Chapter 5: Myungsoo

Mission: Kim Sunggyu
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Myungsoo was in his room, it was almost midnight and he still couldn’t sleep. He was thinking of Sunggyu and currently still thinking of him. He gave out a long sigh before making his way to his bed and lying down not too gently. He blinked a couple of times before he heard shuffling next to him and a voice,


“Hyung, go to sleep… please~~~”


Myungsoo smiled, “Sorry Jongin, just not feeling tired… I can’t sleep”


“Well I am… and I have to get up early tomorrow too, so please~~~~” his brother whined, head sticking out of his comforter, “Please? Go to sleep”


Myungsoo sighed before getting up and making his way to his half-awake brother and sat on his bed. He ruffled the younger’s hair and tucked him in more neatly and in a more comfortable position, “Night Jongin”


“Night hyung”


Myungsoo made his way to his own bed and sighed, he must sleep. Or he’ll get those panda eyes the next day.




And he did.


Myungsoo couldn’t sleep at all last night. He kept on tossed and his bed which earned a little whine and a light shove from his brother. He tried to not think about Sunggyu but that turned out easier said than done, so the following morning, Myungsoo had to wear his big thick rimmed glasses to school to avoid people asking him what’s wrong with his eyes.


He was making his way to the dining table to have some breakfast.


“Hyung, what’s with the glasses?” his brother asked, as Myungsoo reached the dining table and sat himself down.


“Panda eyes…” Myungsoo sighed before taking his spoon and began eating his morning cereal.


“Mmmm…” Jongin hummed and continue eating.


“Hey,” Myungsoo spoke up from a moment of silence, “thought you had to go early today. What’s up?”


“Dance meeting. It’s cancelled now.” Jongin sighed.


Myungsoo smirked, knowing why his baby –but somehow taller- brother was feeling down that morning, “Why so down Jonginnie~? Can’t have your morning routine of seeing your crush? Hmmm…”


“I-I don’t k-know what you’re talking about” Jongin his bottom lip before taking his bowl to the sink and getting his bag, “I’m going to school”


“See you” Myungsoo smiled, “And Jongin…”




“Make sure your girly blush is all gone before going out the front door okay~?” Myungsoo chuckled, “Don’t want our pretty neighbor to see you now~”


“SHUT UP!” Jongin huffed, “I’m going!!”


“Say ‘Hi’ to Baekhyunnie for me~” Myungsoo yelled.


And all he got as a reply was the front door slamming loudly.


Myungsoo chuckled as he looked at the door, My baby brother has finally found love~~~




“What does he mean anyway…” Jongin stomped down the little flight of stairs before making his way to his school, “And since when is he close to Baekhyun anyway, and call him ‘Baekhyunnie’?! gosh! What a weirdo I have for a brother…”




“Hmm?” Jongin stopped, looking puzzled, “…probably nothing”




“Oh! Who-“ Jongin was about to turned around, but he was suddenly tackled to the ground by an unknown object.


That unknown object turned out to be a person, and that person is, Byun Baekhyun.


And Jongin’s cheeks couldn’t be any redder right at that moment.




Myungsoo was at school and on his way to his class when he saw some school committee were putting up posters on the notice board. He made his way towards them and took a look at the posters, they were school festival posters. It’ll be held by the school committee and most of the student participating. Games and such are provided and that it’ll he held on the end of the week at the school itself.


“Sounds like fun” Myungsoo said to no one in particular, but one of the girls from the committee heard him.


“Yes, it will be!” she said merrily, Myungsoo found it unnecessarily annoying for a moment. “You can come if you want, and possibly bring your family also, or your date. There’ll be couple games too!!”


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Chapter 6: Gaaah this fic is so friggin Interesting...pls update it >,< I love everyone x sungggu !<3 sunggyuu
forgethurt #2
adorable stories
Chapter 6: i read this a while back but forgot to subscribe.

hey i love Ongyu.. i've been writing about them recently even though the interactions in real life is just as scarce as their fanfics..

good luck on your exams~ ^^
Chapter 5: Update it!! Pali pali!!
elby96 #6
please update!!!!! its really interesting!!!!
nice story update soon^^ if any of you need a poster please feel free to come by my shop. this is the link
vayne89 #8
Chapter 4: It's not disappoint..^^
Woohyun make a good start.. And onew getting jealous.. Admit it dubu, u are fall in love with gyugyu.. Btw who is jonghyun's boyfriend? Have u mention it at previous chapter?
Update soon author-nim I waiting for next chapter.fighting..^^