In Here


Description of story:

You (Baek Min Ah) is diagnosed with leukemia. One day, while going to the hospital, she meets a rather awkward guy who ends up going to the hospital with her. He was always in the hospital after that, but she doesn't know why. They develop a friendship. But, what if someone has to go? Will distance keep them apart?


Min Ah's POV

"I'm sorry, Min Ah. I know you don't want to go..."

I brushed my bangs to the side. "I know, Mom. It's not like I have a choice."

Mom looked at me desperately, but she went quiet.

It's not like I can do anything about it.

"Here's the money," Mom gave me a purse filled with coins. "Use this as your fare to the hospital. I added some money in case you go hungry." Then, she hugged me.

"I really hope...I still hope..."

I tried to control myself from tearing up.

"Mom, let's not hope anymore." I smiled at her weakly as I got my bag and went outside.

I turned my iPod on and listen to some tunes while waiting for the bus. There were a bunch of people waiting for the bus,too. 

The bus finally stopped in front of me. I stepped inside the bus and put W10,000. I quickly took a seat at the back.

My legs were tired. Damn tired.

I'm not really a sporty kid. Well, I am a sickly kid, which explains why I am going to the hospital right now.

I have leukemia. It was too late when we realized that I had it. I ignored it. I ignored the pains that I had in the past, which resulted to me fainting and confirming that I have this disease. 

But, it was too late when it was confirmed.

Yesterday, bruises had covered my arms and my legs. A few cuts where bleeding tremendously,too.  I was like a living zombie with all those blood coming down my legs.

The doctor adviced me to go to the hospital to at least lengthen my life.

Well, I lost all of my hope yesterday. I lost my will to live.

So, if I die right now, it would be okay.

I banged my head against the window and started listening to "I Don't Care" by 2NE1. Then, suddenly, someone's body slapped into mine as the bus turned to a curve.

'Watch it!" I said, my tone almost harrassing him.

He looked at me nervously and bowed. "S-sorry! It was just hard to maintain my balance."

I looked at him for five seconds, and put my bag on my lap.


He looked at the space beside me, then glanced at me. "You sure?"

"Are you sitting or not?"

"Y-yes, M'am!" He said, quickly sitting down.

Well, he was pretty cool and annoying. He sounds like a child being bullied by me.

He brought out a bucket, then opened it.


The smell of chicken filled the air.

I looked at the bucket and gulped.

I was really hungry...

He grabbed a chicken, then looked at me. He got another one from the bucket, and gave it to me. With a tissue, of course.

He smiled. "Eat."


"I know you want it." He chuckled and shoved the chicken to me. I looked at it, then gulped.

I was so hungry...

I grabbed the chicken and ate it with all my might.


All the drama in my life made me really exhausted that I didn't even eat.

When I finished it, he offered a disposal plastic bag to me and I put the chicken bone in it.

The bus suddenly stopped.

I stood up, and bowed at the guy. He smiled at me, and let me pass.

I walked down the bus, and watched as the bus go.

Well, at least, I made a "chicken buddy".

I sighed and turned to walk inside the hospital.

I bumped into a huge back that was blocking my way.

"Ya..!" I screamed as I fell to the ground. 

"Oh, I'm sorry!" The guy said as he offered his hand. I used his hand to pull myself up, and got shocked.

He was the same guy from the bus.

"Oh, we meet again." He smiled charmingly. Well, he really looked like an innocent kid when he smiled.

"Are you stalking me?!" I brushed his hands away from me.

"No, I'm not! I was going to the hospital,too..."

I sighed angrily and walked ahead of him.

"Just so you know, I'm not following you. I have my business here."

"I know." He replied nonchalantly as he followed me inside the hospital.


"How are you, Min Ah?" My mom asked as I lowered the volume of my phone.

"Fine. Doing great." I replied, trying to sound convincing enough that I was fine.

My parents were really busy people, and I understand that. They want me to live. I was the only heir of the family, and their only beloved daughter.

Mom was pregnant,too. She just had a baby a month ago.

I was the one who wanted a little sister.

Guess I won't be able to see her.

I sighed to myself as I kept the tears from my eyes from falling.

No, I won't cry anymore.

I'm strong.

...well,aren't I?

Somebody knocked on my door. Maybe it was a nurse.

"...Onew-ssi, please stay outside. You're not allowed to go here."

The nurse went in, leaving a certain guy by the door.

I got shocked again.

He was the guy from the bus!

Man! How many times am I going to meet this guy?

The nurse gave me some injections.

"Are you doing fine, my dear?" The nurse said, trying to comfort me like a mom. I liked it.

"Yep. Healthy as a horse."

She smiled at my optimism.

"May I stay here...?'' The guy asked from the nurse. The nurse nodded.

"As long as you don't bother her, it's alright."

He bowed and smiled at me as the nurse closed the door.

"Hello, chingu!" He greeted as if we were kindergarten kids.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "What are you,some kind of kid?"

He paused and scratched his head. "Am I really that childish?"


"Oh." He was surprised by my answer. It was funny.

He wasn't even aware of what he's doing.

"Anyway, My name's Onew. Lee Jin Ki for real, but I got used to people calling me Onew."

Onew? Weird nickname for a guy.

I sniffed a bit. "Well, I'm Baek Min Ah."

"Min Ah-ssi, nice to meet you."

''Cut the "-ssi" out." I grinned.

"But, that has no respect at al-"

"Let it be. We're friends, right?"

He looked at me innocently, then smiled. "Okay. We're chingus."

"So, why are you here anyways?" I asked him.

"..I'm guarding somebody. I'm somebody's guardian!"

I laughed at his sentence. He just reversed the order of words.

"So, you're a guardian of someone in the hospital? Why aren't you there right now?"

"Well, she's asleep. I can sneak out. She's a heavy sleeper." He winked at me. I laughed.

"Your sister?"

''Yeah! Well, even if it wasn't my sister, I'll always be guarding someone... well, I can guard you!"

I rolled my eyes. ''Oh, please. Your sister needs you more than I do. Besides, I'm almost dy...d.." I couldn't tell him the word.

I looked down on my hands. Then, I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Min Ah, it's okay. I know you'll get through it."

I looked up at him.

"How do you know?"

"Well, the nurse told me about it...but I still know you can do it. I believe it!" 

I chuckled a bit. "Silly."


"Hey, come here." Onew said as he held my hands and carefully lifted me to the rooftop of the hospital.

It was forbidden for us to go here, but whatever. As long as Onew and I had fun, it was enough.

"We're flying." He grinned, and spread his arms in the air. He was slightly tossed to the side by the air, but he was strong enough to hold it.

I spread my arms just like he did, and had fun getting tossed by the wind here and there. I was giggling like a kid. I was enjoying this moment.

I was having adrenaline rushes because of the height, but it was nothing to me right now.

What I wanted was to have fun.

Because my life won't be long enough for me to have fun.

Onew lied down on the ground, and dragged me along with him. Soon, we were laughing.

"It's fun to be a bird~" He said as he imitated chicken movements.

"That's not a bird, that's a chicken!" I laughed without femininity. "I want to be a bird, so that I can be free."

"But, we're humans." He frowned. "Our minds can be birds, though." He grinned.

"Let's imagine that we are birds!" We closed our eyes gently. I felt my body getting lifted up in the air. I was playing with the wind.

I was flying.

Onew nudged me a bit.

"Someone's coming!" He pulled me up and dragged me towards the stairs. The door was widely opened, so we hid at the back of the door. It was pretty dangerous because we might be spotted.

The security guard went outside and scanned the surroundings. While he was scanning, we made a run for it.

We ran towards my room. I wasn't supposed to run, because there was a chance that I might fall and get hurt.

My blood won't stop flowing if I did get a wound.

But, no. I felt safe when I was with Onew.

He..he was like a guardian to me.

Well, maybe he was right about being a guardian.

I was gasping for air as I shot a smile at Onew. He looked surprised, but then laughed.

"I finally got to see you smile."

I blushed.


He laughed again. "Ah, really. Min Ah is really cute when she's blushing."

"S-stop it!" I was really blushing furiously. I didn't understand why my heart was beating so fast.

I've never felt this before.

What is thise feeling..?

I felt like my heart was fluttering or something. Now,seriously, that sounded gross

I've never felt this in my 22 years of existence.

Onew's face was nearing mine. But, I didn't even move an inch.

I couldn't move my body.

Next thing I knew, his soft lips were on mine.

I didn't know why, but I didn't push him away.

Something inside said that I liked it.


I did.


I put the light out so that I could sleep.

But, I couldn't sleep well.

Onew and I had our first date today.

I know, I sound like a freaking teenager getting excited over something like this.

Well, blame me if I didn't even experience having a boyfriend before.

Even though our date was nothing special, we sneaked out of the hospital and went to the nearby park. We played all kinds of things.

My heart was skipping beats right now.

I felt really happy.

After all the things that happened in my life, I was never this happy.

I used to watch a drama, and realized that this was love.

So, love was this happy feeling.

I touched my lips for a brief second before drowning myself in squeals. I tried to low it down a bit,though.

We kissed again.

I couldn't help thinking of that moment.

Well, we were in love.

But, I frowned.

Onew gave me hope.

If I die, how was I going to let go?

Was loving Onew a bad decision?

How was I going to let go of him when I go?

Tears were swelling up in my eyes.

I didn't want to die yet.


If I die, it'll just hurt Onew.

Onew was a normal guy. I'm a girl who's sick, a girl that's not meant to love someone.

I knew that my time would soon be up.

I cried as I thought about it.

I love him, but I have to.

I never wanted to hurt him.


"I don't want any connections with you, Onew. You're so annoying, didn't you know that?"

Onew looked at me helplessly. "But, Min Ah, I love-"

"Don't you dare say it. I never even wanted you from the start. I don' you." I controlled my tears.

I was good at this. I was good at faking it.

I walked away towards my room, and let it all out there.

I'm so sorry. I didn't want to hurt you.

I didn't want to hurt you...


I walked outside to get a drink from the vendo machine when I heard the doctors rushing over to a certain room. Because of my curiosity, I followed the doctors as they rushed.

They stopped in front of a room. I stopped in front of the room and looked at the name printed there.

Lee Jin Ki

I paused.


I couldn't believe my eyes.

I decided to peek inside.

"Nurse! His heart's not beating anymore!"

"Get the electricity ready!"

I heard the doctors shout as they tried to save him.

A tear fell from my left eye.

I watched him as his body was being revived by the doctors.

"Oppa!" A little child screamed in pain as she tried to reach out to Onew.


They finally paused, and an eery sound came from the monitor.

The doctor went to someone in her 40's and a child inside the room. I could hear them clearly because they were near the door.



I tried to keep myself from sobbing some more.

"You were...his girlfriend, huh?" Onew's mother said as she tried to keep herself from crying,too.

The little girl ran to me and hugged me. "Unnie," She said in the midst of her sobs. "Jin Ki oppa always...loved you, unnie. He told me everything about you. He.." She was unstoppably crying right now. "He really liked unnie."

I hugged her tightly to comfort her. I was crying with her.

I can't believe it.


Onew's mother sniffed. "My child," She said, while walking towards Onew's...lifeless body. "We were just a poor family. We don't eat often, so Jin Li here got ulcer. Jin Ki worked hard so that he could sustain Jin Li's hospital needs. Then, he got diagnosed with cancer. " Onew's mother started crying. "Even though he knew he had cancer, he continued to work for us. He..he remained happy and cheerful just for us..." 

We were all crying now.

Onew's mother was hugging Onew's body.

She got something from Onew's neck, and placed it in my hand.

"You're his first love." She tried to smile at me. "Keep this. Always remember Jin Ki and continue on with your life. Never lose hope, 'cause that's what Jin Ki probably wants you to have."

I opened my hand and saw a silver cross. It was a necklace.

When Onew's mother went out, Jin Li approached me and gave me a letter.

"When oppa said you two broke up, he wanted to give you this." Jin Li wiped her tears, and gave me a small envelope.  I thanked her, and opened the envelope.

To. Baek Min Ah (Min Ah)

I know you wouldn't see this because I don't plan for you to see it. But, I've told Jin Li about this. If my time comes, she'll probably give this to you.

First of all, I'm sorry for the things I've done wrong. If I did you wrong, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.

"You never hurt me," I murmured.

I was really shocked when you said that you didn't love me. It might be a bit mushy, but I love you like how I love chicken so much. I got really sad, but I am still hoping that you can change your mind and come back to me. I know you will! :)

I'm not staying much longer here in this world. I feel worse than before. I'm trying my best to guard you and my sister. After all, that's what guardians do. I'm sorry if I can't fulfill my job as your guardian sometimes. You didn't want me, so why should I let myself be with you? But, I want to continue being with you.

If I ever do go, please remember that I am still here, guarding you and my sister. Always remain happy and be hopeful. Don't hope to die. The last favor that you can ever give me is to have hope. Fighting!

Fr. Jin Ki/Onew

P.S. I'll always be here. :)

I clutched the cross and the letter in my hand and held it in my heart.

I couldn't believe him

He was such a jerk.

How could he still be smiling when I told him I didn't want him?

How can he still love me even though I lied to him?

...even though I hurt him?

"You're such a jerk," I whispered to myself as I fell to the floor.

I was crying so hard. I couldn't take it anymore.

Onew, come back.

Don't go...

But, I knew that I didn't have that ability.

I can't bring him back anymore.

I gulped as I was filled with sadness and regret.

I should've known better.

In the end, I hurt him.

Even though I didn't want to.

But, he still smiled at me.

He accepted me.

He loved me.

I can't bring it back anymore.

I can't bring his smile, his adorable chuckles...

I can't bring him back anymore.


I was listening to my iPod, being ignorant of my surroundings.

Here I was again, back at these damn hospital.

I wish I died.

I was getting weaker by the moment, but I don't care.

I kept taking meds and tried to be hopeful just for Onew's sake, but I couldn't.

My condition just got worse.

I was drinking water when I suddenly saw a guy in white by the door.

I looked up, and got shocked.


He smiled at me, and walked towards the hallway. 

I didn't let time pass this moment. I immediately ran after him.

He wasn't running; he was randomly appearing in places.

I reached the garden of the hospital, and saw him by the bus stop.

I ran as quickly as I can to reach him, and saw him got on the bus.

I got on the bus,too, but found no one there.

I sighed to myself.

Why couldn't I bring myself to see the reality that Onew was dead?

I sat down on the seat near the window.

Well, I remembered this place.

This bus was the one that I rode on when I first met Onew.

Tears filled my eyes as I smiled to myself.

It was surprisingly empty. No one was inside.

It was only me and the driver.

Then, suddenly, someone held my hand tightly. I looked up slowly, and saw him.

"Missed me?" He joked. I missed that laughter.

I smiled and cried at the same time. "Onew, you jerk."

He chuckled. "I know. I have something for you."


"Close your eyes!" He teased. I rolled my eyes and closed it.

He kissed me with his soft lips. It tasted like cotton candy. It was so fluffy and soft.

He kissed me more deeply this time, and I felt myself getting relaxed.

I smiled, and have closed my eyes forever.

This bus was where we first met.

This bus is where we last see each other.

Well, we're together forever.

Fate put us together.

In this bus.



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Update soon

OMGALSJHDFLJSDHFLHJSADF. ;~; "Replay" seriously made me tear up... At first, I was like o.o okay she's on a bus. And then I saw the bit about the tarp on the church and was like NONONOWAY.
/sobs ;A; This is why I love angst.
simpleseoulutions #4
please update soon~~~~<br />
i want to see the taemin one!~<br />
i cried reasing the jjong one T^T<br />
so sad, but gooood
KPOPlover05 #5
Kyaaaaaaaaa !!! I got teary-eyed T.T<br />
Aish, I hate reading sad stories coz It'll just made me cry !!<br />
But this fic is different, I really loved it !! <br />
<br />
Anyways, Please update soon :)
bus.bus.bus.bus.bus.<br />
why so sad.?i'm not a flamer but, i like this story better than Onew's...<br />
aish~~~ anni. anni. anni. anni..<br />
I'm still a MVP. lol ^^<br />
i'm really looking forward to the next story!<br />
haha!! please update soon!
why so sad? >_< anyway, ♥ed it ^^
ohmysweetheart #8
@popsanguine: I'm sorry. I just keep hearing sad songs and I just keep getting inspirations from them. :)).<br />
You're brokenhearted, yet you love it. :)). I love you,too. XD
SERIOUSLY!!! WHY do you have to write sad stories!! this really makes me cried!!!!! i was heart broken when i read it!!!!!! love it so mucH!!!<br />