Chapter 5

The Council And Delinquents

"So, you really are that guy I met in the bus" Himchan tsked as he eyed Yongguk."Oh, I am known as the sneezing guy to you eh? I don't sneeze everyday for your information!Anyway, it it a bit too late for a 'welcome' "

Yongguk sighed, he didn't mean to call Himchan the sneezing guy just was because he assumed he had running nose everyday. It was just that on that fateful day when they met, he remembered Himchan as the one he gave tissues to, like a gift for him. Of course, he couldn't forget about his good looks. He just felt that he should have given him something better than a packet of tissues to him, and it was due to him sneezing that Yongguk gave him his tissues. He didn't mean it as an insult, really.

He was going to tell Himchan why he called him that but it seemed Himchan was already angry at him, glaring at him with his beady eyes. He was angry and upset, of course who wants to be called by a weird nickname like sneezing guy anyway. Daehyun and Jongup looked to Himchan and to Yongguk, raising an eyebrow. Their hyung didn't tell them he met with the President before. Zelo and Youngjae exchanged looks to each other, Yongguk seemed rather upset after the new student spoke to him. They whispered to each other and Youngjae decided he should help his hyung out.

"Er... Himchan hyung."Himchan shifted his eyes to the young man who went to stand beside Yongguk. The President turned to his left, smiling seeing his best friend trying to back him up.Daehyun unknowingly smiled weakly and had his eyes fixated onto the cute treasurer. Jongup and Zelo just looked to the three hyungs as Youngjae spoke up.

"Hyung, Yongguk hyung didn't mean to call you-"

"Don't you call me that!"Himchan shouted firmly, his eyes sending lasers to Youngjae. The treasurer gulped, noticing that almost everyone in the room had their eyes on him and lowered his eyes to the ground. Yongguk, Zelo were glaring at Himchan, how could this guy spoke so harshly to their polite and nice friend? Youngjae was talking nicely to him and he got scolded for that? Zelo frowned while Yongguk clenched his fists, they didn't like it when anyone disrespect this friend. Especially Youngjae.

Zelo looked over to Himchan's two friends, expecting them to support Himchan and smirked at them or some sort. Instead he turned confused, Jongup was giving a blank face and having this small and apologetic smile standing beside Himchan hyung, looking at Youngjae who was constantly glancing at the older and Daehyun was smiling softly, like sympathetically to the treasurer and also gave angry glances at Himchan hyung. He moved closer to Youngjae, wanting to help him and cast a quick glance at the pissed off President. The treasurer looked like he was about to cry, which made Yongguk more angry.

"H-Himchan hyung, I-"The treasurer spoke, only to be interrupted.

"You better-"

"Don't you dare shout at him!"Himchan was taken back, Yongguk shouted at him. He blinked, he couldn't believe he was shouted it. He frowned and eyed the treasurer who was looking at the President asking him to calm down.

"Why can't I shout at him!?"

"Because he didn't mean to call you that!"

"So who do I shout to?"

"Me! If you dare!"Himchan rolled his eyes, so the President challenged him. Of course, he would accept it, if it proves to him that he was much better than him.

"Sure!"Himchan said." BANG YONGGUK!"

"You shouldn't have"Yongguk smirked at him, and took out a piece of green paper from the drawer. He scribbled something down, before handing it to Himchan. Himchan blinked and reluctantly took the paper away from Yongguk roughly. He then read what was written and glared at Yongguk who was smiling at him.

Kim Himchan- sentence for detention tomorrow afternoon because he disrespect the President

"W-What is this?"

"Can't you see? You have detention" Yongguk glared at him."Tomorrow"

"What- psh, fine then"

"W-wait!"Youngjae spoke up. " Why did you give him that?"

"Because he shouted at me"

"But it was because of me!"

"No Youngjae, you back me up against the sneezing guy" Himchan's anger was boiling, how dare he call him that again.




" Wow great!" Himchan cheered jokingly to himself."Got detention on the first day of school! How exciting! What kind of person is that President and that cute little treasurer of his-"

"Hyung, you should have been nicer to him, he didn't mean to call you that-"

"Yah Jung Daehyun! Why are you siding that President!"

"Huh?"Daehyun shook his head." I was talking about Youngjae, you shouldn't have shouted at him-"

"Woah, I am taking about the President and you are here, telling me about that cute friend of his?"Himchan scoffed." Had you been listening to me?"

"I was! But why did you have to shout at him?" Daehyun glared at him.

"I-I don't know, why are you angry now?"

"I-I don't know too..."Daehyun sighed as he looked away.

"I am sorry, I was a little harsh on Youngjae, I meant, maybe I let my anger get to me, I didn't mean to. He was really nice, man, I feel so guilty"

"Then apologize!" Jongup spoke up, looking at his two hyungs.

"Yeah, maybe I will" Himchan said.

"What do you mean 'will'? Do you know he looked so sad and was close to tears!?"

"Why are you scream at me again Daehyun!"

"I am just angry!"


"Y-You... I don't know..."Daehyun shook his head."H-He seemed like a nice person"

"He is, hyung!"Himchan and Daehyun turned to Jongup who was frowning at them." He helped me with my tie!"

"Haha, no wonder your tie looks so good now..."Himchan teased but only received glares from his two friends.

"Apologize to him hyung"Daehyun pleaded.




"...please hyung..."

"Fine"Himchan scoffed, looking at his best friend. "Only because Youngjae seemed like a nicer person than Yongguk"


"Psh, who does the Himchan think he is!?"

"Hyung, I feel bad..."

"It is not your fault, Himchan got what he deserve!"

"Yeah, I agree with Hyung"

"But still I think I should aplogize"

"Yah, you and your soft heart,apologize for what?"

"I don't know, I felt bad that's all. I meant, he got detention before of me"

"No Youngjae, I gave him detention, not you"

"But hyung!"


"Apologize with me? Please?"



"Fine" Yongguk gave in, knowing Youngjae wanted to clear the misunderstanding he and Himchan had. Yongguk smiled to himself, his best friend was really a sweet and caring person.

Yongguk sighed, he didn't know what to do with Himchan.


In classes, Zelo and Jongup were not talking to each other, looking at each other occassionally. Youngjae and Daehyun didn't speak in classes, giving glances and small smiles to each other.

Himchan was busying looking at the teacher, trying hard not to comment out loud about how silly he looked with the nerdy specs and messy hair. He looked weird, very weird; and Himchan was too distracted by his looks to even understand or listen to what he was saying.

"Heh,at least I look better than him" He smirked to himself. "Hehe, I am a bit more prettier than him"

He then turned, looking at Yongguk who was writing down on his notebook. Himchan didn't know why, but he felt a pang of guilt hit him.

"Maybe I should apologize..."

Yongguk cast a side glance, looking at the man staring at the teacher. He shook his head and continued to write.

"Maybe I should apologize..."


"Look! There is Himchan hyung!" Zelo exclaimed.

"Huh?" Youngjae turned. " Yongguk hyung! Let's go!"

"Must we?"

"Hyung! Please!"



"Oh! Hyung! There is Youngjae hyung, Yongguk hyung and Zelo!" Jongup spoke.

"Really?" Daehyun turned around, looking at the trio. "Hyung go apologize!"


"Yes now! Come on hyung!"


"Hyung!"Daehyun and Jongup shouted.



"Er... Hi Himchan"

"Hello Yongguk hyung"

Yongguk cast a glance at Youngjae, asking him for help. Being his best friend, he had to help him.

"Himchan hyung... we wanted to apologize... Yongguk hyung didn't mean to call you that. I didn't mean to either"Youngjae spoke, looking at the elder.

Himchan nodded, nudging Daehyun, urging him to help him out. Daehyun hesitated, before looking at the cute treasurer and spoke out.

"I-It is okay. We apologize too. Himchan hyung didn't mean to shout at you, especially you, Youngjae" Youngjae looked up to Daehyun, giving him a soft smile.

"It is okay, don't worry about it"

"B-But, you didn't mean anything. You were defending your friend, y-you wanted to help-"

"Hey Jung Daehyun!" Himchan hissed, glaring at his friend. Daehyun sheepishly nodded before staring at Youngjae, whose cheeks were getting redder.

"It is okay..."

"Anyway, I am sorry" Yongguk voiced out, bowing to Himchan.

"I am sorry too, well I-"

"But hyung! You still have detention!" Jongup said unknowingly, receiving glared from Daehyun, Zelo and Yongguk.

"And we are sorry about that too-"

"You know what, I take that back Mr President" Himchan scoffed. " I forgot, I got a gift from you"

"Wait hyung-"

"Daehyun, let's go"Himchan pulled him along. " And thank you for your gift"

Daehyun cast a quick glance at the treasurer, who was looking worried for him while Jongup happily waved the three goodbye, giving an extra bright smile to him.

"Hyung, he didn't forgive you..."

"It is okay Youngjae, there will be more of him tomorrow"Yongguk chuckled, glaring at Himchan's back. "Tomorrow will be interesting, trust me"


sorry for the late update:/


heres B.a.p for you!!!




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Chapter 9: OMO they all were so adorkable I can't !! ><
Chapter 8: Aaaaawwww cute banghim, daejae, and jonglo moments ><
Chapter 7: Bwahaha i love you mr. Principal ! X)
Chapter 6: LOL jonglo X)
Chapter 5: So the one that rebellious was actually..just..himchan..right ? Such a diva XD
Chapter 4: Woops the drama began~
Chapter 3: LOL they were splendid by each other charms ><
Chapter 2: Yay they met each other ! X)
and thankfully they showed their nice side, not their bad side..yet.
Chapter 1: Hello new subbie here !
Nice intro chapter !
Can't wait to read the rest chaps kkk X)