Chapter 23

Forever In Your Eyes (Sequel to Only You)

   The hospital was the last place Ji Hyun thought she would be. The atmosphere made her uncomfortable and just the thought of all the memories locked here in this one spot, Ji Hyun felt like she was digging her own grave. 

    Dr. Choi was so shocked to see Ji Hyun here, she thought it was a mirage. Dr. Choi did the usual, checking Ji Hyun's heart rate, her blood pressure, and her height and weight. 

    "You should have came sooner if you were coughing up blood. If you didn't come at all there could have been a serious problem," Dr. Choi warned. "Ji Hyun, how long have you been coughing up blood?" 

    "Only for maybe two days," Ji Hyun guessed. 

    "Ji Hyun," Dr. Choi took off her glasses and sighed. "I think you have a heart disease." 


    "You see this chart right here?" Dr. Choi placed a chart in front of Ji Hyun and pointed to a caption pointing to the heart. "The average heart beats at about 60-100 beats a minute, but your heart seems to be beating slower than it really should.." 

    "Okay... So then what's wrong?" 

    "Ji Hyun you have something called ventricular fibrillation. Its a heart condition that gives uncoordinated contractions that makes the heart unable to beat and contract enough blood which can cause you to faint and collapse." 

    "But why am I coughing up blood?" 

    "Your body has gotten so used to not having enough blood, the blood your heart has contracted just gets spit back up," Dr. Choi explained. 

    "Is it fatal?" Though Ji Hyun didn't want to know the answer, it was the only question she knew was right to say besides freaking out. 

    "Only if it isn't treated, so thankfully you came here now rather than later." 

    "So what are you going to do?" 

    "I'm going to give you some medication and see if its able to get your heart running a little more," Dr. Choi informed. "Hopefully it helps a little, if not then we might have to go through some surgery." 

    "Surgery?" Ji Hyun said worried. 

    "Don't worry, that's only if the medication doesn't work, which in this case its not likely." 

    "Not likely? Can't you say impossible?" 

    "Ji Hyun, there's a 5% chance the medicine might not be effective, but don't worry 95% is still pretty big," Dr. Choi said. 

    "5% is still a big chance!" 

    "Not really, you just need to take caution and not be so stressed," Dr. Choi warned. "You must take precautions and make sure you don't do anything that can stress you." 

    "What if something happens what if I need surgery?!" Ji Hyun snapped. "What if something happens? What if I die? What's going to happen to Tae Joon?" 

    "Nothing will happen Ji Hyun, just keep calm. Before jumping to any conclusions take the medications first and then we'll see the results." 


    Dr. Choi scribbled words on a piece of paper and handed it to Ji Hyun. "Take this and get the medication. The results will probably take a couple weeks." 

    "Thank you Dr. Choi." 

    "Ji Hyun, its probably none of my business but I do think its best if you tell people about your condition," Dr. Choi suggested with a warm smile. "Someone like Luhan perhaps."

    Ji Hyun just nodded, "Okay." 

    "Tiffany, are you alright?" 

    Tiffany looked up from her phone seeing Jessica, who was across the table from her. "What?" 

    "Are you alright?" Jessica repeated. "Did you need something?" 

    "No," Tiffany replied. Since there hasn't been a girls' day out for while Tiffany and Jessica decided to have one without Ji Hyun since she wasn't answering her phone. 

    "I wonder where Ji Hyun is," Jessica thought. "I was hoping all three of us could hang out."

    "Me too, but she's always so busy."

    "Did you hear?" Jessica said quietly. 


    "Luhan proposed to Yoona." 

    "What?!?!" Tiffany almost spit out her coffee. "What did Yoona say?" 

    "She said no, I don't know why though," Jessica said sadly. "I think its because she always knew that Luhan would always love Ji Hyun more." 

    Tiffany was about to say something when she saw Kris, Lay, Sehun, Luhan and Kai walk into the shop. 

    "I don't want scare you but Kris is right over there," Tiffany whispered to Jessica. 

    "What?" Jessica turned her head and saw that Tiffany was right. "What are they doing here?" Jessica tried to hide her face, burying it in her hands. 

    "What are you doing? You're being ridiculous!" 

    "Hey look its Tiffany and Jessica!" Sehun exclaimed pointing right at them. 

    "Damn it Sehun," Jessica cursed, "come on Tiffany let's get out of here." 

    "Wait," Tiffany was still sitting down seeing that the boys were approaching them. 

    "What are you doing here?" Jessica asked coldly. 

    "We are celebrating," Kai said proudly. 

    "What is there to celebrate?" Tiffany wondered. 

    "We're celebrating being single!" Kai exclaimed. "This is like the first time we've all been single ever since high school." 

    "That's a dumb thing to celebrate," Jessica mumbled. 

    "We're not actually celebrating that," Lay replied. "We just wanted to have a guys' day out." 

    "And we can tell you two are doing the same," Sehun said to the girls. "Sort of... Where's Ji Hyun?" 

    "We don't have to tell you!" Jessica snapped. She got up from her seat. "Come on Tiffany, let's go." 

    "Wait Jessica," Tiffany grabbed Jessica's wrist pulling her back to her seat. "Luhan, have you seen Ji Hyun?" 

    "No, why?" Luhan asked. 

    "Just wondering, we haven't seen her at all and she hasn't answered any of our texts or calls," Tiffany replied. "Well, I guess its time to go. We don't want to spoil... Whatever you guys are doing again." 

    Kris watched Jessica and Tiffany walk past them. "Wait Jessica!" Kris called out. 

    Tiffany grabbed Jessica's hand. "Go talk to him."

    "No, I don't want to. Let's go," Jessica hissed. 

    "Go! Now!" Tiffany pushed Jessica towards Kris, almost making her trip if she didn't catch herself. 

    "What do you want Kris?" Jessica stiffly asked. 

    "I got your voicemail..." Kris said. 

    "Okay, what about it?" Jessica replied trying to act like she didn't care. 

    "Jessica, I miss you too and I think we should get back together," Kris admitted. 

    "Well... Thank you for saying that... But, I don't know why I even said all those things. I think I was just confused," Jessica replied. "I'm sorry, but I need to go Kris." Jessica waved goodbye and walked back to Tiffany as they left. 

    Sadly walking back to the table, the boys acted completely as if they didn't see the horrible scene. Kris slumped into his seat next to Lay. 

    "What happened?" Sehun asked. 

    "Jessica said she's confused," Kris mumbled. 

    "That's okay you don't need a girl in your life! We can be the bachelors for the rest of our lives," Kai said happily pumping his fist up in the air. Lay, Sehun, Luhan, and Kris just glared at him wondering how happy he could be about being single. 

    "We don't want to be single for the rest of our lives," Lay said. "I mean I want to get married eventually or soon... Or now?" 

    "Why? Why would you want to be with someone, especially for the rest of your life?" Kai laughed. "I mean look at how well it worked for some people." 

    "I still love Jessica and I'm determined that we'll get back together," Kris defended. 

    Kai snorted, "I'd like to see that, but okay.

    "I believe they can get back together, right Luhan?" Sehun said. All four guys turned to Luhan, who seemed like he was completely in his own little world. 

    "Luhan?" Kris said. 

    "Yeah?" Luhan looked up at his friends who were all staring at him. 

    "Do you think Kris still has a chance with Jessica?" Lay asked. 

    "I don't know, I guess if Kris wants to be with Jessica go ahead but don't be heartbroken if Jessica doesn't want you back," Luhan coldly stated. All of Luhan's friends were surprised by his answers completely dumbfounded. 

    "Woah, what happened to you?" Kai said surprised.

    "Yeah, what happened to trying to get Ji Hyun back?" 

    "I changed my mind," Luhan muttered. "I realized that Ji Hyun and I we're just not going to work." 

    "What made you change your mind on Ji Hyun?" Kris wondered. "Was it because Yoona rejected you and you realized you love Yoona more?" 


   "Then what was it?" Kai asked. 

    "I just came to realize that if Ji Hyun doesn't share the same feelings as me then why should I keep chasing her?" Luhan shrugged, "Maybe there isn't anyone out there for me." 

    "That's a bummer," Kai mumbled. 

    "But Ji Hyun told me something," Luhan added. "She told me that the reason why she divorced me was because she was dying from some sickness. Stupid right?" 

    "What if she was telling the truth?" Sehun was surprised that Ji Hyun actually told him the truth. 

    "If she was why would she wait til now to tell me? Plus, don't you think it seems unrealistic?" Luhan pointed out. 

    "Maybe she didn't want to hurt you," Sehun defended. "Maybe she didn't want you to feel depressed the rest of your life if she did die." 

    "Why are you defending her?" Luhan asked Sehun. 

    "Because she's my friend and if she isn't here to defend herself, I'll defend her," Sehun snapped. 

    "Okay Sehun, geez, I thought this was supposed to be a fun day not a day we fight," Kai said.

    "I have to go," Luhan mumbled, he got up from his seat and walked out of the shop. 

    By the time Luhan got home it was a little late. He could see the lights on in Ji Hyun's house and was wondering if she was still actually awake or she just forgot to turn off the lights like she normally did. Luhan walked to Ji Hyun's door. His fist so close to knocking on the door, something stopped him. A thin line shaped his lips and Luhan kept his pride heading back home. 

    Ji Hyun just took the medication prescribed to her like she was instructed. After taking the medication she started to feel a little drowsy. Tae Joon didn't feel like sleeping in his own room, so he was sleeping in Ji Hyun's bed with her. Ji Hyun had her phone in her hand wondering if she should call Luhan. She decided not to, placing her phone on her night stand. She laid down next to Tae Joon gently caressing his hair. 

    "You're the only boy who hasn't hurt me," Ji Hyun said to herself. "I love you Tae Joon.

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livihwang #1
Chapter 30: Idk how to say , but this story was seriously too sad ;( i feel like want to cry .... Whyyy you make sehun die seriously that's too sad ............... Your story is good but ....... So sad ;(((((((((
Anyway no Sehun isn't cute I h8t his hurr thurr but i think he looks fine now. mmm
That ulzzang looks so fake WHY YOU LIKE DESE FAKE GULLS?????
I second with "brilliant" *wink wink* won
author-nim yo lady in le poster scare me a suh juseyo hamnida arasseo annyeong buing buing kawaii senpai son songpraisarn and toomtam yuthana are da baes
Chapter 31: I hate you authornim!! you made me cry from the start of the chapter till the end~~ but it's a really great story!! ps: i don't hate you authornim, i was joking hehe ^^
kpoplover1020 #7
Chapter 19: Gosh luhan u pabo she just said I love u to you and your saying I love u to another girls gosh...
This story made me cry..... its a a very good story.... im stillcryiny actually .... u know a story is goood when the author can reach and make the reader show emotions!! :)
Chapter 30: This thing stabbed my heart ;_;
Chapter 31: I cried so much reading this fic

I'm sad that Sehun died in the end but I guess that's how it's meant to be.

T-T anyways Bravo for the amazing story author nim hwaiting