Time Machine


A/N: I would like to thank sharehappyness for her wonderful works. The Name I Loved (Her fic), has obviously influenced this a bit. :D.

And, I feel guilty towards all of you. These days, I always feel like writing sad stories.

Btw, before anything else, I want you guys to listen to Loveholic's SKY while reading this. :D. Would that favor be to heavy for you? :O

Update: OMG. I didn't realize Loveholic's Sky's lyrics matches Minho's feelings here very well. Please do me the favor of listening to this.


Name of Character: Han Ji Young (But, this one will be written in Minho's POV)



Minho's POV

I clenched my fist as I held the most important person in my life. My hands were tainted with crimson red fluid, and even reached my arms.

No, I didn't freaking care. What I wanted was to get her to look at me, and hug me back tightly as she could.

But, no. Now, she wouldn't even dare look at me.

Her beautiful eyes were shut. She couldn't open them anymore.

I shouted for help as people gathered around me. Someone had called the ambulance already.

"Ji Young..." I muttered under my breath, hoping she'd be able to hear it. 

No, I wasn't hoping. I was expecting for her to hear me.

The ambulance came immediately and took Ji Young from my arms. I couldn't just freeze there. I had to attend to her. I went with the nurses as they rushed her to the hospital.

My heart was beating rapidly like crazy. I didn't know what to do.

Should I smile? Should I pray? Should I frown? Should I cry?

I couldn't even think of emotions. I wanted to focus on Ji Young.

We finally reached the hospital. The nurses and doctors crowded around her and sent her to the emergency room. I was asked to stay in the waiting area.

I sighed and punched the wall.

What the hell did I just... do?

I hid my face in my hands as I sat down. I don't give a damn about who's watching or who's not. What I want to know is how Ji Young is doing. 

I wanted to know that she would be back to hug me again, to kiss my cheek once I felt stressed out.

I walked around in circles, trying to figure out what was happening inside the room. I wanted to peek, but it was strongly advisable not to.

The suspense is killing me. I needed to know.

I needed to know that she's alright. I needed to be reassured that she's coming back, and she has only been damaged a bit.

The smell of iron lingered in my nose. But, I don't care.

If my freaking arms rot, I don't care.

I just needed to know how Ji Young was.

I felt the atmosphere getting tensed up. I glanced at the room again. The nurses were moving too quickly; I can't even see Ji Young.

Ji Young...

I uttered her name in my mind countless times already.

After a few minutes of being quick about this and that, a doctor came out.

He looked at me and pursed his lips.

His mouth opened a bit to say something.

And, with that, I sank into the never-ending darkness.




I was somewhere that I was familiar with. But, I didn't know where this was. Maybe somewhere foreign?

I just realized where I was. I was wearing those nerdy glasses, and my hair was styled up just like how it looked like when I was in my last year of High School.

I was holding a book. A book that greatly influenced my life.

I was inside the library. I wasn't just in any library; I was inside my old High School's library. 

But, why was I here?

I closed the book that I was reading and started to walk around.

Man, I missed this place.

I scanned around, only to see people who wore nerdy glasses like me studying seriously while sitting on the tables.

I wasn't looking at where I was heading, so I easily bumped into someone.

"Oh, hey." I held my hand out at the person. "I'm sorry for that."

The person took my hand and stood up. Wow. She was a girl. And, she was really pretty. I liked this kind of beauty. It was natural beauty; a pure and genuine one. It wasn't like those girls who wore excessive make-up and clothes that almost revealed their whole bodies.

No, this girl wasn't like that.

You can see her beauty even though she didn't do any effort to reveal it.

She was wearing glasses like me. "Oops. Sorry. Didn't see you."

She gathered all the books that she dropped earlier. 

"Minho! You're going to be late for practice!" My friends called out from the outside of the library. I sighed and looked at her once more.

She started to walk away, but I grabbed her arm.

"Don't think of me as a flirt, but..." I started to lose words. Was it this hard to introduce yourself?

She chuckled at me. "Of course I won't. Han Ji Young, nice to meet you." She held out her hand for me.

I grabbed her hand and shook it. "Choi Minho." I gave her a last smile before going with my friends.

Han Ji Young, right?

It sounded so...good to me.




Well. Never guessed that Choi Minho would hang out with a girl.

I couldn't believe it myself, either.

Every afternoon, I go straight to the library just to read some basketball and soccer books. I would always expect her to be on the last table. I always go there and read with her. We would sometimes pass notes to each other.

Yes. Believe it or not, I think Choi Minho is developing his own "small" crush.

I never had any interest in girls all my life. Even my friends call me boring. At least I don't have ty girlfriends like them.

I don't get it. I don't get why lots of boys like me want S-lines, V-lines, pretty faces, and less clothing.

In my generation, I think it's possible that I am the only in my class.

Okay, that was awkward talk.

Han Ji Young was the only one who got me interested in her. We would always talk secretly in the library. We would sit at the last table so that the librarian wouldn't hear us. My voice was low,too, so I was at an advantage. I wouldn't be heard easily.

We would sometimes talk about sports. I just found out that she loves soccer just like me. We were both soccer fanatics, and we'd sometimes share our FIFA Cup DVDs and stuff. We had already exchanged numbers, and already went to each other's houses.

My mom and her mom didn't mind. They knew that we were only watching the soccer game every Saturday night.

Afterwards, it's either I go home, or I walk her home.

It's too dangerous to leave a girl walking on the streets by midnight.

AS days went on, my crush seemed to deepen.

Now, it wasn't only a simple and small crush.

I've told my trustworthy friend about it, and told me I was in love.

I was too blunt to even realize it.

But, now I had to tell her.

It's our last year. We were already seniors.

We were graduating soon.

It's now or never.




"Ji Young," I said, trying to make my voice loud. It was my voice's weakness. I had to gather a lot of force before I could shout.

"Yes, Minho?" She sweetly answered as she looked out the window. We were coming home from Graduation, and I told her that I'd be watching Soccer DVDs with her tonight.

She pointed towards the orange sun going down. It was a great view. "Minho! Look! The sun's setting!"

This warm event made me hug her close to me while we both looked outside at the sun. The orange sky had made the sun look like an egg.

"I love you," I whispered in her ears as she faced the window. "Can you be my girlfriend?"

She twisted in my arms, and turned to face me. She took my face in her hands and kissed the tip of my nose. "Of course! Minho's such a pabo for not realizing that I loved him even before he met me."

I squinted my eyes in shock. "R-really?"

"Of course. I was even a fan because you were so good at soccer..." She blushed as she looked at the window.

I pinched her cheeks. "Aigoo. You're so cute."

And that was the time that she became my girlfriend.

It was one summer day, when the sun was setting.

We were inside a bus. I knew how much disadvantage I had because we were in the bus. But, who the hell cares.

No one cared. We didn't even care about the people around us.

This is love, huh? 

I didn't know. I wasn't like my friends who'd experience love here and there.

I was a quiet person, even though I love sports. I was too preoccupied with my own world to even notice love.

So, this was love.

The feeling of sharing both of your worlds to one another. The feeling of not caring whether it's good or not to the people around you.

The feeling of protecting each other. The feeling of having someone to just comfort you when you're alone.

It's... unexplainable.

With Ji Young beside me, I felt like everything's so perfect.

I'm contented to be with her.




"Can't you understand, Ji Young? You keep calling me in the middle of practice! We have a game by Saturday! Can't you understand me?" I shouted at Ji Young as she came inside my apartment, holding two bags of plastic.

It was stuffed with a lot of food.

She was bowing her head down. "I'm sorry, Minho, I-''

"Sorry? Do you think that's going to let me off the hook? Aish. Just don't call me whenever I'm busy!" I shouted as i banged the door of my room.

I was so pissed off.

I was a professional basketball player now, and I was in the national basketball team. i was also part of the soccer team, so I didn't have it easy. But, it's alright. I was doing what I loved.

We have a basketball game by Saturday. Ji Young kept calling me during practices, and it practically pissed me off.

It also pissed off my coach.

I sat on my bed and punched the pillows.

But, I didn't feel like what I did was proper.

I was shy to go outside. Maybe Ji Young was still mad at me?

My hand wanted to twist the knob and go out, but my body was holding me back.

Should I...?

I finally gave in. I opened the door, but I didn't see anyone. The door towards my apartment was also locked nicely. I only saw the plastic bags tha Ji Young held earlier on my dining table.

There was a note on top of that.

To. Minho

Mianhae. I didn't think that you were practicing already. I'm sorry. I bought these plastics of food and energy drinks for you. You haven't been eating for the past few days. You must eat right to stay in a healthy disposition. I'll continue to support you.

Fighting!! Aja! Aja!

Fr. Ji Young.


I felt seriously guilty for shouting at her earlier. Ji Young was only worrying about my health. I spent so many days practicing without her.

I missed her so much. She didn't deserve to be shouted at earlier.

I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes. What the hell did I just do to her?

I'm such a jerk. 

How could I do that?

I looked at the food in the plastic. There were lots of fruits and even ready-to-eat foods. There were also a lot of energy drinks

I smiled. Ji Young, even though we spent so much time apart, still knows my favorite fruits and drinks. 




I wiped the sweat off of my face as I answered my phone.

Wow, I found this quite strange.

It has been two months since I last saw Ji Young. Because of my yelling and shouting at her two months ago, she had stopped texting and stopped calling me.

And, I admit. I missed her so much.


"Minho," She said cheerfully. "Let's go out today."

"Look, Ji Young, I'm quite busy-" I looked at the entrance of the basketball court and saw Ji Young, smiling and waving at me. She headed towards my coach, and saw coach looking at me. He gave her a thumbs up and patted her back.

She approached me and hugged me. "I asked your coach already. He told me you never stopped practicing for two months." She intertwined her fingers with mine and dragged me towards the nearby restaurant.

Good thing it was nearby. I could easily go back to practice.

Ji Young asked me if I wanted anything. I told her that eating Chicken a la King was alright. She ordered that for me and ordered food for herself.

We both waited patiently on our table. It was quite awkward since we didn't see each other for two months already. Two months without any contact at all.

"Minho, the reason why I invited you out is...." She almost stuttered when she started murmuring something. "I wanted to tell you something."

I looked out at the basketball court. But, I realized that she said something. "Oh! Yes?"

She smiled at me, but her eyes were full of pain. It was like she was smiling while she cried.

I felt worried. Why was she looking at me with those eyes?

Could it possibly be...break up? No, that's impossible. Ji Young loves me. I love Ji Young. Distance won't separate us.

I held her hand tightly with both of my hands. "What's wrong?"

"Minho, you must realize something." Tears made their way on her cheek. It felt painful to see her like this.

Then, I looked around. Each person stopped moving. It's like time had paused.

This is...absolutely weird.

I looked at Ji Young with confused eyes.

She motioned for me to look at my watch. I glanced at it, and realized that the fingers of the clock did stop moving.

She stood up, and told me to follow her. I followed behind her, still puzzled of what was happening.

We went to the bus stop. I called out to her, but she didn't move.

Her gaze was settled on two lovers on the other side of the street. Then, I realized something again.

It was us.

It was Ji Young and me.

I could hear them clearly from here.

I was on my phone talking to someone. Ji Young tried to hold onto my arm,  but I tugged my arm away from her. 

"Ya! I'm busy, alright?" I said while I talked on the phone. Ji Young pouted at me, but I ignored her. The bus came, and we rode on it.

I could see what was happening inside the bus and outside the bus.

I boredly sat there as Ji Young tried to feed me. I rejected it, and went on to look at the window.

There was a truck speeding quickly in front of the bus. After a few seconds, it collided with the bus.

My eyes widened in shock.

The Minho inside the bus didn't know what was happening. Ji Young reacted quickly. She saw flying mirror pieces everywhere. A lot of people were hurt.

"Minho, look out!" Ji Young screamed as she protected me with herself. I widened my eyes as Ji Young groaned in pain. I looked behind her, and saw a large mirror piece struck on her back. 

She lost her strength, and fell to her knees in front of me. She smiled at me for the last time, and held my face.

"Minho...You still look beautiful..." She gave me a peck on the lips. "I love you."

And, she closed her eyes. The Minho there cried and carried Ji Young outside the bus, screaming for help.

I walked towards the scene, but I was stopped by Ji Young. She was still crying her eyes out.

I looked back, and took her in a hug.

"No, Ji Young. I won't let that happen." I whispered in her ears, trying to comfort her.

I felt her shake her head on my chest. I loosened the hug, and she looked up at me.

"Minho, it already happened. Everything that you saw had happened already."

I widened my eyes. I realized where I was.

I realized where I had been all along.

I was like in a playback of my memories with Ji Young.

The memories flashed in my head one by one. Starting from the moment that I bumped into her, til the moment I rejected her so many times.

She removed my arms from her. I stood there, frozen in shock.

Then, I came to her again and hugged her. "I'm sorry, Ji Young. I'm sorry for rejecting you so many times. I'm sorry for not being a supporting boyfriend. I'm sorry for not always being there for you. I-I'm so, so, sorry, Ji Young... I..."

I can't believe it.

I am a freaking bastard.

I put what I wanted first instead of prioritizing our relationship.

I lost my touch with Ji Young. She loved me, nevertheless. She continued to support me even though I didn't have enough time for her already.

I... I am just a freaking stupid bastard that she can hit.

I lost all my time for her.

I didn't even make the effort of spending time with her.

"Minho, sshh," She said as she caressed my cheeks that were full of tears. She smiled at me.

"I don't regret anything, Minho." She whispered as she closed her eyes. "I don't regret meeting you, I don't regret being your girlfriend, I don't regret supporting you from behind even though we had no time for each other. I didn't regret anything, Minho. You gave me memories that I'll never forget."

That made my eyes tear up even more.

"At this moment, Minho..." She said as she looked into my eyes. I could sense the purity and love in her eyes. Her gaze gave me a warm embrace. "There's not much time left."

I tightened my hold on her as she said those words. "I'm not going to let you go." I said in a husky voice.

Her cheeks became flushed with pink. Then, she smiled again sweetly. "Minho, always know that I love you. That fact will never change, even though time may pass."

"But, then, I'm asking you not to be left behind." She laughed at what she said. "After all these, Minho, Can you move on for me?"

"I'll always love you, Ji Young." I told her witha  firm tone. I assured her that no woman would be able to replace her by my side.

She frowned at me. "Minho, I can always have a spot in your heart, but don't forget to move on. Have kids, have a family. I won't detest it." She smiled playfully at me as tears started to stream down her pale face again.

"And, Minho. You have to move on. Look at all those people who are worrying about you. They love you, Minho. I can feel that." She pointed beneath us, and I saw my parents, and even my coach. My basketball mates are also there. They were inside the hospital, and I saw my body in a hospital bed.

Lots of people were worried for me.

I can't help it, but Ji Young's right. These people are important to me.

I looked back at Ji Young, who just smiled at me. I held her beautiful face, and kissed her deeply.

We stayed like that for a moment, before Ji Young let go of me.

"Minho, thank you for everything. I love you, and I always will." She said cheerfully and wiped her tears. A blinding light took her from behind, and everything went black.





I told myself that there's no way that I'm attending her wake, but look at me.

I'm riding a bus towards the cemetery right now.

It's been a week, and I can't even move on yet. Everything I do reminds me of her.

Even watching Soccer DVDs by myself was too depressing.

I sat near the window. Yes, that is my favorite seat.

At least my thoughts could be wavered by the view.

But, no. I just imagine Ji Young smiling at me in every place I see.

I cursed under my breath. I have to keep my promise to Ji Young.

The trip went on for like 10 minutes, then, I was at the cemetery.

I got out, bored and lifeless. Then, I heard a chuckle behind me.

"I love you, Minho. I love you, and I always will." The voice whispered so clearly into my ear that I felt like it just wasn't the wind whispering to me.

I turned back to see Ji Young smiling at me as she held onto the bus railings. She waved, and then disappered.

I smiled to myself.

I'll move on and make you proud of me, Ji Young.

I'll be reassured that you still love me even when I get old.

You'll always have that special place in my heart, Ji Young. 


You always will.


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Update soon

OMGALSJHDFLJSDHFLHJSADF. ;~; "Replay" seriously made me tear up... At first, I was like o.o okay she's on a bus. And then I saw the bit about the tarp on the church and was like NONONOWAY.
/sobs ;A; This is why I love angst.
simpleseoulutions #4
please update soon~~~~<br />
i want to see the taemin one!~<br />
i cried reasing the jjong one T^T<br />
so sad, but gooood
KPOPlover05 #5
Kyaaaaaaaaa !!! I got teary-eyed T.T<br />
Aish, I hate reading sad stories coz It'll just made me cry !!<br />
But this fic is different, I really loved it !! <br />
<br />
Anyways, Please update soon :)
bus.bus.bus.bus.bus.<br />
why so sad.?i'm not a flamer but, i like this story better than Onew's...<br />
aish~~~ anni. anni. anni. anni..<br />
I'm still a MVP. lol ^^<br />
i'm really looking forward to the next story!<br />
haha!! please update soon!
why so sad? >_< anyway, ♥ed it ^^
ohmysweetheart #8
@popsanguine: I'm sorry. I just keep hearing sad songs and I just keep getting inspirations from them. :)).<br />
You're brokenhearted, yet you love it. :)). I love you,too. XD
SERIOUSLY!!! WHY do you have to write sad stories!! this really makes me cried!!!!! i was heart broken when i read it!!!!!! love it so mucH!!!<br />