An Element

MyungYeol One-Shot Collection


So like...this is such a late update D: BECAUSE GUESS WHAT TODAY IS~ (it's 12:06 AM where I'm at right now, so yeah) HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR, GUYS!♥ I was busy at my church volunteering and making lanterns, so yeah♥ [I ABSOLUTELY LOVEEE LUNAR NEW YEAR. I don't know any other nationality that celebrates like...TET TRUONG THU IS AWESHUM♥]

This oneshot. Was inspired. By. Kim Myungsoo. LOL. SO I WAS STUPID. AND JUST FOUND OUT THAT L'S INDIVIDUAL FANS ARE CALLED eLements. And everthing about elements and stuffies floated back to me and I wrote this. XDD ♥

An element.

               It is defined as a pure substance that cannot be broken down into other substances by chemical or physical means.


The periodic table of elements has exactly 113 elements. However, if you only look at the last element and see Ununquadium, you’d think there were 114.

               No. It skips, skips from Ununbium, number 112, to Ununquadium, 114.

               What happened to 113? Keep looking. Try to find it. You won’t, because it simply isn’t there.


Lee Sungyeol always considered himself as number 113, the one missing element from the Periodic Table. He remembered how years ago, in middle school, he’d asked his teacher what happened to the 113th element, what happened between the two elements with names unofficially assigned.

               He never, ever got an answer. So he connected, connected with that element that didn’t have a place in the table, the element that had never been known. Because, in every sense possible, that one unknown element was him.


He remembered the first time Kim Myungsoo came to their high school – or like the boy had rather liked to be called, L.L fit in with everybody, from the nerds to the jocks, to the teachers and the counselors. They all loved him, and before he knew it, he’d gained a fandom name.


               Sungyeol thought of this as weird, he didn’t seem to like it at all. Because he was an element, he was the original element. That was his thing, since middle school. The 113th element.

               Then came all these girls, and the occasional guy, claiming that they were eLements. It wasn’t fair, not fair at all, and Sungyeol felt so exposed. Whenever somebody used to trip him, or make fun of him, Sungyeol would just smile. Smile and say, “I’m the secret element that you’ll never figure out.”

               But now, everything was a mess. Girls scribbling on their binders “eLement”, boys calling each other “eLement”. No, no, no, no. It was supposed to be his thing.

               So when Sungyeol was 16, he’d decided to look it up. Look up what happened to the 113th element, and that’s when he figured out there was a 115th one, too.

               Ununitrium and Ununpentium. Ununpentium, the 115th element, was known as a placeholder in the periodic table – a known element, but not important enough to actually be known.

               The 113th stayed by itself, though. Sungyeol couldn’t find anything more on it, just that it wasn’t let on the Table, and it was not as known as the rest of the elements. That was all.


“Class, I want you to turn to the back flap of your science textbook. Today, we will be learning about the Periodic Table of Elements.”

               Sungyeol had to cover his ears when he heard the girls in his class start squealing, excited as heck to be learning about elements – one step closer to L, right?

               On the contrary his classmates, Sungyeol flipped to the back and stared at the Table. He took out his pencil, and immediately began to sketch in the 113th element in the missing spot between the 112th and 114th one.

               “Does anybody know what an element is?” the teacher called out, looking around the class. His smile seemed to radiate as nearly every student raised their hand.

               “Um…yes, Suzy.”

               The girl in the left corner giggled, dropped her hand, and said, “Fans of L. They’re eLements!”

               The teacher, being an old man that refused to catch up with the goings of popularity at his school, furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “No. Anybody else?”

               The rest of the students that had their hand raised booed, lowering them. In the right corner, L snickered and leaned back, wondering if anybody could actually get it.


               Sungyeol sighed, dropping his pencil to raise his hand. He’d drawn the element pretty good, after all.


               “An element is a pure substance that cannot be broken into any other substances by chemical or physical means.”

               “Good! And Sungyeol, for a bonus participation point, do you happen to know what a group of elements are called?”

               “Compounds,” Sungyeol answered nonchalantly, his eyes boring holes at the empty space between Ununbium and Ununquadium on the large Periodic Table of Elements taped to the front board.

               “Oh, good, good!” The teacher cried, excited that for once, a student actually knew what he was teaching about.

               Little did he know, though, that from then on, every girl in his class with a clique considered themselves “compounds”.


“You know your stuff.”

               Sungyeol looked up as he was packing, a little surprised to see L standing in front of him. “What stuff?”

               “Science stuff.”

               “Oh…the element thing?”

               L mentally chuckled, but didn’t show any reaction on his face. “Yeah. Didn’t expect you to be a secret admirer of mines.”

               “I’m not,” Sungyeol replied, stuffing his notebook that could barely fit back into his bag. “I just happen to know what it means, okay? Same thing with the compounds. Stop acting like everything revolves around you.”

               “Hey, can’t blame a guy for that,” L shrugged, putting his hands up in defeat. “Especially when the entire school loves you.”

               “Then why’re you here? Go out to the entire school, or whatever. They love you a whole lot more than I do.”

               “What, I can’t spend my time here?”

               “Well, no, because I don’t want random girls barging in here.”

               “Pfft, don’t even. Nobody would suspect that L is spending his free time in a classroom.”

               Sungyeol just glared at him, pushed in his chair, and slipped his bag over his shoulder. “Well then spend your free time here alone, for all I care. I’m going to go home.”

               “Hey – don’t leave me!” L chased after Sungyeol as he walked out the door. “I’ve never had to go home by myself. Why don’t we, like, get some ice cream or something?”

               “You’re creeping me out here, you know.”

               “What? I’m not telling you to get into my car and find my lost puppy, or anything. Geez.”

               Sungyeol rolled his eyes and walked out the door, leading L to do the same. For a split second, he’d forgotten who L was exactly, and stopped.

               “Hey. Walk a few feet behind me,” Sungyeol hissed, hoping that L could hear him.

               “What? Why?”

               “Because, I don’t want to get bombarded by girls asking why their precious L is walking with a unknown person like me.” Sungyeol was close, really, really close to saying “element” out of habit, but decided against it. That wouldn’t have really helped this out much.

L thought for a second, considering it. He shrugged, waited for Sungyeol to walk a few more feet, and then continued on following him.


“I really don’t know why you’re still here,” Sungyeol said, a little scared by the fact that the boy was walking next to him. “Shouldn’t you have left me by now?”

               “Why should I?” L giggled. He his ice cream (which he’d gotten without the consent of Sungyeol, who was now walking beside him virtually ice-cream-less) and smiled at Sungyeol. “I’m always interested in getting to know my fanboys.”

               “This guy, seriously!” Sungyeol tsk’ed in his face and walked faster, which only led L to follow him. “For the last time, I’m not your freaking fanboy!”


               Sungyeol got fed up, in all honesty. All L would talk about on their walk was about how Sungyeol was secretly infatuated with him when in reality, it was all in the guy’s delusional little mind. He stopped, pulled his bag open, and a notebook into L’s hands.

               “What’s this for?”

               “Look in the back,” Sungyeol directed him. “The periodic table of elements.”

               L resisted the urge to snicker at hearing his fandom name, and turned to the back, where a printed copy of the Periodic Tables was printed. There wasn’t anything special, so far as his eyes could see. “Yes?”

               “Tell me. How many elements are on there?”

               What, did Sungyeol really think L didn’t know that? Psh, no. “114. Duh. Any person with common sense should have that in mind.”

               Of course. Typical little boy.

               Sungyeol, furious, grabbed the book from L’s hands and threw it back into his bag.

               “What? Was I wrong?”

               Sungyeol didn’t say anything in return, just giving him one last glance, then walking off.


Myungsoo didn’t know why, but it frustrated him so much. What, all of a sudden the Periodic Table of Elements didn’t have 114? When did this happen?

               The minute he’d gotten home, Myungsoo grabbed his science textbook and read every detail about elements and the periodic table – and for the first time, not giggling everytime he read the word “element”.

               Myungsoo, completely aggravated, turned to the back of the textbook and reviewed the table for the millionth time. He stared, read, read again, and kept looking. Nothing looked out of order – nothing.

               His cell phone on the side began to ring, but for the first time in about his entire life (or ever since he’d gotten a cell phone in the third grade), he didn’t bother to pick it up. He had to figure this out – there was just something that motivated him to.

               Heh, maybe being able to satisfy Sungyeol? That, of course, hadn’t crossed his oblivious little boy mind, but it sure was something to think about.



               The entire school turned to see a screaming, totally out-of-place L run towards a tall boy fiddling around with his locker. Huh – they’ve never seen this guy before. Was he new?

               “Yah!” Sungyeol looked around to see if anybody noticed and, of course, they had. He turned his head towards L and slapped his shoulder, causing the younger boy to pout in complete disbelief.

               “I was just trying to tell you something, geez!” L coughed a bit, trying to put down his bed hair.

               “And what exactly is that?” Sungyeol was uncomfortable, really, really, uncomfortable having all these eyes on him. But he couldn’t really do anything about it.

               “The periodic table! There’re 113 on it, right? Right? But there’re actually 115. Am I right? Please tell me I’m right. Oh God, I look hideous right now. Why on earth do you have a mirror in your locker for? Close the locker, I don’t want to see myself. I look too ugly right now.”

               Sungyeol stared strangely at the boy before him, slowly shutting his locker. “Are you...are you okay right now?”

               “What do you mean? Of course I’m okay! What makes you think I’m not okay?!”

               From the corner, Sungyeol heard somebody whisper, “This is the moment L disappears and Myungsoo magically reappears.”

               Sungyeol’s eyes darted back and forth as he grabbed Myungsoo’s (…not really L anymore, now that he turned into this crazy, out-of-order person) wrist and pulled him outside.

               “H-hey! What’re you doing?” Myungsoo cried, although in reality he was actually clinging onto Sungyeol harder than Sungyeol was holding onto Myungsoo’s wrist,

               “Alright, what’s up with you?”

               “What do you mean, I’m fine –“

               “L – no, Myungso, how many hours of sleep did you get last night?”

               Myungsoo was about to reply when he stopped, thinking about it. “Sleep?...I don’t think I got any. But that’s fine, because I figured it out!”

               “Figured what – oh.” Sungyeol remembered a few minutes ago when Myungsoo had his wild comeback. “The Periodic Table.”

               “115! There’re a hundred and fifteen. I’m right, right?”

               “…You’re right. Is that what you spent all night doing? Trying to figure that out?”

               Myungsoo had to stop and think about it again, but he just nodded cutely, his index finger laying on his lip. “Yeah! Why? Is that bad?”

               “…Why’d you do it for?”

               “Because –“ Myungsoo stopped again. Because? Why? “I dunno.”

               “You…you don’t know?”

               “Yeah. I don’t know.”

               Sungyeol paused for a second, thinking about their conversation last night. “Myungsoo…by any chance, do you know what an element is?”

               “An element? Of course I do. It’s –“

               “Not your fan.”

               “I wasn’t going to say that. An element is a pure substance that cannot be broken into any other substances by chemical or physical means. Or something like that.”

               “You’re right,” Sungyeol said, not even trying to refrain from sounding surprised. “So tell me, Myungsoo, what element are you?”

               “Hydrogen,” Myungsoo answered as if he’d already planned this out.

               When Sungyeol didn’t reply, Myungsoo asked, “How about you?”

               “Ununitrium.” Sungyeol looked up to see if Myungsoo realized what he was getting at, and he wasn’t sure whether or not he was happy with the understanding look on the younger boy’s face.

               “The 113th one?”

               “The 113th one.”


               “…You’re really asking me why?”


               It felt like a nanosecond, but Sungyeol could literally feel the aura of Myungsoo disappearing and L coming back to reclaim his rightful position.

               “Did you know about Ununitrium until today?”


               “There you go.” Sungyeol gave him a little sad, lopsided smile.


And that was the day L gained his reputation as a bad boy.

               Stomping into the classroom (yes, even right after his total outburst as Myungsoo), grabbing a permanent sharpie, and scribbling the 113th element onto the teacher’s large poster copy of the Periodic Table in front of the classroom.

               It was also the day the 113th element became known to the school – and Lee Sungyeol.


An element.

               It is defined as a pure substance that cannot be broken down into other substances by chemical or physical means.

               Lee Sungyeol is an element. Correction – he’s an eLement. He, himself, is a pure substance that cannot be broken down into other substances by chemical or physical means.

               Nobody, nothing, can tear him apart from L. By chemical or physical means



you get it?

you get it?

get it?

XDD I'M SO LAME ;_; OH WELLS. HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR, YOU GUYS! EAT TONS OF MOONCAKE♥ they're so good<33 have an awesome day~ LOVEYA'LL♥ ^^ hopeyourweekend'sgoingswell:)

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two death fics in a row except this one isnt angst but someone stop me


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 32: Ow yeollie so cutee
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 13: I like this one
Chapter 1: I don't know if you're reading this or not, but I had always want someone to write MyungYeol with TopYeol/BottomMyungsoo. Since your writing skill are so much better, could you please write them? For everything sake? :D
very_ship_them #4
Chapter 1: Omg XD I read all these shots like 4 months ago and I came back
You are AMAZING author-nim
Chapter 50: but dongwoo has the best what the hell

okay so i looove this one this is probably my favorite cause you didn't just end it with the game but there was sungyeol's thing with school and myungsoo being myungsoo and just <3333 i haven't been reading infinite fanfics for a while and now i'm all nostalgic to start reading again <3 (once i finish studying for exams otl)
Chapter 50: ouh wait, best in infinite goes to dongwoo aint it?
Chapter 50: omg i love this one!

and the question XD
wintersugar #8
Chapter 50: I remember playing paranoia when i was little (I asked the most boring questions though haha) and this story is super cute :> I really loved this!
Chapter 50: YESSSSS this story makes me HAPPY !!
I don't know the game! It's an interesting one! One that definitely will make you paranoid of what was being asked about you (if you were called out) .__. Awww poor MyungSoo, but seeing the smirk from SungYeol must have made him even more wondering what was being asked (I agree with SungYeol's answer to that question, damn MyungSoo some nice you have) SungYeol being straightforward by saying he wanted to spend time with MyungSoo, be it in Soo's house or his own house (live across the street wth so great for the future kkk) The straightforward confession, wow SungYeol you are really going for it! I liked it all! Thank you Evie once again, I love your stories!