Long Time


Ch. 4

Amber’s POV:

We got back to Jessica’s place around 3 in the afternoon. I wanted to stay out a little longer but Krystal dragged me back. I get that she needs time to get ready to go for the reunion but 3 hours is a little much isn’t it?

I already finished with my shower ages ago and now it is only 3:30 p.m. There’s really no point of getting dressed now so I just jumped on the bed and started playing with my 3DS. After about half an hour or so, I heard the water to the shower stop, signaling that Krystal is finally done with her shower.

She walked out with a towel covering her body. A dirty thought just popped up into my mind. I quickly looked at the clock; 3:55.

“Hey, Krystal~” I called after her with a smirk on my face.


“Aw, but you don’t even know what I was about to say.”

She ignored me and walked into the closet; she walked back out with three different outfits in her hands and laid them all on the bed.

“I do know what you are going to say and the answer is no. N. O.” Krystal replied running back into the closet and grabbing what I guess to be different accessories to go with each outfit.

“Come on, Krys; real quick.”

I got off the bend and kneeled on the ground, wrapping my arms around her waist, begging.

“Amber, I seriously don’t have time for this. Don’t you understand how imperative it is for me to outdo Nicole?” She still examining the choices in front of her, moving items from place to place as she inspects what went best with what.

I started sulking next to her and began to fake sob.

“Don’t be a little baby, Amber. We can do it later.”

“But I don’t want it later, I want it now.”

“If you don’t shut up and go get ready you aren’t going to get anything at all.” She replied after a short pause, without even looking at me she detached my latched arms and walked away.

“We still have an hour and a half. I don’t need to take that long to get ready.” I said returning to my game.


While in the taxi, Krystal was putting the final touches of make-up on. Why isn’t that done yet you ask? She tried on all of the dresses before picking which one she would wear.

She would choose the first set, saying that she wants to wear that one but then once she has it on she would complain that it didn’t look right or something was wrong with it and change into the next.

In the end she didn’t wear any of the three dresses that she laid out on the bed. She went back into her closet and pulled out a white mini cocktail dress that had a black sash around the waist area.

She finally smiled, which meant she approved of it. Then she screamed at me because I wasn’t ready yet. If this keeps up I’m going to die at a young age.

For me, I kept it simple; black skinny jeans, white V-neck tee, and a black blazer.

We were a couple of blocks from where the club was and I could tell that she was nervous. She started to play with the bracelets on her wrist, a sure sign she was anxious. She wanted to wear our wedding ring but I told her that it was dangerous and there was a possibility that it might get lost.

She was reluctant at first, but the fear of losing it triumphed at the end.

“Baby, there’s nothing to be worried about? What if she matured? You don’t need to be stuck on things like this.”

“…I know but…my pride. I’m sorry.” She said kissing my cheek. I’m guessing she’s apologizing in advance on what she might do later on in the night.

Once inside the club we walked to the V.I.P room that my buddy, Jonghyun, had reserved in advance for us.

“Well, if it isn’t the newlyweds.” Jonghyun directed everyone’s attention towards us right as we walked in through the doors.

I was behind Krystal the whole time because even though everyone in this room is my closest friends, I am still shy especially since it’s been a long while. I believe the last time everyone was together was during the wedding.

“Amber, why are you hiding? Don’t you love us anymore?” The boys said before all getting up and smashing me into a bear hug with me in the middle. I can hear the giggling sounds from the girls, especially Krystal’s.

As we sat down, Key ordered some shots to start the night off. As everyone started dispersing, it was only me and Key left in the lounge.

The guys went to go pick up some chicks, or at least that’s what they said. The girls moved to the dance floor which I declined. Not much of a dancer. 

“So how are you feeling?” Key asked taking a ship from his cognac.

“Other than that I’m almost borderline drunk right now? Fine.” I answered as I let my head fall back on the cushion to make the dizziness go away.

“I heard from Jessica, that he might drop by later with his girlfriend.”

“Honestly, I’m quite anxious about seeing him again…but he doesn’t mean anything to me anymore so there’s no point in caring. That, and the alcohol is making it easier to not give a .” I chuckled and Key followed right after.

After that we just told each other funny stories of our encounters. It was good to catch up with my best friend. It’s been a long while and I missed times like this with him.

Our room that was once filled with non-stop laughter finally died down after the alcohol started to take deeper effect. Key was slightly snoring, guess he had too much and was now passed out.

I, on the hand could still drink way more but seeing as how the night is still young, I’d wait ‘til I was a little sober first.

I decided to close my eyes for a little bit, I heard the door of the room open but I didn’t bother to open my eyes even when I felt whoever walked in sat on my lap.

The intruder then kissed my forehead, after they draped an arm over my shoulder. Still, I didn’t react because her scent and touch was already more than enough to tell me it was Krystal.

“Tired?” She asked me.

“Mmmm, just a little. My stomach hurts from laughing too much though.” I said wrapping one arm around her waist and the other resting on her legs.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. Just don’t get too drunk okay? I still need you to be able to be somewhat conscious when we go home.” She patted my head softly before getting off and walking out the door.

I took one more shot before making my way through the dancing crowd and over to the bar. I sat down and ordered a glass of hot water.

Then the thought of having to see Daniel again popped up?

What am I going to say? What am I supposed to say?

‘Sorry, that you were a ?’

Nah, that would make me sound like a jerk and that’s not who I am. I wondered if he’d be surprised that I am now married…with another girl. The most amazing girl that ever existed, the most amazing and beautiful woman that ever existed.


I took out my phone and read a text sent by Jonghyun.

‘They’re here, he’s here. PUNCH HIM IN DA FACE, better yet, kick him where it hurts :D’

Well, it’s inevitable, I was bound to face him sooner or later in life and I’d rather get over with now. ‘Cause once it’s done and over with I can finally live peacefully with Krystal until we both grow old and wrinkly.

I ordered a shot of patron, just to calm my jittering nerves. I wonder what Nicole’s like. I pretty sure she isn’t as bad as Krystal makes her out to be.

While I was lost in my own thought, I saw someone walk up to bar to my side.


I immediately froze where I was sitting. Okay, I expected to see him, but I didn’t expect to see him, right now, as of this moment.

“D-Daniel….long time no see.” I turned to address him.

“Yeah…um, so how you’ve been?” He said sitting down and ordering a drink.

“Good, I’m actually here for vacation. I live in Los Angeles now, I got a promotion and got sent overseas. It pays way more so I’m not complaining”

“That’s good. Are you there by yourself?” He said leaning into the counter. He was smiling that smile that he usually uses to get someone to fall for his charms but I’m not so senseless.

“Um…no, actually, my past girlfriend ended up moving down there with me and now we’re married…” I chuckled nervously and downed another shot.

“Girlfriend?? So I’m guessing now she’s your wife, huh?” He laughed as if it was the funniest thing he had ever heard.

“Something wrong?” I asked him slightly annoyed.

“Hmmm, no, it’s just that…” Before he could finish, a girl with short light brown hair popped up.

“Baby, there you are, we need to go find my cousin and her friends.” She said. So this is Nicole. She’s pretty but my Soojung  has that natural beauty that makes her gorgeous.

“Okay, honey. I actually want you to meet someone.” He smiled at her. “Nicole this is my friend from back in High School, Amber. Amber, this is my current girlfriend, Nicole.”

“It’s nice meeting you, Nicole. You must be Soojung’s cousin.” I shook her hand.

“You know Soojung?” She asked excited.

“Actually…” I started to say but then I felt a smack across my arm.

“Amber! There you are, I’ve been looking for you all over the place.” She looked at me with her cold stare.

I just chuckled nervously at my predicament.

“What are you doing here anyways?….Nicole?” She said to me and finally noticed Daniel and Nicole to my side.

She looked at me confused and I just shrugged my shoulders.

“Soojungie, it’s good to see you again.” Nicole then surprised hug Krystal. I felt the temperature in the room drop below 40 degrees.

This is going to be a long night.


I turned my head fast when Daniel called my name.

“So, is this your…wife?” He eyed Krystal up and down, which I did not like at all.

“Wife?” Nicole asked confused. She doesn’t know?

“Um, yeah, forgive my rudeness. Krystal, this is my high school classmate, Daniel and Nicole’s boyfriend. Daniel, this is my wife Krystal Jung.”

“Soojungie, you didn’t tell me you got married.”

“Must have slipped up my mind.” She rolled her eyes.

Not bad, not bad at all. You have good taste.” Nicole said examining me, while walking in circles around me.

Krystal instinctively grabbed my arm and pulled me close to her and most importantly away from her cousin.

“Why don’t we go upstairs where the others are and catch up?” Nicole smiled sweetly.

“Yeah, let me just order a bottle first.” Krystal replied and turned towards the bartender. Nicole took the chance to snatch me away.

“YAH!” Krystal screamed after mine and Nicole’s retreating form.

Let me rephrase my last statement, this is going to be a long night.



(A/N: Well, are you guys ready for some drama? No? Oh wells, too bad. Things are going to get crazy up in this shiiiiit~

Thanks for the comments and subs. Hmmmm...i wonder why i titled it "Rainbow" I probably post the next chapter either tomorrow or Monday so look out for it!)

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Kryber2017 #1
Chapter 9: Awww … never gets old :)
2080 streak #2
Chapter 7: This is so beautiful
Chapter 9: NICE !!!! AUTHOR ur GREAT i mean youre the best your story is one of a kind and im proudly saying that i am lucky that i read your story ,,,, and all of my ecpectation didnt wasted ,,, and im hoping you will MAKE a lot lot more stories like this #4EVERKRYBER
vic_uk612 #4
Chapter 9: Woohoooo !!!! Happy, heartbroken, happy heartbroken, and happy ending. What a great roller coaster! I have been started from "I am not sorry" to this "rainbow", and it's just amazing, awesome and sweet story after all. Tks for this, like your work alot, hope to read more from you.
nanny00 #5
Chapter 9: Wow wow woow n wow! Im loving it!
Chapter 9: Cool beans! ^___^
future_mrs_liu #7
Chapter 9: I love your stories! I hope you can update soon!
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 9: That is so sweet. How can I find someone like them?
To be honest, I don't believe there is true lov, but everything is possible in Story that I like it. ^o^
Chapter 9: Wow!!! That was a beautiful ending... thanks for the story
jpigtom #10
Chapter 9: I love you author..thank you for this story.. *sob