Chapter 4

Forever In Your Eyes (Sequel to Only You)


             “SURPRISE!!!” The Happy Virus barged into Luhan and Ji Hyun’s house as energetic as always. Behind him were his big group of friends with all their suitcases and bags in their arms.

            “I forgot we gave Chanyeol a key to this place,” Luhan muttered slightly annoyed.

            “We can always change our locks,” Ji Hyun joked as she walked over to Chanyeol and his friends. “Hi Chanyeol!” She wrapped her arms around Chanyeol’s neck hugging him as tight as she could.

            “Hi Sis, since you wanted me to come so early, I did and I brought all my friends,” Chanyeol moved to the side so Luhan and Ji Hyun could see his big group of friends.

            “That’s great.” Ji Hyun examined all of Chanyeol’s friends and recognized some of his friends from when they were in high school. “I remember Suho and Chen and Taeyeon and Amber!”

            “Hi Ji Hyun!” Taeyeon nearly tackled Ji Hyun nearly suffocating her. “I haven’t seen you since we graduated! How have you been?”

            “I’ve been great.” Ji Hyun looked at two unfamiliar faces. “Hi.”

            “Oh, Ji Hyun, Luhan this is Xiumin and Yoona,” Chanyeol introduced.

            “Annyeonghaseyo,” Xiumin and Yoona both greeted Ji Hyun and Luhan.

            “Annyeonghaseyo,” Ji Hyun and Luhan both said.

            “So, where are we all staying?” Chanyeol asked.

            “I thought they were going to stay at your old apartment?” Luhan whispered to Ji Hyun.

            “The apartment is kind of under construction so I told Chanyeol they could stay here,” Ji Hyun replied. “Is that okay?”

            “Yeah… Sure.” Luhan tried to not sound annoyed, but Ji Hyun could tell he wasn’t happy.

            “I’ll show you your rooms,” Ji Hyun told Chanyeol and his friends. “I guess two of you can each share one room, but since there are three boys and three girls, I don’t know how that’s going to work.”

            “That’s fine, the three boys will share a room and the three girls will just share a room,” Chanyeol replied. “Is Luhan alright with us staying here?”

            “Of course he is. Why wouldn’t he?” Ji Hyun replied.

            “So, why did you want me to come back to Seoul so early?” Chanyeol wondered.

            “I uh… I miss you. I can’t miss my brother?”

            “I don’t mind that you miss me, but I’m just surprised. You normally don’t ever really care when I’m gone.”

            “Well, I do care when you’re gone, I just missed you a lot this time,” Ji Hyun said defensively startling Chanyeol a little. Ji Hyun’s phone started ringing in her back pocket, when she saw the caller ID, she just shoved it back in her pocket.

            “Aren’t you going to answer that?” Chanyeol asked.

            “No, you’re here,” Ji Hyun replied.

            “Answer it.”

            Ji Hyun pressed the receiver button and pressed her phone onto her ear. “Dr. Choi?”

            “Ji Hyun? Hi, I’m sorry to keep calling you, but I was wondering if you can come by my office again. Is that that alright?” Dr. Choi asked.

            “Yes, that will be fine. What time?”

            “I don’t have any appointments at 3, so that will be fine.”

            “Of course,” Ji Hyun replied. “Thank Dr. Choi. Bye.” When Ji Hyun hung up the phone she looked up at Chanyeol who was a little confused and suspicious.

            “Doctor? Is something wrong?” Chanyeol asked.

            “No of course not,” Ji Hyun lied.

            “Why are you going to the doctor’s then?”

            “Fertility, women stuff. You wouldn’t understand. Just don’t tell Luhan, okay?”

            “Gross…” Chanyeol just left, since he didn’t want to talk about anything that had to do with women’s health. Ji Hyun was relieved that Chanyeol actually believed it too. Ji Hyun walked back downstairs and saw Luhan talking to Yoona, they were laughing and seemed to already be getting along quite well.

            “Luhan,” Ji Hyun said softly.

            A big smile appeared on Luhan’s face when he saw Ji Hyun. “Hey.”

            “Hi, Luhan… I’m going to the bridal shop, so I’ll see you later okay?” Ji Hyun informed.

            “The bridal store? Again? Chanyeol just got here.”

            “I know, but I’m planning on going back to work soon, so I want to go and refresh my work,” Ji Hyun replied. “Don’t worry, later I’ll spend time with all of you, but for right now, I have to do something important.”

            “Okay, do you want me to go with you?” Luhan asked.

            “No, stay. Go back friends with your bro- I mean my brother’s friends. I don’t know, Chanyeol… I’m not sure what to call him,” Ji Hyun replied. She kissed Luhan’s cheek, grabbed her purse, and ran out the door.

            Ji Hyun arrived at the hospital, feeling like it was her second home, since she’s been going there so often. She knew that she would have to make it home if she was going to be in a coma for however long. Like her usual routine with Dr. Choi, Ji Hyun waited in her office until Dr. Choi came in with a folder. Ji Hyun always wondered what was actually in that folder, what it said. If it was good or bad? Or if it was really nothing. Dr. Choi walked in with her friendly smile, which normally meant she was pending bad news to someone.

            “Hello Ji Hyun,” Dr. Choi greeted shaking her hand.

            “What did you want to talk about this time?” Ji Hyun asked.

            “I actually wanted to know if you’ve told anyone yet about your condition.”

            “No, I haven’t yet… But I will. I just want to tell people at the right time,” Ji Hyun explained. “I just… I just don’t want to tell anyone and have them worried. They’ll look at me completely different.”

            “Well, Ji Hyun, I do have a solution that might help you.” Dr. Choi reached for a paper and wrote something down. “Here, it’s a prescription. Some meds, which might help you.”

            “It’s a prescription for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease? I’m going to have a random fainting spell, not memory loss.”

            “I know, but it helps trying to repair your mind,” Dr. Choi explained. “It’s hard to explain, but I’m pretty sure they’ll be able to help you.”

            “Thank you Dr. Choi,” Ji Hyun replied as she got up. “I’ll get the medication.”

            “Good, we’ll give it about a week or two and we’ll see if you’re okay.”

            “Okay.” Ji Hyun walked out of Dr. Choi’s office and headed to the place where she could get her prescription. While she was waiting in line, she got a text from Chanyeol and Luhan asking if she was okay or if she needed anything.

            “Ji Hyun?”

            Ji Hyun looked to her left and saw Sehun standing in the line next to her. “Sehun? What are you doing here?”

            “Oh, I’m here to get some cold medication.” Sehun sneezed right after he said that; Ji Hyun could tell Sehun was sick by his red nose, his tired eyes, and voice. “What are you doing here?”

            “I’m here to get some… Pregnant people stuff.”

            “Here let me see.” Sehun snatched the prescription paper from Ji Hyun before she could retaliate. When he scanned the paper he laughed. “What? I don’t think a prescription for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is exactly a pregnant people thing.”

            Ji Hyun bit her lip. “So…”

            “Ji Hyun, does Luhan know?” Sehun asked. Ji Hyun just shook her head. “Why haven’t you told him?” Ji Hyun looked down and shrugged, if she opened to say something tears would start spilling out. “Ji Hyun, what’s going on?”

            “Can I just get my meds first and then I’ll tell you?” Ji Hyun snatched the paper back from Sehun.


            After Sehun and Ji Hyun got their medication, they were both sitting outside the hospital on a bench. None of them started talking and already Ji Hyun had tears rolling down her face.

            “So, what’s wrong?” Sehun asked. “Why do you need this?”

            “I don’t know, because the doctor is crazy and thinks I have this weird brain damage sickness that can make me faint at any time…” Ji Hyun started. “At first I didn’t think it was a big deal until the doctor told me that if I faint I could possible get into a coma and never wake up... and then she told me if I do wake up then I’d lose my memory.”

            “Don’t you think you should tell Luhan? He does have a right to know.”

            “I know, but he’s going to be so depressed-“

            “Well yeah you’re his wife!”

            “I know, but… God it’s so confusing! Please, Sehun don’t tell Luhan.”

            “I can’t he’s my best friend!”

            “Please, Sehun,” Ji Hyun begged.

            Sehun saw in Ji Hyun’s pleading eyes that she was serious. “Fine, but only if you promise to tell Luhan yourself.”

            “Fine…” Ji Hyun muttered.

            “Don’t worry Ji Hyun, everything’s going to be okay.”

            After her talk with Sehun, Ji Hyun decided that she would tell Luhan. On the way back home, her hands were shaking, but there weren’t any tears in her eyes, since she used all her strength to maintain them from falling. When she arrived back home, it was completely quiet as if there was no one home.

            “Hello?” Ji Hyun shouted. “Luhan? Chanyeol?” Ji Hyun heard the banging of some pots and pans in the kitchen. “Luhan?” Ji Hyun walked into the kitchen and gasped. She saw Luhan lighting two candles on the table that was piled with food. “Luhan?”

            Luhan jumped when he heard Ji Hyun’s voice. “Ji Hyun?”

            “What’s all this?” Ji Hyun asked.

            “Well, Chanyeol and his friends all left to go meet with your parents so I decided why not we have dinner? Just the two of us. So I made- well I ordered your favorite food.” Luhan showed Ji Hyun the entire table of food. “See, I have Tteokbokki from your favorite restaurant, then we have your favorite bulgogi, and over here we have kimchi and dakjuk. Oh and for dessert, I got you your favorite fudge brownie chocolate ice cream. Although, I’m not sure it’s your favorite since you told me that when you were pregnant.”

            Ji Hyun started laughing. “Why did you do all this?”

            “Because I love you.” Luhan reached for what looked like to Ji Hyun a big blob of paper and tape on the table. “I got you this.”

“What is it?”

“Open it,” Luhan replied. Ji Hyun tried to open it, but all the tape made it hard. “Sorry, I had Chanyeol wrap it before he left.”

“It’s fine.” When Ji Hyun finally unwrapped the gift and opened the box. “It’s a tiny piano.”

“It’s not just a tiny piano, it’s a music box,” Luhan replied. “I know how much you like the song Angel, so I put it in here. See look.” Luhan took the piano and turned the crank so it could play music.

When Ji Hyun heard the music she started smiling. “It’s beautiful.”

“See, dang wo cheng zuo zhe feng zai ni de shi jie jiang luo,” Luhan sang. Tears started forming in Ji Hyun’s eyes hearing Luhan sing. “I’m not that bad am I?”

“No, you’re perfect.” Ji Hyun replied. She placed the music box on the table and wrapped her arm around Luhan. “I love you, Luhan.”

“I love you too.” Luhan pulled Ji Hyun into a kiss. 

A/N: Yay!!! I updated again all in one day! :D I'm glad I update, because since I probably won't be able to update this weekend since I'll be at KCon. So It was nice to update for you guys. 
BTW: Don't worry! I won't kill Ji Hyun! Or maybe I will? I don't know, you guys just have to keep reading! :) But I will tell you this, that Ji Hyun and Luhan will have a kid. 


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livihwang #1
Chapter 30: Idk how to say , but this story was seriously too sad ;( i feel like want to cry .... Whyyy you make sehun die seriously that's too sad ............... Your story is good but ....... So sad ;(((((((((
Anyway no Sehun isn't cute I h8t his hurr thurr but i think he looks fine now. mmm
That ulzzang looks so fake WHY YOU LIKE DESE FAKE GULLS?????
I second with "brilliant" *wink wink* won
author-nim yo lady in le poster scare me a suh juseyo hamnida arasseo annyeong buing buing kawaii senpai son songpraisarn and toomtam yuthana are da baes
Chapter 31: I hate you authornim!! you made me cry from the start of the chapter till the end~~ but it's a really great story!! ps: i don't hate you authornim, i was joking hehe ^^
kpoplover1020 #7
Chapter 19: Gosh luhan u pabo she just said I love u to you and your saying I love u to another girls gosh...
This story made me cry..... its a a very good story.... im stillcryiny actually .... u know a story is goood when the author can reach and make the reader show emotions!! :)
Chapter 30: This thing stabbed my heart ;_;
Chapter 31: I cried so much reading this fic

I'm sad that Sehun died in the end but I guess that's how it's meant to be.

T-T anyways Bravo for the amazing story author nim hwaiting