Chapter 4: Heart-aching Goodbyes

My Love~ (Hiatus)

Hyemi's POV:

Minho oppa came more often to my house after ajumma died.  But every time he visited, oppa left earlier and earlier and soon he didn't visit everyday.  At school, oppa didn't say anything at all.  He kinda turned into a loner and no one paid attention to him anymore.  That's when I started to sit with him during lunch everyday.

"Oppa!" I said as cheerful as I could. "What do you have for lunch today?"

Oppa didn't say anything.  He just showed me a a tuna sandwich in a plastic bag.  I sat down next to him and gave him my bag of chips.  Minho oppa looked up at me and bowed his head slightly in thanks.

"OPPA!" I almost shouted. "You're gonna get depressed sooner or later and I'll have no one to talk to."
Minho oppa gave me a sad look and said, "Mian, Hyemi. I miss umma and..."
"And?" I asked.
"And...." oppa was stuttering. "I'll tell you afterschool."
"Arrassso. Walk home together today, okay?" I said.

Lunch passed by peacefully and we went into our separate classes.  I couldn't focus during Science and Literature class.  Minho oppa was of my concern.   

"Kim Hyemi." my teacher called. "Please answer problem 17." 
My focus finally resumed on Science. "Neh." I answered.

*bell rings~*

"Oppa, oppa, wait for me!" I waved at Minho oppa while running. "Jamkamanya!"

Minho oppa just stood in the middle of the road. I caught up with him within seconds and I linked my arms around oppa.  

"Kaja!" I said happily, while dragging oppa.
"Hyemi-ah! Don't walk too fast." Minho oppa said. "Oppa's books are heavy today."
"Mianhae! I'm just happy today!" I smiled brightly.

When we reached our house, I saw ajusshi coming our way with a bottle in his hand.  He looked drunk and was walking in a weird manner.  I haven't seen him since last week and ajusshi seemed to be hallucinating.

"YAH! What are you doing to my son?!" ajusshi shouted. 
"Ajusshi, it's me, Hyemi." I replied. "I'm just walking home with Minho oppa."
"You kid. Let go of him now!!" ajusshi was clearly drunk. "I don't know any Hyemi."
"Ajusshi~" I said, half whining. "You let me hang out with oppa all the time."
"Yah, kiddo. I don't care what I let you do before. Now I don't!"

I was scared by the sudden movement ajusshi made.  He lifted his hand abrubtly and some of the beer in the bottle flew out.  

"APPA!!" Minho oppa shouted. "What did you get yourself into?! You don't go shouting to Hyemi."
"You horrible boy! Who let you talk back to your appa like that, HUH?!" ajusshi shouted.
Uh-oh, I thought. If this continues, they're gonna shout until they start fighting each other.
"Stop using your umma as an excuse." ajusshi said. "Get back here now!"
"ANDUI!" Minho oppa shouted, and dumped his books on the floor.
"YOU EVIL BOY. YOU GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!" and ajusshi grabbed oppa and slammed the door to their house.

I reached down to pick up oppa's books and tears slowly formed in my eyes.  My tears were droppping on oppa's books, and I wiped it away with my sleeve.  Oppa...eodiya? Gwenchana? Pogoshipda...

When I stood up, I saw my umma standing next to me.  She looked at me with sad eyes because she knew I was heartbroken.  I never told umma I had a crush on Minho oppa, but she knew from the way I was looking at him.

"Umma.....oppa's depressed." I was half crying. "I want to make him happy and help him smile again."

Umma didn't say anything.  She hugged me and brought me back to my room.  We sat on my bed and I leaned against umma.  She gently my hair and hugged me.  I felt safe in umma's warm embrace.

-Next day-

"APPA, ANDUI!!" I heard someone shout. "APPA!! LET GO OF ME!"

I quickly looked out my window.  Ajusshi was tugging onto Minho and oppa was struggling to get out of his appa's grip.  But ajusshi held firm and in the other hand, there were two luggages.  Many cardboard boxes were outside oppa's house. Minho oppa leaving me?! I was shocked. I quickly ran out of my room and opened the front door to where Minho oppa was.  Oppa's body was filled with bruises and scratches.

"OPPA!!" I shouted and ran to oppa. I hugged him tightly.
"Hyemi-ah!" Minho oppa broke from ajusshi's grip.

We both hugged each other tightly and ajusshi tried to pry us apart.  In the end. ajusshi succeeded in pushing both of us away.  Since when did ajusshi had that much power to do that to two middle schoolers?! 

Once oppa and I were separated, ajusshi pulled Minho oppa to the taxi.  I ran after him and hugged oppa from behind.  Ajusshi pushed me down and shoved oppa into the backseat of the taxi and he took a seat in the front himself.  Minho oppa tried to get out the other way but the driver locked the car doors.

"OPPA!! OPPA!! OPPA!!" I kept shouting.

The taxi sped away, leaving me behind in a cloud of dust. I cried really hard.  Now I was left all alone.  No more Minho oppa to care for me. WAE?! WAE?! Why must Minho oppa be taken away from me?! WAAAAEEE?!!~

"Oppaaa~ Opppaaa~" I wailed.  Soon, two small spots on the floor were wet from my tears.  I cried and then I fainted.  I, Kim Hyemi, fainted on the sidewalk because oppa left me.  All because oppa left me. 

Minho's POV:

-The night before-

*slap......slap........slap.....* Appa kept slapping my cheeks until they were all red.  My cheeks stung really badly and I couldn't talk.

"Who let you go near that girl, HUH?!" ajusshi shouted. "WHO?!!"

Appa kicked me from the side, pulled me back up and kicked me again.

"WHO??!!" appa demanded.
"You're MY son. I can do whatever the heck I want with you." appa glared at me.
"YOU'RE DRUNK!" I shouted and shook my dad.

Appa....why did you become someone who is despicable? Appa...wae? Wae?? I was also very unhappy about the death of umma, but appa changed greatly.  First, he started drinking every night and came back very late each time.  Then, appa started smoking and taking drugs.

"APPA!" I said. I took the bottle of beer in his hand and threw it on the floor, making it crack into pieces. 

I was expecting that blow from him.  Appa punched me in the stomach and slapped my face again.  He kicked and punched me and grabbed another bottle of beer.  I was too weak and hurt to grab my appa's hand before he hit me.

There, on the floor, I was slowly drifting to a world of darkness.  Everything I saw was becoming dizzier and unfocused.  

I woke up the next morning finding myself not on the floor but outside my house on the porch.  This morning was freezing, and I had on only a T-shirt and a pair of shorts.  Spring morning wasn't the best in Korea...especially when the snow didn't melt completely yet.

"YAH! Get up you." appa said angrily.  In his hands were two suitcases.

I sat up and leaned against the wall of my house.   There were a bunch of cardboard boxes around me and appa was calling a taxi.  When the taxi came, the drive came out of the car and took the two pieces of luggage into the trunk. 

What is appa doing? And where is he taking me?! 

Appa grabbed my arm and pulled my to the taxi.  I broke loose from his grip and clung onto the railing of my porch.  He kept tugging on my arm and I was too weak to grab hold of the railing anymore.

"APPA, ANDUI!!" I shouted. "APPA!! Let go of me!"

Just in the nick of time, Hyemi rushed out of her house and hugged me.  While appa was shocked, I pulled away and hugged Hyemi as tight as I could.  Appa came to us and tried to separate us.

According to his wish, appa had separated us and he pushed me to the taxi.  Hyemi came running after me and wrapped her hands around my waist.  But you know what my appa did to her?! He pushed her and she fell.  I was gonna run to her and pick her up but appa shoved me into the taxi.

That driver...he's on my dad side.  I attempted to escape through the other door of the taxi but the driver locked the door. Appa sat in the front and before I could unlock my door, the driver already started the car and Hyemi was left on the ground.

I looked behind through the back window. Hyemi was sitting on the floor crying really hard.  My dongsaeng!! Don't cry! Oppa will come back for you! Within seconds, the taxi drove away and Hyemi wasn't in sight anymore.  One thing I regretted badly: I never told Hyemi that I loved her- I loved her more than a dongsaeng....


i finally updated again ^-^ i tried to make this chapter long. but i guess i failed, heh. :P 

please tell me what you think of it -- comment and subscribe please!~



key: i told you to put me in this chapter from last chapter.

asnftw: sorry! i'll put you in the next chappie, alright?

key: you'd better. 

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Yay! You updated. And LOL at tofumaknae11 who's complaining about you not updating. tofumaknae11. of all people to be complaining about not updating...

(I accidentally put her name at first; then i realized it and had to change it to tofumaknae11 to protect her identity >.<)
LOOOOOL. When are you gonna update? Hahaha. During Christmas break? Waiiiit. Did you finish the chappie on your iPod? Kekeke. Just wondering. Not forcing you. <br />
Goodness...Finals are killing ussss!!!!!! >_<
honeypeachies #3
@kpopYEUNheysayjump: im soo sorry... T^T i have part of the nxt chapter on my ipod.. im really sorry... <br />
<br />
for sure, i will not ditch this ff. ><
kpopYEUNheysayjump #4
arent u going to continue the story?
LoVerKpop #5
ommo!!i love the story so much!!<br />
especially the characters ahaha,minho<br />
oppa...anyway update soon!im looking<br />
4ward to it.
how sad for both of them<br />
update soon!<br />
aww...poor hyemi and minho....:(....<br />
they were separated....:(<br />
stupid dad....-______-<br />
update soon!!! haha...:P
lol... that's what you were asking me about.....ahah....<br />
giant bumble bee.... >_<.... giant enormous marshmallow.... kekeke... lol<br />
so you thought of a chicken cloud...that rains chickens... smart!!! :)... haha... <br />
give taemin his jelly bean tower....and onew his chicken cloud...haha... i'm taemin and onew biased!!!... :)<br />
lol.. i'm just talking about the conversation...not the update... hmm....the update was good... jk... i liked the update!!!.... :)...don't writing skills dropped a lot... so did my vocabulary... >_< haha..... and my spelling...yeah... more spelling and yeah.... blehhh!!!!...>_< i'm mad... i fail at spelling now.....-______-<br />
update soon unnie!!!!~ :)
honeypeachies #9
@flowergirls: ^^ i'll update soon. hehehe.
flowergirls #10
Hehehehe its good so far and I'm not laughing at what just happened in the story. That would be creepy-_- I'm laughing at the conversations you have with the boys:P give Key his mall he seems to be very demanding lol jk.... Tell thm I said," hi!" pleaseee update please:D