He Had Friends

MyungYeol One-Shot Collection


BEFORE YOU READ THIS. I MIGHT WANT TO WARN YOU. I DON'T REALLY KNOW WHAT THIS IS. I just had my laptop at hand. And I was all depressed and shiz. So I was like. LET'S WRITE A MYUNGYEOL ONE SHOT. Then BAM. This was born. No, really though. I don't know what this is XDD 

He had friends.

            A lot, actually. Myungsoo wasn’t popular, but he had a lot of friends. Everybody knew who ‘Kim Myungsoo’ was, and everybody always said ‘hi’ to him as he walked past them.

            Myungsoo belonged in a lot of groups. One day he would hang out with one group, the next another. They all welcomed him no matter what.

            He had been put, once. Once, once a long time ago during his first year of high school. His first friend was a boy named Kim Sunggyu. He and Sunggyu had a lot of classes together, therefore they always hung out together.

            Sunggyu had introduced Myungsoo to his group of friends – Jang Dongwoo, Nam Woohyun, Lee Howon (or Hoya, as he’d rather be called), Lee Sungyeol, and Lee Sungjong.

            Myungsoo ate lunch with them, talked to them, walked to class with them for the first few months as a freshman. The thing was, he was awkward around all of them – well, all except Sunggyu. Whenever he was left alone with one of them, there would just be silence – pure, awkward silence that made you want to drown yourself.

            He didn’t even like them. Jang Dongwoo was too loud, Nam Woohyun was too greasy, Lee Howon was too quiet, Lee Sungyeol was too jumpy, and Lee Sungjong was just…too weird. Even Sunggyu somehow managed to piss him off – thinking he was so great and everything.

            And another factor – they gossiped too much. Every lunch period, they’d be talking about some ugly new girl, a random kid that fell, anything. And what they said wasn’t too particularly nice.

            Well, all of them besides Lee Sungyeol. That boy was seriously hyperactive, but whenever his friends began to talk about other people and start gossiping, he would stay quiet and just tell them to stop. Truthfully, it annoyed Sungyeol, too – especially when the person they were talking about was right there, sitting in the table next to them.

            Sungyeol was really quiet when he was eating, Myungsoo noticed. He wouldn’t talk, he’d just stare at his food and chew, or stare straight ahead and chew. He didn’t talk while he was eating – never. When he did, though, he’d be screaming and laughing and killing the entire school with his high pitched voice.

            Another thing. Sungyeol’s lunches were simple. It was usually a meal, sometimes a sandwich or rice, and some fruit, varying for grapes to watermelons to honeydew to strawberries. It didn’t matter – Sungyeol always ate everything.

            It wasn’t like Myungsoo spent his lunch watching Sungyeol, or anything. It was just that the boy was so fascinating. The other five were usually the same, eating and throwing food and talking with their mouths open. Sungyeol never did that – he only talked when he was done with his meal.

            Myungsoo knew that Sungyeol tried his best not to be awkward around people. The choding would randomly just say “I’m tired” or “How’s life?” or “I hate school” just to strike a conversation that had ended aimlessly a few minutes ago. Myungsoo also knew that Sungyeol was still awkward around Woohyun, Hoya, and was starting to get better with Sungjong. He could talk for ages with Sunggyu and Dongwoo, though.

            On the contrary, Sungyeol in a group was cheerful with everybody. He didn’t show favors to anyone and he just chirped happily with them all, even Myungsoo. Alone, he was just an awkward turtle.

            Myungsoo really didn’t know what made him leave the group. He’d found better friends, maybe that was it. Friends that didn’t flail randomly and act all quiet around him.

            When he didn’t appear at their lunch table for the first time, the only people that approached him were Sunggyu and Sungyeol. Sungyeol stood by the sidelines while Sunggyu did the talking. Myungsoo had just told his hyung that he liked this spot better; that he didn’t want really want the rest of the guys to move because of him.

            Sunggyu just shrugged it off, although he seemed hurt, and left with the awkward turtle named Lee Sungyeol.


A lot of things happened while Myungsoo was away. At least six more people were added to Sunggyu's group of friends, some transferred schools, some left like Myungsoo did, and more people came.

            Sunggyu’s group wasn’t nearly as popular as Myungsoo was, but they knew people, too. And people knew them – they wouldn’t say ‘hello’ to them like they did to Myungsoo, but they still acknowledged their existence.

            It wasn’t like Myungsoo could avoid seeing them – he didn’t want to, either. He shared a ton of classes with Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, and Sungjong, and they always talked.

            No, there weren’t any classes with Sungyeol. For a while, Myungsoo almost forgot the loud, yet quiet, boy that just stared at a wall and subconsciously ate his rice.


Myungsoo didn’t know what made him do it, but he dropped music. He was in his junior year, and he knew that playing the guitar could take him places, but he just quit. First of all, his teacher was a total douche, and second, he was already taking private lessons. It wasn’t like he quit music altogether – just the class at school.

            His classes all changed and he ended up with 1st period TA for Gym (meaning he could laugh at his classmates as they ran), 2nd period History (Ugh…), 3rd period Language Arts (he was a y writer in 6th period or 3rd. It didn’t really matter to him), 4th period Math (ew.), 5th period Gym (previously music. Now it was his turn to be laughed at), and 6th period Science (he really hated learning about science. It was usually gross).

            His classes were alright so far alright…until he got to 3rd period.

            When he’d walked in, he’d thought it would be a normal class. He was instructed by the teacher to sit in the back desk in the corner, surrounded by two empty desks.

            The first thing Myungsoo had noticed, though, was that Lee Sungyeol was in this class. The tall boy was sitting next to Kim Jonghyun, a student that had joined Sunggyu’s group and more importantly, Sungyeol’s list of un-awkward people. They were talking like girls absorbed in fashion, no joke.

            When Myungsoo turned his head to look away, about fifty billion hours later, he saw that Sunggyu was also in the class. His hyung was quiet, sitting around a bunch of people that Myungsoo didn’t recognize at all. Sunggyu was doing hand motions to Sungyeol while Jonghyun started getting his homework out. They smiled about something and nodded.

            The teacher then got off of his desk, standing in front of the students. He introduced Myungsoo and pointed to the back, allowing all the girls to awe over their luck of having Kim Myungsoo in their class and the boys to wave a familiar ‘hey’ to him.

            He just nodded, smiled, and waved back at the entire class. Myungsoo tried his best not to lure his eyes in Sungyeol’s direction, but obviously his brain refused to listen to him. He caught a glance of Sungyeol smiling at him, and Myungsoo just scoffed. Although he really wasn’t sure why he did that.

            The teacher laughed, then resumed to his lesson. Midway through, some kid named Shin Dongho began disturbing the class by talking to his friend about something.

            “Dongho!” Mr. Cho screeched.

            The called boy immediately froze, looking straight forward. “Y – yes?”

            Mr. Cho sighed, then replied, “Pack your stuff. Obviously, you can’t handle sitting there. You can change seats with….” He looked around, then his eyes landed on Jonghyun. “Jonghyun, would you ever be so kind enough to pack your stuff also, and exchange seats with Dongho?”

            Jonghyun looked devastated, turning to Sungyeol, who looked even worse. Sungyeol gave him a melancholy hug as his friend packed his stuff and moved.

            Dongho sighed, taking his stuff and he took the seat that was Sungyeol’s. Sungyeol scoot as far away as he could, avoiding Dongho like the plague. The boy, despite his baby looks, was known as the gossip king – even worse than Sungyeol’s friends. And as we all know, Sungyeol despised gossip.

            “Oh, well…Myungsoo looks lonely back there by himself,” Mr. Cho muttered. Sungyeol’s eyes widened right away and he raised his hand, so close to standing up.

            “I’ll go sit with Myungsoo!” Sungyeol cried, volunteering as if he were Katniss. “I’LL GO WITH DOWN WITH HIM!”

            Myungsoo just stared from his seat, a little freaked out. He’d almost forgotten how strange Sungyeol was when he wasn’t eating.

            Mr. Cho giggled, then pointed at Sungyeol. “Alright. You can go sit next to Myungsoo.”

            In a split second, Sungyeol grabbed all of his stuff and ran over to the empty seat next to Myungsoo. The entire class laughed, knowing Sungyeol was a funny person, and watched as he took his place next to the heavenly Kim Myungsoo.

            “Hey,” Sungyeol breathed as he sat down. “Long time no talk.”

            Myungsoo just nodded, burying himself even further into his chair.

            “So…how’s life?”

            Not this again. There was a reason why he avoided Sungyeol…to avoid these attempt-conversations.

            “It’s fine,” Myungsoo coughed.


            Myungsoo dared to turn his neck 2 degrees to look at Sungyeol, whose mouth was hanging wide open. “…What?”

            “Your voice is so deep!” Sungyeol said, bouncing on his chair. “When’d it get so deep?! How?!”

            “…I don’t know…puberty?”

            “You see, this is what happens when we don’t hang out for years!” Sungyeol whined, pushing Myungsoo.

            The younger boy just nodded, trying to keep a smile on his face. Honestly, he didn’t want to hang out with Sungyeol or even sit next to him. He didn’t even like the boy that much.


Sungyeol sighed, blanking out as Mr. Cho kept lecturing them on metaphors and effect use of them in poems. Seriously. Like he gave a flying damn about ‘Hope being the thing with feathers’ or ‘love being a flower bud or whatever’. Good Lord Emily Dickenson and William Shakespeare. Ruining lives like this. What’d he ever do to them?

            He turned his head to look at Myungsoo, who was jotting down notes in a journal, which was nearly filled to the brim.

            His eyes blinked, staring at it, then back at his blank desk. Then at everybody else. All of his classmates were dozing off and here Myungsoo was, just writing down every bit of information he had in mind.

            “…Hey…what’re you doing?” Sungyeol whispered to him.

            Myungsoo just looked up at him as his pen stopped moving. “I’m taking notes.”

            Sungyeol just nodded, not wanting to ask any more questions. He knew Myungsoo didn’t like him – he’d always known. For some reason, Myungsoo had been a genius and told some kid that he wasn’t too fond of Sunggyu’s crew of friends, and despite how much he despised gossip, Sungyeol managed to find out. Any gossip with the name ‘Myungsoo’ was worth knowing.

            Sungyeol would openly admit it – he hated it when people gossiped. He really, really did. It was like, freaking mind your own business! Is your life really that boring that you have to talk about other peoples’? Watch a soap opera then, for Pete’s sake!

            The first time he’d laid eyes on Myungsoo, he knew that the younger boy wasn’t the type to gossip. Well, Hoya wasn’t either but look where he was now.

            There was something that caught Sungyeol’s eye about Myungsoo. Sure, the same thing happened with Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, and Sungjong. That’s how he made his best friends – his instincts always told him the first thought.

            It was somewhat different with Myungsoo, though. Staring into his eyes, he wasn’t sure if the road would lead him to being best friends with Myungsoo, or just being the most awkward person alive with him.

            Sungyeol never had that feeling before. It scared him. There were either alerts of ‘Yeah. We ain’t ever gonna be friends, ‘yo’ or ‘BFFL? We’re amazing together~’. With Myungsoo…it was a mix. Like God was daring him to take a chance, choose one. Because for once, his instinct wasn’t there to help him.

            He’d thought that when Myungsoo left them that one time, God had told him: we’re never going to cross paths again. We’re just going to be like two intersecting lines forever. Meet once, will never meet again.


Before Sungyeol could leave the class, Mr. Cho stopped him and said, “Because Myungsoo had a different Language Arts teacher before, he doesn’t know what we’re learning. Do you mind teaching him?”
            Sungyeol hesitantly nodded, although in Myungsoo’s eyes it looked like a confident, OK, I’LL DO IT! nod.

            The older boy walked back to his new desk and plopped down next to Myungsoo as Mr. Cho smiled at them and left the room.

            “Do you need help on anything?” Sungyeol asked, leaning over to look at Myungsoo’s journal.

            “I’m fine.”

            Sungyeol just nodded, knowing that even if Myungsoo didn’t need his help, Mr. Cho would still expect him to be here when he came back.

            “…Are you sure?”

            Myungsoo gave him a somewhat fake nice grin, saying, “I’m not going to ask for help from a guy that blanks out during class, am I?”


No matter what, Myungsoo had noticed it. Sungyeol blanking out in class, that’s what.

            It was the same look that Sungyeol had when he ate. Myungsoo  never knew, probably because they were never in a class together.

            The look always gave Myungsoo a weird feeling. Like Sungyeol was plotting on how to rule the Earth, or something. Yeah. That explained it.

            “Do you always blank out?” Myungsoo blurted out. When he realized what he’d said, he clasped his hand over his mouth.

            Sungyeol turned to him, his eyebrows a little furrowed. “What?...Um. I guess. I don’t know. Why?”

            “B – because…I realized you blanked out a lot while you ate lunch,” Myungsoo said, a little relieved to get that off his chest.

            The tall boy’s cheeks went a bit pink before he coughed awkwardly. “Oh…I do? I didn’t notice…I guess you did, though. The guys are usually talking about something stupid, so I tend not to really want to talk to them. I guess daydreaming about a perfect boyfriend is better, isn’t it?”

            “Boyfriend?” Myungsoo turned to look at Sungyeol, who looked did not look phased one bit. “You’re gay?”

            Sungyeol shrugged after thinking a bit. “I guess. I never think about it too much, but now that you’re asking…it kind of seems so, doesn’t it? I always thought having a boyfriend would be so much better than a girlfriend. I don’t know, maybe I’m just weird?”

            “Why doesn’t anybody know?” Sungyeol finished, looking over at Myungsoo.


            “I don’t know. I never bothered to tell anybody because nobody bothered to ask me. With people like Sungjong, no offense, but it’s a bit obvious. Then it comes to me…and everybody automatically assumes that I’m straight. But then again, I’m friends with the most gossip-y kids in the school, right?”

            So he knew. He knew it, and he acknowledged the fact that he was. Myungsoo just stared forward, gulping.


“…Why’d you leave?” Sungyeol asked quietly a while later. “We were getting pretty close, you know. And don’t give me that crap about not liking where we sit…I’ve seen you sitting with about ten different groups in the past ten days.”

            Myungsoo didn’t answer. He didn’t want to.

            “Was it them?” His voice got a little lower, less audible. “…Or was it me? I know. I don’t get along well with a lot of people. I’m trying…”

            “It’s not you!” Myungsoo protested, sitting forward. “I just…” He couldn’t say it was the rest of them. But then again, he couldn’t say it was Sungyeol – even if it was Sungyeol.

            “You don’t have to lie with me.” Sungyeol gave him a sad smile, then played with his fingers again. “Sunggyu hyung always brags about you, you know. Having you as his friend because you’re so popular and everything. And Sungjong still whines about you not being there. He thought you guys were best friends, or something like that.”

            “...Oh. Really?”

            “Yep. You’re welcome to come back anytime.” Sungyeol chuckled a bit, his eyes still fixated below him. “They miss you. They said you were funny.”

            “…Do you miss me?”

            Sungyeol looked up finally, staring into Myungsoo’s black eyes. Something told him not to answer, but…that was only his mind. His heart said something different.

            “I don’t know,” he honestly answered. He’d thought that their relationship, past or future, was over the minute Myungsoo left. But now…what road would Myungsoo end up going on?

            Next to him, Myungsoo felt the same way. The way Sungyeol looked when he ate, when he blanked out, those looks brought him somewhere else. To the land of Lee Sungyeol, where everything was neutral. Where everything was gray. Where everything was just…natural. No need to act like you need to fit in, because you’d always fit in.

            “How about you?”

            Myungsoo blinked a bit, no knowing what to say. “What about me?”

            “…Do you miss me?”

            How was he supposed to answer that question? “I…don’t really know.”       

            “Are you as confused as I am?” Sungyeol finally asked. His eyes were away, staring at his shoes as he kicked them back and forth.



            The younger boy thought for a second, then slowly nodded. “Yeah. Confused.”

            “Do you like me, even as a friend?”

            He thought again. Did he? “No, not really.”

            Sungyeol managed to crack a smile, still watching as his shoes past each other. “Then what?”

            “…I like to be around you.”

            “But you don’t like me?”

            “I don’t think so.” Myungsoo thought back, back when he and Sungyeol hung out together. He’d done everything to avoid being alone with the guy, didn’t want to even talk to him. Yet he still somewhat liked it when they were together. It was stupid, really.

            “Oh.” Sungyeol was completely conflicted. Where did that leave him and Myungsoo? More importantly, what road did that lead Myungsoo on? They could always be together, but Myungsoo didn’t want to be his friend.

            “Yeah. Oh.”

            “Then what are you so confused about?” Sungyeol asked. “You like being around me. But you don’t want to be my friend. Is that it?”

            “Is that it for you?”

            He thought about it. Was it? “No.”

            “Then no here, too.”

            “…You scare me,” Sungyeol finally confessed. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with you. One minute you’re there with us and I think you’re the best addition to our group…then the next you just leave. I thought you left due to me, because to be frankly honest, you’re perfectly well off with the other guys. Alright, not well off. But better than with me.

            “Then there’s my weird feeling. Why I’m confused. I can’t understand you, not even if I tried. I don’t know if I’m supposed to end up hating you, or loving you. Everything’s mismatched for me.”

            Myungsoo nodded, just listening. He didn’t know what to say, nor how to react. So he just spoke. “I did leave because of you.” He turned his head to Sungyeol, who just kept looking at him, giving him this ‘don’t worry, I kinda knew that already’ facial expression.

            “It was partly the others’ fault, too. But you’re right. It was mostly because of you.”

            *awkward silence until Myungsoo decides to talk again*

            “I watched you a lot, you know. During lunch. While all the others are gossiping, you’re just sitting there, just staring. I loved that look on your face, and now I get to see it in class, too. When you blank out, you have this faraway look on your face as if you’re traveling to Heaven to talk to the angels and back. It’s quite beautiful, to be honest. I always wondered what you’d think about in those moments. What goes on in Lee Sungyeol’s head as he dazes off, not giving a care about the rest of the world.”

            Sungyeol didn’t say a word, because he knew that Myungsoo knew what he was thinking about. But as Myungsoo spoke, he began to piece together something.

            A very important ‘something’ called his feelings.

            “…And that scared me, like I scared you. I loved that look – and you have to agree with me, it’s weird to love how another guy looks when he’s completely out of order. It was weird, like an addiction. Just wanting to stare at your perfect face all the time.”

            Sungyeol still didn’t say anything. His mind was gearing up, thinking carefully. The words Myungsoo said, they just floated into his mind and were added to his equation.

            “Myungsoo-ah…you…do you ever think about me?”


            Shaking his head, Sungyeol repeated the question. “Do you ever think about me?”

            “…Of course.” He thought about all of his old friends occasionally.

            “Do you ever worry about me?”

            “…No, no really.” Why should he? Sungyeol was a big boy. He could look both ways before he crossed the street.

            “You know what I think about all the time during lunch already, right?” Sungyeol asked.

            Myungsoo slowly nodded. Of course he did – Sungyeol just told him!

            “My perfect boyfriend,” Sungyeol started, “always looked at me. He always loved the way I look, whether or not I was in my right mind and state. I was actually referring to a scenario if I’d gone crazy and was sent to an asylum, but let’s not think about that right now. He always thought about me whether or not we were apart, no matter how long it was. And he never worried about me because he knew that he could trust me with his precious boyfriend’s body.”

            “What? That’s not –“ Myungsoo stopped, thinking for a second.

            Why’d he think about Sungyeol so much? Was it really because Sungyeol was just an old friend of his?

            …But then again, when was the last time he’d thought of Sungjong? Or Hoya? Maybe five months ago. Sungyeol? Perhaps…last night.

            Why didn’t he think about Sungyeol? Sungyeol was a big boy. He could take care of himself.

            But what if Sungyeol wasn’t a big boy? What if he really acted like the choding he was, what if he didn’t know how to look both ways before crossing the street?

            Myungsoo wouldn’t trust him. He’d walk Sungyeol home everyday, make sure he ate a healthy meal, and gotten his clothes prepared for him.

            But he knew he could trust Sungyeol to take care of himself.

            Everything. Everything added up. Why he was so scared of Sungyeol. Why he left because of Sungyeol.

            He never liked a guy before. He never did, and he didn’t think he’d ever would. But then Sungyeol came along and messed up everything…this confusing feeling.

            It didn’t seem so confusing anymore.

            “Am I right?” Sungyeol’s hoarse voice asked. “I’ve been thinking about this dream guy since around the third grade, Myungsoo, ever since I started hating on people for gossiping. I know my soulmate like the back of my hand.”

            Myungsoo blinked, looking up at Sungyeol’s face. His halo was bright, but Myungsoo could still see the angel beneath it. (It was also known as sunlight, but let him be romantic for a change)

            “That face…” Myungsoo’s finger was brought forward as he slowly caressed Sungyeol’s cheek. “It has that amazing look on it. The look that I’d never thought I’d be able to see again.

            “I was right, Sungyeol. You and me both. I do want to be around you, I want to be around you for forever and watch you be the beautiful you. But I don’t want to be your friend…you deserve a lot more.”

            “I’ve been waiting since the third grade for this,” Sungyeol smirked. “Don’t make me wait anymore for my perfect boyfriend.”

            Myungsoo could only laugh as he led Sungyeol’s face closer to his, closing the space between them for the perfect first kiss with the most perfect boyfriend.


*sigh* I warned ya'll already. I don't know what this is. It's like...I DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS IS ;_; I JUST KEPT WRITING AND WRITING AND I COULDN'T STOP AND I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT I WAS DOING ANYMORE SO yeah. 

Dude I love these A/N's. They're like my little spazzing stations XDD don't tell anybody I said that. That's just awk. 

Will now go and reply to your comments because I want to~~ and BECAUSE I CAN. WOOHOO~~ I'M CRAVING ORANGE JUICE OR APPLE JUICE RIGHT NOW BUT I JUST DRANK A CUP OF MILK so I really don't know why I'm acting so hyper. =.= Oh God I'm so weird. BUH BYE~~♥

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two death fics in a row except this one isnt angst but someone stop me


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 32: Ow yeollie so cutee
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 13: I like this one
Chapter 1: I don't know if you're reading this or not, but I had always want someone to write MyungYeol with TopYeol/BottomMyungsoo. Since your writing skill are so much better, could you please write them? For everything sake? :D
very_ship_them #4
Chapter 1: Omg XD I read all these shots like 4 months ago and I came back
You are AMAZING author-nim
Chapter 50: but dongwoo has the best what the hell

okay so i looove this one this is probably my favorite cause you didn't just end it with the game but there was sungyeol's thing with school and myungsoo being myungsoo and just <3333 i haven't been reading infinite fanfics for a while and now i'm all nostalgic to start reading again <3 (once i finish studying for exams otl)
Chapter 50: ouh wait, best in infinite goes to dongwoo aint it?
Chapter 50: omg i love this one!

and the question XD
wintersugar #8
Chapter 50: I remember playing paranoia when i was little (I asked the most boring questions though haha) and this story is super cute :> I really loved this!
Chapter 50: YESSSSS this story makes me HAPPY !!
I don't know the game! It's an interesting one! One that definitely will make you paranoid of what was being asked about you (if you were called out) .__. Awww poor MyungSoo, but seeing the smirk from SungYeol must have made him even more wondering what was being asked (I agree with SungYeol's answer to that question, damn MyungSoo some nice you have) SungYeol being straightforward by saying he wanted to spend time with MyungSoo, be it in Soo's house or his own house (live across the street wth so great for the future kkk) The straightforward confession, wow SungYeol you are really going for it! I liked it all! Thank you Evie once again, I love your stories!