Going Home


Ch. 1

I shuffled under the covers as I tried to cover my face from the bright sunlight that is beginning to make its way into our bedroom with my arm. I mumbled under my breath about the brightness of it and cursed as I threw the blanket over my face.

I am not a morning person, especially if I haven’t gotten any sleep. After much attempt of trying to go back to sleep and each one resulting in failure I finally decided it was time to get out of bed. I lifted my upper body up slightly and supported myself with my forearms.

I squinted my eyes as I glanced around the room since my eyes has not yet adjusted to the light. I looked over to the balcony window. The curtains were wide open. Someone opened them. I looked over to my right to look at the person that might’ve been responsible for my unpleasant wake-up call.

I stared at the empty spot blankly. I groaned as I sat straight up with my knees up and my arms resting on them.

I glanced at the clock, 7:30 a.m.

“Damn, it’s still early.” God I can’t even recognize my voice. My voice is usually deep if I wake up any earlier than 8 a.m.

I groaned in frustration as I ruffed my hair. I then threw the covers to the side and got out of bed. I massaged the back of my neck as I made my way to the bathroom.

I grabbed my toothbrush and started my morning routine. When I was done, I finally felt refreshed but still rather groggy.

I went over to our bed and made it, I don’t like things being a mess. 

I slumped my way out of the bedroom and towards the living room. Once I exited the room, I caught sight of my missing partner that was supposed to still be in bed.

She was talking on the phone and cooking breakfast. I stealthily made my way over to the kitchen. She still hasn’t noticed my presence since she was busy talking to whomever was on the other side of the line.

“The flight’s tonight at 9. Yeah, we should be there by then. Okay, okay, I’ll see you soon. Love you, too.” She said before hanging up and continued cooking.

I situated myself on the edge of the dining table and silently watched her from behind.

Is that creepy? Nah.

How can someone look so breathtaking by just wearing a singlet and shorts? And it just makes it even more perfect that her hair was pulled up with a hair clip. I don’t know why, but it just makes her so goddamn y.

Okay, I can be considered a creeper now since I was checking her out. The way her curves run down her body perfectly, to her nice thighs, and smooth skin.

It’s so tempting. But why should I hold back?

 She is my wife.

I walked up to her and s my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder. I felt her giggle a little.

“Good Morning.”

“Mmmm every day is a good morning if the first person I get to see is you.” I said smiling and giving her a peck on the cheek.

“Well, aren’t you being sweet so early in the morning.” She said turning around and walking over to the table to set down the food.

I just smiled.

“Well, it’s not my fault that I have such a beautiful, y wife.” I said smirking. I followed her to the table and I trapped her there between the table and myself. I placed my hands on either said of her so she couldn’t escape.

She just rolled her eyes.

“Can I kiss you?” I asked her leaning in.

“And if I say no?” She said smiling, swinging her arms around my neck.

“I’ll probably do it anyways.” I leaned in for my morning kiss.

She then put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me away.

“There you got your kiss, now eat.” She said pointing to my breakfast.

“You’re no fun.” I puffed out my cheeks and obeyed anyways.

My back was facing her but I have absolute faith that she just rolled her eyes at my comment. That’s the beauty of being in a relationship for 10 years. You notice and memorize every little detail of every little action that they make.

“Are you done packing yet?”  She asked while setting her plate down and taking a seat in front of me.


“Amber…the flights in 12 hours and you know we need to stop by and pick some things up before we head to the airport.”

“Relax, I’ll just throw in some jeans and shirts in and viola, packed.” I told her my ingenious plan as I put the plate in the sink after finishing the contents on my plate.

“Oh no, you don’t. You are going to carefully pick out your clothes. I don’t want to be walking next to a hobo.”

“Who’s a hobo?!”  I shouted back a little offended.

There goes the eye rolling again.

“Please, Amber. If I didn’t go shopping with you, your closet would be filled with over-sized tees and basketball shorts and/or tracks.”

“What’s wrong with being comfortable?” I pouted.

“Comfortable sometimes just doesn’t cut it, baby.” She stated, kissing my cheek then pulling me into our bedroom then to our closet.

“But, Krystal~~” I whined like a child but the little devil in me is smirking. For what reason? I myself have no idea.

“Look, Amber. I haven’t been home for three years since I came chasing after your stupid dinosaur out here to LA. So please, I need you to dress to impress.”

“Who are we impressing?” I asked confused. It’s not like our friends really care about how I dress…or do they?

Maybe Jessica? Why though? We came to an understanding when she visited 2 years ago and everything was fine 6 months ago when she visited again.

“…My cousin. Apparently she found this all around “perfect” man and she won’t stop bragging about him. Ugh! It irritates me to no end.”

“And what does that have to do with me??”

“Amber…your gender may be a girl but sometimes you’re just as clueless as guy’s in some situations.”

…It’s not that I don’t get it. It’s more like I don’t really care for those things. What’s the point of competition? As long as you have the one you love then all’s well, is it not? The need to impress people or just the act of rivalry itself just makes everything even more complicated. I don’t like complicated…

‘Krystal’s an exception’ I suppressed a giggle at the thought.

For the next hour ‘til the moment we arrived at the airport, Krystal kept going on and on about her cousin. How every time she had a crush on some guy, her cousin would be there to snatch him up. Or how every time she has a date, her cousin would magically pop up out of nowhere with her own date.

Gah! I don’t want to hear anymore! Just the mention of ex-boyfriend or ‘this guy I had a crush on’ just makes my blood boil.

All this talk about her cousin being out to get her is making me want ramen….I’m hungry. This flight provides dinner right?

“Amber, are you listening?

“Of course.”

Cousin this, cousin that. Stole my boyfriend this, told my parents I also liked girls that. Cousin, cousin, cousin, cousin…..

 Which, for some odd reason I have never met.

Why is that? Is she ashamed of me?


“I was so pissed off, you had no idea. Remember that one time…” She didn’t hear me.

“Krystal….Soojung.” I called but she’s still stuck on rage rant mode. How do I get your attention?

“Mrs. Soojung Liu….” Even that didn’t work….

“I didn’t talk to her for the longest time…I didn’t want anyone to find out because I wasn’t sure until I met…”

As she turned her head slightly to face me I cut her words off by planting a kiss on her lips.

“…you…” She finished her sentence after I pulled back with a smile on my face. I finally got her attention.

“I was calling you for the longest time and you didn’t hear me.” I pouted.

“I heard you but I wasn’t done with my story.” She grabbed both my cheeks with her hands and pinched them.

“Oooow, baby, that hurts.”

“That’s for sneaking a kiss on me.”

“You liked it.” I smirked.

“Only when your breath doesn’t smell like socks…”

I put my palm up to my mouth and breathe into it before sniffing to check if it really did smell like socks.

“Stupid~” She hit my arm.

“I was joking… Now, what is it?” She asked her attention now fully on me.

“Who is this cousin that you hate so much?”

“Oh, her name is Nicole and I don’t hate her…I just don’t like her very much to the point where I can’t be next to her or talk to her or I’ll become a serial murderer.”  Same thing….

“And why is it I never met her? Not even during your family reunion…Are you ashamed of me?” I asked, jokingly but I really wanted to know.

“Because she followed her last boyfriend to Europe and couldn’t make it. And Amber…I thought you said you would stop having thoughts like that. Of course I’m not ashamed of you. If I was, I wouldn’t have said yes to you.”

“I know, I was teasing.” I gave her my dorky smile.

“Good. Now back to me. Ever since Jessica, remind me to kill her later, told Nicole my new phone number it’s all about how great Daniel is. Daniel’s a computer engineer this. Daniel was the captain and star player of his basketball team. He was at the top of his class and even valedictorian. ”

I stiffened at the name, Daniel.

“Which I know that one isn’t true because you were valedictorian. He went to the same High School you did. Do you know him?”

 My grip on the armrest tightened.

“Baby, is something wrong?” Krystal looked at me worried.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

There’s no way that Nicole’s Daniel is that Daniel….




(A/N: So i'm having like the worst writer's block for all my stories right now and the only way i can get rid of it is by letting my imagination run wild in which this was born. So please be patient with me! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully this installment won't have anyone shed tears.

Thanks for reading. And i do apoloigize for any grammatical and spelling errors!"


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Kryber2017 #1
Chapter 9: Awww … never gets old :)
2081 streak #2
Chapter 7: This is so beautiful
Chapter 9: NICE !!!! AUTHOR ur GREAT i mean youre the best your story is one of a kind and im proudly saying that i am lucky that i read your story ,,,, and all of my ecpectation didnt wasted ,,, and im hoping you will MAKE a lot lot more stories like this #4EVERKRYBER
vic_uk612 #4
Chapter 9: Woohoooo !!!! Happy, heartbroken, happy heartbroken, and happy ending. What a great roller coaster! I have been started from "I am not sorry" to this "rainbow", and it's just amazing, awesome and sweet story after all. Tks for this, like your work alot, hope to read more from you.
nanny00 #5
Chapter 9: Wow wow woow n wow! Im loving it!
Chapter 9: Cool beans! ^___^
future_mrs_liu #7
Chapter 9: I love your stories! I hope you can update soon!
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 9: That is so sweet. How can I find someone like them?
To be honest, I don't believe there is true lov, but everything is possible in Story that I like it. ^o^
Chapter 9: Wow!!! That was a beautiful ending... thanks for the story
jpigtom #10
Chapter 9: I love you author..thank you for this story.. *sob