
INFINITE SCENARIO: When you're sick


“Stupid weather man saying it was gonna be sunny today.” you muttered angrily as you stood shivering in front of your school, waiting for Myungsoo to come pick you up. You had checked the weather this morning to decide what to wear since you wanted to look cute for Myungsoo, the weather man predicted clear and sunny skies all day. So there you were, in shorts and a t-shirt, not looking cute at all as you had your arms crossed over you body trying to create as much warmth as possible, standing under an angry gray sky.


The wind was getting harsher and so was your shivering. Soon intense shudders would run through your entire body in an almost painful way.


You wrapped your arms tighter around your body at least this can't get any worse.


As if to mock your thoughts, you felt a raindrop on your shoulder. And another. And another. Within a matter of seconds you were caught in the middle of a heavy downpour.


The rain mixed with the wind made you feel absolutely miserable. You felt tears falling from your eyes as you longed for some warmth.


_____!” you heard a voice call from behind. You turned around to see Myungsoo running towards you with an umbrella.


M-m-myu-” you couldn't even get his name out between your teeth chattering and your sobs.


He stopped in front of you for a second to take in your condition with sad eyes. He eventually shoved the umbrella towards you.


Take this.” He commanded and you obeyed with shaky hands. He then proceeded to shrug his and drape it over your shoulders. With his arms still wrapped around your body he rushed you to his car and helped you in.


He got in the car and shook out his soaked hair, even through all your shivering you couldn't help but notice how he looked like he'd just stepped out of a photoshoot.


Are you crazy? Why are you barely wearing any clothes in this weather,huh?!”


I-I.....t-the.....w-w-w...” no matter how hard you tried complete sentences would not leave your mouth “S-s-so c-c-cold.”


Aish!” he turned the car on and put the heat on full blast. He wanted to speed all the way to your house but that was difficult to do because of the traffic and road conditions. Whenever the car stopped for long periods of time he would grab your hands and blow warm air on them or bring you in for a hug to create more body heat.


By the time he reached your apartment the shaking had lessened but you were still plagued by violent shudders. And to top it all off, sneezes and coughs had been added to the equation. He carried you into your apartment and sat you down on the bed in your room. He went through your drawers before handing you a dry pair of clothes.


Change.” and with that he left the room. You sat there, dazed for a moment. You wondered if there was something wrong with Myungsoo. He seemed too stiff, almost like a machine. Could he be mad at you for something?


Are you done yet?!” his voice sounded far away but it still made you jump. Then you realized that it probably was a good idea to change into new clothes. Afterwards,You didn't have the strength to go look and see what he was doing so you got in bed, relieved to feel the warmth surround you. The shaking almost stopped all the way but you knew you definitely gonna be sick the next day.


A few minutes later he came back with some hot tea and medicine. He sat the tea down by the bed and handed you the medicine.


Take this.” you obeyed while looking at him with confused eyes but with that darn expressionless face it was impossible to tell what he was ever thinking.


After you took the medicine he picked up the tea and handed it to you “Drink.”


Tea did sound amazing right now so you gladly obeyed. He kept his glare on you for every sip.


You couldn't take it anymore “Did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me?”


No response.


You sighed and finished the rest of your tea, a little peeved at your boyfriend. When you set the cup back down he gave you one last order. “Scoot over.”


You did as he said and crawled into bed with you. He got into a sitting position and guided you until you were nestled comfortably between his legs. He wrapped his arms around you and you basked in the warmth he gave off, Myungsoo's warmth was ten times better than any blanket. When you were all settled you felt him sigh, then he kissed your cheek and started to whisper in your ear.


Pabo, I wasn't angry at you, I was worried. Do you know how miserable you looked standing out in that storm? And then you were so pale and cold.....this whole time I was just thinking of what I could do to keep you from getting sick or at least not as sick. Even now I'm trying to think if there's something else I could do.” his voice trailed off as if he was pondering something.


It's okay, Myung. Sometimes people just get sick. It happens.”


He sighed again “I know but it's different with you. It's like.....I don't know how to explain it but I just hate seeing you sick.” He slightly tightened his hold on you.


You smiled to yourself “Well, then don't think of me being sick. All I wanna do is spend a nice evening with my boyfriend.” you turned to smile at him. He returned your smile and kissed your lips, but you broke it early since you didn't want him to get sick.


And so you spent the rest of the night cuddling with Myungsoo, with the occasional sneeze.


You can stand under my umbrella-ella-ella-eh-eh-eh

Sorry I had to :P





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Aw poor sungjong never gets a change to get tagged >


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purple_amat42 #1
Chapter 4: Wah! I really like your scenarios! All of them ^^
Chapter 7: I loved them all. My favorites were Sunggyo, Dongwoo, and Sungjong
Mo0onyDolls #3
Chapter 7: Ok sungjong *.* I feel lot better now! That was great baby toto! So cute and sweet >< now I wish that was real TT I want sungjong! Ya noona need you now lol don't say that your writing is very good just the dongwoo one TT but in general I love your writing! Fighting!
Mo0onyDolls #4
Chapter 6: Ok toto baby I'm sick as hell and I thought what best time than now to read dongwoo scenario and everything was going great I was happy started to feel lot better until ... IT END! Already! Feels like its cut off ! Wae Wae Wae * burst in tears * let me tell you one thing you better get your here and add some events to this chapter! I want a perfect ending TT I'm sick * sniff sniff *
Chapter 4: Aww. Myungsoo trying his hardest to keep her from getting sick is cute!
Chapter 4: Aww. Myungsoo trying his hardest to keep her from getting sick is cute!
Chapter 1: Awwww. Woohyun's "my sleeping beauty" was cute!
Chapter 7: lol the sungjong gif xDDDD
great story ouo
Chapter 7: GAAAAAH!!!!...its ended...sigh...phooyness...but gaaah!!!!i luv how sungjong just like turned her back and pushed her in!!!!sooo cute!!!!and awww!!!!he knows her so well to notice panda eyes from sickness!!!!so cute!!!!and awww...lying down next to her...need i say it again????but sooo sweet!!!!...aigoo...i luved them scenarios sooo mcuh!!!!