

Ch. 3

Amber’s POV:

I love Saturday mornings, they make me happy. Why? That’s simple, most people would probably call me weird for saying this but this is my reason so I really don’t mind or care what they say. Saturdays always smell different than all the other day of the week. It smells more fresh than usual; it gives me that feeling of being free.

I wake up every morning at the same time every day and I would walk outside for my fill of the morning air before starting my day and I would always stay out a little while longer on Saturdays just to indulge in it.

“Is this all you want to do all day?” I heard Krystal ask me quietly.

The air is so nice today and the weather is perfect. I missed days like this here in Korea. Los Angeles is great it’s where I grew up but after staying somewhere for so long and growing used to customs you just help but crave for that missing piece in your life that you have grown to know and love once you’re gone.

I felt her place her hand on my hair, playing with the strands, and occasionally brushing it off my face. I haven’t answered her but I’m pretty sure she knows my answer.

We were currently lying in the middle of an open field, admiring what Mother Nature has to offer us on this fine day. Well, more like I was lying down, with my head resting on Krystal’s lap. While she was sitting with her legs spread out supporting herself up with her one arm, while the other is still busy messing with my hair.

I had my eyes closed, feeling the cool breeze tickle the sensitive skin on my face. I slowly opened my eyes as I felt her hand lightly my cheek with her thumbs while smiling down at me.

I reached my hand up and put it on top of the one that was placed on my cheek. I had a serene expression on my face as I observed her. She didn’t break her gaze on me as I looked up straight into her eyes.

I strand of hair fell in front of her face, but before she could brush it out of the way, I beat her to it, earning another smile from her.

I then directed my gaze to the skies. The skies were as blue as they could be with a few clouds here and there but it didn’t matter because they made the scenario all the better.

Today was a special day; at least I thought it is. I don’t want to be arrogant and say that she also thought this specific date was too.

This day was the worst and happiest day of my life. And I couldn’t hide that smile that graced my face as I remembered the memory.

“Why are you looking so happy all of a sudden? And you still didn’t answer my question.”

I got up from her lap and sat in front of her with my knees pulled up and looked at her with a grin. She pulled some grass off of the ground and threw the shredded in my face.

I then spread my knees apart and motion for her to come to me and sit. She scooted over and as soon as she got close I wrapped my arms around her small torso, bringing her back closer to my front. She rested her hands on top of mine, as I slowly rocked side to side.

“Just let me have this day like this and I promise for the rest of the visit, I’ll do whatever you want.” I whispered into her ear.

“Even if I want to go shopping and buy you a pretty pink dress for you and you have to wear it all day?” She said but couldn’t help but laugh as she pictured me in a frilly pink dress.

“As long as it makes you happy. I’ll do anything.”


“Mmmm?” I hummed as I buried my face in her hair and inhaled her intoxicating aroma.

“Tonight…don’t…” She didn’t finish.

“What is it?”

“Don’t fall for Nicole, okay?” She finally said as her grip on my hands tightened.

“I’m sorry.” I responded in almost a whisper.

“For what?” She said turning her head slightly to look at me.

“For hurting you.” I choked out as I put my forehead on her shoulder. She brought her arm up and soothingly my hair, trying to comfort me.

“*sigh* Amber, I forgave you already. Everything is fine. I’m happy, are you not?”

“It’s not that, I’m more than that but it’s just that today…”

“We replaced that memory, remember?”

“So you do remember.” I chuckled.

“Of course I do. How am I supposed to tell our kids if I don’t.”


“Amber, if you don’t want kids then I think we should get a divorce right now.” She jokingly said.

“You can have as many as you want.” I release my hold on her waist and grabbed her hands with mine.

“Will you carry one?” She asked.

I cracked up, this has to be one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard her say.

“What’s so funny, it was just a question.”

“Um..that’d be weird.” I said coming down from my high.

“Would you?”

“Heh, we’ll see.”

“Thank you, Amber.”

“For what?” I said confused.

She turned her body slightly and looked up at me. She grabbed the back of my head and lowered it to hers and gave me a slow loving kiss.

“For letting me be the one.”

Honestly, I think my heart knew she was the one even before I myself knew I was so madly in love with this woman.

“Then, I thank you too. Thank you for saying yes.”

Today was the day I cheated on her 3 years back, today was also the day I asked her to marry me 2 years ago, and today was the day she said yes.


It’s been about a year and a half since Krystal moved in with me here in the U.S. I keep trying to persuade move back home and I would take care of the expenses but every time she would refuse. It’s not that I don’t want her here with me but I know she misses home.

I gave up after a while since I don’t want her to leave anyways. We’re okay now, mostly everything has gone back to normal before the whole mess ever happened. Except sometimes I still get the feeling that she’s keeping a really close eye on me.

Especially all my friends here. Guess she still a little suspicious of me, but I don’t blame her. She’s smiling with me like she used to and that’s all that matters. We’ve sort of did start over though. It was my suggestion.

You know like, back when we were still teenagers, with first dates and all that.

Didn’t last too long though because Krystal started getting impatient, screaming nonsense that I just laughed at but nonetheless gave into her request to just forget about the idea all together.

These were my favorite lines in her little rant.

‘This is going too slow. It took like a hundred years just for you to hold my hand.’

‘And oh my god, we haven’t kissed in 2 months.’

‘No, Amber, a kiss on the cheek isn’t considered at kiss for me.’

‘I have my needs too!’

‘I hate you!’

‘You are making me so ually frustrated.’

‘You better watch out when you are getting out of the shower later, Amber. I might go crazy and end up you.’

I’ve been working late nights lately for the past few months but she hasn’t said anything about it. I know she wants to but she wants to put her trust in me. Though, I do make sure I spend enough time with her, I don’t want her to feel neglected and have a reason to be suspicious of me because I am hiding something.

But it’s not bad. I learned my lesson the first time.

I swore to myself that I wouldn’t bring her such pains a second time and I still need to make amends for what I did.

As to why I’ve been working my off lately. It’s also the reason as to why I’m sitting at this restaurant called Le Clair de Lune. This place is special as it only has one table at the rooftop. You literally have to make a reservation months up or even up to a year to get a spot.

How did i snag a spot ? Well, let’s just say that i’m a really lucky person when it comes to things like this. The name translates to moonlight and when you’re up here you know why. It just so happens tonight is the first full moon in the new cycle.

After dinner, we were both admiring the view, as we looked down on the busy streets below us.

‘’So did you enjoy tonight ?’’ i asked her.

She threw her arms around my neck and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

‘’ Of course i did. Any time I’m with you. I’m always happy.’’

I grabbed her hands that were behind my neck and brought them to the front and held them close to me. I gave them each a kiss before i looked deeply into her eyes.

I took a deep breath before i started.

‘’Krystal, promise me you won’t speak until I’m done, okay ?’’

She was confused but she still nodded in response.

God, I’m so nervous. I swear my heart is about to stop if it keeps beating any faster. Either that or it’ll get too scared, jump out of my chest, and run away.

“I don’t know if you remember what today is, because if I were you, I would want to never remember. But unfortunately I do remember because it was the day I made the biggest mistake of my life. I hurt you and I broke your heart. I betrayed your love and trust that I don’t think that even if I made you the happiest girl in the whole world for the rest of my life will make up for it.”

“And when you came back into my life even after I left you, and please believe that was the second stupidest thing that I have ever done, I was so happy. I know you just want to forget about that day and so do I but when something of that magnitude happens, it leaves an imprint in our minds as well as in our hearts.”

“It was a bad memory, but it can be replaced. I don’t want you to look back on any days of the year and say that I hate that day the most. I want every day to be a joyful and memorable day. And I’ll do whatever it takes for you to live that kind of life.”

I then got on one knee and looked at her in silence. I was thinking about what to say next but my words got stuck in my throat as I saw her cover with her free hand as tears slowly started falling down her face.

“But out of all the bad decisions and wreak less moves I made, I know for a fact that choosing you to be the one that I truly love was and will always be my greatest accomplishment. I know that I’m supposed to be the one to take care of you and that I will do until my last breathe. But I have to let you know that I always feel like you’re the one protecting me, especially from myself. You have given all your love to me and I hope that you feel my efforts in doing the same. I’m not great at expressing myself and you were always patient enough with me and I don’t want you to feel like your efforts have gone unseen an unappreciated.”

I think tears have started to roll down my face as well. God, why am I such a crybaby.

“Soojung, if you would, let this stupid lowly servant of yours to serve, cherish, and love ‘til the end of time, I swear on my life that you won’t ever regret investing your time and love in me. And that you, giving me a second chance is a mistake. It’s time that I repay you for all the things you have showed me and how much of a better person you’ve helped me become. I’m so crazy about you, Soojung.”

Amber, just shut up already and ask her or she’ll definitely fall asleep! I mentally screamed at myself for the longest proposal ever.

I then took out the ring from my back pocket and showed it to her. This is the reason for my restless working. I want the best for her and giving her the best meant more hours I needed to put in.

“Krystal Jung Soojung, will you marry me?”

The second the question left my mouth, I was tackled to the ground and found her lips already on mine.


Then I felt a smack across the face.

“That’s for taking 9 years to ask me.”

“That means that I would’ve asked you when we were 16.” I said helping her wear her ring.

“I don’t care, I still would’ve said yes.”



(A/N: Oooooh! Kryber's engangment flashback :0

Anyways, i hope you enjoy the giant dumpling of fluff and lots and lots of yuckiness. I didn't edit are probably a bunch of errors, so i apologize. I hope you guys are enjoying ths story. Don't forget to subscribe and drop a comment below.

Up next...


"D-Daniel...long time no see."

"DO you really think she loves you? She only choose you because girls are probably the easiet target for her. She doesn't turely feel anything for you."

"You have no right to say things like that to me!!!"

"Amber, do you really love me?"

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Kryber2017 #1
Chapter 9: Awww … never gets old :)
2080 streak #2
Chapter 7: This is so beautiful
Chapter 9: NICE !!!! AUTHOR ur GREAT i mean youre the best your story is one of a kind and im proudly saying that i am lucky that i read your story ,,,, and all of my ecpectation didnt wasted ,,, and im hoping you will MAKE a lot lot more stories like this #4EVERKRYBER
vic_uk612 #4
Chapter 9: Woohoooo !!!! Happy, heartbroken, happy heartbroken, and happy ending. What a great roller coaster! I have been started from "I am not sorry" to this "rainbow", and it's just amazing, awesome and sweet story after all. Tks for this, like your work alot, hope to read more from you.
nanny00 #5
Chapter 9: Wow wow woow n wow! Im loving it!
Chapter 9: Cool beans! ^___^
future_mrs_liu #7
Chapter 9: I love your stories! I hope you can update soon!
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 9: That is so sweet. How can I find someone like them?
To be honest, I don't believe there is true lov, but everything is possible in Story that I like it. ^o^
Chapter 9: Wow!!! That was a beautiful ending... thanks for the story
jpigtom #10
Chapter 9: I love you author..thank you for this story.. *sob