
It Started with a Promise
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Key's POV

 I heard someone's door opened, should I check it out or what? Nah, why should I. I need to sleep we still have a schedule tomorrow. I was about to shut my eyes when I felt like I need some water, I'm thirsty. I went out to get some water at the kitchen. I stood up and headed to my door, I can hear someone walking towards my room, I opened my door quietly and walk silently, but I bumped into someone I couldn't see and my shirt is soaked with ... what the? Latte? How did, who made..

 "Kyaaaa~ !" I heard her scream.

 "What the!" I said when I realized that it was her again.

Minho's POV

 I was dreaming about playing basketball with some famous player, when I was woken up by a scream of a girl. A girl? Wait, there's only one girl here.

 "Mika!" I gasped.

 I immediately went up and rushed in to her room. I switched on the lights so I could see clearly. I saw Mika sitting on the floor, her shirt is wet. I also saw Key standing in front of Mika,his shirt is also wet.

 "Why do you keep on spilling latte on me?" I heard Key shouted.

 "....." Mika didn't answered.

 "You see this is all your fault!" he spoke again.

 I saw Onew-hyun, Jjong-Hyung and Taemin-ah awake. and their heading to the scene.

 "What happened here? I heard someone screamed so I rushed here" Onew asked.

 "Are you fighting again?" Taemin asked, half sleep half awake.

 "You see this? She spilled a latte to me again! It's her fault! Say sorry or else" Key said in anger.

 "......." Mika didn't speak at all. Knowing her she would fight back if it's not her fault and she'll reason out why it happened, but she was only sitting there.

 "Yah! Mika, are you alright?" Jonghyun rushed in to her, "Why are you crying, is there a problem?"

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Chapter 92: Okay, I'm reading this on 2015 and you probably won't reply my comment but oh well, at least I've tried to tell my thoughts to you.
I read ALL of the chapters without exception. Actually I agree with the review that said the flow is really fast. I think there's not too many confilcts, or which I should say that you're stuck with one conflict and you bring it for so many chapters and it does not really interesting because some of the readers probably have guessed what would happen next (like Jessica's conflict). And I actually hope you could extend the part where Yui and Jonghyun getting along with each other (as a side story because I really think it's interesting) rather than bringing Jessica's case for too long (Key and Mika have 2 fights because Jessica, am I right?)
HOWEVER, I think this story is not as bad as the reviewer's think. I enjoy and understand quite much, but I do agree that sometimes it seems unrealistic. Well, for the typo I COMPLETELY understand. I know some people can't write on Microsoft Office Word for some reasons (actually I've been writing through Memopad, Email, etc.)
And for grammar and vocabulary, I think it's not that bad too. For people who doesn't speak English (me too), I think THE VERY FIRST POINT is people UNDERSTAND what you're trying to say. No matter it's a mix past and present tense (okay I know IT IS ACTUALLY NOT GOOD), the most important thing (esp for amateur) is people get what you mean. BECAUSE IT WILL BE USELESS TO FOCUS JUST ON THE PAST/PRESENT TENSE. (Pls do not misunderstood of what I mean)
And lastly, I just want to tell you that there are some people think that they made stories to please others, to satisfy others. However, there are some people too that think they made stories to satisfy themselves, for their needs. And I'm the second. I choose to write to satisfy my needs. I care for other's opinions, I considerate their words within my stories. I'm trying to be open BUT it should not affect my ideas.
Good job♡
14 streak #2
Chapter 92: even though the person who reviewed this story said she couldnt continue finishing i thought the story was awesome ^^ even though you have a bit of grammar mistake you could correct yourself next time ^^
i really enjoyed reading this ^^
locketblingermvp #3
Chapter 92: Wow... it's my third time reading... and wow.... i love it... SOOOO MUCH! Thank youuuuuuuu!! U r awesummmmmmm
Chapter 23: Ur description is perfect... Can i ask u to help my first story which i oni update til 1/3 of chapter 3
Woah! Yup updated 11 chapters a day? That's so amazing!!!
Awww, I really LOVE this story!
Michellesofjan #7
kyaa i really love this story
I love this story^^
alyssa27 #9
It's getting more and more and more exciting..... Love this story!
Nice Story Or should i say AMAZING!!!<br />
i like it so much i finished it just in two days ^^ <br />