Chapter 12

Forever In Your Eyes (Sequel to Only You)


            The pain still shot through Ji Hyun’s entire body as she tried her best to ignore it. She’s been in labor for about eight hours now, but the doctor’s said she should be dilated soon, which to Ji Hyun, soon wasn’t soon enough. Tiffany, Jessica, Kris, Lay, Sehun, and Kai were all sleeping on the small couch or arm chair, while Ji Hyun was fully awake, not able to get any rest at all. Mrs. Hwan walked in the hospital room, surprised at all the people in there.

            “Ji Hyun how are you feeling?” Mrs. Hwan asked trying to comfort her daughter, by rubbing her back.

            “It hurts, when are these stupid contractions going to stop?” Ji Hyun complained.

            “When the baby gets here.”

            “Where have you been?” Ji Hyun asked.

            “I’ve been helping Taeyeon watch Ji Min, she’s been crying all night and Taeyeon and Chanyeol needed their sleep,” Mrs. Hwan replied.

            “So you rather help them than me?”

            “I am helping you aren’t I? Where’s Luhan? I thought you told me he was coming? I hope he’s alright.”

            “Instead of worrying about Taeyeon and Chayeol or Luhan, you could be here helping your daughter give birth, who’s baby she’s giving birth to is Luhan’s,” Ji Hyun snapped. “I don’t understand what is wrong with everyone.”

            “Ji Hyun, what’s wrong?” Mrs. Hwan asked.

            Ji Hyun envied everyone sleeping so soundly, yet every time she tried to sleep the baby would start kicking or she would have a contraction. “I’m tired and Luhan isn’t here.”

            “Don’t worry Luhan will be here… In a couple hours.”

            “When’s a couple hours? When the baby’s already here?”

            “You shouldn’t be so negative Ji Hyun, it isn’t good for you or the baby.”

            “Yeah, well, I guess I shouldn’t be so mad, since it’s my fault why I’m even here. Everything is my fault,” Ji Hyun muttered.

            “Ji Hyun, I don’t think now is a good time to be negative,” Mrs. Hwan replied.

            “Whatever, I’m tired and I want to sleep.”

            “Try to get some sleep if you can and if you need anything just call me okay?”

            “Why would I need to call you? Won’t you stay right here with me?”

            “I just came to check up on you, I’ll be back in about an hour or so, don’t worry. The doctor said you should be ready soon. “

            “Fine, just leave since you love Chanyeol more anyways,” Ji Hyun mumbled.

            “I love you Ji Hyun.” Mrs. Hwan hugged her daughter and kissed her forehead. Ji Hyun looked back at her friends and how they were still asleep. Tears started forming in her eyes, not from the Luhan or the pain, but from the exhaustion and her random emotions.

            Ji Hyun looked down at her stomach. “I know you want to wait for your dad, but do you think you can just come right now?”


            An hour passed and Ji Hyun couldn’t take the pain any longer. Everyone was awake, but went out to get some coffee to drink, leaving Ji Hyun alone. Chanyeol saw how bored and tired his sister was when he walked in. Ji Hyun’s eyes were closed, but Chanyeol knew she wasn’t asleep.

            “Anything new happen yet?” Chanyeol asked.

            Ji Hyun shook her head. “No, I don’t think this baby is ever going to come out.”

            “Don’t say that.”

            “Shouldn’t you be at home with Taeyeon and Ji Min?”

            “I should be, but Taeyeon wanted me to be here with you so I can help you.”

            “Thanks, but nothing is going to help me,” Ji Hyun mumbled. “No offense, I think by the time I give birth, I’ll probably die.”

            “I don’t think you should be saying that… Do you remember? When Ji Min, our sister, gave birth to Ha Joon, I remember she had the hardest time picking his name,” Chanyeol smiled thinking about his late sister. “Remember she wanted a girl?”

            “Yeah, she said she wanted a girl so she can dress her up and play with her hair and that she couldn’t wait to teach her about make-up and boys,” Ji Hyun added. “She was a really good sister.”

            “She was huh? Except when she hogged the bathroom or when she always remembered things like whenever I owed her money.”

            “And how I always forgot things or how you always get so easily mad,” Ji Hyun replied. “We’re a weird family.”

            “Yeah, but that’s the best part about being a family.”

            Dr. Choi walked in and smiled at the sight of Ji Hyun finally smiling. “Ji Hyun, I came to check up on you.”

            “Should I go?” Chanyeol asked as he got up.

            “You can wait outside the door and I’ll come get you when I’m done,” Dr. Choi replied.

            Chanyeol waited for a couple minutes outside the hall. Tiffany, Jessica, Kris, Kai, Lay, and Sehun came rushing through when they saw Chanyeol waiting outside.

            “What’s wrong is Ji Hyun okay? Did she already have the baby?” Tiffany asked.

            “No, Dr. Choi just came in to check, but I think she’s probably ready,” Chanyeol said. “Do any of you guys know where Luhan is?”

            “The last time I called he just got on the plane, but he should probably be back in Seoul by now,” Kris replied.

            “Do you think he’ll be here in time?” Chanyeol wondered.

            “If she started pushing now, probably not,” Kai guessed.

            Dr. Choi walked out smiling. “Ji Hyun is ready. Are you all going to be there?”

            “Of course,” Jessica replied as everyone walked in but Sehun, Kai, and Kris.

            “You three aren’t coming?” Tiffany asked.

            “No, it’s okay, we’ll just stay outside,” Sehun insisted.

            “Are you three afraid you might pass out?” Jessica teased.

            “No!” Kai said defensively. “We just don’t think we’ll make Ji Hyun comfortable.”

            “Okay, whatever you say,” Jessica walked back into the room leaving the boys outside.

            When Luhan reached the Seoul airport, he was exhausted, but he was excited at the same time to see Ji Hyun and his child. After getting his luggage, he decided to call Kris to see if someone could come pick him up, if not than he would just call a cab to pick him up. Luhan called Kris several times, but he didn’t answer, so Luhan decided to call the others, but they didn’t answer as well. He started to panic, wondering why they weren’t answering their phones. What if something was wrong with Ji Hyun or the baby? Luhan called a cab to come pick him up at the airport and was waiting patiently.


            Luhan looked up from his phone and saw Yoona. “Hi Yoona.”

            “I haven’t seen you since your concert in London, how are you?” Yoona asked.

            “I’m good, how about you?” Luhan replied.

            “I’ve been good and I’ve been thinking about you a lot. I kind of thought that maybe we should talk about what happened a couple months ago when we were in London.”

            “Yoona, listen about that night-“

            “We should catch up, say tomorrow?” Yoona suggested. “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”

            “Uh… Sure,” Luhan muttered.


            Ji Hyun couldn’t stop staring at her newborn son, just holding him made her feel like the happiest person in the world. Even though most people said that you could never tell who a baby looked like for the first couple weeks, Ji Hyun could see that he looked exactly like Luhan. Everyone was surrounding Ji Hyun and the baby looking down at him. Ha Joon was mesmerized by the baby and couldn’t stop staring.

            “Noona, what are you going to name him?” Ha Joon curiously asked. “Are you going to name him Ha Joon?”

            “I don’t know what I’m going to name him yet?” Ji Hyun admitted. “He’s so cute.” Ji Hyun looked at her friends. “Do you still want me to name him after one of you?”

            “As much as I would have wanted you to name him Jessica, it’s okay,” Jessica replied.

            “Can his name rhyme with mine?” Ha Joon asked. “I want you to name him… Tae Joon. Okay?”

            “Tae Joon? I like that name.” Ji Hyun smiled at her son. “Tae Joon. Do you like that?”

            “What a cute name,” Mrs. Hwan sighed. “Tae Joon.”

            “I love you Tae Joon, I love you so much,” Ji Hyun lightly kissed Tae Joon’s forehead. “Xi Tae Joon.”

            Before arriving to the hospital, Luhan had all his stuff taken to the old house. He had butterflies in his stomach, just thinking about the moment when he would finally hold his child. Luhan saw all of his friends talking and squealing about the baby. Tiffany was the first one to notice Luhan and when she did she nearly screamed.

            “Luhannie you’re back!” Tiffany tackled Luhan with a hug. “Oh my god when you see Tae Joon you’re going to die! He’s so cute!”

            “It’s a boy? I have a son?” A smile immediately appeared on Luhan’s face. “Can I see him?”

            “Of course you can,” Tiffany replied, “when you see him Luhan you’ll fall in love with him.” Tiffany took Luhan to the room, when Luhan walked inside he saw Ji Hyun sleeping and Mrs. Hwan holding Tae Joon in her arms.

            “Look who’s here Tae Joon,” Mrs. Hwan whispered. She gently handed Tae Joon over to Luhan, who was nervous knowing how fragile Tae Joon was. Tae Joon flinched a little at the touch of Luhan.

            “Hi Tae Joon, daddy’s here.” Luhan had tears in the corner of his eyes seeing and holding his son for the first time. “I love you.” Tae Joon yawned in response as a tiny smile formed. Tiffany was right, Luhan did fall in love with Tae Joon, the minute Luhan had him in his arms, he thought of all the things they would do together. He glanced at Ji Hyun who started stirring a little. She slowly opened her eyes at first thinking it was a dream that Luhan was there, until she realized it wasn’t a dream.

            “Hi,” Ji Hyun weakly said.

            “Hi.” Luhan kissed Ji Hyun’s forehead. “You did really good, I’m really sorry that I wasn’t here.”

            “Its fine, I think he’s going to look just like you,” Ji Hyun replied.

            “I think he’s going to be amazing like you.”

            “I can’t wait to take him home, he’s going to love it,” Ji Hyun said. “I really hope that he likes it back at home.”

            “Why don’t we both move back in together?” Luhan suggested.

            “What about your tour? You still have another year.”

            “I know, but I can take a break from it or better yet just cancel the rest of the dates.”

            “You don’t have to do that.”

            “But I want to; I want to be with my family.”

            “I don’t know Luhan, maybe I should stay with at my parent’s house for a while or I can go back and stay at my apartment,” Ji Hyun said.

            “But we already have a nursery set up at our house, sure it isn’t the right color, but we can fix it. Just come home,” Luhan insisted.

            “Fine, I missed you a lot,” Ji Hyun admitted.

            “When can you two go home?” Luhan asked.

            “Dr. Choi said we can go home whenever we want, so I guess in a couple hours?”

            “That’s great, I really missed you Ji Hyun, I love you.”

            “I love you too.”

            Luhan leaned in and softly kissed Ji Hyun’s lips. “I’m really glad I came back home.”

            Ji Hyun gently reached for Tae Joon’s tiny hand. “We’re going home Tae Joon, we’re going home with daddy.”


            The next morning, Ji Hyun was half asleep making a bottle for Tae Joon. While she was waiting for the bottle to heat up in the microwave, she could barely stay awake. Luhan happily walked in with Tae Joon in his arms.

            “Good morning,” Luhan greeted.

            “Good morning.” Ji Hyun yawned, she walked over to the microwave and took out the bottle.

            “Are you okay?” Luhan asked.

            “I’m tired, how are you not tired?”

            “If you want I can feed him,” Luhan suggested.

            “No, it’s okay I got it,” Ji Hyun replied. “I think I should be doing most of the work since I’m his mom.”

            “Yeah, but I’m Tae Joon’s dad so I should do something too. I think you should get some sleep, okay?”

            “Thank you.” Ji Hyun kissed Luhan’s cheek and Tae Joon’s forehead. “Mommy will hold you later okay Tae Joon?”

            Luhan reached for Tae Joon’s bottle and looked down at Tae Joon who was staring at him with his big doe like eyes. “Daddy loves you Tae Joon… and mommy. I love both you so much.” Luhan’s phone started ringing and the moment Luhan saw the caller ID, his smile faded. It was Yoona.


A/N: This chapter is a little short, but don't worry! I'll be posting as much as I can this weekened and I don't have any school on Monday! Yay for more updates! :D Baby Tae Joon is here! I wonder what went down with Luhan and Yoona? Who thinks Ji Hyun is not going to be happy when she finds out? Who do you think is going to tell her? 


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livihwang #1
Chapter 30: Idk how to say , but this story was seriously too sad ;( i feel like want to cry .... Whyyy you make sehun die seriously that's too sad ............... Your story is good but ....... So sad ;(((((((((
Anyway no Sehun isn't cute I h8t his hurr thurr but i think he looks fine now. mmm
That ulzzang looks so fake WHY YOU LIKE DESE FAKE GULLS?????
I second with "brilliant" *wink wink* won
author-nim yo lady in le poster scare me a suh juseyo hamnida arasseo annyeong buing buing kawaii senpai son songpraisarn and toomtam yuthana are da baes
Chapter 31: I hate you authornim!! you made me cry from the start of the chapter till the end~~ but it's a really great story!! ps: i don't hate you authornim, i was joking hehe ^^
kpoplover1020 #7
Chapter 19: Gosh luhan u pabo she just said I love u to you and your saying I love u to another girls gosh...
This story made me cry..... its a a very good story.... im stillcryiny actually .... u know a story is goood when the author can reach and make the reader show emotions!! :)
Chapter 30: This thing stabbed my heart ;_;
Chapter 31: I cried so much reading this fic

I'm sad that Sehun died in the end but I guess that's how it's meant to be.

T-T anyways Bravo for the amazing story author nim hwaiting