
INFINITE SCENARIO: When you're sick

Dongwoo was checking his phone during break when he saw some missed calls from an unknown number. He redialed the number and waited for an answer.

"Yeobseyo?" It was your best friend's voice.

"Ah ________ -ssi, it's Dongwoo."

"Oh finally!" She sounded relieved "I need to talk to you about ______……"

Dongwoo was instantly anxious "Why? What's wrong? Is she okay?" All the worst possible scenarios ran through his head.

"Calm down! I just need you to talk some sense into her! This girl won't listen to me!"

He relaxed a bit "oh...what did she do?"

"She's a mess! She came in this morning looking awful and she's burning up with a fever! But no one here can convince her to go home and rest...I was hoping you could come and talk to her?"

Dongwoo sighed, why in the world would she go to work in that condition? "I'll be there."

Within minutes he was at your work place where he was greeted by your best friend. She pointed you out sitting at your desk. He slightly gasped when he saw you, your skin was so pale as you absentmindedly stared at a stack of papers with a pen in your hand, you looked like you were already dead. Shaking his head, he walked over to you. "Call me crazy, but don't people usually stay home when they're sick?"

The sound of his voice made you look up at him with wide eyes "D-Dongwoo-ah!" You said in a raspy voice "How did you find out?"

"Oh, a little birdie told me." He smiled innocently and you immediatly shot a glare at your best friend, who quickly tried to act like she wasn't watching the two of you.

Dongwoo suddenly placed a hand on your forehead and his smile disappeared. "The little birdie was right to call're burning up! Why did you come to work like this?"

"I have a lot to get done...and I'm fine!"

"Yah, is all this paperwork worth more than your health? You'll make yourself worse like this!"

"I said I'm fine!" You angrily stood up from your chair but couldn't take a step without stumbling. Dongwoo rushed to your side and held you up with a protective arm around your waist

"Aish, you barely have the strength to walk! How did you manage to even get yourself here in one piece?"

"It hurts Dongwoo..." you whimpered, not even bothering to hide it anymore. " It hurts everywhere."

"Aish!" He placed your arm around his neck before scooping you up into his arms, earning a few cheers from your co-workers. Your best friend mouthed a "thank you" to Dongwoo as he passed. Soon you were placed in the passenger seat of his car.

"Yah....Jang Dongwoo....shouldn't you get back to practice?"

"Do you really think I could concentrate on practicing knowing you're this sick? Don't worry about should only worry about getting better!"

You smiled at him, how'd you ever get this lucky?

He smiled back and leaned over to kiss your forehead "Now lay back and close your eyes, i'll wake you up when we get to your house."

You nodded and drifted off into a suprisingly peaceful sleep.

Mianhe this is crap T^T Had such bad writers block.......don't even know when I'll be able to write Sungjong's......and it doesn't help that my laptop is being a jerk >< anyways hope you like it<33

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Aw poor sungjong never gets a change to get tagged >


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purple_amat42 #1
Chapter 4: Wah! I really like your scenarios! All of them ^^
Chapter 7: I loved them all. My favorites were Sunggyo, Dongwoo, and Sungjong
Mo0onyDolls #3
Chapter 7: Ok sungjong *.* I feel lot better now! That was great baby toto! So cute and sweet >< now I wish that was real TT I want sungjong! Ya noona need you now lol don't say that your writing is very good just the dongwoo one TT but in general I love your writing! Fighting!
Mo0onyDolls #4
Chapter 6: Ok toto baby I'm sick as hell and I thought what best time than now to read dongwoo scenario and everything was going great I was happy started to feel lot better until ... IT END! Already! Feels like its cut off ! Wae Wae Wae * burst in tears * let me tell you one thing you better get your here and add some events to this chapter! I want a perfect ending TT I'm sick * sniff sniff *
Chapter 4: Aww. Myungsoo trying his hardest to keep her from getting sick is cute!
Chapter 4: Aww. Myungsoo trying his hardest to keep her from getting sick is cute!
Chapter 1: Awwww. Woohyun's "my sleeping beauty" was cute!
Chapter 7: lol the sungjong gif xDDDD
great story ouo
Chapter 7: GAAAAAH!!!!...its ended...sigh...phooyness...but gaaah!!!!i luv how sungjong just like turned her back and pushed her in!!!!sooo cute!!!!and awww!!!!he knows her so well to notice panda eyes from sickness!!!!so cute!!!!and awww...lying down next to her...need i say it again????but sooo sweet!!!!...aigoo...i luved them scenarios sooo mcuh!!!!