When I was 8...

My Love~ (Hiatus)

Hyemi's POV:

I was so excited to go back to school.  Oppa was in 4th grade, me in 3rd grade.  How I wanted play with oppa during recess... 

"Hyemi. Kim Hyemi. Kim Hyemi!"

My teacher, Ms. Kang, was looking sternly at me. Oops, I daydreamed again...

"Mianhae, sunsaengnim." I appologized to my teacher.
"Pay more attention next time. Answer the question on the board." Ms. Kang told me.

Note: "mianhae" (미안해) means "sorry". "sunsaegnim/seonsaengnim" (선생님) means "teacher".

The question on the board looked really hard.  Then I realized it was from the homework last night so I flipped open my book that question.

-At recess-

"Minho oppa! Minho oppa!" I called to oppa when I saw him.
"Annyeong, Hyemi." oppa said to me. "How's the first day of 3rd grade for you?"
"I daydreamed again..." I almost mumbled.
"Hahahahahahahahaha..." Minho oppa laughed.
"Yah! Don't laugh at me!"

Minho oppa's friends called him and he left me.  I ran to my friends and played jumprope with them.  When oppa went to get water, I followed him.  He went to the fountain and I quietly stood behind him. 

"UMMA!!!" Minho oppa almost shouted.
"Hahahahahahahahahaahahaha." I burst out laughing.
"Yah, Hyemi!" Minho oppa said. "I'm gonna get you!"

Minho oppa ran after me, but I got caught and he gave me a "tickle attack". 

"Hahaha- Min-hahahahahahaha-ho opp-hahahahahaha- oppa!" I laughed while talking. "St-hahahaha- top-hahahah- it!"

Finally, oppa stoped tickling me and recess ended.  I ran to my friends and lined up.  


I had a "first day of school" gift for Minho oppa.  We walked home together, since we were neighbors. While we were walking, I handed my gift to oppa.

"Here's a gift for you, Minho oppa." I gave the blue box shyly..

My first time wrapping a present by myself, but it turned out pretty.

"Komawo, Hyemi." Minho oppa thanked me. "I have a gift for you too!"

Minho oppa handed me a white box with gold ribbons.

"Kamsahamnida, oppa!" I thanked him.

Note: "kamsahamnida/gamsahabnida" (감사합니다) means "thank you". "komawo/gomawo" (고마워) means "thanks", informally.

I went over to Minho oppa's house afterschool.  His house was so big, even though it's the same size as mine.  It feels so much better than mine, hehe. The kitchen/living room was so pretty, I loved eating dinner at oppa's house.

I gave oppa a new game: Call of Duty Black Ops.  Minho oppa wanted it for so long, but his parents didn't think it was necessary for him to have.  

Minho oppa inserted the disc and started playing. For me, I was helping ahjumma (Minho oppa's mom) with the supper.

Note: "ahjumma/ajumma" (아줌마) means "aunt/mid-aged woman".

After helping ahjumma, I went over to ahjusshi (Minho oppa's dad) and he said his tires were flat.  I helped ahjusshi inflate them and it was tiring.

Note: "ahjusshi/ajeossi" (아저씨) means "uncle/mid-aged man".

Finally at 6:50 PM, ahjumma called me and Minho ooppa to eat dinner.  I really liked oppa's mother's cooking: it was delicious. We had ddukbokki, kimbap, jajangmyun, and tangsooyook.





Note: "ddukbokki" (떡볶이) is Korean spicy rice cakes; "kimbap" (김밥) is Korean "sushi"; "jajangmyun" (자장면) is black bean noodles; "tangsooyook" (탕수육) is sweet and sour pork.

"Umma! Today's dinner is sooo good!" exclaimed Minho oppa.
"Glad you like it, honey." replied oppa's mom.

After dinner, oppa played some more of Black Ops while I watched him.  Then, Minho oppa realized I was doing nothing, so he asked me if I wanted to join him in the game but I said no. He brought another game and urged me to play that one, so I played it with him.

I left oppa's house at 9:45 PM and went back home.  My house was just next to oppa's so I didn't need to take a long walk.  The night breeze felt good at my face.

Once I returned home, I ran to my room and looked at the gift Minho oppa gave me. It was beautiful.

Even though the bracelet was simple, I really liked it. Inside the box was a card that said "To Hyemi". I opened it and read the letter.

Dear Hyemi,

It's Minho oppa here! How's your first day in 3rd grade? I hope you 
liked it.  To me, 3rd grade was a fun year. Do you like the bracelet 
I gave you? Sorry, it might be simple but I thought you'd like it. Have
the best school year ever! 

Love, Minho oppa.

Aww, oppa was so sweet! I had to admit, I had a crush on him, but he doesn't know...and I don't really want him to know anyways, hehe.  That night, I held the card and drifted off to sleep. It was the best day ever.~





Hi! This is my second fanfic: please comment and subscribe!! :D 
asnftw: hope you guys liked it!
Minho: who's hyemi? do i know her?
asnftw: haha, she's a made up character in the story.
Minho: cool...
Onew: hey, how come you didn't mention chicken in the dinner?
asnftw: sorry....
Key: aish, onew. you always think of chicken...
Onew: WHAT?! chicken is good!
jonghyun: there goes our leader, craving for chicken...
taemin: anways, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!! :D
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Yay! You updated. And LOL at tofumaknae11 who's complaining about you not updating. tofumaknae11. of all people to be complaining about not updating...

(I accidentally put her name at first; then i realized it and had to change it to tofumaknae11 to protect her identity >.<)
LOOOOOL. When are you gonna update? Hahaha. During Christmas break? Waiiiit. Did you finish the chappie on your iPod? Kekeke. Just wondering. Not forcing you. <br />
Goodness...Finals are killing ussss!!!!!! >_<
honeypeachies #3
@kpopYEUNheysayjump: im soo sorry... T^T i have part of the nxt chapter on my ipod.. im really sorry... <br />
<br />
for sure, i will not ditch this ff. ><
kpopYEUNheysayjump #4
arent u going to continue the story?
LoVerKpop #5
ommo!!i love the story so much!!<br />
especially the characters ahaha,minho<br />
oppa...anyway update soon!im looking<br />
4ward to it.
how sad for both of them<br />
update soon!<br />
aww...poor hyemi and minho....:(....<br />
they were separated....:(<br />
stupid dad....-______-<br />
update soon!!! haha...:P
lol... that's what you were asking me about.....ahah....<br />
giant bumble bee.... >_<.... giant enormous marshmallow.... kekeke... lol<br />
so you thought of a chicken cloud...that rains chickens... smart!!! :)... haha... <br />
give taemin his jelly bean tower....and onew his chicken cloud...haha... i'm taemin and onew biased!!!... :)<br />
lol.. i'm just talking about the conversation...not the update... hmm....the update was good... jk... i liked the update!!!.... :)...don't worry...my writing skills dropped a lot... so did my vocabulary... >_<....lol... haha..... and my spelling...yeah... more spelling and yeah.... blehhh!!!!...>_< i'm mad... i fail at spelling now.....-______-<br />
update soon unnie!!!!~ :)
honeypeachies #9
@flowergirls: ^^ i'll update soon. hehehe.
flowergirls #10
Hehehehe its good so far and I'm not laughing at what just happened in the story. That would be creepy-_- I'm laughing at the conversations you have with the boys:P give Key his mall he seems to be very demanding lol jk.... Tell thm I said," hi!" pleaseee update please:D