
INFINITE SCENARIO: When you're sick

The piercing sound of your alarm made you groan as ypu reached to turn it off. The first thing you felt when you moved was a throbbing in your head, suddenly your alarm was painfully deafening. You hurriedly turned it off and slowly sat up, taking note of all the aches in pains in your body.

"Come on, ______" You spoke to yourself, "mind over matter. You are not sick. You can't be sick! You have three tests today!" Three tests that you spent most of last night studying for.

You finally won the battle over your body and started to get ready for school. While you were getting ready your cellphone rang, it was Sungjong.

You cleared your throat before answering, hoping you could disguise your illness.

"Hello?" You answered as happy and bright as you could.

"Jagi, you sound awful.....are you sick?"

You mentally kicked yourself for not being a better actress, "What? No! I'm just tired is all.....stayed up late last night!"

"If you say so....I'm almost to your house! Meet me at the door?"

"Yeah, sure! See ya then!"

A few minutes later the doorbell and you grabbed your things for school, quizzing yourself in your head. You opened the door and there was Sunjong, looking perfect as ever.

You sighed and started to walk out but were stopped by Sunjong's hand on your shoulder. He held you at arms length and examined you from head to toe. "You're not going to school." He said very matter-of-fact 

"What?" Before you could process his words, he somehow managed to turn you around, push you inside the house, and take off your backpack all in one go.

"Yah! Lee Sungjong! What do you think you're doing?"

"Did you not hear me? I said you're not going to school. Most people are happy to hear that."

"I have three tests today!"

"I'm sure your teachers will understand! Besides you wouldn't be able to take a test when you're half alive! Now go upstairs and rest!"


He then scooped you up bridal style and carried you all the way to your room. He laid you down on your bed before laying beside you and taking you in his arms. He stared at your face for a while and then reached up to touch under your eyes "you always get such bad panda eyes when your sick....I don't like it. It's not a good look on you."

You rolled your eyes, "Gee, thanks."

"That's why you have to rest and get you can be my beautiful _____'re almost as pretty as me when you're healthy!" At that you had to let out a little giggle,

"So you just go to sleep and I'll stay here and take care of you."

"But what about-" he silenced you with a finger to your lips.

"Don't worry about anything and when you wake up I promise to help you study."

You sighed in defeat "Okay, you win."

He smiled and kissed your nose "That's my girl!" You snuggled into him and fell asleep.

When you were deep asleep Sungjong carefully climbed out of bed, tucked you in, and kissed your forehead.

"Rest well and get better soon, Jagi. I love you."




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Aw poor sungjong never gets a change to get tagged >


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purple_amat42 #1
Chapter 4: Wah! I really like your scenarios! All of them ^^
Chapter 7: I loved them all. My favorites were Sunggyo, Dongwoo, and Sungjong
Mo0onyDolls #3
Chapter 7: Ok sungjong *.* I feel lot better now! That was great baby toto! So cute and sweet >< now I wish that was real TT I want sungjong! Ya noona need you now lol don't say that your writing is very good just the dongwoo one TT but in general I love your writing! Fighting!
Mo0onyDolls #4
Chapter 6: Ok toto baby I'm sick as hell and I thought what best time than now to read dongwoo scenario and everything was going great I was happy started to feel lot better until ... IT END! Already! Feels like its cut off ! Wae Wae Wae * burst in tears * let me tell you one thing you better get your here and add some events to this chapter! I want a perfect ending TT I'm sick * sniff sniff *
Chapter 4: Aww. Myungsoo trying his hardest to keep her from getting sick is cute!
Chapter 4: Aww. Myungsoo trying his hardest to keep her from getting sick is cute!
Chapter 1: Awwww. Woohyun's "my sleeping beauty" was cute!
Chapter 7: lol the sungjong gif xDDDD
great story ouo
Chapter 7: GAAAAAH!!!!...its ended...sigh...phooyness...but gaaah!!!!i luv how sungjong just like turned her back and pushed her in!!!!sooo cute!!!!and awww!!!!he knows her so well to notice panda eyes from sickness!!!!so cute!!!!and awww...lying down next to her...need i say it again????but sooo sweet!!!!...aigoo...i luved them scenarios sooo mcuh!!!!