

REMINDER: Please play this song while reading. :). I think it'll help in conveying the message of the story to you. :). Please listen to it, arasso?

Name of Character: Ahn Jung Mi


Jung Mi's POV

I waited for the bus impatiently as I scratched my legs. Wearing a dress is really uncomfortable. Why do I have to wear this white dress when I could just wear jeans?

The bus came. I refused to go with my other friends because I needed to spend some time alone. I know that it's awkward riding a bus in a dress, but who the hell cares.

I swiped my card and took an empty seat near the window.

I plugged in my earphones as I closed my eyes. My iPod was replaying a certain familiar song sang by also someone familiar.




"Kim Jonghyun," I slowly breathed out the words, carefully trying to let it sink inside his head. "I'm sorry, but I'm breaking up with you."

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" He grabbed my arm and turned me. Now, I was inches near his chest.

"Jonghyun,I love you...but I love him more." I didn't realize that tears were spilling from my eyes.

I love Jonghyun. I really do.

It's just that... I can't bear seeing him suffering anymore. I love somebody else now.

He held me near his chest. I could feel his heart beat race. 

"I love you, Jung Mi." His breath tickled my ears. "Don't...let me go."

"I'm...sorry..." I tried not to sob a lot.

I could feel my heart crack. I felt my heart sinking into the depths of who-knows-where. His fingers massaged my back gently.

I pushed him away slowly, and looked into his eyes.

No, I can't hurt these innocent eyes anymore.

"Goodbye, Jonghyun." I stated as I walked away. But, he caught hold of my hand.

"Jung Mi, we can at least stay as best friends, don't we?"

I turned back to look at his face. He was smiling, even though his eyes were tearing up.





I groaned as I felt the hardness of the window. I was trying to sleep soundly. The trip was going to take me 30 minutes, and I barely got any sleep last night.

The fingers of the singer of the song brushed the keys smoothly, making meaning to every note it hits.

I sighed and tried to sleep again. I closed my eyes.




"Jonghyun," I whispered as I sobbed some more.He patted my back gently.

"Jung Mi, you didn't deserve him." He whispered into my ears as I sobbed some more.

I can't believe I left this heavenly person beside for some who goes to clubs every night and gets laid.

I cried some more at the thought of the guy that I last dated. 

We had good memories...I can't believe he just crushed it like that.

"Jonghyun, tell me." I murmured under my breath. "Am I boring to you? Do I totally look uny? Am I that ugly?"

Jonghyun opened his arms and hugged me tightly. I was making heaving noises as I tried to breathe.

"I like you the way you are, Jung Mi. Now, stop crying over that guy. He's a waste of time."

Guilt overcame me. I regretted breaking up with Jonghyun now.

"If...If I just didn't break up with you, Jonghyun..." I whispered under my breath. I'm pretty sure he didn't hear that.

"Jonghyun, if we could just turn back time... I would've created great memories with that guy..." I was trying to hint him about my regret. Insted, he shushed me.

"Everything already happened, Jung Mi. We can't turn back time." He tried to console me. But, he didn't know that those words were the ones that crushed my spirit.

At least we're best friends now.

For the very least.




I scratched my head. I'm pretty sure my hair's all a mess right now. The damn bus was moving too quick. I heard a bunch of students curse as they bump their tacky heads on the seats in front of them.

The bumping stopped after a while.

I settled down again, and watched the view outside the bus. Yes, Seoul is a totally cool place. 

Friends, lovers, families.... Seoul is where we are all connected.

I sighed to myself.




"Jung Mi, do you think Se Kyung loves flowers?" Jonghyun asked nervously as I looked at the other flowers.

"Did you ask her if she liked it?"

"Well..." He scratched the nape of his head. "Girls love flowers, don't they?"

"Of course we do," I pointed to a bunch of flowers. "Buy me these, Jonghyun."

"Eh? But, I only brought money for Se Kyung."

I pouted. He looked at me with worried eyes, then sighed.

"Buy flowers for Se Kyung. I'll buy you those.''

I raised my thumbs up. "Sure."

He asked the lady to scoop up a bunch of violets for me. I really loved those flowers. Those were the flowers that he gave to me when we first dated. Plus, I love the color violet.

He paid for the flowers. I told the lady to give me 11 roses. She scooped all of it carefully, and wrapped it up nicely. I paid for the roses and gave it to Jonghyun.

"Since you don't know her favorite, give her these. Roses symbolize romance, or so I think. Anyways, most girls love roses." I adviced. Don't get me wrong; I like Jonghyun a bit, but it's just like in terms of a crush. He's my best friend. 

"Thanks, Jung Mi. I hope Se Kyung accepts me." He blushed slightly at the thought of Se Kyung. I slightly punched his shoulder.

"Of course she would. You're called handsome for a reason, right?" I joked. His eyes lighted up a bit at that thought.

"Thank you, really. Thanks so much, Jung Mi."




A baby was crying. Stupid kid. Ugh. The peace has been lost.

I looked over to give the kid an annoying look. I saw him with his parents who were trying to calm him down.

Their fingers were intertwined, and the lady's head was on the guy's shoulder.

I sighed. Better let the kid off for this time.

I focused on the angelic voice that sang the song without any glitches. The voice sounded so perfect.




"Jonghyun, just let Se Kyung off this once, alright? It's my birthday." I pouted at Jonghyun. He looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Jung Mi, it's our first anniversary today. It's been a year since we started dating. I can't let that off," He explained as he brushed his bangs aside. That made me frown even more.

"Jonghyun, it's my birthday. You won't even spend time with your best friend?"

"Look, Jung Mi. I'm sorry," He looked passed my shoulder. "Well, before Se Kyung comes, let's eat at that Ice Cream shop." he smiled boldly as he took my hand and dragged me to the pesky ice cream place.

Well, I liked ice cream, but I didn't like this place. It was just so small. It's been years since it was first built, and it's still this small. Doesn't the owner know how to renovate?

"Get your favorite." Jonghyun cheerfully smiled at me. I ordered a chocolate sundae and a rainbow-colored ice cream. Jonghyun gladly paid for it, but he wasn't eating anything.

"Why are you not ordering your ice cream?" I asked curiously, taking a bite of my ice cream.

He looked outside and gasped. He took my spoon and took a bit from my chocolate sundae. 

"Bye, Jung Mi. Se Kyung's there," He bowed and went outside.

Him eating using the same spoon as mine made my heart beat.

Now, it all came to me.

I loved Jonghyun. I still do.

All these days that we spent together...I can't believe that I was too dumb to notice. 

But, Jonghyun's got Se Kyung now.

I regretted breaking up with Jonghyun. It made my heart break into a million pieces.

To think that I replaced him with a ...

Tears started to fall from my eyes as I realized these things. He was with me, all this time. Supporting me, comforting me, walking with me...

I... I don't know what to do.

My heart throbbed for Jonghyun. I glanced at the direction where Jonghyun went to. I saw Se Kyung smile as she saw Jonghyun approaching her. He gave her a small peck on the forehead, and intertwined his fingers with hers.

My heart was beating like crazy.


Seeing him this happy with Se Kyung... I felt the guilt hit my heart with a pang. I regretted how I should be the one holding his hand right now. I should've been the one standing beside him, should've been the one making him happy.

But, it already happened. 

The tears were running rapidly from my eyes to my chin. I swear this chocolate was going to turn sour because of my tears.

"I love you, Jonghyun. I'm sorry. I really do."




I stared at my neck and observed the pretty thing hanging on it.

It was a silver swan with a long beak. It curved towards my neck. There was another swan that is partnered with my necklace.

Together, they make a heart.




"Jonghyun, I'm sorry...but...I love you." I whispered, trying not to let my sobs interfere with my utterings. Jonghyun stared at me in shock.

We were at the same place where I broke up with Jonghyun; in the cafe.

I didn't look up. I was busy crying myself out. I knew that this would hurt, but I took the risk.

I was seriously insane for confessing my feelings to my best friend who's happily dating. I am crazy. Even my friends called me that.

I was so desperate.

I am annoying, aren't I?

"J-jung Mi..." He stuttered, not knowing what to say to me. Even though I knew I was doomed, I still had that spark of hope. I knew that things would be okay.

I was somehow hoping, even though I knew it wasn't right, that he'll respond to my feelings.

I hoped that we could go back to where we were once a year ago.I was hoping that I could smile and look at him directly without feeling shy. I was hoping that I could spend my time with him. I was hoping that we'd be able to blow my birthday candles together as I aged. 

I was hoping... that we'd stay together forever. Not as friends, but lovers.

I felt strong arms hugging me. I widened my eyes in shock. What was he trying to say?

My heart was beating terribly fast. Was my hope right? Was I finally going to have him?

"Jung Mi, I'm sorry." He whispered, his sweet breath reaching my neck. "Let's stay as best friends. I love Se Kyung now. To be honest, Se Kyung helped me get over you. I know that was a bad thing to say, but Jung Mi...I love her now."

I knew it.

I was stupid to even hope.

I was just so stupid to even tell him.

Then, I felt a cold metal slowly encircling my neck.

"Thank you for loving me, Jung Mi. As a present, I'll let you keep the other piece of my necklace." He uttered as he locked the necklace on my neck.

I looked up at him with swollen eyes. "We can't go...any further?"

"Just as best friends, Jung Mi." He said as he left me in that cafe, broken and damaged.

It should've been me.

I sat there as I was swallowed by guilt. 

But, no matter how much Jonghyun loves Se Kyung, I'll still continue to love him.

I'm still hoping.




I got off the bus, irritatedly trying to walk with these 3-inched heels. I am seriously not gonna wear something like this ever again.

My friends greeted me as I got there. I looked straight ahead to see a very enviable couple, a couple whose beauty and love was envied by all.

A tear slipped my eye as I smiled.

It's too late.

I looked up at the pretty white tarp in front of the church.


"Kim Jonghyun and Shin Se Kyung's Wedding"


It's all too late.

Jonghyun's words resounded in my ears. "Everything already happened, Jung Mi. We can't turn back time."

I maximized the volume as the song playing in my iPod came to an end.



"Replay...Replay..... Replay."

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OMGALSJHDFLJSDHFLHJSADF. ;~; "Replay" seriously made me tear up... At first, I was like o.o okay she's on a bus. And then I saw the bit about the tarp on the church and was like NONONOWAY.
/sobs ;A; This is why I love angst.
simpleseoulutions #4
please update soon~~~~<br />
i want to see the taemin one!~<br />
i cried reasing the jjong one T^T<br />
so sad, but gooood
KPOPlover05 #5
Kyaaaaaaaaa !!! I got teary-eyed T.T<br />
Aish, I hate reading sad stories coz It'll just made me cry !!<br />
But this fic is different, I really loved it !! <br />
<br />
Anyways, Please update soon :)
bus.bus.bus.bus.bus.<br />
why so sad.?i'm not a flamer but, i like this story better than Onew's...<br />
aish~~~ anni. anni. anni. anni..<br />
I'm still a MVP. lol ^^<br />
i'm really looking forward to the next story!<br />
haha!! please update soon!
why so sad? >_< anyway, ♥ed it ^^
ohmysweetheart #8
@popsanguine: I'm sorry. I just keep hearing sad songs and I just keep getting inspirations from them. :)).<br />
You're brokenhearted, yet you love it. :)). I love you,too. XD
SERIOUSLY!!! WHY do you have to write sad stories!! this really makes me cried!!!!! i was heart broken when i read it!!!!!! love it so mucH!!!<br />