

Ch. 2

“Are you really that ashamed to be with me?”

“Amber…it’s not like that…”

“Then what?! How could you do this?! I trusted you; if you had a problem you could’ve said something!!”

“I just couldn’t stand it no more, okay?!”


“I’m so in’ sick and tired of all the teasing and name callings. You don’t understand how frustrating it is to have everyone call you ‘gay’ or that I’m dating a he/she. ”

“So that’s how it is. If you were having trouble why didn’t you tell me?...”

“I didn’t want to hurt your feelings…because I do love you.”

“If you really loved me you shouldn’t have to cheat just to prove to your friends that you can get any girl you want….If you really loved me you would’ve accepted me the way that I am. Who cares about what other people say.”

“I don’t, Amber!! I just…”

“Apparently, you do.”

“Amber, come back! I’m sorry!!”

“Why should I run back to you? You obviously made your decision when you decided to make out with that other girl. ”

“No one is going to love you like I do, Amber!”


“Face the facts; you’re not the prettiest girl out there. You aren’t anything special and no guy is going to give you a second look. I’m the only one that can ever truly love you for who you are!!”

“Usually, comments like that will never faze me…but coming from you, if hurts more than you can imagine. It’s fine if I die alone, at least I won’t ever feel this pain of betrayal again…goodbye, Daniel.”


“Amber....wake up.” I felt a hand on my shoulder shaking me lightly.

I groaned, my head heavy from my slumber. I got up from my sleeping position and looked over at Krystal, rubbing my eyes. She looked worried, what happened?

“What’s wrong, Amber?” She asked with sad eyes. I felt her hand reach for my face, wiping away the tears that were falling down my face.

I sat up straight and touched my face to see if it was actually tears and not my imagination.

“Amber??” Krystal called as she threw her arms around my neck and back, embracing me. She rubbed her hand up and down my back to soothe me.

I didn’t say anything as I returned her hug. Even after all these years the pain still won’t go away. No matter how much I’ve tried to forget, it still stings.

“It’s okay, it was only a dream.” I heard her whispering in my ear.

Why…I thought the dreams went away when I met her.

‘You aren’t anything special and no guy is going to give you a second look. I’m the only one that can ever truly love you for who you are!!’

My grip on her tightens as I felt the tears once again slide down my face. I buried my face into the crook of her neck, trying to suppress the sobs.

“Shh, it’s okay. I’m here.” I heard whispering to me, her hand continued rubbing my back and her other hand moved to my hair and started it. Her voice is shaky; she’s trying not to cry herself. I felt my eyes starting to get heavy and I reluctantly let sleep overcome me.

I know I’m supposed to protect her, but sometimes I need someone to protect me too. She doesn’t know it, but in her arms…I felt safe.


Krystal’s POV:

“Where’s Amber? She is still sleeping?” Jessica asked as she poured her and me a cup of coffee.

“Yeah, she must still be tired from the flight…” I said smelling the sweet aroma emitting from my mug.

“Something bothering you?” Jessica asked placing her cup down and looking at me with a serious voice.

“No, why would you say that?”

“Because I heard…”


“I heard her sobbing last night. It’s either you tell me or I’m marching upstairs and dragging that llama down and making her tell me.” Jessica said with her arms crossed.

“I don’t know what happened. I was sleeping then I felt movement, when I turned around to check on her she was shaking and sweat was forming on her forehead. So I woke her up, then….I don’t know, she started crying.” I played with the warmth of my cup by wrapping my hands around it.

“Did she have a nightmare?”

“Most logical explanation I could come up with. But I was shocked….Amber may be the most insecure person I know but I’ve never seen her cry before…that one day being an exception.”

“Did something happen between here and the flight?” Jessica said getting up from her seat and making her way over to the fridge.

“Nothing significant…I was mainly ranting about Nicole the whole way until I fell asleep. She didn’t rest though, she said something about wanting be awake in case something happened.”

“I see…anything else you noticed?”

“Why are you so curious anyways?”

“What? I’m trying to help you out. There’s obviously something that’s really bothering her if she wakes up crying.”

“Well, when I was talking about Nicole’s boyfriend…she kind of…got really tense.”

“Strange. Did...Amber ever tell you the name of her ex?”

Now that I think about it, she never did mention his name. It was always ‘my ex’ or ‘him/he’ . I never bothered to ask because she felt pretty broken whenever she talked about it. Maybe I should ask Key, he should know…but I don’t want to pry into her business. But, it wouldn’t hurt to ask right? She would tell me, wouldn’t she?

“No, no she never did mention his name.”

“I see…well from what I can come up with, Daniel might be her ex.”

“Well…isn’t that quite the coincidence.” Why out of all people did he have to be Nicole’s current boy toy, I mean boyfriend. This is so going to be so awkward.

“So what happened between them? I mean assuming Daniel is her past lover.”

“Don’t say lover…” I tightened my grip around the mug’s handle.

“Why, jealous?” A smirk worked its way across Jessica’s face.

“What do you think?” I said rolling my eyes at her.

“Anyways, details.”

“She…never really said how they broke up. Just that he cheated on her and that he said some hurtful things.”

“Come on, you serious?! Ask her, there shouldn’t be any secrets between you two.”

“Jess…I don’t want to her force her to talk about something she doesn’t want to. Besides, I really don’t think it’s a secret?”

“What’s a secret?” We both turned our head toward the owner of the voice.

“Nothing, just that Jessica’s favorite toy is a cucumber.” I stuck my tongue out at her.

“IT IS NOT! I hate cucumbers, you know that!!”

“Whoa, too much information, Krys.” Amber said rubbing her eyes, they were still red and slightly puffy.

“I’ll get you a cup of coffee.” I said getting up and grabbing a mug from the cabinet.

“How did you sleep?” Jessica asked with a smile, as if she didn’t know. I shot her a glare and kicked her chair on ‘accident’ on my way back to the table.

“Um…could’ve been better.” Amber replied pulling up a chair next to me.

“So are you excited to meet our cousin Nicole and her boyfriend Daniel?” I kicked Jessica’s leg from underneath the table.


“What’s wrong?” Amber said worried.

“Ugh, nothing. I think a bug bite me.”

“You should put toothpaste on it. It works.” Amber said giving a weak smile.

“That’s weird…where did you hear that?” I asked her.

“My mom, she has a bunch of these strange remedies. But they work so I don’t complain.”

“Hmmm, you should listen to her, sis. Mommy’s know everything.”

“What time we leaving?” Amber asked, I know she’s trying to get us to forget about Jessica’s question.

“Um…Luna said to be at the club at 6 so we have time before then. So we have the whole day to ourselves.”

“Oh, don’t forget that Nicole and Daniel might drop by.” Jessica said. She is so persistent.

“Don’t remind me….” I rested my forehead on my hand.

“To answer your question, Jessica…” We both looked up. She redirected us back to that  question so does that mean she’s going to tell us?

“Yes?” I can see Jessica leaning closer in anticipation. Aish, this girl, she loves drama.

“I kinda…not really looking forward to it. Krys…” She turned her attention over to me.

“Daniel...he’s my ex-boyfriend.”



I smiled.

Now that I know who he is I’m going to kill him for hurting my Amber.



(A/N: Sorry if there are any mistakes. It's late and i'm tired and too lazy to edit. Thanks for all the comments and subs and as some of you guessed it, yes, Daniel is Amber's ex. No, there won't be any AmCole...or should i? just to spice it up a little >:)

Nah, keepin' it simple...or not. We'll see.

Thanks for dropping by and if you have a second don't be afraid to drop a comment. )

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Kryber2017 #1
Chapter 9: Awww … never gets old :)
2080 streak #2
Chapter 7: This is so beautiful
Chapter 9: NICE !!!! AUTHOR ur GREAT i mean youre the best your story is one of a kind and im proudly saying that i am lucky that i read your story ,,,, and all of my ecpectation didnt wasted ,,, and im hoping you will MAKE a lot lot more stories like this #4EVERKRYBER
vic_uk612 #4
Chapter 9: Woohoooo !!!! Happy, heartbroken, happy heartbroken, and happy ending. What a great roller coaster! I have been started from "I am not sorry" to this "rainbow", and it's just amazing, awesome and sweet story after all. Tks for this, like your work alot, hope to read more from you.
nanny00 #5
Chapter 9: Wow wow woow n wow! Im loving it!
Chapter 9: Cool beans! ^___^
future_mrs_liu #7
Chapter 9: I love your stories! I hope you can update soon!
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 9: That is so sweet. How can I find someone like them?
To be honest, I don't believe there is true lov, but everything is possible in Story that I like it. ^o^
Chapter 9: Wow!!! That was a beautiful ending... thanks for the story
jpigtom #10
Chapter 9: I love you author..thank you for this story.. *sob