Was It Fate?


Name of character: Park Soo Rin


Soo Rin's POV

"Soo Rin... I'm so sorry... " 

I flinched as I felt his gentle touch on my arm.

I turned my back on him and his girl. "No, this is better. It's better that I knew it earlier. Just...just don't hurt her like what you did to me...okay?"

Those words...I didn't even know where I've mustered all that courage just to say that.

I heard him sigh. After that, I ran towards the bus stop. 

I had to go home. Fast.

I rode the bus as quickly as possible, and avoided the curious glances of the people I passed through. There were not a lot of people today, just a couple of students and some people who were going home early for work.

I wish I could go back to the times that I'd ride on the bus happily, not even minding my phone. 

Those times when I could just lean on someone....

I used my big hankerchief to cover half of my face. I don't want anyone looking at me with pity. I don't want them to hear my sobbing.

I...I just couldn't take the pain.

Then, I suddenly felt a heavy jacket tossed at my back. 

I looked up to see a guy, almost as beautiful as a girl, but still had that manly charm. But, he wore a cap. His facial features were not that showy. He was looking away. He sat down beside me.

"Wear this and put the hood on," He whispered.

I was completely surprised, but I did as I was told. Having the jacket, I cried freely. No one would see me this way.

I bowed my head, and started to cry some more. 

I didn't know what to do next. I only knew the pain, and I only knew how to cry right now.

I was like a child, unguarded. I was vulnerable.

But, how did this stranger find me? How did he know I was crying?

Putting that fact aside, I was glad that this stranger was here. He was like someone sent to me at this moment.

Heaven-sent? Would that be the term?

The bus stopped, which sent some of the people violently hitting their backs against the seat. Well, the driver did apologize to us.

The guy beside me stood up and got ready to walk away. I tugged on his shirt and pointed towards the jacket. 

He smiled and mouthed that the jacket was mine already.

He got off the bus, and left me dumbfounded.

He looked like an angel.


I wore the jacket that he had given to me today.

This jacket served as an encouragement to me. 

"Rinniee!!"I heard my friends shout as they saw me approach them.

"Woah. New jacket? I didn't know Park Soo Rin, the simplest girl I've ever known, can wear such a stylish jacket."

"Wait, isn't that the jacket on the mall yesterday? The highest pricing one?" Min Jung looked at Hyo Sung as she pointed to the jacket. They both gasped.

"Oh my gosh. You bought it? You are so extremely rich!"

I gave them a confused look. "This is...expensive?"

"Yep! I saw it yesterday! It costs at about W100,000 or something." Min Jung flailed her arms like a chicken in the air. Woah. Min Jung is really the shopping lady. She always knows the latest trends.

"I didn't buy it. Someone gave it to me." 

They were shocked when I said this to them. I explained what happened yesterday, and how I got the jacket.

"Aish. Thank goodness we study in an all-girls school. I don't think you'd be able to handle all the guys." Hyo Sung shook her head. "Anyways, he didn't deserve you at all."

"But, I'm intrigued at this guy. Is he rich? He seems rich. He even bought that jacket just for you." Min Jung touched her chin. 

I shook my head. "Maybe this wasn't really for me. What if he was supposed to give it to his sister, but took pity on me instead and gave it to me? Wait. Either way, I'm still indebt to this person. I should give this back!"

"He did tell you that it's yours, right? Then, it's yours. When you meet him again, just say thank you."


"It's yours. Now, let's go!" We all raced towards the school gate. It closes at exactly 7:30am, and it was already 7:25. 


I stepped inside the bus with my earphones inside my ear.

I was surprised as I saw that guy who gave me the jacket yesterday sleeping by the window.

There was an empty seat beside him, so I took it. I took this opportunity to observe him.

Waah. He had a defined jawline. A very sharp jawline.

He also had brown hair that sparkled against the sunlight. He looked really comfortable as he slept. 

Oops. There was a little dust on his cheek. I reached for his cheek, and slowly scrubbed away the dust.

He flinched in surprise. His eyes flung open, and was shocked to see me sitting beside him.

"Ah...sorry...There was..umm...dirt on your cheek." I took my hand away from him. He smiled at me, and I smiled back sheepishly.

He really looked nice when he smiled.

"Ah! The jacket!" I removed the jacket and gave it back to him. He shook his head and gave it back.

"That's a designer's brand, that's yours." 

"Designer's brand?! This is expensive! It should be yours!"

He glared at me. "Keep. it." 

With those two words, my hands retreated and held the jacket close.

"If I can't give it back to you, what can I do to repay you?"

"Repay me?" He chuckled. "You don't need to. It looks good on you, by the way."

"I need to repay you for this!"

"Then," He looked up thoughtfully. "Become friends with me."

"Eh? That's simple!" 

"Then, that's enough!" He chirped cheerfully.  "You know, you need to do some shopping with me. "

"Huh?" I shot him a puzzled look. "Why?"

"Just because." He looked at me from head to toe. "How about we go shopping tomorrow after classes?"

"You sure?" I widened my eyes. "I don't have much money-"

"I'll treat you. You pay for the dinner, I'll pay for the clothes. Don't worry, I'm not a big eater." 

"Don't expect me to treat you to some rich restaurant." I pouted and crossed my arms. He laughed.

"Although I'm rich, my taste standards aren't that high. Trust me."

"Okay, it's on. Right after school?"

He stood up again. "Yeah. Ride this bus and stop here tomorrow. I'll wait."

He walked off the bus and waved at me.

Wow. First day, and we're friends.


"So, this guy invited you out? What's he like?"

I grinned at them. "He was flawless skin, a sharp jawline, the nicest eyes, brown hair, and he's exceptionally nice, even though he admits that he's rich."

Min Jung and Hyo Sung looked at each other. "That's an ideal man! Are you kidding us? No one would be that perfect!"

"Aigoo. You two are such hopeless romantics." I playfully hit them on the shoulders. "Anyways, we're friends and we're going to shop later."

"Really?! Aish...too bad...I wanted to go shopping with you but I have to go take care of my little brother..." Min Jung dramatically wiped her fake tears.

"My parents won't allow me to go if there are guys coming." Hyo Sung reasoned out. I totally forgot about that. Hyo Sung's parents are very protective of her, so they don't let guys get near her. The only guy she's close with is her father and her other guy relatives.

"It's okay. We can go shopping next time. " 

Wait. It's not like I invited them, either. 

I just laughed to myself. Oh, my shopping-obsessed buddies.


"Glad you made it." He smiled at me.

I still don't know his name.

"What's your name? I can't keep calling you "he" whenever I think about you."

Wait. That sounded so wrong.

He smirked at me. "You think about me?"

"Of course. I'm intrigued. You're my friend, and yet I don't know your name. You introduce first."

"Kim Kibum. Calling me Kibum's fine. You?"

"Park Soo Rin."

"Nice to meet you, Soo Rin. Now, let's go. Oh, and don't expect me to drive a car or something. I'm still underage."

"Tch. Whoever said I was expecting a car?" I laughed. "How old are you anyway?"

"17. Well, one more year." 

"Cool. I'm 16. Anyways, how do expect us to get there?"

"The mall's near enough. Let's walk."

He motioned for me to follow him. I followed behind him, taking notice of his every gesture.

I could feel that he's a nice guy.


"Try this!" Kibum's eyes glittered with joy. I groaned tiredly.

We've been going around the mall for an hour already, and I'm bringing lots of paper bags full of clothes for me and Kibum. Well, mostly, my clothes.

I tried to slow him down, but he doesn't want to. He bought shoes for me,too.

I'm quite embarrased, though. It's like we're in a relationship, and the GUY is more fascinated with shopping more than I am.

I went inside the fitting room and fitted the clothes. I got the other one I picked and put it on top of the clothing. 

I looked at myself at the mirror. Perfect.

I came out, and saw a very shocked Key.

He was speechless.

"Well, I put this on top so it'd look nicer and for the aura not to be that girly. It's much more like a confident type of clothing..."

He approached me and hugged me.

I was really shocked. 

Not only was this my first hug from a guy, but all the customers inside the store were looking at us. 

Then, they started clapping. 


He let go of me. "Do you know how much I love your style? You should have this type of aura! Your style makes you look so good!"

I blushed a bit. ''Thank you."

"Miss! Can I get this for her?"

Kibum talked with the staff a bit as I wore my old clothes again. I was so pinkish.

It was really the first time for me to be hugged by a guy.

My old boyfriend never did this to me.

We were only up to the point of holding hands...And nothing more.

Was I really this lame? 

I don't even know what's romantic!

KiBum came back with two shopping bags. "The saleslady gave us a free couple shirt. But...I don't even know why she gave it for free." 

I laughed. "Let's go. I'm hungry."


I took Kibum to this restaurant that had really delicious food, even though it's cheap. Fortunately, he liked it, and even offered to eat in the streets. He told me that he wanted to try the so-called Tteokbokki. 

We ate the Tteokbokki delightfully, and even took photos together.

"Hahaha, Ya, Kibum!" He was tickling me. 

"I'll walk you home, okay? Lead the way."

He stopped tickling me, and I got something out of my pocket. It was a leather bracelet that I bought secretly earlier. 

"Kibum, this is for you. It's because you're my first guy friend..."

He grabbed it from my hand and wore it. ''There. As a sign of our friendship."

We both smiled at each other.


"I'm looking forward to seeing Kibum later," I confessed to Min Jung and Hyo Sung.

"Oh my gosh. You should guard your heart, Soo Rin. You fall in love so easily!"

"I'm not in love!" I defended. ''He! He's...my best friend."

"Well, he seems like a nice guy..."Hyo Sung tried to analyze my situation.


Author's POV

Soo Rin walked towards the bus, gleefully thinking of her so-called best friend, Kibum. As expected, he was sitting on their usual seat. He waved at her, and told her to sit beside him. Soo Rin obeyed, gently putting her bag down beside her.

Unknown to Soo Rin, Min Jung and Hyo Sung followed her to investigate about this "Kim Kibum" that Soo Rin was talking about.

Min Jung widened her eyes in shock as she saw the very face of that Kim Kibum.

"It's not him, is he?" Hyo Sung shook her head in fear.

"No, Hyo Sung. It is him."


Soo Rin's POV

I put my pencil back inside my pencil case as I heard my phone ring.

Who could be calling me at this time? It was already 8pm, a time where most students sleep.


"Soo Rin, it's Min Jung. You have to quickly break your ties with Kibum."


"Don't you know who Kibum is? He's the famous womanizer in many schools! His name is Key!"

"Key? What?"

"Look. He has this title. He's called "Almighty Key" because he not only has the strength of a weight lifter, but he is also famous for...making out and you-know-what stuff with other women."

I blinked in shock. "There's no way Kibum would do that."

"Oh, yes. Want some proof? Go to Fledger Club now, if you want to see for yourself."

I don't know why, but I got up from my seat and put on a jacket and a beanie.

I'll prove you wrong, Min Jung. Kibum isn't a bad person.

Well...isn't he?


The smell of liquor and beer was everywhere. Lots of people were dancing, and more people were...making out.

I know. It's gross.

They kiss even though they don't have feelings for each other.

Some were even doing the "thing".

Ugh. It's super gross here.

I don't like it here.

I started to search for Kibum so that we could get this over with.

I started to make my way through the crowd, some even saying swear words to me for ruining their party time.

I suddenly bumped into someone.

"Hello, Soo Rin-ah." 

It was my ex-boyfriend.

My eyes started to burn. I was going to cry soon.

He was looking at me not with love, but with lust.

The pain was starting to overwhelm me again.

I walked quickly this time. I wanted to lose him. He was following me.

It was obvious that he was drunk.

Then, I stopped.

I..I was shocked.

I saw someone.

Of course, you know who.

Kibum was there. He had a bunch of girls who almost didn't cover themselves.

What's worse? 

He was making out with one of the girls. 

It...it was more painful than the pain my ex-boyfriend caused.

"Key, who's that? Another customer?" I heard one of the girls say as she pointed to me.

Oh no. Kibum's looking. I put on the hood that I had.

Someone grabbed me from the back and hugged me.

"Soo Rin-ah...I missed you...sooo much..." It was my ex-boyfriend. He removed my hood and started to peck my cheek.

What the.

I ran as fast as I could to get away from my ex-boyfriend.

I don't know what to do now.

I felt weak.

Min Jung and Hyo Sung was right. I should've guarded my heart. 

I really fall in love easily.

My ex-boyfriend caught up with me and cornered me in a dark alley.

I didn't know what to feel.

But, right now, I was scared.

He was drunk.

I could smell the liquor on his clothes.

"Stop, please." I pleaded, tears streaming down my face.

"Please..." I pleaded once more and closed my eyes. Suddenly, I saw him on the ground, unconscious.

I looked up to see who saved me.

It's him.

He hugged me and helped me stand up.

I couldn't say anything.

Not after what he did.


We were now riding the bus. It was going to be a long ride. The club was far from my house.

"Soo Rin, talk to me." Kibum pleaded, now forcing my body to face him. I looked away.

"...I guess Min Jung was right. You were really player." I whispered as I cried. I was sobbing furiously. "I...I should've...I shouldn't have trusted you. You're Key, huh? Kibum was...all an act..."

"Soo Rin...Let me explain, please?"

I kept quiet as I closed my eyes and leaned on the window. 

"Soo Rin...that was the first time I kissed. I...I had no choice but to do that. They were threatening me that if I don't, they'll tell my parents about that rumor that I'm a womanizer and all."

I didn't respond to him.

Maybe they were just lies.

"I really...Soo Rin,I... I love you..."

I won't respond.

Then, Kibum grabbed me and turned me to face him. He crushed his lips into mine and kissed me furiously.

It was a kiss for me to understand. 

For me to forgive.

For me to give another chance.

For me to open up.

"Kibum..." I pushed him away a bit, trying to catch my breath.

"Soo Rin, I won't stop until you say you love me back." He smirked, and continued to kiss me.

I pushed him away hard this time. "Stop. Kibum, I..." I felt really hot right now. My cheeks were already reddish. Almost like a tomato.

"I love you."

Kibum smiled and hugged me. "I'm so sorry. I'll promise not to do that again."

"I love you." Those words were the only words that could come out of my mouth right now.

I really love him.


I pouted my lips as I saw Kibum enter the bus.

"Ah! Sorry I'm late!" He sat down beside me and smiled. "This is the bus going to Namsan Tower, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're still late."

"Hey! Forgive me already! I was late because of these!" He gave me a small box tied neatly with pink ribbons. 'I made those myself.''

I opened the box and it revealed teddy bear shaped chocolates. I took a bite, and it was really delicious.

He bit the other end of the teddy bear chocolate that was halfway inside my mouth.

"See? My cooking is awesome."

''Says who?"

"Says my girlfriend who can't even appreciate." He pouted cutely. 

I chuckled at him.

"I brought my Polaroid so that we could take pictures at the top of the tower."

I brought out a round lollipop which he really loves and gave it to him.

"Happy Monthsary." I smiled genuinely as he kissed my forehead.


THE END. Did you like it? :)

It's been a while since I've updated this. :D.

I'll only write the oneshots once I'm in the mood for it. :D

Please spread the word? :D.

Oh, and enjoy? XD

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OMGALSJHDFLJSDHFLHJSADF. ;~; "Replay" seriously made me tear up... At first, I was like o.o okay she's on a bus. And then I saw the bit about the tarp on the church and was like NONONOWAY.
/sobs ;A; This is why I love angst.
simpleseoulutions #4
please update soon~~~~<br />
i want to see the taemin one!~<br />
i cried reasing the jjong one T^T<br />
so sad, but gooood
KPOPlover05 #5
Kyaaaaaaaaa !!! I got teary-eyed T.T<br />
Aish, I hate reading sad stories coz It'll just made me cry !!<br />
But this fic is different, I really loved it !! <br />
<br />
Anyways, Please update soon :)
bus.bus.bus.bus.bus.<br />
why so sad.?i'm not a flamer but, i like this story better than Onew's...<br />
aish~~~ anni. anni. anni. anni..<br />
I'm still a MVP. lol ^^<br />
i'm really looking forward to the next story!<br />
haha!! please update soon!
why so sad? >_< anyway, ♥ed it ^^
ohmysweetheart #8
@popsanguine: I'm sorry. I just keep hearing sad songs and I just keep getting inspirations from them. :)).<br />
You're brokenhearted, yet you love it. :)). I love you,too. XD
SERIOUSLY!!! WHY do you have to write sad stories!! this really makes me cried!!!!! i was heart broken when i read it!!!!!! love it so mucH!!!<br />