summer casual

MyungYeol One-Shot Collection

today's winter formal and i've seen enough pictures to want to drown myself in the pain that is being single so here is y winter formal myungyeol \o/

“Well this is boring.”

                “It’s boring because you’re not doing anything but sitting in the corner and moping for yourself.”

                Sungyeol glared at Myungsoo, hoping that his anger seeped through his eyes and into the younger’s pathetically cheerful soul. “I have a reason to mope for myself, thank you very much.”

                “Do you want anything?” Myungsoo asked for confirmation.

                "Punch me," Sungyeol requested, not sure if he's annoyed or just plain disappointed. It was winter formal, he was supposed to be having a fun time, yet his date decided to stand him up and leave him dying and crying in the ballroom.

                Looking across the room, Myungsoo wasn’t sure what definition of ‘punch’ his friend was referring too, but just for safety purposes, he left the ditched date standing by himself for about four seconds before returning with a drink on hand.

                “Here,” Myungsoo said, handing the cup of punch to Sungyeol. “Sorry about…you-know-who. I’m here though, if that’s any consolation.”

                “Where’s your date,” Sungyeol plainly asked as he took a sip. Fruit punch, better than nothing. At least they’re not discriminating any other fruits. Berry punches were the worst, where were the apples and mangoes?

                “Uh…like six miles into the room somewhere,” Myungsoo came up with. “He found his friends and he looked like he was having fun, so…”

                “You presumed I wasn’t, so you came over here to check up on poor lil’ Sungyeol?”

                “Not presumed, I could kinda tell.”

                “Thanks,” Sungyeol muttered. “I’d hate to know who else can.”

                Myungsoo grimaced, scratching the back of his perfectly gelled hair before looking at his watch, then at the big watch on top of the wall. “Hey, it’s only been, like, two hours. We can make something out of the rest of the time, yeah?”

                “How about I just go back home, turn on some TV, and suffer a bit more,” Sungyeol suggests, throwing his half-drunken cup of punch into the trash can beside him. Yep, right beside him. The only thing that stuck with him the entirety of the night was a trash can.



                He sighed. “Fine,” Myungsoo agreed, “we’ll go home. I’ll call for a cab, you stay here. Is that good enough for you?”

                “What?” Sungyeol’s eyebrows furrowed and he grabbed Myungsoo’s arm before the boy could leave. “Dude, you do realize you have a date, right? And an entire night –“

                “I’m pretty sure he was planning on this happening when he asked me,” Myungsoo shrugged, revealing a slightly small and sad smile. “The only reason he did was because it was a dare. I wasn’t going to say no, and he knew that and got six dollars from it. At least one of us got something out of it, you know?”
                Sungyeol’s facial features slowly melted down as he watched Myungsoo leave, pulling out his phone and walking to the door whilst. Sure, he felt humiliated for having his date stood up, but was Myungsoo’s, the same person who was trying to pull him out of his little dug out hellhole, night going any better?


“Yeah..that’s the right address. Thanks.”

                It was cold and Myungsoo was secretly grateful his mom had forced him to wear his dad’s old leather overcoat. No matter how tacky, it was still warm as heck. And Sungyeol had said he looked nice in it (before the cued crying escapade), so that was a plus side.

                As he hung up and walked back into the room, Myungsoo’s eyes scanned for Sungyeol before nearly dropping his $650 cell phone on the ground and screaming bloody hell.

                He remembered what Eli’s friends had said when the said boy left him.

                It’ll be a fun joke.

                No one’s gonna find out it’s us.


                Easy, just choose a pitiful lookin’ one from somewhere in the crowd. Give them it, watch them go cray-cray.

                That’s stupid.

                Where’d you even get it?

                Homemade, duh. My older brother taught me.

                Is this what you guys do, cook –

                Shut the up, Eli and the other guy are coming.

                He should’ve predicted this, he totally helling should have.

                Making sure that his phone was stuffed in his pocket, Myungsoo dashed over to the corner of the gym where Sungyeol was standing beside the trash can, grabbing his best friend’s arm before glaring over at the guy.

                “What the ? His alcohol tolerance is a low minimum, do you think he’d be able to take spiked chocolate??”

                “Whooooaaa there,” the first guy said, handing the box of chocolates to the one beside him. Luckily Eli was nowhere in sight or Myungsoo would’ve seriously punched the living daylights out of him. “You okay there, kid? Because I have no idea what you’re talking about –“

                “No, no, just shut up, we’re already having an awful night and I don’t want to hear whatever lame excuse-crap you have. I hope you have a nice night and stand in front of a speeding car.”


                Nothing had clearly acted up in Sungyeol yet, but Myungsoo still gritted his teeth at the guys, pulling him and the confused child along.

                “Wait, what did you mean back there by spiked –“

                “Shut up Sungyeol, we’re going home,” Myungsoo interrupted, shoving his way through the people to reach the door.

                “Your home or my home?”

                “Probably mine but it doesn’t really matter.”

                “Why do you sound so pissed off?”

                “Because I thought we were going to have a fun sleepover night after the failed dance,” Myungsoo hastily responded, halting his steps and turning back to face Sungyeol, “but since you got yourself all high up the ladder of…well, high, I’m stuck with you probably pointing at a piece of toilet paper and laughing your off for three hours straight.”

                “Toilet paper.”

                “If you start laughing, I swear I will punch you.”


Having only consumed three pieces of chocolate, Sungyeol wasn’t as bad off as Myungsoo had previously thought he would’ve been. Maybe he was a whole lot quieter and calmer, with a bigger sense of humor, and the ability to get hungry more easily, but otherwise…he was the same.

                Almost the same, at least.

                “You still look pissed off.”

                “I’m just tired,” Myungsoo said, turning off the lights in his room so that the only thing illuminating it was the television playing in front of his bed. Sungyeol was already laying on the ground, changed out of his fancy shmancy clothing and into a pair of Myungsoo’s sweats and a box T-shirt.

                “You’re never tired, though,” Sungyeol cocked his head. He reached up to pull on the hem of Myungsoo’s shirt, coaxing the younger down so he could feel Myungsoo’s forehead. “You’re never tired when you’re with me.”

                “Yeah, well, today’s a bit of an exception.”

                Sungyeol put his hand down, biting on his bottom lip and turning his head to look at what was playing on the TV. “I’m sorry, did I mess up?”

                “You didn’t mess anything up. I should’ve known not to leave you alone since you were all vulnerable or whatever.”

                “Sorry again.”

                Myungsoo sighed, running his hands down his face and picking up the remote to turn the volume on louder. He wasn’t used to non-spazzy Sungyeol and since that one point of his known galaxy wasn’t in order, all the planets of his mind turned astray and now he just felt tired and useless and bored and so done with tonight.

                “Hey Myungsoo, can I tell you something?”


                “It’s important.”

                “If it’s that thing about how mountain water is actually fish pee, I’m going to smolder your face with that pillow over there until you die.”

                “That’s not very nice.”

                This wasn’t how Sungyeol was supposed to act, at least not without an over exaggerated pout following. But Myungsoo just went along with it.

                “Just go, Sungyeol.”

                “…I’m actually kinda happy Woohyun didn’t show up today.”

                That definitely caught Myungsoo’s attention, causing him to turn his head and look at Sungyeol’s, whose face was no straight forward.


                “I know I was really sad and everything today, but honestly, I think it would’ve been worse with him, because if he was there, I wouldn’t have been able to talk to you and you’d be in the corner instead of me, and I wouldn’t have gotten drugged and you wouldn’t have gotten all mad and dragged me into that Taxi cab where I swear the driver was an ex-convict, and we wouldn’t be back here in your dark, lonely house with the depressing movie on, and I wouldn’t be able to do this –“

                And the next thing he did, Myungsoo wasn’t sure if it was like Sungyeol or not. It was just as spontaneous, but then again sober Sungyeol would’ve never even had the ability to pull something like this off.

                Taking Myungsoo’s face, Sungyeol squished it up until his cheeks where visible puffs of fat and then stretched it out again, eyes on his lips the entire time until he found enough courage to lean forward. He stopped for a minute, hesitantly wavering – and then –

                Myungsoo felt his body move a little closer until Sungyeol’s lips were finally touching his.

                Neither of them moved at all for a good minute until Myungsoo finally felt Sungyeol’s fingers fall from his face, thanking every God out there that his cheeks weren’t being pinched to hell any longer.

                “Do my lips taste like weed,” was the first thing Sungyeol questioned of Myungsoo when they let go, and the only thing the younger could reply with was a smack on the head.


When Myungsoo rolled over the next morning on his bed, he heard a crinkling from beneath him. It was at least 10 AM but he hadn’t slept until 4 so he was pretty sure he deserved some more shut eye.

                Nevertheless, the pushed himself up with his elbows and reached for the pink post-it note, instantly recognizing the handwriting. A subconscious smile appeared on his lips before he fully took in the meaning of the quick jot.


yo, sorry im not there. your mom came in and asked if i wanted some breakfast. i felt like ((I probably still do js)) but it’s a good thing to have some mother-and-son-in-law bonding time, right?


ps if i remember last night better than you do then im going to be the one smolder u in the face with that pillow


love, lee tired-as- sungyeol





DO YOU GET IT "WINTER FORMAL" "SUMMER CAUSAL" HAHAAAHHAHAHA HAHA HAHAAAHAHA pls say you do omg i don't think anyone understood my 'his he x' title either this makes me so sad

anyways yeah i don't really know how drugged people act so i just u know googled it and that's characteristics yahoo answers gave me and u know how trustworthy yahoo answers is

yayaaayayay anyways yep there you go! 1k of winter formal myungyeol (ish not really lmao) did any of y'alls have winter formal? i'd love to hear about it hehe ♥♥ i always say it makes me feel awful but tbh it's pretty fun knowing how everyone else's went lol



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two death fics in a row except this one isnt angst but someone stop me


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 32: Ow yeollie so cutee
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 13: I like this one
Chapter 1: I don't know if you're reading this or not, but I had always want someone to write MyungYeol with TopYeol/BottomMyungsoo. Since your writing skill are so much better, could you please write them? For everything sake? :D
very_ship_them #4
Chapter 1: Omg XD I read all these shots like 4 months ago and I came back
You are AMAZING author-nim
Chapter 50: but dongwoo has the best what the hell

okay so i looove this one this is probably my favorite cause you didn't just end it with the game but there was sungyeol's thing with school and myungsoo being myungsoo and just <3333 i haven't been reading infinite fanfics for a while and now i'm all nostalgic to start reading again <3 (once i finish studying for exams otl)
Chapter 50: ouh wait, best in infinite goes to dongwoo aint it?
Chapter 50: omg i love this one!

and the question XD
wintersugar #8
Chapter 50: I remember playing paranoia when i was little (I asked the most boring questions though haha) and this story is super cute :> I really loved this!
Chapter 50: YESSSSS this story makes me HAPPY !!
I don't know the game! It's an interesting one! One that definitely will make you paranoid of what was being asked about you (if you were called out) .__. Awww poor MyungSoo, but seeing the smirk from SungYeol must have made him even more wondering what was being asked (I agree with SungYeol's answer to that question, damn MyungSoo some nice you have) SungYeol being straightforward by saying he wanted to spend time with MyungSoo, be it in Soo's house or his own house (live across the street wth so great for the future kkk) The straightforward confession, wow SungYeol you are really going for it! I liked it all! Thank you Evie once again, I love your stories!