Our Debut is in How Long?

Why Do I Have 2 Train With YOU?

A/N : The title doesn't suit it so well now does it. I need to change "Why Do I Have 2 Train With You?" into something else. Help me!


{ Your POV }

All of us cracked. "M-M-Mwo?!"

"You'll be debuting in approxiamately 3 months." SooMan had said.

"Why do I have to debut with them? Those two lunatics."

"What do you mean?" His face was so calm, expressionless like Kris'.

"They can't stay professional. Personal issues. PSYCHOLOGICAL issues." I muttered under my breath. Unfortuanately, Kris heard me.

"I heard that. I'm not psycho like that guy there." He said as he leaned back in his chair to look at TaeMin.

TaeMin was glaring at Kris. "Shut up. I'm not psycho." His tone was childish, but he bore a whole through Kris with his glaring eyes.

"It's settled. Debut in 3 months or around that time. Kris is the leader. Tell DongHae to report to my office."


{ Kris' POV }

We walked out the office in single file and made our way to English again. There were three empty seats in the back that were side by side. I hope HyunJae doesn't sit next to TaeMin. I want her to sit next to me.

My wish didn't come true... not completely anyways. She sat in the middle chair. I sat on her right and TaeMin sat on her left. We sat thre quitely and didn't care about what the teacher said in horrible English. This class is useless to me. To her. To TaeMin. To us. Living in the same neighborhood in the States and being fluent in English.

After class, we stepped out and were being crowded by there desperate girls.

"Oppa! I heard you'll be debuting soon!" Word got out fast. TaeMin and I were being shoved with cell phones and pens and paper. I didn't care for them. I was looking for someone. Then I saw her being shoved by the girls. Squished. Sufficated by them. She tried walking out of the crowd, but kept getting pushed back in.

SHe had managed to get away. Without even noticing, I called her name.

"HyunJae wait!" Did I just hear an echo? Did TaeMin call out too? I was blinded by sudden flashes. Stupid cameras. I ducked down and pushed bodies out of my way, then I fet something squishy. I did not touch a .

"He touched my ! He wants me!" The girl, I must've touch her, screamed. I straightened up.

"Sorry to tell you this, but it was an accident. I don't like you. You creep me out." I said calmly putting on a fake smile. I looked at the crowd and saw no little blonde boy around. He got out! Bastard! I need to get to HyunJae first!

"Get out of my way!" I yelled, but no one seemed to care.

"I SAID!~ GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!" I roared. This time I got them. The girls parted a walk way like how the Red Sea parted for Moses and the Hebrews.

I ran out the door and tried to take out my phone. I didn't have it. I just got jacked! It doesn't matter. I need to find her.

I think I see her in the distance.


{ TaeMin's POV }

"HyunJae! HyunJae!"

"Stop calling her crappy name!" The girl I kept calling turned around. It wasn't my Jae, it was AeSook.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry...uh...what's your name?"

"Have you ever even noticed me? You don't even know my name."

"Who are you? Please tell me."
"It's AeSook."

"I'm sorry AeSook." I bowed at a 90 degree angle and ran off.

"Pfft. How can he not even know my name? I'm his girlfriend." Did I just hear her say she's my girlfriend? Oh please. Run! TaeMin, you have to find HyunJae.

I ran and ran, until I saw this girl. This one has to be HyunJae.


{ Me! Narrarator's POV }

As Kris also ran to find her, he saw a girl with brownish black hair walking towards the dorm. He at the speed of light as he could to reach her. It helped to have such long legs. And he tapped her on the soldier.

TaeMin saw a girl as well and jolted at lightening speed. "HyunJae, HyunJae!"

At the same time, these two girls turned around and saw him.


A/N : Who got HyunJae?


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Chapter 3: Oh no!!
Chapter 54: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~ i am so happy yet sad..
i am happy that they are happy but sad becuz of taemin, that is why i dont like love triangles..it doesnt end well.
Chapter 39: puahhahahaah,,twilight on me!! so funny
Chapter 53: :O she's engage awesome
Chapter 53: NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Is it really done? Tell me it's not!!! Andwaeeee!!!!
Chapter 53: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool~ NICE STORY! I LOVEYOUR STORIES! THEY'RE SOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 52: BONUS CHAP PLS!! ;3 ~~
Chapter 52: Oh they're so cute!!!!
Chapter 52: BONUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Priincessg1 #10
Chapter 52: Bonus please *creepy smile* =D