Chapter 4

The Council And Delinquents

The sneezing guy?"Youngjae gave Yongguk a questionable look. Zelo innocently followed Youngjae and stared at the his oldest hyung there. Yongguk just shook his head and waved his hands in front of them as if to say what he just said was nothing to be concern about.

"It is a sneezing guy... You know" Yongguk gave them a goofy grin making them looked suspiciously at him. Youngjae pushed in his spectacles and flipped through the pages again. This time, Zelo noticed someone familiar among the three new students.

"Hey hyung! I think I saw him before!' He pointed to the innocent-looking guy, with broad shoulders and muscular arms. Now, it was Youngjae's and Yongguk's turn to raise an eyebrow at the youngest of the group.

"Hyung! I happened to meet him!"

"You mean crash into him?"Youngjae smirked, knowing he was right when Zelo smiled sheepishly at him, nodding a little.

"Yah! You also bump into strangers with your skateboard?"Yongguk exclaimed, the maknae is really a reckless person. Zelo nodded cutely, looking at his hyung with his puppy eyes. Yongguk sighed, he knew the youngest wouldn't be able to stop playing with his skateboard even if he and Youngjae tried to. Knowing the cute maknae of the group, he was always playful, well Youngjae was too, but he wasn't as naughty as Zelo. He giggled to himself seeing Youngjae talking to Zelo. Youngjae was always the motherly type among the three. Yongguk understand that Zelo was still young, as he wasn't so serious with his life yet. He was still a baby to Yongguk and Youngjae.

"Yah, be careful okay" Yongguk gave Zelo a small smile seeing him nodding vigorously. He then ruffled his hair roughly again, showing off his gummy smile on the process. Youngjae giggled, he liked seeing his friends happy, they mattered a lot to him.

"Are we in the same class as them?"

"Maybe? I don't know, anyway we are late for our classes"Youngjae replied,looking at his watch. The three nodded and bid goodbye before going to their classes quickly.

"Youngjae, go to Zelo's class with him, I don't any more accidents happening"

"Yeah hyung!"



Himchan went to his class and everyone was eyeing him. He tried his best to remain calm, it was his first day at a new school anyway, he had to make a good impression of himself. The teacher smiled at him and asked him to introduce himself in front of the class. He gulped as he looked to the class. Some had a disgusted look on their faces and some had a bright smile, he was really nervous now.

"Hello! I am Kim Him Chan" The students nodded lazily at him,while some just smiled. Himchan sighed as the teacher instructed him to take the empty seat at the side. He quickly got over there and sat down. He knew he didn't impressed his future classmates at all, well, maybe some of them. He noticed that they were quiet,not talkative like in his previous school. Himchan wasn't used to this, he preferred hearing the noise at the back when the teacher was desperately trying to teach them. It was fun watching the teacher though, waving arms around trying to keep their noises down.

"Now, students, take out your Physics text book"

Himchan watched in awe as his classmates followed the teacher's order. Everyone had their text books with them, the thick blue text book. He was amazed,this school was way different than his old school. No one bothered about the teacher's orders, most of them would forget to bring or couldn't care less at all about bringing them. Of course, Himchan was one of them.

"Excuse me,Him Chan? Where is your book?"The teacher placed his hand on the table,looking sternly at him. Himchan gulped, of course he didn't bring it. In fact, his bag was light as a feather,he didn't much stuff to school anyway.

"Er.. well... eh...I don't have it?"The teacher folded his arms,raising his eyebrow at the smiling teenager.

"Since this is your first day, you are spared. Now,let's get started" The teacher started to write something on the white board while Himchan pouted.

"So we need to bring heavy books to school eh?"Himchan thought as  he glared at the teacher while he took out a book to write down what the teacher was writing. He reluctantly did that, he felt stares from his classmates and saw many of them whispering to each other. They were looking at him and Himchan felt uneasy, it looked like he was the one out of place. He just followed what they were doing, copying down the words in the whiteboard.

Himchan felt defeated, it was the first time he felt left out in a class. Then suddenly the door opened and Himchan saw the teacher and his classmates were smiling. He turned to look at who it was, he got the shock of his life.



"Why are you late, Yongguk-shi?"

"I was with Youngjae and Zelo, we were talking about some matters, I am sorry for being late!"Himchan watched as the handsome guy bowed down to the teacher who was chuckling.

"It is okay Yongguk-shi, I understand, please take a seat"

Himchan saw everyone was smiling at the handsome guy and looked to where he was seated. He sat diagonally in front of Himchan,doing some fist bumps with the other guys in his classmates. Himchan stared at him as he casually took out his book and wrote down notes. He then saw someone whispering to the handsome guy, called Yongguk. Yongguk turned around and saw Himchan looking at him. He gave  him a small smile before he turned back to his friend.

"See, he is so weird! It is like he didn't know our school!"

"Hey, he is new right? Give him a chance"

"Haha, yeah. Even if he is new, he would know about our school. Psh, I wonder how he got here..."Yongguk smiled at his friend.

"Well, I did told him some things about this school, but why was he here..."Yongguk thought,still smiling.

"Class, I need to take some things from my table! I'll be back"The teacher said and left. Himchan looked at the whole class, they seemed to be looking at the hands-, he meant, Yongguk. He stared at Yongguk, he was famous here wasn't he? Even he couldn't stop staring at him.

"Hey, what do you think about him?That guy right over there?"

"He is weird, very weird"Himchan frowned, that striked a nerve somewhere. No one calls him weird!

"I am not weird"Himchan voiced out,looking at the one sitting beside Yongguk.

"Well, I think you are"

"Yoseob , don't" Yongguk warned but he contined.

"You looked weird"Himchan clenched his fists, that guy has a big mouth eh? He stood up walking over to that guy.

"No I don't, but you do"Yoseob stood up and Yongguk sighed, why didn't Yoseob keep quiet?

"Really, I don't have a retarded face like you"

"Retarded? I am beautiful, unlike you!"

"Why you!"

"Yo!"Yongguk came in between them."Yoseob sit down"

He turned to Himchan and bowed down.

"I am sorry for my friend"

"Huh? Why don't your friend apologize why you?"

"Look I don't want  to start any fights"

"Well too bad then, I want to"Yongguk glared at Himchan, he didn't like it when anyone didn't listen to him.

"You better sit down too"He said coldly.

"FINE"Himchan hissed and sat down,pouting. He felt a little part of his heart hurt a little when Yongguk asked him to sit down. Yongguk ruffled his own hair, he should have own having those three new students around would be spell trouble for him.

Lucky for him, the teacher came back. He sighed, he felt bad for talking to Himchan like that. He was new after all. He quickly wrote a sorry note and asked the students to pass to Himchan. It was only a sorry note anyway, so it didn't mind the teacher at all. He thought Himchan would accept his apology but when he turned back to see Himchan, he stuck out his tongue at him and crushed the paper up.

Yongguk scoffed as he looked at the teacher in front. This Himchan is really something.


Jongup happily walked to his classroom with a big smile and saw the class were looking at him. The teacher looked a bit surprised too, how could a child be so happy about going to class?And that is one weird looking tie the child is wearing! The teacher just stepped forward and asked him to introduced himself.

"Hello! I am Jongup!" The class smiled, he was really cheerful.Like Zelo.

"So, teacher, can I sit down?"

"W-wait! Your tie..."The teacher tried to correct it, but who knows how Jongup tied it and it looked so out of place and wrong.

"Why? It is wrong?"Jongup asked and received a nod from the teacher. Even some students came out to help, but his tie still look the same. Wrong.

"Aigoo how did you tie this.... they are particular about attire..."

"But Seungho didn't mind"Jongup thought as the teacher sighed.

"Okay, I don't know now..."

"Hello teacher!"Jongup turned and smiled. It was the skateboard guy, maybe skater boy is a nicer name.And that cute guy he saw earlier.

"Zelo! Ahh! Youngjae!" Jongup watched as they both bowed to the teacher, and the class were smiling wider at them.

"Weird"Jongup thought.

"Can you help with this?"The teacher pointed at the Jongup's tie and Zelo turned to Youngjae.

"You can do it right?"Jongup watched as the cute guy went in front of him. Jongup felt himself blush seeing his soft smile as watched as he skilfully made his tie. Who knows what he did, but Jongup's tie looked better after he was done with it.Jongup looked at him as he smiled at his work and gave a wide smile a him.

"Tie properly next time okay?"Jongup felt his face was burning up as Youngjae ruffled his hair. He looked as the cute guy gave Zelo the same treatment and saw a happy smile on the skater boy's face when he did that.

"Bye Zelo! Teacher!" Zelo waved him goodbye and Youngjae walked out of the class. Jongup watched attentively as Youngjae walked away and saw that Zelo was doing the same.

"Now, sit down and let's start the lesson, Biology"Jongup and Zelo sat down, giving each other a smile. Both of them were having the same thought in their heads.

"Would they be able to see Youngjae hyung again?"


Daehyun walked into his class,looking at the teacher who was smiling at him. He looked at the class, they were raising an eyebrow at him.The teacher went to him and told him to introduce himself.But Daehyun shook his head, he didn't want to say his name in front of the whole class. He didn't like them one bit. The teacher frowned at him.

"You are new aren't you? Why don't you want them to hear your name?"Daehyun just stood still.He stared at the sighing teacher.

"Are you shy?"One of the students asked. Daehyun shook his head.

"Then, speak!"The student frowned as he shook his head again.

"You don't like to speak"Daehyun nodded while the students looked at him, trying to figure him out.

"So you just don't like to speak up?"Daehyun shook his head, he had a lot of reason to why he didn't want to speak so much.

"Do you speak a little"Daehyun nodded.Just then someone came into class.


Daehyun turned and blinked. He was seeing illusions right? That cute nerdy guy was not in his classroom right now, looking and smiling at him right now. He wasn't here now.No,no,no he wasn't here. The guy he was earlier, the one who made his heart skipped a beat was here. Amazing.

They locked eyes with each other, Youngjae couldn't believe it. Was it true? Were all his theories true? The quiet guy he met at the pond the other day, was in the same school as him now. The guy he felt comfortable with in just a few seconds, someone who he could talk to was here.

"Youngjae! Can you help me? He won't speak, he don't understand him at all."

"Oh..."Youngjae stared at Daehyun, who was busying trying to keep himself relax from his fast heart beat and butterflies in his stomach.

"Hey..."Daehyun looked to Youngjae. " You are not shy are you?"

Daehyun nodded his head and smiled seeing Youngjae's wide grin.

"So, you don't want to speak because you think we didn't like you around?"Daehyun nodded again,eyeing Youngjae who whispered something to a student's ear.

"Aigoo! We don't hate him!"He said.

"I just told you he thinks that way only!"

"Yeah well, we don't!"

"Then tell him!" Daehyun giggled a little when he saw the students smacked Youngjae' arm. Youngjae rubbed the spot as he looked at the student with a painful expression but he turned to Daehyun smiling seeing him giggling at him. His giggle was adorable.

"Yah! Jae bum!"

"You tell him!"Youngjae turned to Daehyun and let out of his arm.

"They don't hate you at all, so don't be afraid to say out your name. Anyway, my name is Youngjae."Daehyun felt the butterflies in his stomach coming back as he looked at Youngjae's stretched out hand. He took the hand and shook it.

"My name is Daehyun" Daehyun swore he could have fainted seeing Youngjae sweet smile and let go of his hand.

"Okay then, Daehyun,welcome to our class! Let's start the lesson now! Come on! Its Chemistry!"

Daehyun found himself staring at Youngjae during the whole lesson, he was admiring his every move, like how he was writing and how he straightened his spectacles every once in 10 minutes. He was enjoying this, he liked watching him from afar.

Youngjae wanted to see what Daehyun was doing, he was worried if he was too lonely or anything and turned around to face him. He saw him looking right at him and both of them turned away immediately. They didn't know that both of their faces were red. They didn't know why they were all flustered just by looking at each other.

But they dismissed it by thinking that he were just nervous because it was the first day of school or that he were just shy meeting him in a school setting.


It was lunch time now, and the three met up at the familiar place to them.

"Hey!"Himchan waved to Daehyun and Jongup.

"So how was class today?"Himchan looked to his two friends.

Daehyun just nodded , he looked like he was lost in his own world, smiling to himself like an idiot while Jongup smiled at Himchan and nodded vigorously to him, with a very wide,too wide of a grin. Himchan wondered what happened to these two people, they were not like before school. Daehyun especially, he would usually talk to Himchan when he was around.

"Hello! Remember me!"The three nodded at the handsome guy with the red jacket.

"Seungho hyung right?"

"YEP! Now,let's go!"

"I wondered who is the President..."Himchan thought as they walked through the corridor.




"Yongguk-shi, they are here, the new transferred students."


Yongguk lay the papers on his table, he sighed as he read the papers that Youngjae had written for him.


"Kim Himchan, known to be the obnoxious,self-centered person. Talking back to teacher...."


"Jung Daehyun, known to be the quiet person. Behind that pretty face of his, is a disrespectful and lazy person..."


"Moon Jongup,known to be the best fighter. With his strength, he had knocked down countless students in many fights in school"


"This is going to be a long year"Yongguk shook his head.

"Let them in"Yongguk said as Youngjae and Zelo sat beside him, reading through the information.


Himchan walked into the room where The Council used. Seungho hyung told them to walk inside, and the president was sitting right in the middle on the big chair. Everyone except the two next to Yongguk was staring at the three while they slowly walked in. Himchan looked around and didn't know where to go until someone tapped on his shoulder. It was Seungho hyung and he pointed at the large table. He looked there and his jaw dropped. Yongguk sighed, he should have known Himchan would react that way.

"Y-You are the President?"

"Yes, yes I am"


"Aren't you Yongguk?"

"Aren't you Himchan?"Yongguk replied back.


"Hey Hyung!"Youngjae looked up from the papers and looked at Himchan and Yongguk. He smiled at them before noticing there was Daehyun and Jongup with Himchan. He stood up,asking Zelo to stand with him. Zelo followed him and he shouted.


"Jongup hyung?"He pointed to Jongup who looking strangely at him.


"Zelo?"Jongup pointed back at Zelo.


"Yah Zelo!"Youngjae frowned at Zelo but the younger just smile innocently at him.


"Youngjae hyung!"Jongup said happily making Daehyun look strangely at him.Youngjae gave him a soft smile before his eyes darted to Daehyun. They stared at each other before looking away with red faces.


"You guys know each other?"Yongguk looked shocked.


"Yes we do"Youngjae answered back.


"But how are you the... the.. you!"Himchan looked angrily at Yongguk. He couldn't believe he was the so called President here.


"Look let's-"


"Oh hyung! Is this the sneezing guy you were saying?"


"Zelo..."Yongguk sighed before looking at the three who were standing in front of him.


"I guess this is late but, welcome to school"



sorry for the late update!

Going to update real soon ^^

wait for it~XD

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sorry for the long hiatus;-;


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Chapter 9: OMO they all were so adorkable I can't !! ><
Chapter 8: Aaaaawwww cute banghim, daejae, and jonglo moments ><
Chapter 7: Bwahaha i love you mr. Principal ! X)
Chapter 6: LOL jonglo X)
Chapter 5: So the one that rebellious was actually..just..himchan..right ? Such a diva XD
Chapter 4: Woops the drama began~
Chapter 3: LOL they were splendid by each other charms ><
Chapter 2: Yay they met each other ! X)
and thankfully they showed their nice side, not their bad side..yet.
Chapter 1: Hello new subbie here !
Nice intro chapter !
Can't wait to read the rest chaps kkk X)