
INFINITE SCENARIO: When you're sick


Hoya paced back in forth in the hallway outside of your hospital room, waiting anxiously with the rest of the Infinite members for the doctor to come back. You had been admitted to the hospital days ago but they still haven't been able to figure out whats wrong with you.


He saw your doctor walking down the hallway and ran to him.


“What did they find out? Do you know what she has?”


The doctor sighed before shaking his head, “I'm terribly sorry but the recent tests we ran have not revealed anything to explain whats been causing her symptoms.”


“So what you're saying is that you still don't know how to help her?! WHY?!”


The doctor was shocked by Hoya's loud voice. “I'm sorry sir but sometimes these things do take time. We just need to be patient.”


“Patient? How long am I supposed to be patient for, huh?! Until she gets even worse?! Do you honestly expect me to just sit by and patiently watch my girlfriend suffer while you people do absolutely\ nothing?!” he raised his fist towards the doctor but Sunggyu and Dongwoo ran forward to restrain him. While they pulled him back Sungjong went up to the doctor to apologize for Hoya's behavior.


Lee Howon get a hold of yourself!” Sunggyu scolder him, “Do you really think punching a doctor is going to solve anything?! Do you think it's going to help _____ get better?! Do you even think she'd want you to be acting like this?!”


No matter how hard he fought them, Hoya felt tears sliding down his face. Suddenly all his energy was gone and his legs gave out. Dongwoo caught him and Hoya began to sob on his shoulder.


She's going to be okay. She's the strongest girl any of us know!” Dongwoo tried to comfort him but he continued to weep.


What did she do to deserve this? Why does it have to be her?” Hoya was tired. Tired of seeing you in a hospital bed. Tired of seeing you in pain. He just wanted it to be over.




2 weeks later


Hoya paced back and forth in your hospital room. You grabbed his hand to make him stop.


Yah, sit down! You're making me nervous!”


He sighed and sat down, not letting go of your hand. “I'm sorry but what if something went wrong with the surgery? What if--” you cut him off by placing a hand on his mouth.


I feel fine.” you reassured him “I'm sure the surgery went great! The doctor just told me to come back in two weeks to get a check up. That doesn't mean there's going to be anything wrong with me, understand?”


He grabbed your hand from his mouth and held it to his cheek. He stared at you as he remembered that just two weeks ago he thought he might lose you.


The doctor walked in, pausing for a moment when he realized that neither of you noticed his presence as you stared into eachother's eyes. He took note of the way Hoya was starting at you, he looked so gentle and peaceful compared to the boy two weeks ago who had raised a fist at him.


He cleared his throat, shaking the both of you out of your trance.


Well Ms. _______ , I'm glad to say that all your tests came back normal. The surgery was a huge success!” The doctor beamed at you and Hoya let out the breath he'd been holding.


Oh, thank God.” He reached up and kissed you on the lips before bringing you into a tight hug.


Told you so pabo!” you said as you hugged him back. He just laughed and held you tighter before mouthing a “Thank you” to the doctor.


The doctor nodded towards Hoya and took his leave. Shake his head and smiling as he walked “Ah, young love.”


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Aw poor sungjong never gets a change to get tagged >


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purple_amat42 #1
Chapter 4: Wah! I really like your scenarios! All of them ^^
Chapter 7: I loved them all. My favorites were Sunggyo, Dongwoo, and Sungjong
Mo0onyDolls #3
Chapter 7: Ok sungjong *.* I feel lot better now! That was great baby toto! So cute and sweet >< now I wish that was real TT I want sungjong! Ya noona need you now lol don't say that your writing is very good just the dongwoo one TT but in general I love your writing! Fighting!
Mo0onyDolls #4
Chapter 6: Ok toto baby I'm sick as hell and I thought what best time than now to read dongwoo scenario and everything was going great I was happy started to feel lot better until ... IT END! Already! Feels like its cut off ! Wae Wae Wae * burst in tears * let me tell you one thing you better get your here and add some events to this chapter! I want a perfect ending TT I'm sick * sniff sniff *
Chapter 4: Aww. Myungsoo trying his hardest to keep her from getting sick is cute!
Chapter 4: Aww. Myungsoo trying his hardest to keep her from getting sick is cute!
Chapter 1: Awwww. Woohyun's "my sleeping beauty" was cute!
Chapter 7: lol the sungjong gif xDDDD
great story ouo
Chapter 7: GAAAAAH!!!!...its ended...sigh...phooyness...but gaaah!!!!i luv how sungjong just like turned her back and pushed her in!!!!sooo cute!!!!and awww!!!!he knows her so well to notice panda eyes from sickness!!!!so cute!!!!and awww...lying down next to her...need i say it again????but sooo sweet!!!!...aigoo...i luved them scenarios sooo mcuh!!!!