
Fulfill your promise

You opended your eyes, blinking a few times to get rid of the excess tears. You were exhausted from crying, cheeks puffy and eyes red. Heart hurting, with the thought of a person wanting to break off the friendship you have with Minnie. Thinking of life without him clouded your mind with nothing but negative thoughts.

You looked around to your surroundings and found nobody. The dream was so realistic you started crying in your sleep. You aren't really sure how you dozed off, but you assume its from crying your eyes out at the sight of Taemin and Taeyeon's moment. Off in the distance you hear your fellow classmates crying out your name desperately trying to find you. Especially your teacher. (God only knows what your parents would do to her if they found that their child was lost) You didn't want to say anything, or else your voice would give away what you had been doing for the past..... However long.
You stand up for about three seconds then stumble a bit before the ground starts coming at you in a blur or green. But  somebody, helps you stand properly. "Ah-" you say startled, looking into a pair of black eyes. "H-His eyes are the biggest I've seen since I've moved here to Korea!"  you thought wide eyed. Except his eyes were wider. 
"Are you alright?" he asked looking down at you.
You nodded.
"Good, can you walk?" 
Trying to prove that you didn't need any help, you fell forward as you tried walking.
"Well, I take that as a no." he chuckled. He caught you again for the second time, and you swung your arm around his neck using him as a crutch. Walking towards the voices, he yells out "I found her guys!"
So this was your savior. But who was he?
"Nice job, Minho!" the teacher called gratefully, the look on her face was definitely relieved. She won't be sued. You took a double take up at him, and you realized that this boy was Taeyeon's friend! But why was he helping you? Does he know what she did to you? The hurtful words she said?
You let that topic go as you approached the group, and it was getting easier to walk again. "Man, that girl can push. Princess on the outside, devil on the inside." That's what you thought about her. "Are you alright?" the voice said, not even near a sympathetic tone.
"Well, speak of the devil, huh?" you eyed at the evil girl who said that. You ignored her and pushed on, wondering if Taemin was worried or not. You glanced around, in search of your best friend/mushroom boy. "I'll take her from here." a familiar voice, stern called out from the crowd. Taemin came forth and took your other free arm and hung it from his neck like a towel. 
"Are you sur-"
Minho let go of your waist and backed off with hands in the air, and smile on his face. "Thank you so much!" you beamed at him. Taemin walked a bit faster.
Inside, the other children were told to have free time while you sorted out what had happened.  Taemin sat you down at a table, while he sat to the right of you. Minho to the left of you. "And what is your business here?" Taemin asked Minho, arching his back to look at him from behind you. Minho looked back at Taemin "Well I was the one who found her, shouldn't I be able to hear the story too?" he gave a sly smirk. Taemin, in defeat gave a huff and turned his attention to the teacher.
"Can you explain to me what happened? I was worried sick about you!" (because she didn't want to be sued X3) You started off with playing tag, and why we took a break period; during that time you noticed Taemin blushing and looking embarassed. You continued on to explain walking to the tree, when you felt those lazer eyes burning through your skull again. You looked at the evil thing hiding behind a bookcase straight ahead. She gave you the death glare.
You really didn't want to start anything more with that you. You just didn't want anything to do with her. "I sat down by the tree to rest for a bit. Then I ended up closing my eyes and," the lazers.... "a-and I just doze off. I guess I didn't hear the bell ring or anything. I'm sorry for making you all worry." you ended the story there. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to do, because your parents always told you to tell on a bully. But you just hoped this would go away if you didn't tell the teacher. Hope Taeyeon would spare you, for not telling on her.
"Well, i'm just glad you're alright. And if you had just waited a bit longer, you could have slept inside! After recess outside, we have nap time for you all." the teacher stated smiling. She got up and told the kids to clean up and get ready for the daily nap. A lot of the kids started laughing due to the fact that you already had yours.
You turned to your left side, not expecting to see such a warm face already looking back at you. "T-Thank you f-for finding me!" you said thankfully, blushing while studying his facial features. "It's no problem, don't worry about it." he replied with a wink, which startled you. You turned the other way, hoping to escape the gaze of Minho, only to find yourself trapped in Taemin's brown orbs. They didn't have the soft feel that they usually had, they turned hard and cold, you thought he was trying to look deep into your soul.
"W-Why are you staring like th-" the rest was muffled by Minnie's red shirt. He hugged you closely. "I swear I won't call any more time-outs, if you won't run off like that again! P-Please don't! I was scared that you could have been really really hurt." You laughed at what he said and swore that you wouldn't do that again. "You're so cute!" you told him, pulling away from the hug. He blushed and looked away. Minho easily saw what was going on, but didn't pay any mind and walked away. It wasn't his problem.
You were able to walk, so walking to get the sleeping matt wasn't a problem. "The best area to sleep in is by all of the book shelves because it surrounds us kinda like a box. Am I right?" Gwiboon said to you, walking together with both of your matts, struggling a bit. Minho and Taemin notice you two, and before Taemin could say anything, the tall boy was already right by your side grabbing the matt asking, "Where do you want this?" pointing over to the empty area, he walks over and sets up your temporary bed.
"Thanks, but you didn't have to do that, Minho." graciously looking up at him as you sit down on top of it. "I had to help somebody struggling you know, can't just watch a pretty girl like you do that." he said picking up his own sleep matt. "YAH, I'M PRETTY TOO!" your friend shouted in his ear. You laughed so hard, his reaction was priceless, jumping at the startling sound of her voice right by him. Both of them were enjoying the moment too, until Taemin pushed between them and layed his own matt next to yours.
He smoothed it down, fluffed his pillow, and layed back annoyed with the presence of Minho. He knew Minho thought you were cute. It was just too obvious. "Well somebody isn't in the mood right now." Gwiboon shooting that directly at Taemin, pretending to sleep. Minho chuckled. "See you later." he said, Taemin finally opening his eyes and glaring at thhat tower-of-a-boy above him. You nodded and smiled at each other, and he walked away to find a place to rest on his own.
"Yah, Taemin-ah! Get out! This space is for me and her!" yelled, earning a symphony of annoyed "SHH"s from the students around them. Gwiboon nudged him for a full minute and gave up, "Aish, you make it impossible for me to have a friend." she muttered. She told you to stay there, and she will just sleep with her brother for a change. "Alright."  you told her, laying down.
Once she left. Taemin turned to you.
"Do you like Minho?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Do you like him?"
You took a moment to respond because you weren't sure what he meant by liking Minho. You decided to snap back at him.
"Well do you like Taeyeon?"
"Why are you asking me th-"
"Do you like her?"
"Well that totally backfired." Taemin thought. You were both mad due to each other's actions. So upset, that you both couldn't stop thinking about it. You two laying there, opposite ways. Just like a fighting couple. Your mind was clouded with nothing but the image of Taeyeon and Taemin holding hands together. You didn't want to sleep anymore because you already had a nap, and was afraid you would have a bad dream. You felt like hitting anything, or maybe even a certain somebody. Here come the water works.
A series of little sniffles reached the skinny boys ears. He turned his head to examine you. Still facing the other way, but occasionally, your breathing hitched which shook your shoulders a bit. Taemin then faced your way. You were forced to flip over, now face to face with the boy. His eyes widened watching streams of tears leading down your face.
He cupped your face in his hands, an "I'm sorry." rolling off of his tongue. "I promise, I will always protect you. No matter what, I won't allow Minho to have you." he said thumbing away your tears. Now this sounded more realistic. You looked at him dead in the eyes with a broken smile. You will always remember this promise. The promise made by your "savior".
A/N: Okay, I don't know about you guys, but i feel like this chapter was poorly written. i guess my brain can only process only one chapter a day. Forgive me ><;;
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Chapter 8: waaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!! i like the story !!! =))
good job author-nim ! :D
Chapter 8: I liked it ery much! ^^
I was sad when taemin broke up with her but now i'm happy! XD
Good story ^^
official #3
I love it so far! It's awesome that you'll update once a day. Usually authors update once a week. This is well written, and grammar is good!
JustLiv #4
it nearly made me cry. lol ;D
Im not taemin biased but i like your story