The Almighty Key

Honestly This is a Bit Tiring [SEQUEL]

“What’s going on?” Taemin asks staring at us and Key, who is still a bit pissed.

“Nothing.” Key says in a very much ask-again-and-I’ll-make-sure-you-die tone. “I’m making dinner.”


We all watch Key storm into the kitchen, “What did you two do?” Onew asks staring at us.

“HYUNG you heard Key!” Taemin whispers. “Drop it.”

Onew shrugs his shoulders but gives us one of what I am assuming a leader stare. “Later.” Jonghyun assures him leading me to the couch. “You came out alive.”

“Trust me it was scary as hell.” I mumble gripping his shirt. “Key isn’t going to let us get any alone time will he?”

“I doubt it. He’s worried about us.” He whispers nibbling on my ear. “I don’t think we have too much to worry about though, you still have a month left right?”

“Yeah, I need to look for an apartment.” I mumble making a mental list of what I need to do in order to actually move here, apply for a visa, figure out a good place to go grocery shopping, and a dance studio.

“Just live here.” Jonghyun says nonchalantly.

“I can’t, what if I have a project and I’m working with others, I can’t bring them here.”

We both continue to argue about where I should live until Key calls us all for dinner.


By the time we’re all seated, Key is still obviously pissed, and nagging us on our table manners, the others all sending glares our way for putting Key in a mood.

“Key chill.” Jonghyun says rolling his eyes. “If you want you can lecture us, but stop punishing everyone.”

Key whips his head around, good lord; I rest my hand on his arm. “Key everything is ok, I promise.” Looking at me he seems to calm down a bit.

“Just you both can’t.” He mumbles sending us knowing looks. “Alright?”

Nodding our heads Jonghyun and I promise. “Alright.” We both tell him smiling.


The rest of dinner returns to normal, things still a little tense but not too bad. Afterwards Key takes Jonghyun for his lecture, while I sit with Taemin in my room, Onew and Minho both cleaning the kitchen.


“So what got Key so worked up?” He asks leaning against my bed. “I mean whatever it is really pissed him off.”

“More like surprised.” I mumble. “I guess I can tell you.”

“Is this part of the reason why it was difficult for you to forgive hyung?”

I nod my head. “Jonghyun and I are in a relationship.”

“Yeah. I figured that out.” Taemin says sassily.

I smile at him ruffling his hair. “It isn’t exactly…innocent.”

Taemin looks at me confused, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Taemin think about it.” I tell him rolling my eyes.

“OH!” He says loudly as it clicks. “YOU’RE TOO YOUNG!” He yells pointing at me.

“Tae!” I hiss at him glaring. “Lower your voice!”

Taemin looks at the door. “Olivia!”



“I already got the low down from Key, my god is he scary.” I mumble as Tae settles back down next to my bed. “I understand why you guys listen to him.”

“Yeah, and you didn’t even get all of it I bet.” Tae says shuttering. “Hyung was saying he plans on introducing you to Super Junior.”

“Super who?” I ask staring at him oddly.

Taemin rolls his eyes. “Really, listen to more k-pop.”

I laugh. “Oh, they’re one of the bands or whatever.” I say teasing Taemin.

“Yeah, they’re interested in meeting you, a lot of people are.”

“Why?” I whine hugging Bandit close to me. “I don’t like meeting new people.”

“Too bad, Key is all for it, and Onew, and Minho and Jonghyun and me!”

I glare at Tae, “You my friend aren’t nice.”

“AH, you see I’m your best friend, I don’t have to be nice!” Taemin jokes standing up as Key bursts into the room.

“Bed time, we’re heading into SM tomorrow. Olivia dress casually, we’re going in early so we can meet everyone before they get busy.” He says. Not a suggestion, not a question, a statement. I nod my head bounding to my closet to pull my pjs out, I run into the bathroom avoiding Key’s rekindled wrath.


Stepping out ready for bed I tip toe past Key, his eyes closed. “You can’t get by me like that.” Key says eyes still closed.

“Umma?” I ask sitting next to him. “You ok?”
“My beloved daughter!” He wails hugging my closely. “You told Taemin correct?”

I nod my head, no point in hiding anything from Key; I don’t feel like dying quite yet. “Yeah.”

He just nods his head. “You know you are good with Jonghyun, he’s done nothing but dote on you, even when he was upset.”

“Key, do you think everything will work out?”

“I do, and I hope so, you two could use each other in your lives.” Key says pushing me up. “To bed, and tell Jjong, as long as I don’t hear anything odd I don’t care if you share beds.”

I smile at him; kissing his cheek I hug Key tightly. “You’re a good friend.”

“I know I’m the Almighty Key!” I nod my head as I run off to my room a smile on my face, Key you’re too good.


I'm a little unsure about having Olivia go to SM, just because I'll have to try and work in a few other groups, but I'm not sure, maybe just Super Junior... :/

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HunHanst19 #1
Wowoweeeee so sweeeeettt i friggin love it!
pinkaddict #2
the best sequel!!
pinkaddict #3
the best sequel!!
AWWWW it was so sweet!!!! =D Love how you ended it. They went through so much but they still ended loving each other.
lilaznpnaii #5
aww such a cute story hehe...i love jonghyun for never giving up his love for her!! ^_^ <3
UMakeTheSunComeOut #6
AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! I just had a spazzy moment over the ending :) Ahaha jonghyun couldn't figure it out but the almighty key knew! Love the story :)
hoshichii #7
<3 i luved this story~ xD
THAT MADE ME CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im such a er for happy endings but even i couldnt hold in the laughter when jongiie couldnt figure out he was the father but of course keys umma instincts knew right away! :d i luv this ending!!!!! though i feel so sad that it ended. one of my favorites.
AWE! Aigoo... Can't there be more? LOL
awww, the story's done! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! i'm really glad i subscribed to this story! at least it had a happy ending! and they have a daughter! can't wait to read more from you!