the mystery of the tube.

chanyeol and the rock.


“This is pretty good stuff,” Yifan commented, tapping his feet along to the deep bass that resonated off the speakers.

“Pretty good?” Jongdae exclaimed in disbelief, before resorting to splutter out his giddiness in English, “This is bloody brilliant, mate!”

“You’ve been hanging out with Sehun too much, am I right? You two are so obsessed with Harry Potter, can’t believe you guys go as far as imitating their British accents,” Minseok shook his head, a twinge of a smile lingering on his lips.

“Yah, what about me?” Chanyeol pouted, resting his chin on top of Baekhyun’s shoulder as he stood behind the petite male.

“You’re the ringleader of the trio,” Jongin remarked in amusement.

“We are the Golden Trio!” the three fanboys cheered in a thick British accent.

“Is this normal?” Baekhyun asked, tilting his head to avoid banging into Chanyeol’s head.

“I assure you this is perfectly normal,” a calm voice spoke out. The group of boys turned their heads toward the source of the voice.

“Funny, Minseok hyung said the same thing to me earlier on,” the pretty eyelined boy chuckled.

“Hey Lu Han hyung,” Chanyeol greeted the doll-faced male who was currently perched on a branch of the same tree that Chen’s gull had always sat on, the same one that was located just outside of the scientist’s bedroom window.

“Come on in,” Joonmyeon ushered the male in, opening the windows wider.

“Don’t mind if I do,” Lu Han smiled sweetly before leaping across the gap between the branch and the window.

“Whoa there, doll face,” Sehun caught the stumbling male. The pair blushed at the close proximity of their faces. Before any of the guys could tease them, Jongin caught their attention.

“Chanyeol, what is this?” Jongin asked, holding a test tube with a single hair strand contained in it with his nimble fingers.

“I think it’d be better if you don’t tell us . .” Yifan sweatdropped.

“It’s a sample of Kreese darling’s pubic hair,” the science prodigy replied happily, wrapping his arms around Baekhyun’s waist. The noise of the test tube being dropped onto the floor was muffled by the sounds of gasping that emitted off the guys. 

“Excuse me but wha-?” Baekhyun turned to face Chanyeol, his eyes wide like a certain boy who was also present.

“Wha- why would you even- how did you-  ugh. You know what, never mind,” the basketball captain sighed, taking a seat on the giant’s bed while pinching the bridge of his nose.

“I don’t even know what to think,” Yixing remarked, pursuing his lips.

“Then don’t think,” Jongdae retorted back snarkily, smirking.

“Like you think anyway,” Jongin joined in, before returning his attention back onto the test tube, his face distorting with disgust.

“Hey, I do think!” the Chinese dancer pouted, making Joonmyeon pat his head softly.

“I’m sure you do think, after all, there must be a source for all the choreographies you’ve came up with,” the angelic elder comforted Yixing, his tone soft and clear.

“And don’t forget the unicorn fantasies you have,” Yifan gave a tired smile, trying to cheer up his other best friend.

“Why do you even have that?” Kyungsoo asked, having just entered the room in time to hear the conversation take place with a tray of freshly baked cookies in hand.

“Ooh, cookies!” Zitao’s eyes gleamed with absolute delight as he scuttled over to the chef in training.

The boys were momentarily occupied with the duty of munching on their respective share of cookies, the room smelling of the delicious aroma. It wasn’t until Chanyeol had so clumsily tripped over the test tube that their eyes were reverted back onto the test tube.

“Now, is that normal?” Baekhyun inquired, sweatdropping as he helped his new friend get up.

“Frankly, I myself don’t know. I mean, he has done weirder things but . .” Yifan shrugged, scratching his nape.

“This is still weird by my standards,” Yixing piped up, shooting a grateful smile to Joonmyeon.

“And when Yixing, the four dimensional unicorn says such a thing . .” Jongin trailed off, a slight smirk on his face once again.

“It’s that bad,” Minseok added in, extending ‘that’ in order to fully emphasise his point.

“Oh,” was all Baekhyun could let out. Chanyeol pretended – well it seemed like he was actually genuinely immersed in what he was doing – to not hear the conversation.

“Out of pure curiosity, what were you planning on doing with . . ?” Lu Han inquired, tilting his head slightly as he settled down onto the bed next to Yifan. “There, there, duizhang-ge, this might save you one day,” the calm elder patted the basketball captain’s back.

“Wanted to trace back Mr face here’s family tree by using genealogy and DNA,” the scientist said, playing with Baekhyun’s hair. “So soft,” he pouted in jealousy, running his fingers through the shorter boy’s locks.

“Wait, is that why you wanted access to my family’s library, so that you can look through the family records?” Yifan realised, lifting his head up.

“Oh, I see!” Zitao suddenly clapped his hands, startling the rest of them since he had been quiet throughout the conversation. “No wonder you asked for his passport and stuff. You’re trying to find out who is Kris’s half brother, aren’t you?"

“Yup, you guessed right, little panda,” Chanyeol grinned dorkily, letting go off his grasp on Baekhyun to ruffle Zitao’s hair.

“I’m not little though,” the younger boy mumbled, trying to duck his head from the science genius’ reach.

“If he’s little, what am I, a midget?” Baekhyun asked dramatically, raising an eyebrow as he sat on the floor.

“If you’re a midget, then I’m a midget midget,” Joonmyeon pouted, taking a seat besides the eyelined guy.

“Zitao’s the same height as you! How can he be ‘little’?!” Jongdae threw his hands in the air with such umph and power that the gull that had been perched on his shoulders had to flap its wings and sit on the singer’s head instead.

“Chengull!” The owner hissed, his hands harshly grabbing his pet gull off his head. The gull pecked at his fingers due to the harsh treatment it was getting from its owner before Jongdae realised his mistake, causing him to place the bird onto the wooden floor. He kneeled before bowing lowly to his pet, wailing apologies.

“I apologise, my beloved pet gull! I have done you wrong; therefore I am at your mercy! I beg your forgiveness; please don’t start another war with my nimble fingers! I need them to troll people online! Without fingers, I shall lose to Kyuhyun my title as the troll god!” Jongdae sobbed, sniffing fake tears.

The other guys merely watched him with amusement, some were perplexed with second hand embarrassment – such as Yifan, while the kinder ones decided to do their job as kind people,  therefore Yixing, Joonmyeon, Lu Han and Kyungsoo all sat next to Jongdae, petting his back.

“There, there. I’m sure your pet will forgive you,” Lu Han consoled the poor boy.

“I doubt it,” Minseok interjected, smirking. “The last time Jongdae here offended his pet gull, he ended up having to reside the in hospital for a month.”

“What did you do to conceive such an injury?” Kyungsoo gasped, his eyes widening – not that it made any difference to his facial expression.

“Uh, he decided to shoot him out of a cannonball,” Jongin whistled, avoiding eye contact with the troll of a singer.

“YOU WHAT?!” Baekhyun’s eyes grew wide, gaping at the now silent singing major. 


Short update, but welp, I love this story too much to abandon it. Slow update coming up.

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two chapters in one day. how productive of me. :D


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when will u update this ;A;
Chapter 7: i have a soft spot in my heart for chengull. i don't know why though.
Laff-Chanyeol #3
Chapter 7: OMERGARRD! INDIA!!!
I'm an Indian actually but I was born and I study in Kuwait tho.
I wanna see what happens in the story soooooon!!
maruru96 #4
Chapter 1: lol at the 'bacom flavored lays'. Worth the outburst of laughter in my class.. AND i loved that sehun and the window light. Boy, was i laughing! I love this fanfic.
Chapter 1: OMG I love this story so much LOL It's so hilarious xD
dilyakyu #6
Chapter 4: Love the chapter! Keep up the good work! ^^
Wuzzup #7
Chapter 3: OH My God!!! XDDD this is too awesome xDD all the puns the utter crack of it xDD I LOVE it xDD
StepOneTwo #8
Chapter 2: Why do I find this story so lovable? :3
Hoping you'll update soon!
StepOneTwo #9
This story....
Update soon please :)