Chapter 19

Forever In Your Eyes (Sequel to Only You)


            Tae Joon shook his mother trying to get her to wake up. She was sleeping soundly, yet to Tae Joon it was almost like she was dead or purposely ignoring him. After various attempts to try and get Ji Hyun awake, Tae Joon gave up and just collapsed next to his mother.

            “Umma,” Tae Joon whimpered. “Get up!”

            Ji Hyun stirred a little bit at the sound of Tae Joon’s cry. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled seeing Tae Joon. “What Tae Joon? Umma is trying to get some sleep.”

            “I miss appa,” Tae Joon pouted his bottom lip and had tears in his eyes.

            “Umma can take you to appa’s house later, okay?” Ji Hyun rested her head back onto her pillow.

            “No! Right now!”

            “Tae Joon, umma is tired…”


            Ji Hyun sat up and stretched out her arms. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, only to be shook by Tae Joon, thinking that she was going back to sleep.

            “Umma, no sleeping!” Tae Joon shouted. “Let’s go.”

            “Hold on, I have to get ready first, okay?”

            Tae Joon sighed, “Okay…”


            Luhan was wide awake thinking about last night. He couldn’t believe that he danced with Ji Hyun. Just thinking about it made Luhan’s heart race. His thoughts of Ji Hyun were interrupted by a knock on the door. Mind slapping himself, Luhan ran to the door and was surprised to see Ji Hyun and Tae Joon so early in the morning.

            “What are you two doing here?” Luhan asked. 

            Ji Hyun felt the need to nearly fall over considering she didn’t get any sleep last night because she was too busy thinking about her and Luhan’s moment of dancing together. Every time she closed her eyes all she saw was Luhan.

            “Tae Joon wanted to spend some time with you,” Ji Hyun simply answered. “So… Do you want to spend some time with him and I’ll come get him later?”

            “Yeah, that would be nice.”

            “Alright then, bye Tae Joon.” Ji Hyun kissed Tae Joon roughly on the cheek.

            “I want Umma,” Tae Joon whined, even though he was nearly smacking himself trying to wipe off Ji Hyun’s kiss.

            “But I thought you wanted to stay with appa,” Ji Hyun said.

            “I want to stay with umma and appa,” Tae Joon replied.

            “Oh…” Ji Hyun looked at Luhan awkwardly. “I don’t think that’s a good idea Luhan.”   

            “Why not? I mean… Aren’t we a family?” Luhaan said.


 Luhan tried to correct himself to not make it seem like he was still in love with Ji Hyun. “I mean… When is it so often that you, me, and Tae Joon can spend time together as a family?”

            Ji Hyun paused for a moment thinking about what she should say. The first thing that popped in her head was Baekhyun, what he was doing right now and if he was thinking about her. Probably not since he hasn’t called her at all. She saw the look on Luhan’s hope; he was biting his lip hoping she would say okay.

            “What did you have in mind?” Ji Hyun asked.

            “Not sure, but when you come back to get Tae Joon, I’ll tell you.”

            “Okay, see you later Luhan. Bye Tae Joon.” Ji Hyun waved goodbye.

            “Bye umma!” Tae Joon waved goodbye to Ji Hyun before turning back to Luhan. He looked again just to make Ji Hyun wasn’t anywhere in sight. “Appa, I want ice cream.”

            “Ice cream? No wonder why you wanted to come over,” Luhan muttered. Luhan looked to make sure Ji Hyun wasn’t in sight. “Okay, but don’t tell umma.”


            Kris was waiting for Jessica to come out of her apartment since she moved out telling Kris he could move into their house so he wouldn’t annoy their friends anymore. He knew she was going to the nail salon today since she was telling Kris about it before they broke up. When Jessica walked out the second she saw Kris, she rolled her eyes and walked past him.

            “Jessica wait,” Kris grabbed her wrist pulling her back.

            “What Kris?” Jessica said coldly.

            “I want to talk to you.”

            “About what? Can’t you see I’m kind of busy,” Jessica snapped.

            “Seeing Suho?”

            “What? No, what are you talking about?” Jessica snatched her wrist back from Kris and continued walking.

            “I saw you last night dancing with him,” Kris followed Jessica, keeping the same pace as her.

            “So what?”

            “What do you mean ‘so what’?”

            Jessica stopped and a glare flared onto her face. “’So what’ as in why would you care? We’re not together anymore.”

            “Well yeah but…”

            “But what Kris? You didn’t want to marry me in the first place,” Jessica mumbled.

            “I know, but… Why now? All these years you never really bugged me about marriage until now, why?” Kris wondered.

            “Maybe it’s because I didn’t want to seem clingy or psycho like all those other girls that force a guy into marriage,” Jessica explained. “I thought maybe if I didn’t seem like I didn’t care about marriage you would want to bring it up eventually… But then Ji Hyun and Luhan got married, then they got divorced, then they had a kid, and now… They’re seeing new people. It’s strange, they’ve gone through so many stages of their lives while we’ve… Only been through like two.”

            “So you want us to be like Ji Hyun and Luhan?” Kris asked a little confused.

            “Yes, actually I do in a way,” Jessica admitted. “I want a relationship like theirs… Before Ji Hyun filed for divorce, but you know what I mean.”

            “No, I don’t.”

            “Well, I just want you to know that I don’t like anyone okay? I’m still in love with you, but it’s hard to be in love with someone who doesn’t want the same thing as you. I just want you to know that I’m not going to be here forever.”

            “No one is asking you to wait forever,” Kris replied.

            Jessica felt taken back by Kris’s response and sighed. “Okay, then goodbye.” Jessica quickly made her way past Kris so he wouldn’t see her tears emerging.

            Kris felt the need to chase after Jessica, when his phone started ringing. He stopped himself and reached into his pocket for his phone. “Hello?”

            “Kris? Where are you at?”


            “Yeah, are you doing anything later?” Luhan asked.

            “No not really… Why?”

            “I need you to come over so I can talk to you about something,” Luhan replied.

            Kris sighed with annoyance, “Not that I don’t want to come over, but… I have something else to do.”

            “Like what?” Luhan wondered.

            “None of your business. Why don’t you ask Kai or Lay to go over to your house?” Kris suggested.

            “Because they hardly know what’s going on in my life.”

            “Then what about Sehun? Maybe you two can finally make up?”

            “You know Sehun, he’s never going to talk to me. We haven’t talked in a couple weeks.”

            “Just call him. Sehun is your best friend. You two are way better friends than you and me,” Kris pointed out. “Plus, Sehun can’t be that mad at you. Just call him and if doesn’t feel like talking to you then bummer for your friendship.”

            “Fine,” Luhan mumbled. “But I highly doubt Sehun is even going to talk to me.”

            “You never know and stop being such a girl and just talk to Sehun. Go to his house if you have to so I don’t have to deal with your issues. Bye Luhan.”

            Before Luhan could say anything else Kris already hung up with not much hesitation that he hung up on his friend. Luhan looked at Tae Joon who was sitting playing with his toys. He glanced up from Luhan and weakly smiled.

            “Tae Joon, do you want to go see Uncle Sehun?” Luhan asked.

            A smile appeared on Tae Joon’s face. “Yes! Uncle Sehun!”

            “Okay let’s go to Uncle Sehun’s house.”

            Luhan felt like someone was banging his head with a hammer, all he felt was nervousness running through his body. He held Tae Joon in his arms as they approached Sehun’s door. Tae Joon’s face lite up just from seeing Sehun’s house.

            “I want to ring the doorbell!” Tae Joon pressed the doorbell multiple times.

A couple moments later, Sehun opened the door shocked to see Luhan and Tae Joon. “What are you doing here?”

            “Uncle Sehun!” Tae Joon jumped out of Luhan’s arms into Sehun’s wrapping his arms around his neck and kissed Sehun’s nose. “Uncle Sehun, I missed you!”

            “I missed you too Tae Joon.” Sehun glared at Luhan who just looked down to avoid the glares. “You could have at least called.”

            “Sorry… I thought you wouldn’t answer my phone calls,” Luhan said wishing he would have called first. “Tae Joon missed you.”

            “I missed him too.”

            “And… I wanted to talk to you about something,” Luhan added.

            “Okay, what?”

            “Tae Joon wanted to spend time with both me and Ji Hyun together… and now I have to think of something to do with the three of us. But it can’t look like a date,” Luhan said.

            Sehun tried to wrap his mind around everything Luhan said and just mentally slapped himself. “Aren’t you with Yoona? And isn’t Ji Hyun with Baekhyun?”

            “Yeah, but… Tae Joon wanted to do something with the two of us.”

            “Tae Joon wanted to or you wanted to?” Sehun asked.

            “Tae Joon did!” Luhan wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince Sehun or himself. “Plus, it’s not like we’re cheating! Ji Hyun and I are Tae Joon’s parents, so we’re kind of always going to have to see each other, but not like going out seeing each other like seeing each other.” Luhan saw Sehun’s even more confused look and sighed. “You know what I mean.”

            “Sure I do.”

            “But what should I do? Should we just go out to dinner, but that’s not fun…”

            “Why don’t you do something that you and Ji Hyun used to do together?” Sehun suggested. “You two used to do a lot of fun things together of course before she thought-“ Sehun stopped himself from saying anything else.

            “Before what?”

            “Nothing, never mind.”

            “Okay, but back to what I should do.”

            “Luhan, do you still love Ji Hyun?” Sehun asked. “I really think you do and if you do you should tell her instead of being with Yoona.”

            “I’m not going to leave Yoona and I don’t love Ji Hyun. I care about her, but I don’t love her anymore.”

            “Sure you don’t.”

            “Sehun, I’m really sorry that I’m not with Ji Hyun,” Luhan said.

            “It’s okay. I just want you to know that I don’t think you’ll ever be happy with anyone else but Ji Hyun.”

            Luhan nodded, “Yeah I know.”


            Ji Hyun was flipping through home decorating magazines. When her phone started buzzing on the table it startled her because that was the only noise breaking her peaceful silence. The caller ID said Baekhyun, which surprised Ji Hyun that he would call her out of the blue after not calling her at all.


            “Ji Hyun, it’s Baekhyun.”

            “Yeah I know, I have caller ID,” Ji Hyun replied. “What did you need?”

            “I wanted to let you know that I miss you a lot and how have you been?” Baekhyun wondered.

            “I’m doing good, how are you doing?”

            “Same… Is Tae Joon there? I wanted to say hi to him.”

            “He’s with Luhan,” Ji Hyun said. “But I’ll probably see him again tonight.”

            “Oh, are you picking him up?”

            “No, I’m probably going to go have dinner with Luhan and Tae Joon,” Ji Hyun truthfully said as if it wasn’t a big deal.

            “Wait with Luhan? Did I hear correct?”

            “Yes with Luhan,” Ji Hyun repeated. “It’s not a big deal.”

            “Oh…” Baekhyun was quiet for a moment before he cleared his throat to say something. “Okay… Well have fun… I’ll see you in a couple days.”

            “Okay, bye Baekhyun. I love you.”

            “Me too.”

            Ji Hyun hung up the phone playing back the awkward and short conversation with Baekhyun. She felt like Baekhyun was acting a little different than usual, but she thought about how Baekhyun was probably acting weird because she said she was going out with Luhan. To her it wasn’t a big deal, why should she make it seem like it was a big deal? It’s not like she still loved Luhan, she was with Baekhyun. Therefore she loved Baekhyun. Ji Hyun reached for her magazine when the doorbell rang. She groaned and dragged her feet to the door.

            “Umma!” Tae Joon hugged Ji Hyun the minute the door opened.

            “Hi Tae Joon!” Ji Hyun greeted.

            “Hi Ji Hyun,” Luhan greeted.

            An instant smile crept on Ji Hyun’s face, it was like a habit whenever she saw Luhan. She just instantly smiled. “Hi Luhan.”

            “Ready to go?”

            “Go? Already? Where are we going?”

            “It’s a surprise. Right Tae Joon?”

            “Right appa!” Tae Joon said happily.

            “Um… O-okay,” Ji Hyun said a little frightened, since she was never someone who loved surprises.

            Luhan, Ji Hyun, and Tae Joon arrived at their destination. Ji Hyun almost screamed like a little kid at a candy store seeing the inside ice rink. Since it was summer, Luhan couldn’t take Ji Hyun and Tae Joon to the outside ice rink.

            “Appa let’s go!” Tae Joon was pulling on both Luhan and Ji Hyun’s arm.

            “Hold on Tae Joon we have to put on ice skates first,” Luhan said.

            “Hurry up,” Tae Joon complained.

            “Okay okay, don’t worry we have all day Tae Joon.” Luhan was about to help Tae Joon put on his skates when he felt something grab his arm. He turned and saw Ji Hyun who now looked like a scared little puppy. “Ji Hyun what’s wrong? Are you afraid you might fall on your ?”

            “No, it’s just… I’m surprised you picked to go ice skating,” Ji Hyun admitted.

            “I know how much you used to love ice skating and I think Tae Joon would really love to skate.”

            “Yeah, but… Every time I think of ice skating, I think of something else.”


            Ji Hyun felt a little hurt, feeling stupid for even opening . “Nothing, it’s stupid.”

            “Are you sure?”

            “You should probably go help Tae Joon with his skates. I’ll be there in a couple minutes,” Ji Hyun said.

            “Okay.” Luhan headed to Tae Joon who was sitting on the bench waiting for one of his parents to put ice skates on him. Ji Hyun was a little upset about the fact that Luhan didn’t have that feeling like she did. Every time she went ice skating or even thought about it she always thought about their very first date together.

            Ji Hyun quickly put her skates on and made her way to the rink. She already saw Luhan and Tae Joon, who was clutching on to the wall and Luhan’s hands so he couldn’t fall. Tae Joon looked up and saw his mom perfectly gliding on the ice making her way to the both of them.

            “Umma!” Tae Joon squealed. He let go of the wall and reached over for Ji Hyun’s hand.

            “Tae Joon, don’t you want to let go of umma and appa’s hand?” Luhan asked.

            Tae Joon shook his head. “No! I’m going to fall!” He squeezed onto both of his parents’ hand tightly so they wouldn’t be able to let go.

            “Don’t worry we won’t let go,” Ji Hyun replied.

            “Tae Joon, how about umma and appa go over there and if you can skate over to us we’ll get you some ice cream okay?” Luhan suggested.

            “I want ice cream!” Tae Joon exclaimed.

            “Then you have to let go of our hand and skate over there, okay?”

            “Luhan, Tae Joon’s too young to skate by himself,” Ji Hyun said worried.

            “No he isn’t, he’s three that’s old enough to skate by himself, right Tae Joon?” Luhan looked down at Tae Joon, who was now gripping on to Ji Hyun’s leg. “Don’t worry Tae Joon if you fall, appa will you all the ice cream you can eat, okay?”

            “Promise?” Tae Joon stuck out his pinky finger.

            “Promise,” Luhan wrapped his pinky finger around Tae Joon’s, thinking about the first time he and Ji Hyun made a pinky promise. “Okay, umma and I are only going to a couple feet away.”

            “Tae Joon, you don’t have to skate by yourself, you can still hold umma’s hand,” Ji Hyun told Tae Joon hoping he wouldn’t give in to Luhan’s ice cream bribe.

            “No, I want ice cream!” Tae Joon slowly let go of Ji Hyun’s leg, trying to keep his balance by keeping his arms out.

            Luhan grabbed Ji Hyun’s arm dragging her to the middle of the ice rink, so Tae Joon wouldn’t be able to hold on to her anymore.

            “Luhan, what if he hurts himself?” Ji Hyun asked. “Aren’t you worried at all?”

            “No of course not. He’ll do fine, don’t worry about it,” Luhan insisted. “Trust me, I bet he’s going to do fine. He’s probably going to do better than I did when I first went ice skating with you.”

            “You remember that?”

            “Of course I would remember, it was our first date together,” Luhan replied. “That date was really important to me.”

            “It was important to me too.”

            “Umma, appa!” Tae Joon shouted. Tae Joon fell on the floor landing on his . Surprisingly, he wasn’t crying, but he was trying to get back up.

            Ji Hyun skated over to Tae Joon helping him up. “Are you okay Tae Joon? Let’s go home.”

            “No umma, I want to keep going,” Tae Joon replied.

            “Are you sure? I don’t want you to get hurt.”


            Ji Hyun sighed, “Okay, but you better be careful. Do you want to hold umma’s hand?”


            Luhan skated to Ji Hyun and Tae Joon and knelt down next to Tae Joon. “Tae Joon, I’ll still get you ice cream, okay?”

            “Okay appa,” Tae Joon said happily.

            “If you want we can go home and eat some ice cream,” Luhan suggested.

            “Okay!” With the thought of ice cream in Tae Joon’s mind, he perfectly skated to the bench without even realizing it.

            “Tae Joon you did it!” Ji Hyun exclaimed. “You skated perfectly!”

            “Ice cream!” Tae Joon didn’t even care that he skated perfectly as long as he was getting ice cream. Luhan and Ji Hyun both skated the same direction, running into each other.

            Luhan grabbed Ji Hyun by the waist, so she wouldn’t fall. “Are you okay?”

            Ji Hyun faced Luhan, her heart was beating fast being so close to Luhan again. “Yeah, I’m fine… You can let go of me now.”

            “Sorry.” Luhan let go of Ji Hyun, his cheeks were a blushing red.

            All three of them headed home so Tae Joon could enjoy the ice cream Luhan promised him. Tae Joon was already sleeping when they arrived home. Luhan carried Tae Joon to his house and put him to bed. Ji Hyun kissed Tae Joon goodnight before leaving, with Luhan following to say goodbye.

            “I had a good time, even though it was pretty short,” Luhan said.

            “I love you,” Ji Hyun blurted out.


            “I can’t believe I said that,” Ji Hyun quickly said. “Oh my god… I-I love you. I really do and I just needed to say it. I really do and I’ve been trying really hard to ignore it and act like I don’t but I do. I know I’m with Baekhyun and you’re with Yoona, but I love you and I know Baekhyun is perfect. I mean he’s a doctor and he’s great looking and he’s nice but I don’t think it’s going to work out because I love you. You’re like a drug, I can’t get over you and I know you’re bad and wrong for me, but I don’t care because I want to be with you. I can’t sleep, or breathe or think about anything or you…” Tears started to erupt in Ji Hyun’s eyes as her voice started to crack. “I’m in love with you, I’ve always been in love with you but I screwed it up and I’m sorry.” Ji Hyun took a deep breath after saying everything in one breath. “But I’m in love with you…” Ji Hyun saw Luhan’s somewhat emotionless face.

            Luhan was about to say something when his phone started ringing. “Hello? Oh hi Yoona.” Ji Hyun’s heart started to crack hearing Luhan say Yoona’s name. “Yeah, I miss you too. Okay goodnight… Love you too.” Hearing Luhan say those words made Ji Hyun break, without even waiting for Luhan to respond to her confession she walked to her house feeling like she made an idiot out of herself. 


A/N: Guess who finally updated?!?! :D Sorry for not updating sooner, I've been really busy, but this week I have a whole week off of school and I'm  so happy. The only problem is that I have a bunch of homework, so sorry if I don't update that much. I'll try my best to update as much as I can!!! Please, just don't kill me and please be patient. 
Sorry if this chapter is kind of... Boring, but I wanted to update, so you guys don't kill me for not updating. 


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livihwang #1
Chapter 30: Idk how to say , but this story was seriously too sad ;( i feel like want to cry .... Whyyy you make sehun die seriously that's too sad ............... Your story is good but ....... So sad ;(((((((((
Anyway no Sehun isn't cute I h8t his hurr thurr but i think he looks fine now. mmm
That ulzzang looks so fake WHY YOU LIKE DESE FAKE GULLS?????
I second with "brilliant" *wink wink* won
author-nim yo lady in le poster scare me a suh juseyo hamnida arasseo annyeong buing buing kawaii senpai son songpraisarn and toomtam yuthana are da baes
Chapter 31: I hate you authornim!! you made me cry from the start of the chapter till the end~~ but it's a really great story!! ps: i don't hate you authornim, i was joking hehe ^^
kpoplover1020 #7
Chapter 19: Gosh luhan u pabo she just said I love u to you and your saying I love u to another girls gosh...
This story made me cry..... its a a very good story.... im stillcryiny actually .... u know a story is goood when the author can reach and make the reader show emotions!! :)
Chapter 30: This thing stabbed my heart ;_;
Chapter 31: I cried so much reading this fic

I'm sad that Sehun died in the end but I guess that's how it's meant to be.

T-T anyways Bravo for the amazing story author nim hwaiting