More Than That



Key’s POV:

“Well, here’s the room number.” We stopped in front of the douchebag’s hotel room.

We all looked at Amber as she stared at it. It looks as if she was having an internal war with herself. She didn’t look scared or nervous; she has on the expression of as if she was lost.

“Look, you don’t have to do this.” I finally said after she didn’t do or say anything.

“I promised her.”

“Huh?” We all said in unison.

“I promised Krystal that I wouldn’t hurt him.” No wonder we haven’t busted into that room yet. Amber is like a loyal dog when it comes to her friends and family and even more so when it came to Krystal. When it was Krystal, Amber would follow her blindly into the dark abyss.

Amber was the type of person who is loyal and caring towards their loved ones. She would do anything to help the people around her. And if someone had hurt one of us she wouldn’t hesitate to spring into action but…what she values more than anything is bond.

Bond, so many types of bond. You have companionship and connection, a bond between two or more people, the strongest form of trust that connects one to another. Then you have promises, a bond between words.

‘A promise is a promise, no compromises, no back door.’ She always says.

Amber and I have been friends for a long time, even before middle school. Yes, that means I’ve been there for it all.

I was there when Amber had her first crush to her first boyfriend. I would do anything for her. She’s my best friend. She’s my family and when she had her first heartbreak, I was more than just mad. If she hadn’t told me to leave it alone, Daniel would have been in a coffin.

I wasn’t surprised when Krystal and Amber had gotten together a couple of months after knowing each other.  I knew it instantly that Amber had taken a liking to Krystal the instant she introduced me to her. It was that look in Amber eyes that was the biggest give away. How her eyes always lit up whenever they were together or even just messaging each other.

I’ve never seen her this happy before, even when she was in a relationship with Daniel.

I was surprised when I got a call from Sulli saying that Amber cheated on Krystal. I couldn’t believe it so I went straight to her and demanded an explanation. The only thing she said to me was that she was weak.

Bull. She would never betray Krystal so easily. A moment of weakness wasn’t the truth and I know it.

After things were ‘fine’ between them, Amber told me what happened.

The truth behind her ‘moment of weakness’ and worst decision of her life.

She also made me swear I wouldn’t tell her Krystal. I was totally against it, still am but what can I do?

Her promise to not hurt Daniel, in the end I know she won’t go through with it.

“I’m sorry, guys. I can’t do it. She wouldn’t want me to even if I didn’t make that promise. I want to be someone that she’s proud of and this isn’t it. As much as I want to rip his throat out, she’s more important. And if I walk in there and do just that, in the end, it’s not me who won. It’s him, he’ll get what he wants, the satisfaction of me losing it. Sorry, for dragging you guys out. Thanks for coming anyways.”

“Silly, Amber, Krystal has always been proud of you.” Jonghyun ruffled her hair.

“Yeah, and so are we, always have been and always will be.” Minho went over to give her a big hug which we joined in.

“I’m going to go for a walk thought, alone. Do you guys mind?”

“No, go ahead take your time.”

“Thanks, Key. I’ll just meet up with you guys again tonight.” She waved and left us.

I dropped my smile once she left. I turned to the guys and gave them a serious look.

“Let’s go.” 


We kicked the door open. Daniel jumped up from his laying down position and onto his feet as he heard us bust the door open.

Krystal told Amber not to hurt him but none of us made such promise.

“Hello, friend.” Jonghyun greeted.

 I cracked my knuckles.

“I get first hit.”


“So are you nervous?”

“A little, it’s been a while since I’ve done something like this, especially in a big crowd like this.” She said letting out a deep breath.

“Calm down, you still have twenty minutes.” I patted her back.

“Yeah, thanks Key.”

“For what?” I smiled.

“Everything.” She threw her arms around me in a hug which I gladly returned.

“Alright, I’ll head back now. She’ll get suspicious if I don’t return.”



I walked back to the table and pulled on Krystal’s arm.

“I need to talk to you.”

She followed me out the door after excusing herself from the table.

“What did you want to talk about?”

“I know a secret.”

“Okay??” She was lost.

“I made a promise to Amber to never tell you but this is one I don’t want to keep.” I leaned against the wall of the building.

“What’s the secret?”

"Well, this is what happened." I started to tell my story.


“Can you not scream?”

“Why didn’t you tell her that?!”


“Go, go tell her now!!

“No, no, then she’ll feel guilty….kind of.”


“I told you, I was weak.”


“I couldn’t go against my mom! But…I couldn’t let her go either.”

“So what? You came up with a brilliant plan to go along with your mom’s proposal and oh, I don’t know…STILL HAVE THE NERVE TO NOT BREAK IT OFF WITH KRYSTAL OR AT LEAST TELL HER?!?!”

“I know I’m stupid. What could I have done? My mom is the only blood i have left in this world. She is the one who gave me life. I couldn’t go against her wishes as much as I wanted to. I thought that maybe…if I dated the girl of her choice eventually she would see how unhappy I was and call the whole thing off. I didn’t want to get married to someone I don’t love. I wasn’t thinking, all that mattered to me was that I still had Krystal.

“Yeah, and look where it got you. For god’s sake Amber, Krystal won’t even look at you! You two might be back together but everything that you two ever built came crashing down. I know you were trying to make your mom happy by agreeing to go out with the girl but…did you really think Krystal wouldn’t find out sooner or later?”

“In the back of my mind, I knew she would…but she’s the best thing to ever happen to me. I couldn’t let her go. It would break her heart if I left just like that.”

“And her finding you cheating on her is better?”

“I’m weak, Key. I’m not the person I used to be. I don’t know if I will ever be. I couldn’t stand up to my mother and fight for my love. No matter how much I try to justify my actions by saying that it was my mother’s wishes, what I did is still wrong. It’s still cheating even if it was out of my hands. In the end, it’s still my fault, it’s still on me and this regret will be in my heart for the rest of my life.”

“…out of all the stupid things you’ve done in your life…*sigh* Come one, let’s go.”

“Go? Go where?”

“To tell her of course, stupid!”   .

"I...I can't. I won't She doesn't need to know.

“No? WHY?!”

“Just promise me you won’t tell her.”


“I want to hear you say it.” She crossed her arm not trusting me. Good, 'cause i would've ratted her out anyways.

“I, Kim Key Kibum promise not to tell Jung Soojung your stupid little secret. Happy?”

“Very, thanks Key.”

“…I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. I love Amber and I love you. You deserve to know the truth and Amber deserves to be released from her heavy heart.

“You’re not lying to me are you?”

“Why would I lie about this? Lie about something that hurt the both of you.”

“She’s so stupid…why didn’t she tell me?”

“Because people are right…people are stupid when it comes to love. And Amber proves them right.” I tried to joke but she didn’t laugh.

“Thanks, Key. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off me. I love Amber, I do so much. I trust her but the trust is different but now it doesn’t have to be. Though, i really wished that she would've told me. It would've saved us so much trouble. Maybe all those mean things wouldn't have been said. We would still be living here in Seoul. She wouldn't have left me and most importantly we would'nt have hurt each other."

“So you’re not sad that she cheated on you anymore, right?”

“Oh no, I’m still upset but now I know it wasn’t for the reason I thought it was for.”

“Eh, good enough.” I shrugged. I looked at my watch. “, we should go back inside quick.”

“Okay, okay, don’t have to push you know.” She said as we rushed back in.

“Oh, and can this be our little secret? She would freak if she found out I told you.”

“Alright, too many promises today…”


Amber’s POV:

I peeked out onto the stage. I saw Key and Krystal talking. I guess he’s doing what I told him to do. I asked him to make sure she was standing in front of the stage as I sang.

God, my palms are sweating.

“Well, here goes nothing…” I grabbed the microphone and went on stage.

I saw Key pointing in my direction and Krystal’s eyes followed his finger until it landed on me. I smiled to her. 

She stared at me with wide eyes, surprised at what I was doing.

“Good evening ladies and gentleman. Thanks for coming out tonight. I’m Amber Liu and I have a special song for a special someone in my life. I’m eternity grateful that out of the 7 billion people on this planet that I was able to fine someone so smart, nice, caring, and so so beautiful in every way possible. I’m lucky to find the one person that was meant for me.”

I turned my gaze to her and stared at her as I continued.

“Soojung, I know we’ve been through a lot and you’ve put up with a lot. I know times were tough but you stood by me even when I selfishly ran away. While our time apart, I did a lot of reflecting and I’ve discovered that even if I force myself to, I can’t stop loving you. Throughout all the strife and the stress…everything was a mess. I had my doubts about everything little thing that came in. And I want you to know that even through all of the hard times, I’ve always known that you have been by my side.”

“You’re anything and everything that I have ever hoped for in my life and I’m more than happy and the proudest person in the entire universe to be able to call you my wife. And throughout the years you have become more than just the girl I love.”

After my last sentence, the track began to play.

(A/N: Rainbow by Stevie Hoang )

Everybody in love let me see your hands, put them lighters up
Everybody in love let me see your hands, put them lighters up
Everybody in love let me see your hands, put them lighters up
Everybody in love let me see your hands, put them lighters up

Fame and fortune was what I lived for
Cars and cribs, I thought I would die for
You should know it all changed
When I found you, found you
Clubs and shows, they just don’t excite me
So content when you’re here beside me
All I ever wanted
I found in you, in you

Now that you’re here, nothing is gonna change
I don’t want nothing else just as long as I have you

Baby, there won’t always be sunny days
But I know everything is gonna be okay
‘Cause when the rain is pourin’ down, I know
You’re gonna come through like a rainbow
It don’t even matter what I’m goin’ through
‘Cause, girl, I know that I can always count on you
‘Cause when the rain is fallin’ down, I know
You’re gonna come through like a rainbow
Rainbow, rainbow
You’re gonna come through like a rainbow
Rainbow, rainbow

Travelled far to so many places
Seen my share of beautiful faces
You should know that you’ve got a thing on you, on you
TV shows and radio stations
When they ask, I say that I’m taken
Ain’t no holdin’ back how I feel for you, for you

Now that you’re here, nothing is gonna change
I don’t want nothing else just as long as I have you

Baby, there won’t always be sunny days
But I know everything is gonna be okay
‘Cause when the rain is pourin’ down, I know
You’re gonna come through like a rainbow
It don’t even matter what I’m goin’ through
‘Cause, girl, I know that I can always count on you
‘Cause when the rain is fallin’ down, I know
You’re gonna come through like a rainbow
Rainbow, rainbow
You’re gonna come through like a rainbow
Rainbow, rainbow


If only you could see just what I see
You would know just what you mean to me
Girl, there ain’t a doubt up in my mind
That I wanna be with you for life
Even when the seasons fade away
I know your love for me will never change
It feels so good to know you’re here to stay

Everybody in love let me see your hands, put them lighters up
Everybody in love let me see your hands, put them lighters up
Everybody in love let me see your hands, put them lighters up
Everybody in love let me see your hands, put them lighters up

I walked off the stage and slowly made my way to her. Tears of happiness flowing from her eyes. I smiled at her as I walked around her in circle as I continued to sing.

Baby, there won’t always be sunny days
But I know everything is gonna be okay
‘Cause when the rain is pouring down, I know
You’re gonna come through like a rainbow
It don’t even matter what I’m goin’ through
‘Cause, girl, I know that I can always count on you
‘Cause when the rain is pouring down, I know
You’re gonna come through like a rainbow
Rainbow, rainbow
You’re gonna come through like a rainbow
Rainbow, rainbow
You’re gonna come through like a rainbow


“With you I know that everything is going to be okay. Whenever I look at your smiling face it gives me even more incentive to work hard and make you proud of me. I love you so much that I’m willing to do anything to make you happy. I know that even there will still be a lot of hardship ahead I’m okay with it because I know that the bond that we share, we will be able to ride through anything and still come out unscathed.”

She kissed me and I didn’t care that there were people watching. I smiled into the kiss as I heard clapping and cheers from everyone in the bar.

“That was really sweet, Amber. Thank you. So a rainbow huh?” She giggled.

“ Yes, but you are also so much more.”

“Oh yeah? Are you going to tell me?”

“You are my hero, my savior, yet also my weakness. You are my best friend, my enemy, and even a stranger because there are still things I’m learning about you every day. And most importantly you are my wife.” I kissed her forehead.

“So am I your rainbow?” I jokingly asked.

“Yes and so much more.” She said.

“Are you going to tell me?” I mimicked her earlier words.

“You are my hero, my savior, yet also my weakness. You are my best friend, my enemy, and even a stranger because there are still things I’m learning about you every day.” She repeated everything I said.

“Hey, you need to be original, you can’t steal my lines.” I pretended to pout.

And most importantly you are…”

She threw her arms around my neck and giving me a quick peck on the lips.

“My life.”




(A/N: Ugh finally it's done!! Thanks for sticking by my story even though i took forever to update and finish it. I appreciate all your support and i hope you would stick around for my future and on-going projects!!


So, how was the ending?? Why don't you let me know if the comment section below. )

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Kryber2017 #1
Chapter 9: Awww … never gets old :)
2081 streak #2
Chapter 7: This is so beautiful
Chapter 9: NICE !!!! AUTHOR ur GREAT i mean youre the best your story is one of a kind and im proudly saying that i am lucky that i read your story ,,,, and all of my ecpectation didnt wasted ,,, and im hoping you will MAKE a lot lot more stories like this #4EVERKRYBER
vic_uk612 #4
Chapter 9: Woohoooo !!!! Happy, heartbroken, happy heartbroken, and happy ending. What a great roller coaster! I have been started from "I am not sorry" to this "rainbow", and it's just amazing, awesome and sweet story after all. Tks for this, like your work alot, hope to read more from you.
nanny00 #5
Chapter 9: Wow wow woow n wow! Im loving it!
Chapter 9: Cool beans! ^___^
future_mrs_liu #7
Chapter 9: I love your stories! I hope you can update soon!
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 9: That is so sweet. How can I find someone like them?
To be honest, I don't believe there is true lov, but everything is possible in Story that I like it. ^o^
Chapter 9: Wow!!! That was a beautiful ending... thanks for the story
jpigtom #10
Chapter 9: I love you author..thank you for this story.. *sob