
INFINITE SCENARIO: When you're sick




You smiled at the text you had just received from Sungyeol. It had been too long since you got to spend an entire day with him. You shot out of bed and realized it was a huge mistake when your head started spinning. You sat down on the bed and pouted.


“Why why WHY do I have to be sick on his day off?!” after a few minutes of fighting with yourself you decided that you weren't gonna let your illness ruin your day with your boyfriend. You got dressed and walked to the Coffee Shop where you were greeted by a very excited Sungyeol.


As soon as he saw you he ran to you with open arms “_________!” you giggled as he reminded you of a little boy running to his mother. He picked you up and spun you, which made you feel sick and dizzy.


“Waahhh I've missed you so much! Oh, are you okay?” You had stumbled when he sat you back on your feet but he quickly caught you with a secure arm around your waist.


You tried to ignore the awful feeling in your stomach and smiled “I'm fine! Your spinning just made me dizzy is all! I'm gonna sit down, will you order my coffee for me?” you gave him a cute pout.


He studied your face as you spoke. He thought you looked a bit paler than usual but didn't think that you would be that careless with your health to go out when you're sick. “Aigoo you know I can't resist you when you look so cute! Of course I'll get a drink for you!” he kissed your forehead before getting in line to order.


Why did her forehead feel so warm? He looked back over to you at the table. You sat there leaning your head on your hand as you felt worse by the minute . He looked at you for a minute, deciding that you were definitely sick. He started making a list of things to scold you about in his head.


A few minutes later he arrived with the drinks.


Thank you Yeollie!” you said as cheerful as you could, your head was beginning to pound.


No problem.” he muttered as he sat down across from you “Jagi, are you sure you're feeling alright?”


Of course, why?” he would kick your for lying to him but you couldn't let him find out how bad you were feeling and ruin date.


You're getting pale all of a sudden!”


I said I'm fine....” as soon as you said that everything started to spin and suddenly there were three Sungyeol sitting in front of you. Three Sungyeols and three extremely worried expressions.


You tried to stand up only to stumble to the floor.


Jagi!” Sungyeol shot out of his chair and ran to you, cradling your head in his lap “Are you okay?!Answer me! Stay with me!” the last thing you heard were his pleas before you out in his arms.




Your eyes slowly fluttered open and you found yourself alone in a hospital room.


Sungyeol?” You called out for him. If you were in a hospital room then where was he? Was he okay? You tried to sit up but your head started pounding, suddenly you realized how you got here.


Just then the door opened.


Yah! What are you trying to do?! Lay back down!” Sungyeol rushed to your side to gently force you back down on the bed “Yah, You should have told me you were sick! Why would go out in this condition?! Are you trying to kill yourself and give me a heartattack all at the same time?!"


You flinched at his loud voice that made your head hurt “Oppa...please don't hurts.”


He sighed loudly and took a seat by your bed. He grabbed one of your hands and started playing with your fingers. “You really scared me.” His voice was almost inaudible as he continued to stare at your hand


You frowned guiltily. “I'm sorry. I just hated that I was sick on your day off.....I didn't want to disappoint you...”


_____” he looked up to meet your eyes “You wouldn't have disappointed me! We could've stayed in and watched a movie or something! Anything that didn't end with you in the hospital.”


I'm sorry.” you muttered another apology “Why did you bring me to the hospital? I probably just needed to rest in my bed!”


He blushed suddenly “Well when you passed out you were so pale and lifeless.....for a second I thought I had lost I freaked out and brought you here.”


You suddenly giggled and he looked up at you “What?What's so funny?” you raised your intertwined hands to kiss his.


Silly, It'll take more than a cold or flu to take me away from you forever!”


He leaned up to kiss your forehead “Correction. Nothing is gonna take you away from me forever.”

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Aw poor sungjong never gets a change to get tagged >


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purple_amat42 #1
Chapter 4: Wah! I really like your scenarios! All of them ^^
Chapter 7: I loved them all. My favorites were Sunggyo, Dongwoo, and Sungjong
Mo0onyDolls #3
Chapter 7: Ok sungjong *.* I feel lot better now! That was great baby toto! So cute and sweet >< now I wish that was real TT I want sungjong! Ya noona need you now lol don't say that your writing is very good just the dongwoo one TT but in general I love your writing! Fighting!
Mo0onyDolls #4
Chapter 6: Ok toto baby I'm sick as hell and I thought what best time than now to read dongwoo scenario and everything was going great I was happy started to feel lot better until ... IT END! Already! Feels like its cut off ! Wae Wae Wae * burst in tears * let me tell you one thing you better get your here and add some events to this chapter! I want a perfect ending TT I'm sick * sniff sniff *
Chapter 4: Aww. Myungsoo trying his hardest to keep her from getting sick is cute!
Chapter 4: Aww. Myungsoo trying his hardest to keep her from getting sick is cute!
Chapter 1: Awwww. Woohyun's "my sleeping beauty" was cute!
Chapter 7: lol the sungjong gif xDDDD
great story ouo
Chapter 7: GAAAAAH!!!!...its ended...sigh...phooyness...but gaaah!!!!i luv how sungjong just like turned her back and pushed her in!!!!sooo cute!!!!and awww!!!!he knows her so well to notice panda eyes from sickness!!!!so cute!!!!and awww...lying down next to her...need i say it again????but sooo sweet!!!!...aigoo...i luved them scenarios sooo mcuh!!!!