Chapter 28

Forever In Your Eyes (Sequel to Only You)


“Let me give my heart to Ji Hyun,” Sehun suggested. Sehun, Kai, Lay Jessica, Kris, Luhan, Tiffany, and Chanyeol were all huddled together in the hall of the hospital.

“No! None of you are giving Ji Hyun your heart!” Tiffany snapped. “So I'll do it.”

“Tiffany, no,” Luhan replied.

“Well who is going to do it? Certainly not you!” Tiffany snapped at him. “How come they just can't get a donor? I mean she's dying she should be on the top of the list!”

“Well she isn't, so we need to help her now!” Luhan said, “and it's not like we can kill ourselves or something just to give her our heart.”

“What are we supposed to do? Just sit here then?” Kris asked.

“Where's Tae Joon?” Tiffany asked Luhan.

“He's with Taeyeon. I don't want to tell him about Ji Hyun,” Luhan said.

“You're going to have to tell him sometime,” Lay said sadly. “What if Ji Hyun... I mean... What if she never gets better?”

“Don't say that!” Luhan snapped. “She will get better, I know she will.”

“Not unless someone gives her a heart transplant,” Kai mumbled.

“Who's going to do it?” Kris asked.

“None of us are, I don't want to lose anybody. This would be way too much of me to ask,” Luhan said.

“No one is asking us to do it. We would want to because we love Ji Hyun,” Jessica said.

“But I love you guys, Ji Hyun wouldn't want any of you to die for her,” Luhan stated.

“Then what other option do we have?”

Dr. Choi slowly approached the group, “Luhan, Ji Hyun wants to see you.”

“Okay,” Luhan was afraid to see how Ji Hyun looked or felt. He held his breath as he walked into the room, nearly feeling the atmosphere change to a murky dark mood. Ji Hyun's eyes were barely open, her skin was a gray color, just seeing her this way made Luhan weak.

“Luhan...” Ji Hyun's voice was raspy and could barely be heard.

“What is Ji Hyun? I'm right here for you, anything you need, I won't leave your side. Just tell me what to do.” Luhan reached for Ji Hyun's hand gently caressing it. “I love you...”

“I'll... Never.... get out of this... hospital..” Ji Hyun tried to hold back her tears. “Will I?”

“We'll get you a new heart, I promise you'll get better.”

“I... want to see your mom,” Ji Hyun breathed.

“My mom? Why my mom?”

Ji closed er eyes before she could answer and before she could answer, she was already sleeping. Luhan quietly left the room confused about why Ji Hyun wanted to see his mom.

Kai noticed Luhan's dumbfounded look, “What's wrong?”

“Ji Hyun wants to see my mom?” Luhan said still confused.

“Why? Your mom is evil!” Jessica said.

“Ji Hyun wants to see her though. I guess we should call her,” Luhan replied.

“Luhan, don't forget about the real issue, worry about your mom later,” Kris suggested.

“Well if I can't get her a heart I should at least be able to get my mom for her, what else can I do?”

“Don't make your mom come here! She'll probably be happy about Ji Hyun dying and she'll probably have a party,” Kai mumbled.

“I don't care what nay of you say, I'm going to call my mom for Ji Hyun,” Luhan spat. He moved to the hall trying to get away from everyone. Though he was reluctant to call his mother, he had to for Ji Hyun. He waited for a good two seconds, his heart beating faster and faster after every dial tone.

“Luhan? Are you okay? What's wrong?” Mrs. Xi asked.

“Mom Ji Hyun is sick... She needs a heart transplant soon,” Luhan told his mother.

“I'm not giving her my heart if that's what you're thinking.”

“No mom... Ji Hyun wants to see you, she doesn't want anything. She just wants to see you, so can you please just come to the hospital and come see her?”

Mrs. Xi sighed, “Why should I?”

“Mom, please! Just for Ji Hyun! If not for Ji Hyun, then at least for me. Please mom! Come see Ji Hyun!”

“Fine, I guess I'll come,” Mrs. Xi gave in. “But I'm only coming for you, not for Ji Hyun.”

“Thanks mom, I love you.”

“I love you too, bye Luhan.”

“Hey Luhan,” Sehun approached Luhan. “I'll be back, so I'll see you later.”

“Where are you going?” Luhan asked.

“Just going somewhere, don't worry I'll be back,” Sehun assured. “Just worry about Ji Hyun.”

Luhan just nodded, “I'm not really sure what to do.”

“Don't worry Ji Hyun will be fine, I pretty sure by the time I come back she'll feel a little better,” Sehun placed a hand on Luhan's shoulder and put on the most fake yet believable smile he could.

“Thanks Sehun for everything.”

“Okay, see you later.”

About an hour later Mrs. Xi came always dressed properly as if she was going to meet the queen. Mrs. Hwan was the first to notice Mrs. Xi, she wasn't sure if she was thrilled to see her or if she was mad.

“What are you doing here?” Mrs. Hwan spat.

“Ji Hyun said she wanted to see me,” Mrs. Xi said stiffly. “So I came, Luhan called me to come.”

“The least you could do is apologize to Ji Hyun,” Mrs. Hwan said. “Apologize to her, all you've ever done is hate her, stop hating my daughter. If you need someone to hate, hate me, but don't hate Ji Hyun.”

“I don't hate Ji Hyun,” Mrs. Xi replied., “I've never hated her. If you excuse me I have to go and see Ji Hyun.”Mrs. Xi took a deep breath before entering Ji Hyun's room.

Luhan was sitting beside Ji Hyun holding her hand, when he saw his mother. “Mom, you actually came?”

“Of course I did.”

“Ji Hyun, my mom's here,” Luhan didn't want to leave Ji Hyun alone with his mother, but he knew she would probably want to talk to her alone without him there.

“I'll be fine,” Ji Hyun barely managed to say without taking a deep breath between each word. “You should go and check on my parents.”

Luhan just nodded and made his way past his mother and outside closing the door. Mrs. Xi has never seen Ji Hyun like this and the last time she ever saw anyone like this was when she saw her husband in the very same position as Ji Hyun a couple years ago.

“Ji Hyun, how are you feeling?” Mrs. Xi sat down where Luhan was sitting, she was careful not to look directly at Ji Hyun afraid of the outcome of how she would feel.

“I need a heart transplant,” Ji Hyun replied. “I don't think I'll ever get it though. I'll probably just die.”

“Ji Hyun, did you make me come here so you could make feel bad about how I've treated you over the years?”

“I would never want you to feel bad especially for me.”

“Then why did you want me to come here?”

“I want you to know that I love you, because in a way you were kind of like another mother for me and even though you never really liked me I don't care, because you were Luhan's mother. I wanted you to like me.”

“Ji Hyun I feel bad that you need a heart transplant and if I could give you my heart and still live I would, but obviously I still need my heart,” Mrs. Xi simply said. “I don't know why you always want to try and be close to me.”

“There's nothing more than I want is for us to be on good terms before I die,” Ji Hyun admitted.

“Don't say those things Ji Hyun. It's not funny. I don't think you should make Luhan worry about things that aren't that serious,” Mrs. Xi replied. “You make Luhan worry all the time about you, he worries about you all the time and all you do is hurt him. I hate you for that Ji Hyun.”

“I'm sorry,” Ji Hyun apologized.

“I hate you because all you do is hurt my son and yet even when you do he's always there for you. I think you deserve everything that happens to you.”

“I agree with you that I hurt Luhan and I'm sorry for everything.”

“You hurt my son and all you can say is sorry?!” Mrs. Xi snapped. “You could at least say something more positive like from now on you'll be nicer to him and you won't ever leave him because you love him! Just tell me Ji Hyun, do you truly love Luhan?”

“Ye-” A piercing pain went through Ji Hyun's chest again. Clutching her chest she took deep breaths and quickly pressed the nurse's button so they could come. Ji Hyun started coughing and drops of blood trickled down .

“Ji Hyun!” Mrs. Xi ran to her side and held her shoulders. A nurse walked in and started checking up on Ji Hyun leaving Mrs. Xi completely shocked at how bad a condition Ji Hyun really was in.


Sehun was driving back to the hospital after driving home to take a shower and get a little bit of rest. On his lap he had an envelope that contained an important letter to Luhan and Ji Hyun. He wanted to get to one of them before it was too late, but at the same time he had to find a specific time for when he would give it to them. While driving he opened the envelope and decided to read through the letter one more time to make sure he didn't make any mistakes. He was cautious to look up to make sure he stopped on a red light and glanced back down skimming through the letter. A tear fell down onto the paper smudging a little bit of the ink on the paper.

A honk from a car snapped Sehun away from his thoughts. Before Sehun could have time to react a car hit on the driver's side, nearly throwing Sehun out of the car, but was saved by his seat belt. Sehun was out cold and his head was trickling blood as shattered glass appeared around him. In his hand, he still had the letter to Luhan and Ji Hyun.


Jessica tried calling Sehun, but he didn't answer any of her calls and it just went directly to voice mail. She walked over to Kris, Lay, and Kai to ask if any of them were able to reach Sehun.

“Has Sehun called any of you yet?” Jessica wondered.

Lay shook his head, “No, why?”

“I'm worried, he hasn't answered any of my calls. It just keeps going directly to voice mail,” Jessica replied.

“Don't worry I'm pretty sure Sehun is fine,” Kris assured. “He's probably just sleeping or his phone just died. Besides he said he would be back.”

“Yeah, there's nothing to worry about,” Jessica said to herself yet she still had a little sense of doubt in her head.

“Excuse me!” a doctor ran past them hitting Jessica's shoulder.

“Ow, what's his problem?” Jessica mumbled.

A group of doctors and nurses surround a couple of the paramedics that brought in someone on a gurney. The group looked trying to see who was on the gurney, but all they saw was light brown hair peaking through the dried blood.

“What happened?” Kris said. When the gurney slowly passed through the group all of them froze when they saw it was Sehun.

“SEHUN!” Kris, Kai, and Lay shouted as they followed the doctors and nurses while Jessica stood their frozen. Her hands were trembling as her phone fell onto the floor nearly cracking the screen. Her mind went completely blank as if she saw a ghost rather than her friend being covered in complete blood. 

Sehun managed to open his eyes a little as he saw his friend's through his blurred vision. “The... letter...” Before Sehun was out of reach he handed Lay the crumpled up letter causing Lay to stop and eye the blood stained paper.

“Sehun!” Kris shouted again. Kris almost followed the doctors and Sehun into the emergency room, when one of the nurses stood in front of him.

“No you don't understand that's our friend!” Kai exclaimed trying to get through.

“I'm sorry but you can't come in here, he needs to get prepped for surgery,” the nurse said as she slammed the door in Kris and Kai's face. 

A/N: I know you guys are probably going to hate me for writing this chapter, but I'm sorry! I think the next chapter will probably be the last and then there will be an epilouge. I feel so sad that this story is almost over. I'm going to miss writing about Ji Hyun and Luhan, but I'll definitely write another story about Luhan. I don't know maybe? 

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livihwang #1
Chapter 30: Idk how to say , but this story was seriously too sad ;( i feel like want to cry .... Whyyy you make sehun die seriously that's too sad ............... Your story is good but ....... So sad ;(((((((((
Anyway no Sehun isn't cute I h8t his hurr thurr but i think he looks fine now. mmm
That ulzzang looks so fake WHY YOU LIKE DESE FAKE GULLS?????
I second with "brilliant" *wink wink* won
author-nim yo lady in le poster scare me a suh juseyo hamnida arasseo annyeong buing buing kawaii senpai son songpraisarn and toomtam yuthana are da baes
Chapter 31: I hate you authornim!! you made me cry from the start of the chapter till the end~~ but it's a really great story!! ps: i don't hate you authornim, i was joking hehe ^^
kpoplover1020 #7
Chapter 19: Gosh luhan u pabo she just said I love u to you and your saying I love u to another girls gosh...
This story made me cry..... its a a very good story.... im stillcryiny actually .... u know a story is goood when the author can reach and make the reader show emotions!! :)
Chapter 30: This thing stabbed my heart ;_;
Chapter 31: I cried so much reading this fic

I'm sad that Sehun died in the end but I guess that's how it's meant to be.

T-T anyways Bravo for the amazing story author nim hwaiting