Chapter 9

The Council And Delinquents


Himchan frowned, his hand was aching from writing notes and the teacher wasn't helping him either- he will talk very fast and would erase what he had written on the board quickly, writing down about another topic on the board for the students to copy. He sighed, pouting to himself as he looked at his unfinished notes. There was no way he was able to make Ms Hyosung proud if he do this kind of notes, he would surely fail the upcoming examinations in a few months time. He leaned on his seat, looking at the clock once the bell rang. A short break. Then after that, hell would continue.


He placed his stationary neatly on the table, biting his lips nervously as he took his notes and looked around. Himchan pursed his lips before catching the eyes of the President smiling at him and immediately turning away from him. His cheeks felt hot and his heart was beating fast just by looking at the President's precious gummy smile. His stupid smile that make him feel so flustered. 


He suddenly found himself thinking of what happened earlier today, him holding the President's strangely feminine and soft hand to class.




"Hey, Himchan"

"What?" He replied curtly, not wanting to face Yongguk who was walking beside him.

"We are almost reaching class"


"Oh Himchan"


"I-If you need any help" Yongguk smiled at him before letting his hand go.

"You can come to me, I can help you alright?"

"Huh" Himchan scoffed, turning away from Yongguk. "Why would I need your help Yongguk? I can help myself thank you very much-"

"You sure? Well, if you need help with your notes or work in class, you can come to me then. Your highness" Himchan peeked at Yongguk, watching him slowly walking to class with his back facing him.

"H-hey!" Yongguk turned around, tilting his head at the blushing Himchan.

"Thanks for the offer.... and...." Himchan lifted his head up, walking past Yongguk before looking at him menacingly at the classroom door.

“Don’t call me your highness, even though I actually maybe like the idea of being call like that." Himchan muttered to him before rushing into class and apologizing to the teacher, not noticing Yongguk smiling fondly at him.




"Tsk, your highness" Himchan mumbled to himself before feeling a hand tapping his shoulder. He turned around, startling a little to find Yongguk looking at him. He gulped and bit his lips, the President looked rather cute staring at him worriedly with his head tilted a little.


"Hey, you're alright?" Himchan nodded quickly before lifting an eyebrow at the President and glaring at him.


"Why do you care if I am alright President?" Himchan spoke, frowning at him before turning away. "Anyway, I am fine, thanks!"


"Oh okay then your highness" Himchan pursed his lips at the President smiling at him.


"What are you up to-"


"Well, it seems like you don't need my help at all with this Physics lesson, the teacher was pretty fast.” Himchan's eyes widened at Yongguk, who was looking at him.


"But it seems you understand the lesson and you don't have any problem with today's lesson... I just I will take my leave then"


"Y-Yah!" Himchan sighed, watching Yongguk slowly walking away from and clenched his fist tightly.


"Ah damn... t-this is for Miss Hyosung!" Himchan chased after Yongguk, hesitantly extending his hand to tap on his broad shoulder lightly. The President turned to him, not surprised to see a frowning Himchan behind him. He chuckled softly.


"Yes Himchan? Do you need any help?"


"I-I...." Himchan swallowed his saliva before turning away from Yongguk, shoving his note he was holding to his chest.


"I-I need help with...." Himchan mumbled, taking a peek at Yongguk who took the notes and examined them carefully.


"With what?" Yongguk asked, looking up from his notes with a small smile.


"W-With...with that...."Himchan looked at Yongguk, watching as the President raised his eyebrows as he looked through the notes he had written. The President looked at Himchan, holding the notes in one hand before shaking his head at him.


"Well, from your notes..." Yongguk handed him his notes, he couldn't help but smile as Himchan snatched them away with a light blush evident on his cheeks.


" You did try to copy down  what he said was important for the examination but-" Yongguk paused, letting Himchan flipped through his notes.


"But... on your second page, there is some doodles of weird men and.... you written my name and crossed it out many times"


Himchan flipped to the second page, his cheeks burning up and eyes widened at his weird drawings of the teacher. Well, he was bored on many occasions during the class and the only thing to make him stay awake was to doodle on his notes. And also to write the annoying President's name, putting a cross over it as many times as possible whenever he remembered about him holding his hand earlier on.


Himchan looked up to Yongguk with a cheeky smile.


"" Himchan sighed dejectedly. " I need help okay... I-I don't understand what I wrote-"


"Because you scribble in your notes and you can't read them. Or because your handwriting is awful" Himchan glared at him.


"Hey!" Yongguk gave him his damn pretty gummy smile.


"I will help you okay? Don't worry. Now, let's go for break. After school, I am meeting up with Youngjae and Zelo to study together. You should join us" Himchan bit his lips, nodding slowly at Yongguk.


"Well... you will help me right?"


"Of course, I told you not to worry right your highness?" Himchan blinked, staring at the handsome President and watched him walk away from him. He glared at him, frowning when he realised he address him as “Your highness" again.


"Hey! I am not your highness! Yongguk!"


"Yes your highness" Yongguk turned behind, happy to see an angry and enraged Himchan pouting at him. He laughed, this angry Himchan looked rather cute.





"Hey Youngjae" Daehyun watched the cute treasurer of the council smile brightly at the group of noisy students sitting in the middle of the classroom. He tried to look away from him but he couldn't stop himself from staring at the adorable and handsome treasurer standing in front of the classroom. He bit his lips and looked out of the window, finding himself thinking about the incident that happened earlier between him and Youngjae- the kiss.


He smiled softly to himself, remembering how after the kiss, they fell silent when walking. They stole glances at each other, giving each other secret smiles as they held hands to class. Both of their cheeks were tinted pink, liking how they were interlocking his fingers together and walking in sync with each other. When Youngjae stepped on his right feet, Daehyun will too- and the moment when they looked at each other when they reached their class.


Daehyun remembered how Youngjae’s eyes sparkled when he looked into his eyes as he unwillingly slipped his hand away from his large hand.


He remembered Youngjae’s small smile, before pulling Daehyun into the class with him to explain why they both were late.


Youngjae bowed at the teacher, gesturing Daehyun to go to his seat. He walked to his seat slowly, looking at the classmates smiling at him.


He remembered turning around to look at Youngjae one last time, to see his pretty smile that would just make you feel so happy and warm inside. It seemed as if his smile had some magic, it was able to make Jung Daehyun feel so happy inside and it seemed going to school was worth it somehow. He rarely smiled at his old school, but after seeing Youngjae smiling, he completely forgot that he disliked smiling at anyone and that he felt more comfortable and happy around Youngjae than with his friends.


"Youngjae!!! Come sit with us!" Youngjae waved at his friends who stayed back in the classroom to chat. He was going over to them until he noticed the new student sitting alone at the corner of the classroom, silently looking out of the window. Youngjae paused, the new student looked rather lonely being alone and it seemed his friends were not paying any attention to him. He sighed and declined to join them, making his way to the back of the class.


“H-Hello” Daehyun turned to the soft voice, his eyes widened seeing the treasurer bowing down at him. He blinked and froze, not expecting to see the cute treasurer looking at him and taking a chair to sit next to him. He turned away, gulping before looking back at Youngjae who was smiling at him.


“H-Hi Youngjae” Daehyun whispered back, giving him a small smile.


“You are not hungry?”


“Huh?” Daehyun nodded his head, his eyes fixated on the treasurer looking at him.


“Then…”Youngjae furrowed his eyebrows at him. “Shouldn’t you go and buy some food?”


“Ah, i-it’s okay-“


“I bought some food, my mother packed me a cheesecake…” Daehyun stared at the cheesecake in the container Youngjae placed on his table.




“We can eat together, I don’t mind!” Daehyun blinked at Youngjae.


“W-We can eat here?”


“Yeah, we can… why?” Youngjae tilted his head, his wide doe eyes staring at Daehyun who kept quiet. He was getting worried- does this mean Daehyun didn’t want to eat with him?


“D-Daehyun?” Daehyun watched as Youngjae leaned closer to Daehyun, his pretty eyes looked glassy as his lips were slightly pursed. Daehyun smiled warmly at him- the treasurer just looked so adorable…


“Y-You don’t want to eat it?” Daehyun shook his head, no no no. He would be delighted to eat the cheesecake, his favourite food on Earth. He would be okay with sharing the cheesecake with this cute, sweet treasurer who he would spend time with. And not wanting to eat? That wasn’t Daehyun.


“No, no… I want to eat-“


“Really?”Youngjae’s face lit up, smiling brightly at Daehyun before giving him a plastic spoon.


“Dig in then” Daehyun bit his lips as he took a bite out of the cheesecake. He looked at Youngjae ecstatically while the treasurer chuckled at his priceless reaction to the cheesecake.


“Woah, i-it’s nice”


“Glad you like it” Youngjae grinned, taking a bite of the cheesecake. “Eat some more”




“You’re hungry aren’t you?” Daehyun nodded and automatically opened his mouth so that Youngjae could feed him some of his cheesecake.


He stared at the precious treasurer who was looking at him with a small smile adoringly,


“Why do I feel like I want you to be with me everyday, Youngjae-ah?”






Zelo sighed, frowning as he sat alone in the cafeteria. He gave up trying to look for Yongguk and Youngjae, he had been walking around aimlessly for ten minutes for them and break was going to end in twenty minutes.


“Hey is this seat taken?” Zelo nodded, with his face plastered to the table. He wanted to talk to the President and the treasurer, it wasn’t fun being here without them. He looked up, his eyes widened to see Jongup sitting across of him.



“Hello Zelo!” He offered a wide smile to Zelo before biting his delicious hamburger.


“Is something wrong?” Zelo pursed his lips at the hamburger and nodded slowly as his stomach grumbled.


“Yes, I can’t find hyung…”


“Oh, I can’t find hyung too” Jongup frowned. “ I wondered where they go…”


“I will pester Youngjae hyung and Yongguk hyung a lot when I see them” Zelo mumbled, wanting to buy some food to eat.


“Haha, okay, I will do the same to for Daehyun and Himchan hyung…” Jongup laughed as Zelo grinned at him.




“Do you want a bite?” Jongup offered his hamburger. “I can hear your stomach grumbling”


“Ah… can I?” Zelo asked.


“Yep, I am offering you aren’t I?”


“But I have to pay you back right?”


“No need too! Just eat Zelo”


“No no no!” Zelo searched for his wallet. “ I need to pay you-“


“Eat first-“


“No, it’s yours”


“But you’re hungry right now” Jongup giggled as Zelo frowned at him. “And the queue is long…”


“Oh no…’ Zelo looked at the snake-like queue and scrunched his nose. Why was there a long queue, it wasn’t that long when he arrived here-ten minutes ago.


“Ah, I blame Youngjae and Yongguk hyung…” Zelo nodded at Jongup.


“Okay, can I have a bite Jongup?”




“I pay you a dollar-“


“Just eat Zelo” Jongup giggled at Zelo who was eating his hamburger with his lips pursed at him. Zelo looked cute when he was angry at him- like a stubborn child who doesn’t want to give up his skateboard, something that he loved the most. Jongup looked away from Zelo, why was his heart acting so strange , beating so fast when he looked at Zelo?





“Here!” Jongup chuckled and took themoney away from Zelo unwillingly. Zelo smiled brightly at him, happy he was able to pay Jongup for eating his hamburger.


Jongup stared at Zelo grinning at him.


“You are adorable, do you know that Zelo?”














sorry for the long hiatus;-;

I am back, here is a present;-;

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sorry for the long hiatus;-;


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Chapter 9: OMO they all were so adorkable I can't !! ><
Chapter 8: Aaaaawwww cute banghim, daejae, and jonglo moments ><
Chapter 7: Bwahaha i love you mr. Principal ! X)
Chapter 6: LOL jonglo X)
Chapter 5: So the one that rebellious was actually..just..himchan..right ? Such a diva XD
Chapter 4: Woops the drama began~
Chapter 3: LOL they were splendid by each other charms ><
Chapter 2: Yay they met each other ! X)
and thankfully they showed their nice side, not their bad side..yet.
Chapter 1: Hello new subbie here !
Nice intro chapter !
Can't wait to read the rest chaps kkk X)