Not Everything Works Out Right

Honestly This is a Bit Tiring [SEQUEL]

Taemin’s POV

Waiting for Olivia to call is hard, partly because since she texted me telling me she’d be coming the day her classes let out, and not telling me the day was a bit difficult, especially trying to explain to my hyungs that she is still as secretive as the day she came to us.

Jonghyun seemed to calm down more knowing that we’re on break for a long while and that he can finally after all this time explain to Olivia what he had said, therefore putting us at ease.

“Taemin when is she coming?!” Jonghyun whines while I sit browsing shoes on the internet, looking at him I give him the same look I’ve been giving him since he started asking, which was weeks ago.

“I don’t know, I’ll tell you as soon as she calls or texts me.” I tell him finding a pair I actually like. “Besides she hasn’t told me anything.”

Just as I say this a knock comes from the front door.

“I GOT IT!” Key yells walking by the four of us in the living room too lazy to get up, him coming from the kitchen. Hearing him mutter how lazy we are, and how lucky we are to have somebody as amazing as him, causing us all to roll our eyes.


Olivia’s POV


I hearing Key yelling he’ll answer it, I sighing feeling more relieved, as the door opens I smile at Key. “I would have called but my phone died.” I explain to Key who is gaping at me. “I can go to a hotel.” I tell him obviously trying to get a reaction.

He pulls me into a hug letting out a yelp. “I’ve missed you so much!”

“Key who’s at the door?” Minho yells rounding the corner, breaking into a smile he yanks Key off hugging me tightly. “Olivia!”

Hugging him back I smile patting his back. “I’ve missed you too.”

Letting go of me I’m only hugged by Taemin next. “I’m so glad you could come!”

“Me too Tae, me too.” I whisper into his ear burying my face into his neck. “Thank-you for understanding.”

“It wasn’t a problem; I got you to come back, even if it’s just for the summer.” He says pushing away to look at me.

He’s quickly pushed aside by Onew who hugs me tightly. “Don’t leave like that ever again!” He mumbles holding me. “You scared us.”

“I’m sorry.” I mumble out hugging him back until I hear his voice.

“Hey Olivia.” Jonghyun says, causing Onew to pull away and push my towards him, that or he tripped letting go of me, both plausible.

“Hey Jonghyun.” I whisper looking at him, a smile on his face, both of us walking closer until he pulls me into him.

“God, please don’t leave me like that.” Biting me lip my body becomes stiff, this is harder than I thought. “Please don’t do this to me.” He whispers pulling me into the condo, my things set in the entry hall. “Please.”

Pulling away I smile weakly. “I only did it because I didn’t mean much to you.” I tell him looking away, tears stinging at my eyes.

“I didn’t mean it.” He says quietly, the four boys suddenly gone. “I didn’t mean a word of it, I love you.”

Looking at him feeling rage take over I glare. “Then you should have just told the truth, shawols or not. I could have made it through it so long as I had you there.”

I see him wince at my words. “I’m sorry, but don’t you think this has been tough on me too!?” He yells angry as well now.

Scoffing I shake my head. “Yeah, it was so tough to deny you love me, I’m sorry I didn’t realize. It must be a bit shameful to love someone not Korea, someone not famous huh?!”

Looking at me surprised we go into a glaring contest. “Yeah, that must be it, cause me moping around, carrying Charlie Bepo around meant nothing!”

My turn to be surprised. “You weren’t supposed to be hurt pabo!” I say fighting tears. “YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO NOT CARE IF I WAS HERE OR NOT!” Grabbing my suitcases I walk past him and down the hall to my room, it hasn’t changed at all, not since I left.

“It wasn’t supposed to play out like that.” Taemin whispers behind me. “You both were supposed to make up.”

Turing around I smile at him, tears falling. “Nothing ever happens how it’s supposed to Taemin.”

Hugging me he wipes my tears away. “Maybe you could try talking again?”

“I’m not ready for that Taemin, I’m angry at him for so much more than just that.”

Giving me a quizzical look I shake my head telling him it’s a secret. “Fine.” He mumbles helping me unpack my things.



Well they saw each other... Rough Start? Just working up till the good stuff comes~~<3 I hope you guys are liking the sequel, I really like writing for them all, SHINee is a fun group, and I sort of image like this if that makes any sense @W@;; Ha-ha...This update sort of sorry :/

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HunHanst19 #1
Wowoweeeee so sweeeeettt i friggin love it!
pinkaddict #2
the best sequel!!
pinkaddict #3
the best sequel!!
AWWWW it was so sweet!!!! =D Love how you ended it. They went through so much but they still ended loving each other.
lilaznpnaii #5
aww such a cute story hehe...i love jonghyun for never giving up his love for her!! ^_^ <3
UMakeTheSunComeOut #6
AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! I just had a spazzy moment over the ending :) Ahaha jonghyun couldn't figure it out but the almighty key knew! Love the story :)
hoshichii #7
<3 i luved this story~ xD
THAT MADE ME CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im such a er for happy endings but even i couldnt hold in the laughter when jongiie couldnt figure out he was the father but of course keys umma instincts knew right away! :d i luv this ending!!!!! though i feel so sad that it ended. one of my favorites.
AWE! Aigoo... Can't there be more? LOL
awww, the story's done! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! i'm really glad i subscribed to this story! at least it had a happy ending! and they have a daughter! can't wait to read more from you!