Chapter 25

Forever In Your Eyes (Sequel to Only You)


All this time, Luhan was wondering if there was a secret everyone knew but him. What was it? It seemed like everyone was giving hints, but he couldn't figure it out. If it was the fact that Ji Hyun was sick, then he already knew that, but it felt like there was something more to that. Tae Joon fell asleep right when they got home leaving Luhan some time for himself. He was back to his piano, his sanctuary. The only thing on Luhan's mind was Ji Hyun. What was she hiding? Was she okay? Where was she?

Luhan looked out the window to see if Ji Hyun's car was in the driveway. It wasn't. Where was she? Should he call her? He reached for his phone and quickly called Ji Hyun.

“Hello?” Ji Hyun's voice sounded weak and rather raspy.

“Ji Hyun, are you okay? Where are you? Do you need me to do anything for you?” Luhan asked.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone. “Yes I'm fine. I'm just pulled into the driveway, did you want me to pick up Tae Joon?”

“No, actually I don't want you to pick up Tae Joon,” Luhan replied. “I want you to do something for me.”

“I thought you asked me if you wanted to do something for me?”

“Yeah, but I changed my mind.”

“Okay, what did you need?” Ji Hyun asked.

“I want you to come over to stay with me and Tae Joon,” Luhan said. “I don't want you to be alone tonight.”

“Why? I normally always spend the night alone when Tae Joon's with you.”

“I know, but I don't want you to be home alone night, okay? So come over?”

“Okay, but I have to get some things before I come over,” Ji Hyun said.

“That's fine, just hurry up. See you later, bye.”

A few moments later, Luhan opened the door to see Ji Hyun, who was already in her sleeping clothes and her make-up off. Luhan noticed how pale she looked now and how much thinner she got. Ji Hyun walked in almost forgetting how her old house used to look before giving it all to Luhan.

“Why did you want me to stay over?” Ji Hyun curiously asked.

“I wanted to make sure you weren't alone tonight,” Luhan replied. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“Where's Tae Joon?”

“He's sleeping, so I guess he won't be joining us.”

“What do you mean by 'joining us?'” Ji Hyun raised an eyebrow a little suspicious and confused of Luhan's strange behavior. “Luhan, are you okay?”

“Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?”

“Luhan, why are you being so nice to me? I thought you thought I was a liar?” Ji Hyun said sadly.

A little pained by Ji Hyun's words and how upset she sounded, he felt guilty for being so rude to her about earlier. “Ji Hyun I don't think you're a liar. I'm sorry I ever called you one, you know I would never mean it.”

“It's alright Luhan.”

“But it doesn't matter anymore right? Because that was the past and this is the present and you're all better now right?”


“Come on, we can watch those cliché Korean dramas you love so much,” Luhan grabbed Ji Hyun's arm and brought her over to the couch. “See look, I have all your favorite dramas you used to make me watch.”

Ji Hyun couldn't help but giggle. “Which one should we watch first?”

“I think we should watch 49 Days since you love that one so much,” Luhan suggested.

“Okay, but I want to watch the last episode,” Ji Hyun said.

“Why? Shouldn't we start from the beginning?”

“Yeah, but I want to see the last episode, besides I've already seen this drama a million times so I already know what goes on.”

“Okay, the last episode it is.”

Ji Hyun already had tissues ready even though the episode just started. Luhan never quite understood why Ji Hyun always cried to this drama, since they've seen it a million times they both already knew what was going to happen.

“Luhan, it's my favorite part! Be quiet!” Ji Hyun squealed, even though Luhan didn't say anything. Exactly as if on cue, Ji Hyun started quoting the line of the actress, “Someone said this earlier, if you love someone just let them misunderstand because it will hurt that other person less-”

“I think loving someone too much is something like that,” Luhan finished.

Ji Hyun turned to Luhan, “Do you really think that?” Luhan just shrugged as his response and he leaned back and continued watching the drama. “Luhan, why did you really want me to come over?”

“I miss spending time with you,” Luhan admitted. “We were like best friends.”

“I thought your best friend was Sehun?”

“Sehun's my best guy friend, but you're my best girlfriend.”

“I'm really your best girlfriend?”


Ji Hyun closed her eyes and leaned back not realizing she was resting on Luhan's arm as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “I'm tired.”

“Did you want to go to bed?” Luhan asked.

“Yeah, but where am I going to sleep?”

“You can sleep in my room with Tae Joon,” Luhan offered.

“Where will you sleep?”

“I'll sleep out in the living room, it's okay.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, just go to sleep in my room. I'll be fine,” Luhan insisted. “Goodnight Ji Hyun.”

“Goodnight Luhan,” Ji Hyun said, she walked to Luhan's room, but stopped. She turned back and smiled seeing Luhan. She felt her heart race and for a moment though it seemed impossible she felt a little better.

In the morning, the first one up was Tae Joon. He was surprised to see his mother right next to him instead of Luhan. Quietly, he got out of bed and walked downstairs. Luhan was sleeping soundly on the couch. Tae Joon softly nudged his father's shoulder.

“Appa,” Tae Joon whispered. “Appa.” Luhan just turned to his side completely ignoring Tae Joon. “APPA!!!!”

From the sudden shock, Luhan fell off the bed. “Ow...”

“Appa, you're awake!” Tae Joon squealed happily.

“Yeah, thanks for waking me up,” Luhan mumbled. “What is it?”

“Umma!” Tae Joon pointed to the stairs. “Umma!”

“Yes, umma is upstairs,” Luhan yawned. “Is she still sleeping?”

“Yes, umma sleeping. Shhhh!” Tae Joon pressed his finger on lips telling Luhan to be quiet.

“Don't tell me to be quiet, you were the one who woke me up.”

“Sorry appa...” Tae Joon said feeling guilty. “Umma...”

“I didn't mean to scold you, but you can't wake me up like that,” Luhan replied. “Are you hungry? Did you need to go to the bathroom?”

“No, umma!”

“What about umma?”

“Umma upstairs!”

“Okay I get it your umma is upstairs,” Luhan tiredly walked up the stairs with Tae Joon closely behind. He peeked into the room thinking Ji Hyun was still asleep, but to his surprise she wasn't in bed. “Where's Ji Hyun? Is she in the bathroom?” Luhan roamed around his room, but Ji Hyun was nowhere in sight. He looked on the floor and saw a medicine bottle on the floor. “This isn't mine?” Picking up the prescription bottle Luhan read Ji Hyun's name on it and that it was for heart disease.

“Umma!” Tae Joon said happily seeing Ji Hyun come out from the bathroom. She was already dressed and ready for the day.

“Good morning Tae Joon,” Ji Hyun greeted. “Hi Luhan.”

“Good morning... Did you rest well?” Luhan asked.

“Yes I did, thank you for asking,” Ji Hyun replied happily. “I actually have to go somewhere.”

“Where are you going?”

“Just somewhere, it's nowhere important.”

“Oh... Ji Hyun, where did you go yesterday?”

“I just went to go run an errand,” Ji Hyun lied trying to make it seem believable.

“Ji Hyun, what's this?” Luhan revealed the medicine bottle in his hand. “Are you sick again?”

“It's not big deal.” Ji Hyun tried to keep her voice as casual as she could.

“Why does it say something about heart disease then? Ji Hyun, don't lie to me anymore, just tell me the truth. What's wrong?”

“My heart has just been a little weak, but don't worry I'm fine,” Ji Hyun replied. “That's it, okay? Don't worry, Dr. Choi said I'm going to be fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I'm sure. I'm 100% sure.” Ji Hyun reached for Luhan's hand and placed it on her chest where her heart was. “See? My heart is fine. I'll see you later okay?”

“Are you sure?” Luhan asked again.

“Yes, I'm fine, stop asking me that. Don't worry nothing bad will happen to me,” Ji Hyun lightly kissed Luhan's cheek and knelt down next to Tae Joon. “I'll see you later okay?”

“Okay, bye umma.” Tae Joon kissed Ji Hyun's cheek and waved goodbye to her.

Luhan and Tae Joon watched Ji Hyun leave. Something inside Luhan's mind, he couldn't help but feel like something wasn't right. Today Ji Hyun wasn't going to the hospital for once. She was actually going to Mrs. Xi's bridal shop. After having a talk with Dr. Choi she felt like she needed to say something to her.

Ji Hyun felt like she wasn't exactly supposed to be here, but at the same time she felt like she needed to be here. When Ji Hyun walked in, some of her old co-workers were startled to see her thinking it was against the law for her to be here in the first place.

“Is Luhan's mom here?” Ji Hyun asked one of the workers.

“No, she's actually went to go have some tea. It's been a very stressful day,” one of the workers informed Ji Hyun. “You could probably catch her if you leave right now, since she just left about five minutes ago.”

“Oh okay, thank you!”

Ji Hyun remembered the tea shop that Mrs. Xi always went to. It was the only one she would go to when she was in the mood for tea. Ji Hyun remembered that Mrs. Xi said she liked the tea shop so much because it had the best tea and because of how decorative and festive it was. The tea shop was always decorated in floral, bright colors everywhere. When Ji Hyun arrived at the tea shop, she immediately saw Mrs. Xi by herself drinking tea.

“Mrs. Xi?” Ji Hyun approached her with a smile.

“Ji Hyun? What are you doing here?” Mrs. Xi asked surprised.

“I needed to talk to you about something.”

It almost seemed like Mrs. Xi's happiness faded when Ji Hyun told her she needed to talk to her. “I suppose we can talk, you may sit.” Ji Hyun pulled the chair across from Mrs. Xi and sat down. “What did you want to talk about?”

“I'm sorry.”

“About what?” Mrs. Xi asked suspicious of the random apology. “What is there to apologize about?”

“Mrs. Xi, I know that you never liked me and now I know why,” Ji Hyun said.

“What are you talking about? I never hated you Ji Hyun.”

“Mrs. Xi, you don't have to lie anymore, it's alright. I realized that the only reason why you didn't like me not because of my parents or because you liked Reira more... I think you didn't like me because you thought I was replacing you.”

“Ji Hyun-”

“No, it's alright Mrs. Xi, I don't really care anymore if you hate me,” Ji Hyun insisted. “I just want you to know that even though you may hate me, I could never hate you, because you were kind of like another mother to me. Don't tell Luhan, but I think I'm dying soon.”

“Ji Hyun, are you serious?”

Ji Hyun just nodded, “I'm a little afraid but I thought maybe if I die then Luhan can finally move on and he won't have to deal with me anymore. The only one I'm worried about is Tae Joon...”

“Ji Hyun, have you told anyone else about this?” Mrs. Xi asked concerned. “Have you told your parents?”

“No, but I just thought you would like to know first. It could give you the satisfactory of knowing one of your problems will be gone from now on,” Ji Hyun got up from her seat. “It was really nice knowing you Mrs. Xi, thank you for everything.”

Ji Hyun felt like a great deal of weight was lifted off her shoulders. Though she didn't get to slap Mrs. Xi like she's always wanted to, but she was able to confront her. Ji Hyun reached into her pocket and dialed in Sehun's number onto her phone.

“Ji Hyun?” Sehun answered his phone happily.

“You seem happy, did you finally find a girlfriend?” Ji Hyun joked.

“No, but it doesn't matter why I'm happy. What did you need?”

“I was wondering if you could meet up with me,” Ji Hyun said.

“Oh, okay where?.”

“Lets meet at the park by the fountain?” Ji Hyun suggested.



Luhan invited Tiffany to come over so he could talk to her since he wanted to talk to his cousin for once rather than his friends. When Tiffany came over she played with Tae Joon for a while until he was tired and decided to take a little nap now leaving Tiffany so she could talk to Luhan about what he wanted to talk to her about.

“So what did you want to talk about? Ji Hyun?” Tiffany asked Luhan. They were sitting in the kitchen so Tae Joon wouldn't wake up.

“Yes, Tiffany I think Ji Hyun and I are going to get back together,” Luhan told his cousin.

Tiffany shot a look at Luhan wondering if she heard him right. “What? Are you serious? Or are you kidding?”

“I'm serious.”

“What? Ji Hyun wants to get back with you too?”

“Well, no... But I think she implied it,” Luhan replied.

“Then how do you know she wants to get back with you?” Tiffany questioned.

“Because she stayed over last night, but don't worry we didn't do anything. We just watched a drama and I don't know... We just had a moment,” a smile appeared on Luhan's face as he thought about him and Ji Hyun last night. “I love Ji Hyun, no matter what.”

“So you think she loves you just as much as you love her?”

“I hope so, I truly love Ji Hyun and I want to be with her. I don't want to be with anyone else.”

“Good, I'm glad you realize that.”

“I'm going to tell her when she comes back how I feel.”

“You should, hopefully she feels the same,” Tiffany said.


Exactly where Ji Hyun told Sehun to be, Ji Hyun saw him looking at the beautiful rose shaped fountain. The fountain where Luhan and Ji Hyun went to on their first date. When Sehun saw Ji Hyun he waved and walked over to her.

“Hi Ji Hyun, what did you want to talk about?” Sehun greeted.

“I wanted to tell you something,” Ji Hyun said. She turned towards the fountain and reached into her pocket for a coin. “You know what they say Sehun about this fountain?”


“They say if you make a wish at this fountain it'll only come true if the person you wish about is someone you truly love. The wish can't be selfish and you can only make one wish.” Ji Hyun looked at the coin and smiled. “Even though I already made a wish here once I think it would make an exception.” Ji Hyun reached for another coin and handed it to Sehun. “You should make a wish with me.”

“There's nothing I really want to wish for,” Sehun replied.

“Please, just make a wish with me,” Ji Hyun whined, she took Sehun's hand and forced the coin into his palm, locking his fingers so he wouldn't drop the coin.

“This is ridiculous,” Sehun mumbled.

“Luhan thought the same thing.”

“What are you going to wish for?” Sehun asked.

Ji Hyun sighed and just closed her eyes saying her wish in her head. I wish Luhan could forget about me and move on. Ji Hyun threw the coin into the fountain and turned to Sehun. “Okay time for you to make a wish.”

“I don't have a wish.”

“I'm pretty sure you have a wish, just wish for something. It can be anything.”

“Okay.” Sehun closed his eyes thinking of his unselfish wish. I wish Ji Hyun and Luhan could be happy. He tossed the coin into the fountain and looked back at Ji Hyun who was smiling.

“What did you wish for?” Ji Hyun wondered.

“If I tell you it won't come true.”

“Fine, whatever you say, I should get back home. I want to see Tae Joon and Luhan.”

“You want to see Luhan?”

“Yes, I miss him. I love him,” Ji Hyun admitted. “There's nobody else I want but him.”

“That's good you finally see that Ji Hyun,” Sehun said happily. “You should get home then.”

“Bye Sehun.” Ji Hyun started walking when she felt a strange pierce through her heart. She clutched her chest as her breathing started to get heavier almost as if her heart stopped beating. Ji Hyun collapsed on to the floor feeling her body numb.

“Ji Hyun!” Sehun ran over to her side. “Ji Hyun! Ji Hyun!”

“Luhan...?” Ji Hyun's vision blurred, all she could hear was her heavy breathing. Before she knew it everything turned black. 

A/N: No!!! Ji Hyun! I know this chapter is lame... Sorry. Don't worry everybody Ji Hyun won't die! I promise you! I would never troll my readers, because I hate it when people troll me. I seriously do. Hopefully I can update the next chapter maybe tomorrow? If not then most likely Friday for sure I'll update. 


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livihwang #1
Chapter 30: Idk how to say , but this story was seriously too sad ;( i feel like want to cry .... Whyyy you make sehun die seriously that's too sad ............... Your story is good but ....... So sad ;(((((((((
Anyway no Sehun isn't cute I h8t his hurr thurr but i think he looks fine now. mmm
That ulzzang looks so fake WHY YOU LIKE DESE FAKE GULLS?????
I second with "brilliant" *wink wink* won
author-nim yo lady in le poster scare me a suh juseyo hamnida arasseo annyeong buing buing kawaii senpai son songpraisarn and toomtam yuthana are da baes
Chapter 31: I hate you authornim!! you made me cry from the start of the chapter till the end~~ but it's a really great story!! ps: i don't hate you authornim, i was joking hehe ^^
kpoplover1020 #7
Chapter 19: Gosh luhan u pabo she just said I love u to you and your saying I love u to another girls gosh...
This story made me cry..... its a a very good story.... im stillcryiny actually .... u know a story is goood when the author can reach and make the reader show emotions!! :)
Chapter 30: This thing stabbed my heart ;_;
Chapter 31: I cried so much reading this fic

I'm sad that Sehun died in the end but I guess that's how it's meant to be.

T-T anyways Bravo for the amazing story author nim hwaiting