Chapter 7

The Council And Delinquents


"Youngjae, Yongguk and Zelo"
"Hmm?" The three paused looking up at Chanyeol, who was smiling at them.
"You guys need to follow me, please come this way"
"You are behaving like an usher" Yongguk smirked, making Chanyeol chuckle lightly.
"Sorry, just follow me President , Treasurer and Zelo"
"Haha okay!" The three grinned, walking side by side as they followed the boy to the principal office.
"Where are they going hyung?" Jongup asked, the three delinquents were staring at the four red-jacket guys. Daehyun frowned, smiling softly as he watched Youngjae giggling from afar and ignored Jongup's question completely. Himchan eyed Yongguk, wondering who was this Chanyeol.
"Who is that guy, leading them to who nows where" Himchan spoke.
"Are they going to the office or something?" Daehyun suggested, receiving a nod from his two friends.
"Want to follow them?" Himchan glared at the youngest , scoffing at him while Daehyun was probably thinking it wasn't such a bad idea to see fluffy cute treasurer again.
"Are you crazy? Why would we follow them! It's not that they are our friends!"
"But Daehyun hyung was waiting for me and Zelo together with Youngjae hyung" Jongup said innocently, making Daehyun stiffened.
"Daehyun hyung and Youngjae hyung are friends right?" Before Himchan got to reply, Daehyun shouted staring at the two boys.
"No! W-Who says we are friends! We are just c-classmates, Y-Young-Youngjae, h-he..." Himchan smirked at the stuttering guy, noticing his cheeks were a bright red and he was suddenly flustered up when Jongup mentioned the treasurer.
"Yah Daehyun, it is strange of you to stutter, is it because of Youngjae-"
"No!" The guy shook his head rapidly.
"I-I don't stutter b-because of Y-Youngjae!"
"Hyung why are you so red?" Jongup lifted an eyebrow as the hyung quickly changed the subject.
"Then you and Zelo! Running together!"
"You guys are friends aren't you!"
"No!" Jongup frowned.
"He is.. He... Zelo is okay" Jongup looked at the two hyung's staring at him with weird looks.
"That's all! I am just saying!"
"Don't lie..."
"What about you hyung!" Daehyun pointed at his hyung.
"You and Yongguk-"
"Me and Yongguk! No! We are - no!"Himchan shook his head, waving his hands at him.
"You were with him!"
"Then you and Youngjae!"
"Y-You and Yongguk then!" Daehyun's heart was fluttering, he didn't why he was always so flustered when they were talking about Youngjae. Himchan furrowed his eyebrows at him, no, he and that handsome Yongguk are never friends!
They wouldn't be!
"Excuse me"
The three turned around, shocked to see the principal and the three boys they were talking about earlier were there, staring at them with wide eyes.
"Why aren't you three in your classes?"
Himchan scratched his head as he turned to the two friends one was shrugging while the other was busy gazing at the other party.
"W-We are going now!" The oldest spoke, smiling sheepishly before pulling his two friends to their classes.
"Wait!" The principal shouted, making the three stop from where they are.
"Why don't you guys go to class together?"
"Yongguk, Youngjae, Zelo, join them and explain they were late for the first time, please"
Yongguk stared at Himchan.
He had to go to class with him.
Oh no.
Daehyun turned away as he smiled softly to himself and Youngjae nodded obediently at the principal.
They had to go to class together?
Jongup and Zelo stared at each other.
They had to talk right?
"Oh! And I know that you guys are old enough but..." The principal smiled brightly at them.
"Please hold hands and walk to your classes"
i am so sorry this is late and short:(
I promise to update asap!
sorry, I had been away for quite a while, 
hope you guy aren't mad;_;
i'll update soon!
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sorry for the long hiatus;-;


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Chapter 9: OMO they all were so adorkable I can't !! ><
Chapter 8: Aaaaawwww cute banghim, daejae, and jonglo moments ><
Chapter 7: Bwahaha i love you mr. Principal ! X)
Chapter 6: LOL jonglo X)
Chapter 5: So the one that rebellious was actually..just..himchan..right ? Such a diva XD
Chapter 4: Woops the drama began~
Chapter 3: LOL they were splendid by each other charms ><
Chapter 2: Yay they met each other ! X)
and thankfully they showed their nice side, not their bad side..yet.
Chapter 1: Hello new subbie here !
Nice intro chapter !
Can't wait to read the rest chaps kkk X)