Complications, but I'd wait still

Honestly This is a Bit Tiring [SEQUEL]

Heading into the office I stride in happily, SHINee staying at the dorm, to avoid being recognized, “Miss Shine?”

“Yes?” I ask walking up to the lady at a desk.

“You’re early, but you can go on in.” She says smiling sweetly.

“Thank-you.” I say bowing as I walk into the Dean’s office.

Mr. Kim smiles at me as I enter. “Ah, Olivia!”

“Sir.” I say as we both bow.

He frowns slightly. “A small issue as come up.”

As soon as I hear it my stomach drops. “Oh.” I whisper taking a seat. “Anything that I can fix?”

Mr. Kim shakes his head. “Your school doesn’t allow you to transfer, not until you finish the next school year.”

“So, I have to stay at my current school, finish that year then transfer here?” I ask clarifying my situation.

“Yes,” He says nodding his head. “We’ll be glad to take you next year, and more than happy to get all the paper work finished now.”

Disappointment aside I nod my head smiling. “It’d be fantastic.” I tell him.


Throughout the meeting I nod my head, sign and converse with him, all the while keeping in the urge to scream. Leaving to head back to the dorm I feel my insides drop, I have to tell them, I have to tell Jonghyun another year. One more till we can see each other more.


“Sweetie?” I call entering SHINee’s dorm, “Jonghyun yoo hoo?”

“Neh?” He asks jogging out, “Something the matter?”

I lead him to the couch, and push him to sit. “There was a complication with my transfer.”

“How bad?” He whispers looking away.

“I have to finish the next school year at my current school in France before they’ll allow me to transfer here.”

Blowing out some air he pulls me into his lap. “Complications seem to plague our relationship. Although as long as I get to talk to you, and visit you during breaks and stuff I don’t care, I’d wait a thousand years for you Olivia.”

Pushing Jonghyun’s shoulder lightly “You’re too cheesy.”

“You’re perfect.” He mumbles kissing my lips. “Completely and entirely perfect.”

Shaking my head I kiss him back, Jonghyun may be cheesy, a bit testy and a bit improper, but he is Jonghyun the man I love.

“I love you.” I whisper kissing him again. “So much, you know that?”

Chuckling he kisses my cheek, pulling away from my lips. “I do, and I love you too much to lose you, so we’re going to spend a bunch of time together until you have to leave, so check out of that damn hotel room and come back to your home.”

Giggling I nod my head. “I’ll check out.”

“HOORAY!” Spinning around I see Key, Minho, Onew and Taemin all cheering. “Olivia-ah is coming back home!”

“My dear daughter!” Key yells pulling me out of Jonghyun’s grasp. “Oh, how we’ve missed you around this place!”

“Me too!” Taemin squeals happily. “Then we’ll get to hang out almost every day when you move to Korea!”

Nodding my head I hug everyone. “Yeah, every day, gee I won’t get sick of you guys.” I say sarcastically as I hug Minho.

“Don’t be so disrespectful to your elders!” Onew scolds me playfully.

Key in turn smacks him on the head. “Don’t you dare yell at my baby girl!”


While everyone is too caught up in the discussion of when I became Key’s daughter, Jonghyun pulls me away, “Let’s get your stuff, and spend one more night alone.”

Nodding my head I follow Jonghyun out, him covered head to toe, the two of us making it quietly out of the building.

Sorry for the lack of updates, but I got distracted with a lot of stuff, my school year is winding down and so projects are popping up, plus my testing to become a senior, I've gotten busy, then I realized today is Jonghyun's Birthday so I REALLY wanted to post something up for that, and I actually posted a Drabble for him (: You guys should read it, it's short and sweet, :D

ANYWAYS, sorry for this short and kinda lame update.

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HunHanst19 #1
Wowoweeeee so sweeeeettt i friggin love it!
pinkaddict #2
the best sequel!!
pinkaddict #3
the best sequel!!
AWWWW it was so sweet!!!! =D Love how you ended it. They went through so much but they still ended loving each other.
lilaznpnaii #5
aww such a cute story hehe...i love jonghyun for never giving up his love for her!! ^_^ <3
UMakeTheSunComeOut #6
AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! I just had a spazzy moment over the ending :) Ahaha jonghyun couldn't figure it out but the almighty key knew! Love the story :)
hoshichii #7
<3 i luved this story~ xD
THAT MADE ME CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im such a er for happy endings but even i couldnt hold in the laughter when jongiie couldnt figure out he was the father but of course keys umma instincts knew right away! :d i luv this ending!!!!! though i feel so sad that it ended. one of my favorites.
AWE! Aigoo... Can't there be more? LOL
awww, the story's done! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! i'm really glad i subscribed to this story! at least it had a happy ending! and they have a daughter! can't wait to read more from you!