Chapter 7

Forever In Your Eyes (Sequel to Only You)


              It’s been about a week since Ji Hyun told Luhan about divorcing him. He still had the papers and was unable to sign them. He couldn’t and he didn’t.

               For the past week Luhan watched as Ji Hyun packed all her clothes, neatly folding them into a suitcase. It never occurred to him that his wife had so much clothes till now. Ji Hyun and Luhan didn’t talk to each other or look at each other. Luhan would do quick glances, but every time he looked at his wife, he felt nothing but heart ache. Tiffany and Chanyeol watched Ji Hyun walk in and out of her room with several of things as she threw them into suitcases. When Ji Hyun told her parents about divorcing Luhan, they were nothing but shocked and Mrs. Xi reacted even worst.

               Today was the day Luhan and Ji Hyun would talk about who was getting what. They were both sitting across from each other with papers scattered in front of them. It was just them, just the two of them sitting alone in their house. Not once did they make any eye contact, neither of them could.

               “So, I guess you can get this whole house and I can move back to my apartment,” Ji Hyun told Luhan.

               “I don’t want the house, you can keep it,” Luhan said bitterly.

               “No, Luhan, you wouldn’t have anywhere to stay, so you can stay here,” Ji Hyun insisted.

               “I don’t want to stay here,” Luhan stated. “I don’t want to be here.”

               “Why not? This is your home too.”

               “It wasn’t my home or your home, it was our home. As in our house that we shared.”

                “Luhan, I wish you would stop seeing this so negatively,” Ji Hyun muttered.

                “How am I supposed to see a divorce as a good thing?”

                “Everyone has their own way as seeing a divorce, I just hope you see it was a positive thing.”

                 “Well, I don’t. I don’t see how getting a divorce can be seen so positive to some people!”

                Ji Hyun tried to remain calm as much as possible, but she found it extremely difficult with Luhan’s childish behavior.

               “Can I just ask you why? Why are you divorcing me?” Luhan asked. “Did you ever even love me?”

              “Of course.” Ji Hyun smiled, but there were tears in her eyes. Tears of sadness.

              “Weren’t you happy?”

              “I’m not sure, but if I wasn’t, I don’t think it was your fault.”

             “I don’t think I can live without you.”

             Ji Hyun’s heart ached feeling nothing but numbness throughout her whole body. “Just do what you did before you and I met again.”

             “The piano?”

              “Yes,” Ji Hyun answered. “Whatever gets you back to normal right?”

               After, Ji Hyun gave the house to Luhan and signed all the papers, she left. Luhan watched her walk to the drive way and drive away until he couldn’t see her anymore. He looked inside the empty house, now that Chanyeol and his friends left to go stay at Mr. and Mrs. Hwan’s place to avoid any issues.

              Ha Joon was still getting piano lessons from Luhan, because Mrs. Hwan didn’t want Ha Joon to know about the divorce, so she wanted it to seem like everything was alright. Luhan watched Ha Joon perfectly playing, thinking about what would happen once Luhan and Ji Hyun’s divorce was official. How would Ha Joon feel about it? Would he miss Luhan or would he just forget about it? Now that Ha Joon was getting better at the piano, Luhan suggested to himself that he should tell Ha Joon that it was time to stop giving him lessons. Once Ha Joon finished the song, Luhan sat down next to Ha Joon.

              “Good job Ha Joon,” Luhan told Ha Joon.

              “Thank you Luhan Hyung,” Ha Joon said proudly. “I want you to be proud of me.”

               “I am proud of you,” Luhan replied. “You know I think you’re doing really well, I think you don’t even need lessons anymore.

               “But I love you teaching me how to play the piano,” Ha Joon said.

            “I love teaching you how to play, but I don’t think there’s anything more that I can teach you,” Luhan replied.

            “Does that mean this is my last lesson?” Ha Joon asked sadly.

            “Well, I don’t know, I guess.”

            “It was fun while it lasted Hyung. I love you.” Ha Joon hugged Luhan’s waist, since he was still a short. “You’re the best Hyung anyone can ever ask for. I’m going to miss you.”

            “I love you too Ha Joon, I’m going to miss teaching you too.” Luhan didn’t want to tear up in Ha Joon, but he couldn’t help it, it was probably going to be the last time he would ever see Ha Joon again.


            Jessica for the first time was angry at Ji Hyun. Normally whenever Ji Hyun or Luhan had small disagreements, Jessica always took Ji Hyun’s side, but this time, Jessica felt the need to be on Luhan’s side. Of course she wanted to be on Luhan’s side Ji Hyun was the one divorcing him. Jessica was waiting for Ji Hyun at the usual spot at the café, where they always met up. When Ji Hyun walked in Jessica noticed how different she looked. Ji Hyun looked ill: gray and and her cheeks looked sunken in.

            “Ji Hyun, are you alright?” Jessica asked, though she tried to make it sound less sympathetic.

            “I’m fine,” Ji Hyun replied, she down across from Jessica and just looked down. “I just feel a little nauseous and tired.”

            Jessica noticed Ji Hyun still had wedding ring on, but didn’t feel the need to comment. She still cared about Ji Hyun deeply, but Luhan was her friend first, even though they had a rocky friendship. “So, how was it with Luhan?”

            “It was awkward, he didn’t want to talk to me about anything, but I don’t blame him,” Ji Hyun said. “I kind of feel like I should send him an apology of flowers or something.”

            “I don’t understand why you’re divorcing him. Are you sure you want to do this?” Jessica asked.

            “Yes, I already told everyone that I’m going through with this and nothing can change my mind.”

            “But why are you divorcing him? Did he do something wrong? I mean I know he’s Luhan, but I don’t think he’s that bad,” Jessica muttered the last part.

            “That’s just it… He’s too perfect. I think he can do better,” Ji Hyun stated.

            “Don’t think like that.”

            Ji Hyun just smiled at Jessica with gratitude, thinking about how her friendship with Jessica was going to change once the divorce was finalized. Her phone started ringing, Ji Hyun say the caller ID and felt become dry.

            “Answer it,” Jessica said.

            “Hello Dr. Choi?” Ji Hyun greeted.

            “Mrs. Xi, hi. I was wondering if you would like to come by office sometime this week. I wanted to see if the medication you were taking was taking an effect,” Dr. Choi said. “Maybe if you can come by maybe Friday? Would that be alright with you?”

            Ji Hyun remembered that to Dr. Choi she was still with Luhan and was called Mrs. Xi. “Yes, Friday is fine.”

            “Good, I’ll see you then.”

            When Ji Hyun hung up, Jessica tried to keep her suspicion down. “Um… Who was that?” Jessica asked.

            “It was just my doctor,” Ji Hyun answered.

            “Why did your doctor call?” Jessica asked.

            “Oh, I just had a little cold,” Ji Hyun lied. “I’m sorry Jessica, but I have to go.”

            “Oh, okay. I guess we’ll talk later, then?”

            “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Ji Hyun admitted. “You’re Luhan’s friend.”

            “But I’m your friend too, it doesn’t matter who I knew first. You are my friend.”

            “Thank you, but I don’t think that’s fair to you if you’re put in the middle.”

            “I’m not picking sides though, I’m both on your sides,” Jessica stated.

            “Thank you, but I don’t think we can be friends anymore, bye Jessica.”

            Chanyeol sat on the top of stairs and saw his parents sitting at the dinner table together. There were tears in their eyes and they were both whispering things. Chanyeol wasn’t sure if he should tell his parents about his ‘special friend’ yet, since they would probably die from all the news hitting them so quickly. Yoona saw Chanyeol sitting by himself and sat next to him.

            “What are you doing?” Yoona whispered so his parents wouldn’t hear them.

            “Oh, nothing I’m just… I’m listening to my parents,” Chanyeol replied.

            “Why?” Yoona asked.

            Chanyeol shrugged. “I want to make sure they’re alright. They’re kind of upset about Luhan and Ji Hyun’s divorce.”

            “What about you? Aren’t you upset about the divorce?” Yoona wondered.

            “Yeah, but what can I do? Ji Hyun already said she’s not going to change her mind.”

            “I’m sorry about the divorce.”

            “Why are you sorry? It’s not your fault and I’m not the one getting divorced.”

            “I know, but it’s sad because it’s your sister, well technically it’s your half-brother? Not sure,” Yoona said. “How long do you think it’ll take for Luhan to move on?”

            “Yoona, do you like Luhan?” Chanyeol asked.

            Yoona just laughed at that question. “Of course not, he’s cute, but I would never like him.”

            Chanyeol just nodded as Yoona left the stairs to go back to her room. Deep down, Chanyeol had a vibe that Yoona was lying, but didn’t want to call her out on it. When Yoona was out of sight, Chanyeol turned his attention back to his parents. Mr. Hwan saw Chanyeol and tried to smile to his, son, but Chanyeol could still see how depressed his parents were. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to tell his parents about his special friend anytime soon, without making his parents even more upset.

            Back at her apartment, Ji Hyun popped more pills in and took gulped down a whole glass of water. Ever since a couple days ago, the side-effects took a huge turn on Ji Hyun. She would nearly throw up every morning and every night and feel drowsy. Instead of visiting Dr. Choi on Friday, Ji Hyun wanted to visit her right now. She scheduled an appointment with Dr. Choi, who told Ji Hyun that she was willing to see her anytime. Arriving at Dr. Choi’s office, she realized that all the time she was always coming alone, when she should have had someone with her. Luhan, was the first person who came to mind, but Ji Hyun couldn’t ask Luhan to. They were in the middle of a divorce and Ji Hyun didn’t want to talk to Chanyeol until he told his parents about his special friend.

            Dr. Choi took Ji Hyun’s blood pressure, took a blood sample, and checked her heart rate. Ji Hyun was now waiting for Dr. Choi to come with the test results. She felt fine and she didn’t feel the ever faint. The only time she felt nauseated, was in the morning and at night. While waiting, Ji Hyun saw her wedding ring on her finger still. She slid it off her finger and gazed at it.

            “I would have still married Luhan even if he didn’t give this to me,” Ji Hyun said to herself.

            Dr. Choi walked into her office with the same smile she gave Ji Hyun. “How have you been feeling Ji Hyun? Are the meds that I prescribed you working?”

            “Yes, they have, but I think the side effects are little too strong for me.”

            “Well, I have good news for you.”

            “What?” Ji Hyun felt her heart race hearing the words, ‘good news.’ Considering the hard week, she hasn’t had any good news in a while.

            “It seems the medicine has been working, it’s been a month and you have been perfectly fine,” Dr. Choi informed. “But, I’m afraid you can’t take the meds.”

            “Why not? If they’re working why can I-“

            “Ji Hyun, I think you’re pregnant about a month?”

            “What? No I’m not, I can’t… be,” Ji Hyun tried to think back when and Luhan had their ‘moment’ and remembered the night she couldn’t sleep.

            “Shouldn’t you be happy? Isn’t that what you and Luhan wanted?” Dr. Choi was confused, by Ji Hyun’s shock rather than her happiness.

            “Uh… Yes, I am happy. Thank you Dr. Choi.” Ji Hyun didn’t want to hear anything else and quickly ran out of her office.

            After a trip to the pharmacy, Ji Hyun realized that she didn’t want to take a pregnancy test alone. Her first option was Jessica, but she remembered telling Jessica that they couldn’t be friends anymore, her second option was Chanyeol, but she was still upset about not telling their parents about his special friend, and Luhan was out of the question.

            Sehun opened the door, surprised that Ji Hyun was there. He stood there for a moment, completely dumbfounded at the sight thinking it was a complete dream. Plus, the last time he ever truly spoken to Ji Hyun was when she told him about her sickness. He did hear about the divorce from all his friends and when Luhan was crying to him, but he never heard Ji Hyun’s side of the story, even though he already knew why she was divorcing him.

            “Ji Hyun, what are you doing here?” Sehun barely managed to say.

            “I think I’m pregnant,” Ji Hyun whispered.

            “Pregnant? With Luhan?”

            “Who else?” Ji Hyun snapped.

            “Why do you think you’re pregnant?” Sehun asked.

            “Because the doctor told me that I was-“

            “Doesn’t that mean you’re pregnant if a doctor tells you you are?”

            “I don’t trust Dr. Choi anymore, because I highly doubt I have a fainting spell issue, since its already been a month and everything’s been okay.” Ji Hyun walked into Sehun’s house and placed the pregnancy test on his coffee table. “I won’t believe I’m pregnant unless I take a test myself.”

            “So take it at home. Why are you here?” Sehun wondered.

            “That’s the thing I don’t want to take it alone.”

            “Why are you with me? I’m not the dad, get Luhan!”

            “I can’t! I’m in the middle of the divorce with him, if he finds out I’m pregnant, he’ll definitely not want to sign the papers.”

            “He wouldn’t want to sign the papers even if you couldn’t have kids Ji Hyun!” Sehun sighed. “Just go and tell him you’re pregnant.”

            “I’m not pregnant.” Ji Hyun took the pregnancy test out of the box and headed towards Sehun’s bathroom. “You were the only person I could go to since you’re the only other person who knows I’m sick.”

            After Ji Hyun did her business with the pregnancy test, the instructions told her to wait five minutes. Both she and Sehun were sitting on the bathroom floor waiting patiently for the results.  

            Sehun looked at how anxious Ji Hyun looked. “Why does it matter if you’re pregnant? You and Luhan don’t have to go through the divorce if you are.”

            “I don’t think I can hurt him anymore,” Ji Hyun said.

            “What are you going to do if you are pregnant?” Sehun asked.

            “I’m probably going to leave and never come back,” Ji Hyun suggested. “All I know is that I’m not getting rid of him or her.”

            “So you’re going to keep it.”

            “Don’t call them an it.”

            “Sorry, I mean him or her? What about your fainting spells? I mean, if you obviously can’t take meds when you’re pregnant, how are you going to prevent yourself from fainting?” Sehun wondered.

            “I’m not sure. I left before Dr. Choi could tell me anything else.”

            “Why didn’t you just tell Luhan the truth? So you two could have been together in the end? Or what if you do go into a coma? If you wake up he can just tell you everything that happened.”

            “I’d rather die remembering Luhan than wake up having to start all over again. That’s too much to ask for a person,” Ji Hyun replied.

            “I don’t think Luhan would mind.”

            Ji Hyun got up from the floor to check if the test was done. Right in front of her was a positive sign. “I am pregnant…” 


A/N: I updated, surprisingly. On my way to KCon, I was typing up this chapter and on my way back I was finishing this chapter. I really wanted to post this chapter up for you guys. Oh yeah, and don't worry I'm not going to kill Ji Hyun! I promise, okay! :) I promise you that this story will end happily. Okay? I'm not lying, Ji Hyun will live and this story will have a happy ending! If I lie, you can all come and kill me. Okay, not really, but you know what I mean. 
Can I just say KCon was awesome :D Seeing Exo-M and B.A.P. in person felt so surreal, I thought I was going to die and I will admit, after seeing Vixx in person too, I was surprisingly starting to enjoy their music. If I can I'll post up pictures later! 

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livihwang #1
Chapter 30: Idk how to say , but this story was seriously too sad ;( i feel like want to cry .... Whyyy you make sehun die seriously that's too sad ............... Your story is good but ....... So sad ;(((((((((
Anyway no Sehun isn't cute I h8t his hurr thurr but i think he looks fine now. mmm
That ulzzang looks so fake WHY YOU LIKE DESE FAKE GULLS?????
I second with "brilliant" *wink wink* won
author-nim yo lady in le poster scare me a suh juseyo hamnida arasseo annyeong buing buing kawaii senpai son songpraisarn and toomtam yuthana are da baes
Chapter 31: I hate you authornim!! you made me cry from the start of the chapter till the end~~ but it's a really great story!! ps: i don't hate you authornim, i was joking hehe ^^
kpoplover1020 #7
Chapter 19: Gosh luhan u pabo she just said I love u to you and your saying I love u to another girls gosh...
This story made me cry..... its a a very good story.... im stillcryiny actually .... u know a story is goood when the author can reach and make the reader show emotions!! :)
Chapter 30: This thing stabbed my heart ;_;
Chapter 31: I cried so much reading this fic

I'm sad that Sehun died in the end but I guess that's how it's meant to be.

T-T anyways Bravo for the amazing story author nim hwaiting