Lie to Me Pinocchio

When the couple arrived, the party was already in full swing and everyone was laughing wildly or yelling words at each other. Bottles of alcohol were littered all over the floor and Sehun spotted Luhan exchanging kisses with a random girl. 

"Are parties always this..?" Sehun tried to find a suitable word to describe this party. Krystal laughed.
"Wild? Loud? Awesome?" Krystal suggested, her eyes tinkling. Sehun shook his head.
"Maybe not awesome." Sehun said, walking to where Xiumin was, at the far corner. Xiumin spotted Sehun and a grin grew on his face. He gestured wildly for Sehun to come over and Sehun obliged.
"Hey." Xiumin yelled over the blaring music and Sehun winced. "Sorry!" Xiumin yelled again, just so he could be heard. "Come on, let's go to the VIP section, Krystal wanna come too?" Xiumin ushered Sehun and Krystal to a door, leading to a hallway. They continued walking for a bit before Xiumin stopped at a door and tapped the door. 
The door swung open and they were greeted by Suho. Suho's face broke into a grin and he smiled warmly at Sehun and Krystal. "Oh hey, come in."
The couple went inside the spacious room and Sehun was greeted by the sight of his friends sitting down on a large table, sipping alcohol and playing cards.
"You want some?" Lay slurred, offering Sehun a bottle of alcohol. Sehun gave the bottle a wary look and glanced at Krystal who was already accepting a drink from Baekhyun. 
"Uh.." Sehun fumbled. "Sure." He mumbled, enclosing his hands over the neck of the bottle. Lay briefly smiled and went off somewhere but stumbled, he was clearly drunk. Sehun caught him by the elbow.
"Thanks.." Lay started staggering to a nearby couch and crashed onto it.
"Drink up." Xiumin advised Sehun before making way to the table. Sehun decided to follow as he had nothing particular to do. 
"I win!" Kai yelled in triumph and groans went around the table. "C'mon drink it man, don't complain..."
"What are you guys playing?" Sehun asked Xiumin who was grinning.
"Big two." Xiumin replied. "It gets better though." Xiumin added, his eyes glittering in a mischievous way. Sehun didn't ask. 
Chanyeol moaned and chugged his bottle. He choked on it and spluttered while Baekhyun hit his back. Chanyeol was red and he quickly stood up and rushed to the nearest bathroom to puke. So Sehun took his seat.
"So that's that." Kai said cheerfully. Kai caught sight of Sehun and scowled disdainfully. Sehun returned the scowl. 
"You playing?" Asked the dealer who was Kyungsoo. Sehun nodded. "I'll repeat the rules because there's a newbie here."
"I know how to play big two." Sehun interjected and Kyungsoo rolled his eyes in an exasperated way.
"In this version, loser drinks and winner gets to play in tonight's special." Sehun could have sworn Kyungsoo winked at him. 
"Sure." Sehun felt uneasy. 
Kyungsoo began dealing the cards. 
Five rounds later, Sehun had won four times and lost one (but that was only because Chanyeol puked on him). Sehun had only drank a little compared to the rest who was red and singing christmas carols but he was already tipsy. 
"I win!!" Xiumin yelled excitedly but doubled over, clearly he was beginning to feel the effects of alcohol. 
"No you don't!" Chanyeol yelled, slamming a three of hearts.
Sehun laughed along with the rest and slapped his card done. "Nah. I win. Drink up." Sehun smirked and Chanyeol protested loudly. 
"Hey." A feminine voice appeared next to him and he knew it was Krystal. He turned to her and smiled. But it wasn't.
Sulli was sitting next to him, smiling and Sehun who slumped on his chair, lazily playing cards, sat up straight immediately. 
"Uh hello." Sehun said, flushing and Sulli laughed softly. "Where are the rest of your friends?" Sehun asked wildly, looking everywhere but Sulli. 
"Does it matter?" Sulli asked softly, leaning closer to Sehun. Sehun remained still in shock as Sulli brushed her hand on his cheek.
"Uh.." Sehun mumbled. The rest was negligible as Sulli's lips lightly touched his and Sehun looked around, hoping no one would notice. But they were preoccupied, too busy kissing other girls, similar to Sehun's situation maybe except that they wanted it. 
A force slammed him and he fell over as his chair toppled. Sulli gave a shrill scream and Sehun grunted in pain. 
Kai stood over Sehun with cold eyes and picked him up by his collar. Kai pushed him against the wall.
"You have a girlfriend." Kai seethed, emphasing every syllable. Sehun glared back at Kai. 
"Back off" Sehun said menacingly. Kai laughed humorlessly. 
"How about no?" Kai suggested before raising his fist, meeting Sehun's cheekbone. Sehun, overcome by a wave of fury, pushed Kai back and tackled him to the floor. However, Kai twisted his body so he was on top of Sehun.
People were gathered around Kai and Sehun. They were screaming 'Fight! Fight!' like a war chant. Sehun felt a sickening sensation.
Kai aimed for Sehun's nose but he dodged. Sehun freed his hands and sent one well aimed punch towards Kai's precious face. Kai was even angrier if possible and probably was about to punch him but finally someone intervened. 
"Get off him Kai." Krystal coldly said in an authoritative way. The crowd stared at Krystal disappointedly and Kai reluctantly got off Sehun. Sehun was still angry though and atempted to hit him again but a hand stopped hm.
"Seriously stop." Kris warned him. Sehun felt a surge of annoyance for Kris and jerked his hand from his grasp. 
"Why didn't you intervene earlier?" Sehun said sourly.
"You needed to solve this by yourself." Kris replied shortly before going somewhere else. 
"I didn't ask for your stupid philosophical advice!" Sehun yelled after him but Kris didn't turn around. 
Sehun remained standing, seething in anger and breathing deeply, trying to regain his breath. Finally he felt less breathless but his anger hadn't dispersed yet so he went over to Lay and shook him awake.
"What's the matter?" Lay asked groggily. 
"I want more drinks." Sehun muttered and Lay goggled at him.
"You have a bruise on your face!" Lay continued staring at Sehun's face.
"Where's the drinks?" Sehun repeated, ignoring Lay's comment.
Lay pointed to the corner where a group of people were gathered around. "Thanks." Sehun said. "Go back to sleep." Sehun walked away to the crowd.
The group was gossiping, no doubt about the fight which happens earlier.
"Sehun smashed Kai." Someone muttered. 
"Nah, Kai was on top of him, he had the upper hand." Someone replied. A few people agreed but a few people disagreed. 
"Man, I'd love for them to fight. I would totally bet." Someone said enthusiastically. The group agreed heartily.
"I want a drink." Sehun interrupted them. Their eyes widen in surprise and shock, perhaps they knew Sehun indeed did overhear.
"Yes.." Someone gave him a bottle meekly. "Did you hear...?"
"Tip, next time you gossip about someone, make sure they aren't there so they can't destroy you." Sehun began walking off but his tone was evident in his voice.
Sehun took the bottle's lid off and chugged it down. It was rum so it burned his throat and chest. He coughed, not used to the burning sensation but he liked it, he liked how it rid of his feelings. 
He went back to the table and continued beating everyone but his heart wasn't in it. He drank the most even though he didn't lose but he really liked the alcohol, he understood why everyone seemed to like it.
"I win." Sehun yelled but felt something coming up from his stomach. Sehun quickly rushed to the bathroom and emptied his stomach. He wished he didn't drink so much now.
As he went out of the bathroom, he noticed a couple making out. Sehun rolled his eyes at them and walked past them. He caught a whiff of Krystal's perfume and realised who they were. 
Sehun pulled Krystal off her partner and glared at her. His clenched instinctively and he looked at the person who kissed Krystal; his girlfriend.
It was Taemin, a guy who was above his grade and Sehun felt hatred bubbling up inside him. 
"You . How dare you touch my girlfriend?" Sehun yelled angrily, a sense of deja vu hit him as he raised his fist. 
It collided with Taemin's face and he let out a yell. The yell was drowned out by other noises made by other people. Some were screaming excitedly, some were chanting 'fight', but one voice rose against them.
"Stop it Sehun!" Krystal yelled. She marched to him but Sehun stood his ground. "You hypocrite" Krystal whispered, it didn't matter though. Everyone heard because it was so silent. Everyone was craning their ears so they could hear them. 
"You hypocrite!" Krystal's voice rose louder and higher. "You go around kissing girls, even my best friend and yet here you are, getting angry because I kissed Taemin? You ing hypocrite." Krystal trembled and Sehun felt sick and dizzy. Everyone watched them but Sehun didn't care.
"I'm not a hypocrite." Sehun said quietly. Krystal glared at him and very briefly he saw water, no was it tears? In her eyes.
"Yes you are Oh Sehun." Krystal locked eyes with him and slapped him. A gasp went through the crowd and Krystal spun on her heels. She walked outside the house, undoubtedly to return home. 
Each step echoed in the deadened silence of the room, Sehun stares at her figure but didn't make an effort to follow her. He couldn't do anything anyway.
Gradually with the crowd shooting sympathetic looks at Sehun, it returned to it's usual atmosphere of partying.
"You ed up big time." Kai made way towards Sehun and Sehun's anger flared again. Then his anger melted. He wasn't in the mood to be angry at anyone.
"You came to rub it in?" Sehun asked tonelessly. "Go ahead." 
"No." Kai admitted. "I don't actually hate you."
"Yeah right." Sehun said, his words dripping with sarcasm.
"Truthfully, I just find you hard to swallow." Kai confessed. "You're so fake and believing you're so superior to your bullies when you're the same as them." 
"I'm not acting like I'm superior!" Sehun began hotly. 
"No, but you think that eh?" Kai said. "Everyone's so fake and everything, they just lie through their teeth and be nice to everyone. But their exterior is so fake and all. I'd prefer someone mean but real over a fake and nice person." 
"You dated Krystal." Sehun reminded him. "Not to mention all those silly frilly girls." Kai smiled ruefully.
"Ah, it's nothing serious though." Kai said. 
"Huh, you got worked up over me dating Krystal." Sehun observed.
"I was curious about you." Kai began twirling his beer bottle's cap. "You were a loser who was bullied, no offence of course."
"You bullied me ." Sehun scowled. 
"Yeah, so they couldn't recruit you." Kai told him.
"Huh?" Sehun was confused.
"Nothing.." Kai facepalmed. Sehun was an idiot.
"You reckon Krystal will still date me?" Sehun asked seriously. "I mean, that conversation we had, I thought she would have made it more private, not in front of everyone. Now both of us are screwed." Sehun groaned. "Why'd Sulli have to kiss me? Damn her."
"I know why girls are taking so much interest in you." Kai said. "It's because Krystal made you desirable. Girls do like what they can't get." Kai said matter of factly. 
"Yes.." Sehun closed his eyes as the alcohol overcame his vision. "Let's get drunk and pass out like Lay. He seems happier than us anyway.." Sehun raised his rum to his lips. He didn't open his eyes to see if Kai was drinking, he didn't care anyway.
All he could think were the tears in Krystal's eyes.
Author's Note
YES OMG, I UPDATED SO SOON!! I am actually very proud of myself C:
Have fun with the update hehe.
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Exose7en #1
Chapter 7: Ahhh it's 2016 waiting for your update author nimm!
helloimyna #2
Chapter 7: pls update soon authornim n,n
Chapter 7: Sehun become a selfish jerk.. aigoo
blankqyomi #4
Chapter 7: Update soon!! :D:D sehun kissed krystal<3
blankqyomi #7
Chapter 7: Update soooooooooooon
Chapter 7: I'm confused TBH XD I mean like .. do they freaking like each other OTL

at first I really think Sehun might fall for Kris XDD then he migh fall for Kai LMAO I dunn even ship XDDD
Kris-C25 #9
Chapter 7: YEEEEEPPPP! Sehun kissed Krystal!! YEEEPPPP! <3 HUWAA so that means, Sehun liked her, right? TELL ME! :D YIKES! <3 I am so going to get mushy mushy before sleeping! :D HAHA
LHyunJi #10
Chapter 7: Please update this ASAP! >.<