The Fight

My Love~ (Hiatus)

2 years later...

I was skipping my way to school. The 5th grade me isn't as foolish as before.  Oppa.....I haven't seen you since your three month vacation. I'll be sure to hit you on the back! :D Just kidding.  *daydreams on the bus*

"Hello? HELLO?!"

Me: YAA! What's with the yelling?! D:<
Bus Driver: Well, missy.  We've arrived and you're gonna be late.

I looked at my watch: 8:10. OH SNAP. Class starts in five minutes. I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late!!  So I ran out the bus and accidentally banged my head on my locker because I ran too fast. -___- First day of school disaster curse....again. 

-Lunch Time-

I looked around for Minho oppa.  Hmm, not in my sight....:( I waited a whole morning to look for oppa but he wasn't there! Aigoo....

"Hyemi!" my friend Sunhwa called.
"You're daydreaming again." 
"Ooops, sorry." 


"Class, turn to page 59 in your Math textbook." called Mrs. Lee.  "Hyemi?"
"Yes?" I answered.
"Please open your Math textbook to page 59."
"Oh, right. Oops. Sorry..." 
"Neh!" I said.

I have no idea, but I keep daydreaming.  Looking out the window, I imagined there were flying unicorns... Then my eyes met the classroom accross us. It was Minho oppa's classroom.  He seemed focus, so I should too...><

No offense, but the Math lesson today was so BORING. We were taught how to multiply and divide. Aren't those for the fourth graders?? I mean, seriously. We were basically reviewing. Hello, I came to school to LEARN not REVIEW. -___- 


*bell rings*
"YESSS!" everyone in my class shouted. "SCHOOL'S OVER!"

"Hyemi, wanna eat icecream?" asked Minhee.
"Yeah, and we're gonna go to Sunhwa's house too!" added Taeseong.
"Sure." I said.
"Yayy!" exclaimed Sunhwa.

My friends and I were walking down the sidewalk and I saw Minho oppa hanging around with his friends, talking about the guns in their online games. And this is what I overheard:

Minho oppa: Dude, did you see the newest function of the new blaster gun?!
Friend: Yeah! It's soooo coool. I wish my hyung could get me one.
Minho oppa: Hahaha. My hyung already bought me one. *laughs evily*
Friend 2: YAH! You big fat liar!
Minho oppa: Keke, I could be a liar, but not a big, fat one. I'm tall and skinny. 
Friend 1 and 2: -____-

Note: "hyung/hyeong" (형) means older brother (males only).

I really wanted to go over and talk to oppa, but I'd make a fool of myself.  Then I heard...

"Hyemi! Where are you guys going?" 

It was Minho oppa. 

"Heh, I'm just hanging around with my friends." I replied.
"Oh, I see. My umma wants to invite you over for dinner. Be there at 7:20, okay?" Minho oppa said.
"Neh! See you then!"

After oppa left, my friends dragged me to a corner. 

Sunhwa: Hmm, Hyemi. When did you meet Minho oppa??
Minhee: Yeah! You never mentioned him at all.
Me: Well, we're neighbors....and our parents are good friends....and I've been playing with him since very young.
Taeseong: Then where do you live?! I really wanna meet some unnies and oppas.
Me: Um...that wouldn't be too great.
Sunhwa: OMO! Why are we cornering Hyemi and bombarding her with questions?!

Then everyone backed up.

"Mianhae, Hyemi!" my friends said.
"Gwenchana." I replied.

Note: "gwenchana/gwaenchanha" (괜찮아) means "it's okay".


I came to Minho oppa's house after hanging out with my friends.  Ajumma was still friendly even after not seeing her for three months.  Ajusshi was still the funny guy I had met.  Sounds like I'm saying we're meeting them after years, right? Hehe.

"Hyemi!" Ajumma said, running over and hugged me.
"Annyeonghaseyeo ajumma! Long time no see." I replied.
"Yep. You've grown." 
"Mhmm, and you've become prettier." I complimented.
"Aish, can we eat yet? Baegupaeyeo." Minho complained.
"Quiet Minho. Our guests haven't even said a word, yet you're the one complaining?" ajusshi scolded oppa.
"Ani, gwenchanayeo. We're not THAT hungry." umma said.
"Neh, don't rush." appa said.

Note: "baegupaeyeo/baegopaeyeo" (배고파) means "I'm hungry".

Anyways, we had dinner.  After dinner, ajumma called me over.

Ajumma: Hyemi, here'e a gift from our vacation. 
Me: Ani, ajumma. Gwenchana. I don't need it.
Ajumma: No, I want you to have it. I thought it looked nice.
Me: But really, I don't need it.
Ajumma: You can't reject a gift from a ajumma.
Me: Then...kamsahamnida.
Ajumma: That's a good girl!

I opened the gift ajumma gave me. It was a telephone string.

I thanked ajumma and quickly put it on my phone.

 (I have the blue one)


After I came back home, I quickly finished my homework and went to bed.


I woke up to a commotion outside and looked through my window.  Half asleep, I saw three figures, in which two seemed to be bullying one.  Nothing to do with me, so I pulled my covers...until I heard someone say "Minho." I shot up and looked carefully and saw two guys were fighting Minho. I grabbed my phone and called the police.

I ran downstairs (without waking appa and umma) and peeped through the eyehole in our door. The police didn't come yet, so I opened the door and ran to oppa.

"OPPAA!~" I shouted, and ran to hug him, getting hit instead.

Bully: WHOA WHOA THERE. You've got yourself a bodyguard, eh? And a tiny one too.
Bully 2: Who cares, just hit man!

They continued punching me, since I was practically hugging Minho oppa. *bam* One of the guys hit my back and another pulled my hair. I tried to hit them but they grabbed my arm and held it SUPER tight.


The police finally came, and I was hit all over. 

"Hands up!" the police said. One of his comrades got the handcuffs ready and got the two bullies.

I fell on the floor, half dead from the beating. 

"HYEMI!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Minho oppa shouted.

I tried to answer him but I couldn't.  I tried to lift my head and everythign was blurry. I managed to say...
"Gwenchana, oppa?"

Then, everything around swirled and I was limp in Minho oppa's arms....


It's me, asnftw.  sry for not updating for a SUPER long while. i was just busy with my school stuff.

key: you ditched us, didn't you?

asnftw: no....?

taemin: then why didn't you update when it was the weekend?

asnftw: um....

minho: no answer, eh? but i'm the main character!

asnftw: i'm SORRY!!

onew: wat's all this about? PARTY?! CHIKEENNNN~

everyone (except onew): -____-

onew: what?!

jonghyun: stop mentioning "chicken" everytime. it's sickening.

onew: whatever. hey asnftw! how'd it going?

asnftw: great. and guys, that's what i call good people.

everyone (except asnftw/onew): -____-

*asnftw runs and looks like fans have trailed SHINee and runs after me too*

onew: wow. everyone just left.

but............................don't you guys think somthing is missing???

asnftw: *shouts across the room while being chased* YEAHH!!! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE. HWAITING!!

key: they did subscribe. stop marketing. -___-

asnftw: you didn't need to comment....GYAAA!! *runs again*

onew's comment:

^so pls subscribe and comment!

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Yay! You updated. And LOL at tofumaknae11 who's complaining about you not updating. tofumaknae11. of all people to be complaining about not updating...

(I accidentally put her name at first; then i realized it and had to change it to tofumaknae11 to protect her identity >.<)
LOOOOOL. When are you gonna update? Hahaha. During Christmas break? Waiiiit. Did you finish the chappie on your iPod? Kekeke. Just wondering. Not forcing you. <br />
Goodness...Finals are killing ussss!!!!!! >_<
honeypeachies #3
@kpopYEUNheysayjump: im soo sorry... T^T i have part of the nxt chapter on my ipod.. im really sorry... <br />
<br />
for sure, i will not ditch this ff. ><
kpopYEUNheysayjump #4
arent u going to continue the story?
LoVerKpop #5
ommo!!i love the story so much!!<br />
especially the characters ahaha,minho<br />
oppa...anyway update soon!im looking<br />
4ward to it.
how sad for both of them<br />
update soon!<br />
aww...poor hyemi and minho....:(....<br />
they were separated....:(<br />
stupid dad....-______-<br />
update soon!!! haha...:P
lol... that's what you were asking me about.....ahah....<br />
giant bumble bee.... >_<.... giant enormous marshmallow.... kekeke... lol<br />
so you thought of a chicken cloud...that rains chickens... smart!!! :)... haha... <br />
give taemin his jelly bean tower....and onew his chicken cloud...haha... i'm taemin and onew biased!!!... :)<br />
lol.. i'm just talking about the conversation...not the update... hmm....the update was good... jk... i liked the update!!!.... :)...don't writing skills dropped a lot... so did my vocabulary... >_< haha..... and my spelling...yeah... more spelling and yeah.... blehhh!!!!...>_< i'm mad... i fail at spelling now.....-______-<br />
update soon unnie!!!!~ :)
honeypeachies #9
@flowergirls: ^^ i'll update soon. hehehe.
flowergirls #10
Hehehehe its good so far and I'm not laughing at what just happened in the story. That would be creepy-_- I'm laughing at the conversations you have with the boys:P give Key his mall he seems to be very demanding lol jk.... Tell thm I said," hi!" pleaseee update please:D