun ask curiously.

"You.You must want something from her,that why you help her."Myungsoo said to Jiyeon.

"What kind of person is you.A while ago,you kind to me and now you angry to me.You must be crazy."Jiyeon shout back at Myungsoo.The two of them start to fighting and said a bad thing about each other.Sohyun tried to stop them but was been scoled by them.

Sohyun was looking a person to stop them,and when she see Dongjun,she go near him and dragged him.

"you again.What wrong with you?"Dongjun said to Sohyun."Please stop my brother and your friend from fight."Sohyun said and dragged Dongjun.

"Jiyeon"Dongjun was shocked when see Jiyeon.He go near them but when he tried to stop them,Myungsoo accidently punch Dongjun's face and he fell to the floor.

"Dongjun."Jiyeon quickly go toward Dongjun.She then look seriously at Myungsoo and walk near him.Jiyeon look seriously at Myungsoo with angry face."How dare you hit my boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?"Sohyun said and look very shocked.Dongjun and Myungsoo look shocked too.

"Why I said such a stupid thing?"Jiyeon said while hit her head several time.

"Boyfriend?I was very stupid to like someone who already have girlfriend.I'm very stupid oppa."Sohyun said while cry.

"Sohyun ah"Myungsoo said with a weak tone.Suddenly,sohyun faint onto the floor.Everyone in the mall look at them curiously.

Mianhae for a short chapter and grammar mistake....Hope you subscribe and comment..............


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alejandra12 #1
Chapter 9: Update soon
LoveJoehyun #2
Chapter 9: Authornim,please update
Chapter 9: Update soon
Chapter 7: Nooo... Poor sohyun got cancer :((
Chapter 7: Oh, nooo.. Sohyun got cancer T.T
Chapter 6: wow.. this is getting interesting
Ikoiko88 #7
Chapter 6: Update soon :)
Chapter 6: LOL sohyun, a lil bit hilarious in this chapter :D