"I Don't Like You."

MyungYeol One-Shot Collection


Before you read, I would like to apologize to any of my HMS readers. School's been getting to me lately and there's just SO much awkward stress and drama [I know. Third day of school, and there's already drama.] and I didn't want to disappoint you guys with a horribly written and unorganized chapter >.< this probably explains why this one-shot is so weird...(I don't know what was going on through my mind when I wrote it. I was just so tired and weirded out...) =.= HMS UPDATE PROBABLY TONIGHT~~ [because it's Friday :3]

Also, keep in mind that this oneshot spans over INFINITE's debut to today. :) 


"I Don't Like You."

Those were the words that came out of Sungyeol's mouth when he had laid eyes on Myungsoo for the first time. It wasn't like he planned for himself to say it. He just did because...well, it was somewhat instinctive.

            The younger boy gaped at him, rolling his eyes. "Well then I don't like you either." Then, he walked away, leaving Sungyeol with his five other to-be teammates.

            "Sungyeol, what the freak was that?" Sunggyu asked, staring at him. The CEO had randomly sent Sungyeol to them and said that he was to debut with the rest of the ready trainees.

            Sungyeol shrugged, saying, "I don't know." Maybe it was the way he looked? Myungsoo was short, and he had his rigid, long hair tied in a ponytail. His eye bags were so obvious it was scary. Was this really the person that was to be the visual of the upcoming group? Yeah...no...just no...


Sungyeol's opinion of Myungsoo didn't change at all after their debut. Myungsoo, despite being in the same band and living in the same house, did not say a word to Sungyeol. The two hadn't conversed since that one day.

            Okay, so Myungsoo wasn't as freaky as when he was a trainee. In fact, he looked almost hot. He should've grown his hair out more, though. He would've looked better. But really...he was pretty good looking. Not that Sungyeol would ever admit that.

            The now, self-proclaimed choding had different worries, though. He was so sure, nearly 100% positive that the stylist noonas had something against him. What the freak were they thinking, spiking his hair up? Did they want to show the world how chubby Lee Sungyeol's cheeks were? Pfft.


The two of them hadn't talked until that one fansign meeting. Myungsoo and Sungyeol were sitting next to each other because they were ordered by age. They always were, so it didn't phase Sungyeol or Myungsoo one bit.

            Myungsoo was just chilling there, signing an autograph when some crazed fangirl screamed out, "MYUNGYEOLLLLLLLLLLL~~"

            He immediately looked up to see if any of the other members heard. No, they were all deeply engrossed in signing things. Meanwhile, the girl kept shouting.

            "Yah. Jong."

            Sungjong looked up expectedly at Myungsoo and asked, "What?"

            "Who's Myungyeol?"

            Looking at his hyung as if he was stupid, Sungjong replied, "It's your and Sungyeol hyung's couple name. Duh."


            "You didn't know? The fans love you two, especially from that one interview where you said the first thing Yeol hyung said to you was 'I don't like you'. They think you have a cute love-hate relationship."

            "...How the freak do you know that?" Myungsoo asked as he signed a t-shirt.

            "It's everywhere," Sungjong shrugged.

            "Did you know about this?" Myungsoo turned around to look at Sungyeol, who was just shocked that the younger boy was speaking to him.

            "W - well...no," Sungyeol confessed. He capped the pen and handed the journal back to the fan. "It can't be that bad, right? I mean...it's not like we're ever going to do fanservice for them anyhow.    

            Myungsoo didn't know why, but his heart hurt. Because Sungyeol didn't want to do fanservice with him? No, that was stupid. He didn't like Sungyeol as a hyung or even as a friend.

            "Myungsoo...are you okay? You look funny." Sungyeol put down his pen and looked at the younger boy worriedly, causing another fangirl in the lower right hand corner to scream, "MYUNGYEOL!"

            "I'm fine," Myungsoo said quickly, shaking away Sungyeol's upcoming hand. "It's just really hot here."

            "Here," Sungyeol said, handing him a cold water bottle. "Drink some water. Don't tire yourself too much, arrasso?"

            Myungsoo looked at him weirdly, but nodded slowly and took the water bottle from him.


To be quite honest, Sungyeol didn't know why he had done that either. Maybe it was because he felt like he neglected Myungsoo so much, as a friend and as a hyung. He cared for Sungjong the same way Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, and Hoya cared for him. But he had been ignoring Myungsoo as if the boy was a frozen carrot...and that just didn't feel right.

            "I'm hungry," Sungyeol randomly thought out loud while they were driving back home. Right away, he clamped his mouth with his hand. He couldn't say that...all the members would think that he was weak and couldn't stand being hungry.

            "Here, hyung," a voice came from behind him. Before he knew it, there was a candy bar stuck in front of his face.

            Sungyeol looked the candy bar, turning around at the same. Myungsoo gave him an encouraging nod, saying, "As trainees, we always kept snacks with us. You don't know this 'cause you're late, so here, eat mines."

            "I'm fine," Sungyeol answered, "candy doesn't suit well with me. But thanks for caring, Myungie."

            He reached his arm back to ruffle his dongsaeng's hair and smiled, giving Myungsoo a quick wink before he turned back around.

            "Whoa," Sunggyu said, staring at them. "When'd you two get so friendly with each other?"

            "When they realized they had a couple fanbase," Sungjong muttered from next to Sungyeol.

             Meanwhile Myungsoo was just staring out the window, not allowing any of the six boys to catch a glimpse of his slightly pink cheeks. Myungie? Really, now?


"I'll stay back with him," Sungyeol volunteered as he watched his group mates, one by one, gape at him. "What? I can't spend some quality time with Myungsoo after I totally neglected his existance?"

            "Hyung, you don't have to put it like that..." Myungsoo whispered, though it was loud enough for Sunggyu to nod.

            "Alright. Just don't make a huge mess, okay?"

            The two boys nodded at their leader, who in turn smiled and forced Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, and Sungjong out the door.

            "So what do you want to do, Myungie?" Sungyeol asked excitedly as he clapped his hands together.

            Myungsoo, sitting on the stool, just jumped off and gave his hyung a little eye glare. "What's with the 'Myungie'?"

            "What?" Sungyeol pouted. "You don't like it?"

            "No. I just thought you didn't like me."

            The older of the two shrugged. "I don't know. You just...aishh, I don't know! Mianhae, Myungie. I like you now!"

            "What if I still don't like you?" Myungsoo scoffed, watching his choding hyung carefully.

            "Myungie!" Sungyeol whined, pulling on his arm. "You can't not like me, Myungie. Remember? The candy?"

            "Okay. I like you," Myungsoo said quickly to hide any embarrassment or further conversation on the topic.

            Sungyeol gave him a sincere smile and, sliding his hand down Myungsoo's arm to grab his hand, pulled his Myungie over to the TV.





            "Two fifty."


            "Two twenty-five."

            "Two fifteen."


            Myungsoo smiled as he handed over his candy bar, making Sungyeol give him   $2.15 in USD.

            "You're cruel, Myungie," Sungyeol sighed before opening it to take a bite. Freak pride. Freak not liking candy. He was too hungry to care anymore.

            "You should've taken it when it was free," Myungsoo shrugged. Sungyeol didn't say anything, just continuously biting the bar. The rest of the members had gone up to do their mic check for the upcoming performance, and Sungyeol and Myungsoo had managed to finish before them.

            "Yah! Myungie! Where're you going?" Sungyeol shouted as his now closest friend stood up and walked away.

            "I'll be back," he yelled back. "Just eat."

            Sungyeol huffed, but stayed in his place. The candy bar was good - but anything would've tasted good right now in the state he was in.


            Lifting his head, Sungyeol saw a can of Americano coffee. "What?"

            "For you, hyung. I know you didn't have coffee this morning, and I don't want you to crash on stage. The candy bar isn't going to do much for you."

            Sungyeol took the coffee from Myungsoo's handand gave him a grateful smile. "Thank you!"

            "No problem."

            As he threw the candy bar wrapper to the side, Sungyeol glanced at the price of the can of coffee. $2.15 USD.

            This is why I love you, Myungie.


"Myungie-ah...hurry up...we have go now..."

            "I got it, hyung," Myungsoo said as he opened the door. Sungyeol gulped, backing away a bit. He could almost feel his face flushing.

            "Hyung? Are you okay?"

            "...I'm fine...I think." Sungyeol replaced face-palming himself for blinking rapidly. Wait. What was wrong with him? "You...are you...?"

            "Coffee scented cologne, hyung," Myungsoo slyly said as he passed by Sungyeol. "You like it? I got it as a present for a fan. Some girl wearing a t-shirt with a picture of the two of us making a heart."

            ...That's right. They had gone to the stage where they actually did fanservice. There was just something that bothered the both of them, though, that they didn't dare tell anybody but their minds. When Myungsoo back-hugged Sungyeol for the first time...it just felt so natural. In its own weird way.

            "Going yet, hyung?" Myungsoo asked as he held the door open. Sungyeol quickly nodded and dashed out before the younger boy could see his embarrassed face.

            Gawd. Was he falling for Myungsoo because of...coffee scented cologne?


"Nothing's on," Sungyeol pouted as he surfed through the channels.

            Woohyun and Sunggyu has gone out to buy them dinner, Hoya and Dongwoo were in the studio practicing for their new INFINITE H stage, and Sungjong was with the two rappers, slaving around and changing discs and handing them Gatorade every four minutes.

            Sungyeol, on the other hand, had decided to stay lazy at home and watch TV. He was laying on the couch, his legs resting on Myungsoo's lap. The visual had decided to stay home, also, and was entertaining himself by watching Sungyeol being bored. He, unlike his hyung, was sitting normally on the couch.

            "Myungie-ah...it's boring. Let's do something fun," Sungyeol suggested as he started kicking his feet.

            Myungsoo brought his left hand over Sungyeol to keep the choding's legs still (because if he continued doing that, Myungsoo's legs would surely bruise), and his right hand subconsciously started Sungyeol's cheek. "I'm tired. Can't we just stay like this?"

            Sighing, Sungyeol grabbed ahold of Myungsoo's wavering hands and held it, starting to play with his fingers. "Then go to sleep."

            "Ah. Good idea." With one swift motion, Myungsoo managed to push Sungyeol's legs off of him (which he later thought he should've done much, much sooner) and fell onto the couch, snuggling up to his hyung's chest.

            "Y - yah! Kim Myungsoo! What do you think you're doing?" Sungyeol asked, glad that Myungsoo was too far to be able to see his reddening face.

            "Why? You don't want me here?" Myungsoo asked. He didn't sound like he really cared, though; he was just going to sleep.

            "Aish..." Sungyeol muttered as he wrapped his arms around the sleeping boy. "Just sleep. And don't wake up."

            "How can I even go to sleep, hyung?" Myungsoo muttered. "Your heart's beating too loudly."

            "Y - Y - YAHHH!" Sungyeol screamed, letting go of Myungsoo and nearly falling off the couch. "WHAT'RE YOU BLABBING ON ABOUT?!"

            "Aigooo," Myungsoo cooed, bending up to pinch Sungyeol's cheek. "Look at my hyung's cute little denial. You like me, don't you?"

            "WHAT?! You -"

            "It's okay, Yeollie hyung. You can be honest with me." Myungsoo grabbed onto Sungyeol's wrists and pulled him foward, staring him in the eye. "What's going through your mind right now?"

            "...I thought you said you were tired..."

            "Guess I'm not anymore!" Myungsoo shrugged. "You want me to go to sleep now?"

            "YES!" Sungyeol begged. Anything to keep Myungsoo from questioning him about his feelings for the latter. "Just go to sleep."

            "I'll go to sleep...if you give me a good-night kiss, hyung."

            Sungyeol just stared at him, eyes wide open. "W - what..."

            But what the freaking heck. The guy was wearing coffee scented cologne, for Pete's freaking sake.

            In the span of about two seconds, Sungyeol bent down, pecked Myungsoo's lips, and went back up. Yes, his face was probably hot enough to bake chocolate-chip cookies on.

            "Aww hyung. Why so short? You have to make up for hating me, you know."

            "THAT WAS THREE YEARS AGO!" Sungyeol exaspered, not caring if he was embarrassed to death.

            "It still hurts. Right here," Myungsoo pouted, pointing at his heart.

            "B - but you hated me, too!"

            "What? So now you want me to kiss you?"

            "Y - you -"

            Sungyeol was interrupted when he felt the familiar 0.00001 second feel of Myungsoo's lips. This time, though, he managed to hold onto the kiss for about three seconds...four...wait...what the freak...was Myungsoo his bottom lip?....what?!...oh. Oh. Ohhhhhhhhh.

            Without another thought, Sungyeol's lips parted and he felt Myungsoo's tongue invading his personal space that had been saved for food and coffee only.

            But maybe food and coffee could share.



            Sungyeol blinked a bit, then looked at at the owner of the pillow that was smacking him. "What...Myungie...I wanna sleep..."

            "I made coffee," Myungsoo offered, throwing the pillow back onto his bed. He didn't need it now that his Yeollie was already awake.

            "Aww...thank you Myungie..." Sungyeol yawned as he sat up, rubbing his eyes. "You always know what I want."

            "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't?"

            "Not my Myungie," Sungyeol answered instinctively. He stood up with the help of Myungsoo, and the two of them walked out the door.

            Really. Nobody could hate Kim Myungsoo when they met him. Well, maybe Lee Sungyeol.

            But Lee Sungyeol had special privileges.


I'm sorry if you guys think it's weird, or too rushed, or awkward. I just wasn't thinking straight when I wrote this. It was kind of due to really bad insomnia..[I'm not used going to sleep so early...stayed up to about 2 am finishing this...] I'm not going to say I hoped you like this, because I really don't know if it's even that good. I was tired and writing was the only thing that could help >///< sorry D: I promise I'll improve!

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two death fics in a row except this one isnt angst but someone stop me


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 32: Ow yeollie so cutee
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 13: I like this one
Chapter 1: I don't know if you're reading this or not, but I had always want someone to write MyungYeol with TopYeol/BottomMyungsoo. Since your writing skill are so much better, could you please write them? For everything sake? :D
very_ship_them #4
Chapter 1: Omg XD I read all these shots like 4 months ago and I came back
You are AMAZING author-nim
Chapter 50: but dongwoo has the best what the hell

okay so i looove this one this is probably my favorite cause you didn't just end it with the game but there was sungyeol's thing with school and myungsoo being myungsoo and just <3333 i haven't been reading infinite fanfics for a while and now i'm all nostalgic to start reading again <3 (once i finish studying for exams otl)
Chapter 50: ouh wait, best in infinite goes to dongwoo aint it?
Chapter 50: omg i love this one!

and the question XD
wintersugar #8
Chapter 50: I remember playing paranoia when i was little (I asked the most boring questions though haha) and this story is super cute :> I really loved this!
Chapter 50: YESSSSS this story makes me HAPPY !!
I don't know the game! It's an interesting one! One that definitely will make you paranoid of what was being asked about you (if you were called out) .__. Awww poor MyungSoo, but seeing the smirk from SungYeol must have made him even more wondering what was being asked (I agree with SungYeol's answer to that question, damn MyungSoo some nice you have) SungYeol being straightforward by saying he wanted to spend time with MyungSoo, be it in Soo's house or his own house (live across the street wth so great for the future kkk) The straightforward confession, wow SungYeol you are really going for it! I liked it all! Thank you Evie once again, I love your stories!