Chapter 1

The Council And Delinquents

He sighed as he walked through the green gates of the school,hoping to see his friends beside him. He didn't like to be alone, not now that is. He let his eyes wandered around as the walked throught the path the students had made way for him. He sighed as he coolly walked with his bag slung over his shoulder and hands in his pockets.

He ignored the students whispering about him, saying all kinds of compliments about him. As usual, he smiled to the students while walking, he didn't like to hear praises for him. He didn't like to think himself so highly of. It is not like he is so mighty here, like he was so handsome and popular here. He considered himself as a normal students, with great responsibilities.

He wore the same uniform as the other students, but with a cool dark red jacket over it,with a badge pinned on it. His hairstyle was neat yet stylish, jet-black in colour. He sighed, no sign of the people he wanted to see.

He then made a turn,smiling wider as he spotted a bispectacled person looking around with a small smile. Clearly the person didn't feel comfortable with the students squealing over him or talking about him. He smiled at the shy guy, making his way to him.

"Youngjae!"He called out in a low voice, making the shy person whipped his head instantly to his side.

"Hello Yongguk hyung"Youngjae was wearing what he was wearing, uniform.with a jacket over and the same badge. They both were dressed smartly, smiling at each other.

"Well, let's go"Yongguk said.

"Yeah hyung, we have work to do" Yongguk ruffled his best friend's black hair as they walked together.

"Yah! Must you do that!"Youngjae shot a glare to Yongguk, earning a gummy smile from him. Youngjae wore black spectacles, with a watch wrapped around his wrist; people would say he is the nerdy type of guy. He had a small fringe above his spectacles,just nice for everyone to see his pretty eyes behind the black-framed glasses. He was a bit shorter than Yongguk, his height was fine knowing that he was younger than Yongguk.

"Yes, I must!"

"Ah Hyung"Youngjae stuck out his tongue to Yongguk.

"Whatever, Zelo is late isn't he?"

"He is always late"

"Well that is Zelo for you"

"Haha, anyway hyung, do we have a meeting today?"

"Yep, actually the principal called us to meet him this morning."


"Yep! We are just in time, come let's go!"

"But what about Zelo, hyung?"

"He would come crashing in with his skateboard as usual."

"Oh okay"

Meanwhile Zelo was...

"Yeah.... Skateboarding is so nice! Wait! I am doing to be late!" He ride his skateboard with style to school.


"Kim Him Chan! Come here!"Him Chan sighed and rolled his eyes at the angry woman glaring at him. He stood up and casually made his way to the door. Everyone in class looked at him, not surprised that he was being called. It was a routine, he was always doing all this pranks to teachers and some other stuffs he would get detention for. Himchan stood in front of her and suddenly Miss Hyosung pinched his ear.


"Yah! You! Follow me to my office!"She dragged Himchan to her office.



"Owwww! Ahh!"Himchan cried in pain, making the whole class into a laughing stock. They knew Himchan shouldn't be messing with the principal. "Get in!"Miss Hyosung let go of Himchan's ear, and open the door to let him in. Himchan rubbed his ear and went in, smiling seeing his best friend already inside sitting on one of the seats.

"Sit down Himchan"Himchan instantly sat down, facing the tired looking teacher. He gave a side glance at his friend, smiling at him. It wasn't like their first time in her office. They had been here countless times, well, to get face to face with the overall angry yet nice principal everyday for what they did.

"Look both of you, Himchan and Daehyun, what is your problem here?"

"We have no problem here"Himchan replied, smiling brightly at Miss Hyosung.

"Haha, very funny, then explain why I have complains about you fighting with your schoolmates? Some of them suffered fractures from these fights you are involved in"

"So?"Himchan bluntly asked,earning a chuckle from Daehyun and the frustrated teacher facepalmed herself.

"You are the one who caused this, genius! Always you, Daehyun and Jongup. Three of you! You know some of the teachers said you don't respect them?"


"Of course we don't, we only respect you!"



"Haha, now how many times have I gone through this? The teachers are just doing their jobs, can't you just be glad they are?"


"Can't we be glad when they are not doing their job?"Daehyun replied coolly.



"Yah the two of you! Seriously, can't you stop getting into trouble!"


"I don't think so!"Himchan high fived Daehyun, but then Hyosung suddenly slammed her hands on the table,startling the two of them. Just then, the door opened, and came in Jongup smiling.

"Hello Miss Hyosung! You call me?"

"Yes, come here, I've got news for you three"Miss Hyosung smiled as he stood up straight looking at the three students in front of them.

"I called your parents, they approved of this so please relax"The three gave glances at each other, what did she mean?

"Since you guys are the most obnoxious in school and we couldn't disciplined you..."Miss Hyosung took a deep breath.

"But Miss! I try-" "Jongup, I know you are a good person but doing this, the Three of you can be better students"

"What is 'this'?"Himchan asked, and the three didn't like the evil smile that was on Miss Hyosung's face.

"You three are going to be transferred to TS B.A.P high school! Isn't that great?"Miss Hyosung clapped her hands as the three stared at her in disbelief.


"TS?"Himchan said.



"B.A.P?"Daehyun sratched his hair.


"High School?"Jongup said in shock.



"That disciplined school?"


"Yep! Starting from tomorrow you would be going to that school, we have prepared everything for your school already, it's at your houses" "Wait! Us? That school?"

"Don't worry, the principal agreed to help me get you three to change with the help from the school leaders, have fun!"


"This is for the good of you and the school. We don't want you guys to influence anyone or have anymore casualties, please understand..."

"Man, this is gonna be one long year!" Himchan shouted. "Life is over!"

"Please Himchan, don't be a drama queen now!"


"Says the one who is sitting on a wet chair!"Himchan retorted back, and was quick on his feet to leave the office when Miss Hyosung stood up, and noticed her wet skirt.






"But three of them-"

"Who are well-known for their bad behaviour-"

"Coming here?"

"Yes, I was hoping you would agree to help, I pitied the principal, she is having a bad time with them and the school is a friend of ours."

"But sir, that school, the students-"

"Sir, what the President trying to say is that, we are known for being a well- disciplined school and they don't really-"

"So, I was hoping you guys would help me, disciplined them"

"But-" "Yongguk,Youngjae, I know you guys can do it."

"Yes sir"


They walked out from the office, not knowing what to do anymore.



"Those three, had a record of-"


"Countless scoldings?"Youngjae finished the sentence, looking at Yongguk.



"These aren't just new students hyung, they are very rebellious... well, sounds like one of them is not really that rebellious but still.."


"I see what we can do about it, but seriously, they are coming here?"



"I don't know, why so stress up hyung?"


"These three are different, way different, we need to watch them."Youngjae nodded,agreeing with Yongguk.



Then suddenly...

Zelo almost crashed into the two, but stopped with a loud thud just in time.

"Hi hyungs!"

"Yah! Be more careful next time Zelo!" Youngjae helped Zelo dust his jacket.

"Yah! You want us to die is it? Crashing like that!Someday, I am going to break that into two!"Yongguk spoke loudly.

"Sorry hyung! Hehe, no! Don't break it!"Zelo hugged his skateboard tightly.

"Let's go,we got a something to tell you guys later, call The Council to meet up. It's important"Yongguk instructed Youngjae and Zelo.


"Yes Hyung!"


"Hyung! Can I crash again-"





hello, hehe sorry for the boring chapter, introduction to the story^^

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sorry for the long hiatus;-;


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Chapter 9: OMO they all were so adorkable I can't !! ><
Chapter 8: Aaaaawwww cute banghim, daejae, and jonglo moments ><
Chapter 7: Bwahaha i love you mr. Principal ! X)
Chapter 6: LOL jonglo X)
Chapter 5: So the one that rebellious was actually..just..himchan..right ? Such a diva XD
Chapter 4: Woops the drama began~
Chapter 3: LOL they were splendid by each other charms ><
Chapter 2: Yay they met each other ! X)
and thankfully they showed their nice side, not their bad side..yet.
Chapter 1: Hello new subbie here !
Nice intro chapter !
Can't wait to read the rest chaps kkk X)