6th Chapter

That's What Happens

Author's POV

When they were finished with their ice cream, myungsoo suggested they take a walk at the park near by.

"what about we take a stroll in the park?" he said." i don't know, it seems dark an-" you were cut of by myungsoo. " just for a while, please" he said with pleading eyes. You didn't want to look bad in front of him so you agreed


As you both were walking, out of nowhere myungsoo suddenly held your hand. You blushed at the fact that he was holding your hand and you really liked it."control ~~~~!!! get it together" you thought in your head. While in myungsoo's head, he was mad crazy as ever. "come on myungsoo! what were you thinking!!!" he thought. "well......" you said as your voice trailed. "well........" he said as well. "umm, i think i should get going don't want my mom to worry" you said with a shy smile. "yeah.... don't want your mom to freak out"he said while rubbing his nape."so, i should be going. hope we can do this another time... i mean! uh umm what i meant to say was hope we can hang out more!" you said while stuttering. "yeah, i like that" he said

 After that whole incident happened, you went home with a beating heart that couldn't stop beating like crazy. You rushed home heaving for air like you haven't breathed in ages. Your mom saw you like that and was curious about what happened. " why are you home late ~~~~? where were you?" she said with a straight tone. "umm, nowhrere omma" you said with an innocent face. " don't you lie to me when i know it!" Your mom said with a raised voice. "fine....." you said with a sigh. " stop sighing and tell me!" you mom eased a bit. "well, i was with a friend...."you said while your voice trailed of."and..." your mom said. "it was....a...well...."you said with an uneasy tone. " just spit it out ~~~~" your mom said now annoyed. " it was a boy. There i said it!" you said." what's his name?" your mom said. " its Kim Myungsoo " you said now at ease. "is he nice?" your mom said. " he's seems nice to me" you said. " well, do you like him? " your mom said again. "i'm not sure about my feelings for him yet but i do have a little crush on him" you said with a clueless face." okay, i'm letting you of this time but I'll tell you one thing I've learned when i was your age. When your in love, don't let it go and if there's a person you like don't be shy to tell me because you know I'll always support you all the way with all my love " your mom said. "okay, I'll do that more often" you said. "well, i think i should go to sleep. I have to wake up early " you said again. " yes, you should it's getting late anyways" your mom said.


A/N: wowwww this is long.... p.s sorry if grammar errors

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i think my fanfic is boring~~~


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MsTrollolol #1
I want to apologize for my rude comments in the past. Hope u will forgive me ‘︿’
Bittersweetlovely #2
Chapter 4: Updateee soon
Inspirit93 #3
Chapter 16: New reader ^^ update soon~!
luvinkpop1234 #4
Chapter 16: i wonder who the girl was
update soon~~~~~
Chapter 14: Please end the story with Myungsoo and the reader! I loveeeee your story! I mean don't end it now But I hope it's myungsoo at the end of the day! ^^
totaahassan #6
Chapter 12: Cool story I like it
Update soon plz ^_^
Fighting ^O^
Chapter 8: Update soon please~~~^^
@808penguin thanks a lot for the support ^^
Chapter 7: Interesting story! Update soon! :D
Chapter 7: @MsTrollolol i was in a hurry that time and i was a little lazy due to lots of studying for my exam....so, hope you understand :)