chapter two

Lost In Your Eyes

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▬▬chapter two. can i stay here for tonight?


Xiumin went back with Sehun's order. He placed the cup of coffee on the table and smiled at him. "Is there anything else you want, sir?"

Sehun looked at the coffee and shook his head. "I'm fine."

"Okay, then. Enjoy your coffee," then he went back to the counter.

He sipped his coffee, letting the hotness of it soothe his aching throat. That's when he realized he's cold. He shivered under his trench coat. He looked outside and saw that it was raining. He sighed. Maybe ordering coffee at this time of the day isn't bad at all.

After finishing his coffee, he looked at his watch. 7:30 pm. He stood up and looked at the counter. Xiumin's still there, serving a customer happily. Sehun smiled and stepped out of the shop, not minding the rain pouring on him.

He walked on the street, his hands inside his pockets. He's soaking wet the moment he reached a waiting shed. Sehun sat on the bench and sighed. He hated the rain. The fact that he gets dripping wet irritates him. He looked at his watch again. 7:50.

"You shouldn't have run away."

​Sehun scoffed. "You know my reason."

Kai nodded and crossed his legs. "I do. That's why I won't tell them that you're here."

He looked at his friend with confusion. "What?"

"I've been there before and I made the wrong choice. Honestly, I'm happy with what you're doing now," then he looked at Sehun. "I clearly understand what you feel. And I'm not going to stop you from doing what you want."

"You're not going to tell them?"

"Of course. If I were you, I would definitely do the same thing. I would run away," then Kai stood up. "I have to go. They're expecting me to come back now. I wish you good luck, Sehun. You made the right choice and I salute you for that," he smiled at his friend and vanished in just a blink of an eye.

​Sehun smiled. He thought no one will support him but he thought wrong. Someone thinks he's doing the right thing and it made Sehun happy. Another thing is that the rain has just stopped. He stood up and started to walk again, not sure of where he's heading to. He's letting his feet drag him, just like what he did earlier.

Then someone called his attention.

"Mr. Sehun!"

Sehun stopped and pushed him sunglass up. He knew that voice so well. But just to confirm, he slowly turned around.

And he saw Xiumin smiling at him.

"Oh... Hi," Sehun said.

Xiumin walked towards him. "Hi," then he picked something from his sling bag and held it out. "You left your handkerchief at the shop."

"Thanks," then he took it and shoved it inside his pocket. He cleared his throat and looked down. "So, what's your name?"

The waiter flashed his gummy smile and held his hand out. "I'm Minseok but people there at the cafe call me Xiumin."

The taller guy shook hands with him. "Nice to meet you, Minseok," then he dropped his hand.

"I guess you're also going home already," then his eyes widened. "Oh! You're wet!"

​Sehun shivered. He is, and he's cold. "I'm fine."

"You should go home now. You'll catch a cold if you stay here."

"I... I don't have a home."

Well, that's a fact. Sehun doesn't have a home now. He left it hours ago. And that fact made Xiumin frown.

"I live near here."

​Sehun looked at him with confusion. But of course, his sunglass hid that emotion. "I'm fine. I'l just find somewhere to stay for the-"

"I insist. There's no one else there. I basically live alone."

"... Okay, then."

Xiumin smiled once more and led the way to his house.

The warmth of the house made Sehun miss his friends and the mansion. But again, there's no turning back now. It's too late for him to do that. He had broken the rules and he doesn't want that effort to go to waste. He doesn't want to make the same mistake he did before.

"Go and take a bath. It's upstairs, to the left. I'll just prepare something to eat," Xiumin said as he took his coat off.

​Sehun nodded. "Thanks," then he made his way to the bathroom, feeling completely at home.

He turned the heater on and waited for a few seconds. He took his clothes off and turned the shower on. He let the warm water massage his numbed back, some droplets slipping down his face. He sighed. He wanted to just stay there but he can't. So he finished his bath as fast as he could. Then he realized he has no clothes to put on. He saw a towel and wrapped it around his waist. He put his sunglass on and stepped out of the bathroom.

And there stood Xiumin with neatly folded clothes on top of his hands.

"I almost forgot that you don't have anything to wear. So, here."

Sehun noticed how Xiumin's face turned slightly pink, but he ignored it. "Thanks," then he grabbed the pieces of clothing from his new friend.

"The food's ready. Just go downstairs after changing," then he smiled before going down.

Sehun looked down at what he's holding and smiled.


He clearly made the right choice.


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10 subscribers!!! /throws confetti

Anyway, second chapter is done! Ugh. I think I can't make it to the contest's deadline. T_T

Comments, guys? Tell me what you think of this boring chapter. >___<

-- thederpchanyeol

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i need some support... again. thanks!:)


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roseheartbookie #1
paula30 #2
That was really good. But damn the ending !!! Thank u for planning on making a sequel .
trishplusmama #3
Chapter 7: I think I'm going to cry because of the sequel ;~;
Chapter 7: Finally~! A sequel. Yesss!!!
Bakamelia #5
Chapter 6: sequeeeeel please, the ending is confusing ><
Chapter 6: I NEED A SEQUEL PLEASEEEEEEEEEE this is so awesome but I need a sequel for what happend next ^^
Bunjai #7
Chapter 6: Whaaaaaaatttttttt you must be kidding right there must be a sequel or something on the sodelines you can't leave me like this now i know why you got third place you are so daring this is not even fair.
AngAng13 #8
Chapter 6: OMO... this is so good.. *sobs*
please sequel thor... *bbuing bbuing*
Chapter 6: omg dang it so cliche KLADKJSALGASJGDBLSAKGDBLS /freaked out
omg omg this is so gooodT____T can you make a sequel of this? /puppyeyes.
sorry i just found this;_; thanks for writting this omg!Q.Q
kimminnie #10
Chapter 6: Sequel pleaseee sequelsequelsequelsequel