Chapter 2: University

Mission: Kim Sunggyu
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Chapter 2: University


Onew’s POV


I woke up at 5 am as per usual and did my usual morning routine; drink some water, doing my morning jog, tripping and bumping into stuff along the way. Sometimes Mr. Kim wonders why did he choose me as a bodyguard, since I’m kinda of a klutz myself sometimes. Yes, I admit it. It’s a habit okay!


Anyway, I was getting ready to go to the university when I just remembered that Sunggyu is going to attend it today. I should really get my head straight with this Sunggyu bodyguard thing. *sigh* Okay, after I remembered, I went to his room, knocked on the door twice before opening it and letting myself in cause there were no answers.


“Sunggyu?” I said, eyes roaming around his room for the said hamster, I chuckled at myself at how Sunggyu looked exactly like a hamster. I waited for a moment before calling his name again.


“Sunggyu… are you here?”


A few seconds later, the sounds of things dropping could be heard from Sunggyu’s bathroom and not a moment later, Sunggyu appeared. His hair was a mess and a little wet, his t-shirt was put on backwards and he was buttoning up his jeans, “A-ah, Onew! Sorry I’m late! I overslept!! Ju-just give me 10, no, 5 minutes and I’ll be done…”


Sunggyu was running around his room in a frantic matter, mumbling at himself at how he regretted not packing his things the night before. “Did I forget anything? No… I don’t think so… wait, but… AH!!!! So frustrating!!!”




“I have to be fast!! Late! Late! Late!!”


I chuckled a little at how Sunggyu looked like the little bunny in Alice in the wonderland, more of a hamster than a bunny though, “Sunggyu…”


“I can’t find my shoes!! Where are my shoes?!?!!!”




“Y-yeah?” Sunggyu finally stopped whatever he was doing and looked at me.


“You’re not late…” I smiled.


“But… I am… look!” he pointed at his clock on his bedside table, which read: 8.30am. “Class will start in 30 minutes!”


I smiled, feeling guilty at the worries hamster, “Well, to be honest… I kinda made your clock an hour early than regular time… so you won’t be late and all…” I scratched my neck in nervousness because Sunggyu was just staring at me, not saying a thing, “it’s actually still 7.30am… I’m sorry…”


“MEANIEE!!!!” Sunggyu threw a pillow at my direction (which I successfully captured with my hands before it landed on my face) and went to lay down on his bed, face first.


I shook my head before making my way to him, “Sunggyu, let’s get you ready to go to uni now… we can take a walk around campus so that you can find your way easier when we have different classes…”


With a sigh, Sunggyu stood up, “I am ready…”


“You wearing your shirt backwards is ready?”


Sunggyu blinked before looking down at his t-shirt, before blush crept up his face, “C-can you… uhh, turn around for a sec?”


I smiled and did as he asked, “Hurry up…”


End of POV




After breakfast, both Sunggyu and Onew made their way to a car that awaited them to take them to

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Chapter 6: Gaaah this fic is so friggin Interesting...pls update it >,< I love everyone x sungggu !<3 sunggyuu
forgethurt #2
adorable stories
Chapter 6: i read this a while back but forgot to subscribe.

hey i love Ongyu.. i've been writing about them recently even though the interactions in real life is just as scarce as their fanfics..

good luck on your exams~ ^^
Chapter 5: Update it!! Pali pali!!
elby96 #6
please update!!!!! its really interesting!!!!
nice story update soon^^ if any of you need a poster please feel free to come by my shop. this is the link
vayne89 #8
Chapter 4: It's not disappoint..^^
Woohyun make a good start.. And onew getting jealous.. Admit it dubu, u are fall in love with gyugyu.. Btw who is jonghyun's boyfriend? Have u mention it at previous chapter?
Update soon author-nim I waiting for next chapter.fighting..^^