Chapter 5

The Rose and its Thorns

[Hyunseung POV]

The alarm clock ringing woke me up in the morning. I groaned, reaching for a pillow and slamming it over my head. I still heard the alarm clock ringing though. I reached over grabbed another pillow, slamming it on top of the alarm clock. The ringing continued. I removed the pillow and grabbed the clock itself, chucking it across the room. The ringing finally stopped. I sighed contently, and began to fall back asleep. I didn't get too far though because a pillow was slammed into my face.

"Yah! You just broke our damn alarm clock!" Junhyung yelled, his face beet red from anger.

"Aish. I'll buy a new one. One with a less annoying ringing." I muttered, shoving a pillow in his face.

"But you still broke it!" He insisted.

"Aish. Just sleep. Come on. Sleep." I pulled Junhyung down onto my chest, wrapping an arm around his neck to prevent him from moving.

"Y-y-y-yah! W-w-what d-do you think y-you're doing r-right now?" He stuttered, trying to push off of my chest.

"Oh. Is Junhyung flustered because I just want to snuggle with him?" I cooed, pulling the boy closer to me.

"L-l-l-l-let me go!!!" He managed to get out, and I released him with a laugh and finally sat up. I saw the boy hide his head under his sheets on his bed. The sight of him so flustered was actually kind of cute, if you thought about it. "What time is it anyway?" I asked, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed.

"I don't know. Want to know why? Because some red-headed idiot broke our alarm clock!" Junhyung yelled from across the room.

"Jinjja? You'll have to introduce me to this red-headed idiot. Because I don't know who you're talking about, Junhyung-ah." I snickered, standing up and walking to my dresser, pulling out a black v-neck along with a grey vest and a pair of ripped black skinnies. I walked into the bathroom, shutting the door. I decided I wouldn't torture Junhyung any more by changing in front of him, no matter how funny it would be to do so anyways. I slipped the shirt on and the vest, pulling the pants up and adding a white belt for good measure. I leaned into my reflection, and frowned at the dark circles under my eyes. I exited the bathroom, Junhyung having formed a pillow barrier around him when I entered. The sight made me laugh again as I grabbed my makeup bag and entered the bathroom. I applied concealer to the dark circles and lined my eyes. Satisfied with my work, I left the bathroom, motioning to Junhyung that it was all his. He ran to the bathroom, as if afraid I would tackled him on his way there.

God he's cute when he's flustered.

[Yoseob POV]

My morning was horrible. Doojoon would barely talk to me at all, and when I tried to get him to say anything, he would reply with one or two word answers and leave it at that. I missed Woonie and my Hyung... They would always talk to me, even when my questions were pointless. I was lost in my own thoughts when a knock sounded on my door. I stood up and opened the door, Dongwoon throwing his arms around me as I he hadn't seen me in years.

"Y-yah... Woonie. We saw each other less than twelve hours ago." I smiled, ruffling the older's hair.

"I know. But when I woke up, I accidently woke up Kikwang as well. And Hyung! Kikwang's scary when I woke him up early. He was really nice and sweet last night, talking to me about nothing, but when I woke him up, BAM! I was so scared that I ran here so that Kikwang couldn't bite my head off." Dongwoon whined into my shoulder, rushing past me and sitting on my bed. Doojoon merely looked up for a second before returning to tuning his guitar. I sighed and sat next to Dongwoon, pulling his head to my lap. "What class is today, Hyung?"

"I think today we have dance..." I murmured, running my hand through his hair.

"Bwo?!" Doojoon blurted out, his sudden talking suprising me.

"I said today we have dance..."

Doojoon groaned and fell back onto his bed, hugging his guitar close to him. He muttered words to the guitar, as if the guitar could hear him or something. The sight weirded me out slightly so I stood up, tugging Dongwoon along with me, him getting the message as we left the room to leave Doojoon to talk to his guitar.

An hour later I stood next to Hyunseung, Dongwoon on his other side. We'd claimed both his arms, making him laugh at the sight. I looked up to our dance teacher. He explained to us the basics of dancing, how you don't want your moves to be sloppy and how you have to put your full effort every time you dance, or else you'll end up looking like a fool in front of everyone. I nodded at his words, noticing Hyunseung looking completely disinterested in what he had to say.

"Your first assignment for this class will be to assess the skills you already have coming into this class. You will have to coreograph an original dance routine to any song of your choosing. Your partners for this assignment will be your roomates. I will be expecting you to preform these dances within a week, and if you place last, you will have to clean up the bathrooms for a month. Arraso?"

I inwardly groaned, thinking of how all three of us were paired with band members, not dancers.

This would be interesting.


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sorry guys... going on hiatus for a few weeks~ be back with more updates n stuff later... bye.


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Im-your-father #1
Chapter 18: God, Why in this history too!! XC !!! Dont go!!!
Dont maind me...... Ill try !!
Goemas12 #2
Chapter 18: ugh what why I don't have a tumbler
Chapter 18: Good luck! I'll keep reading on your tumblr
straightcut #4
Chapter 17: I love this but why no updates...???
Chapter 17: my mouth is open. i was readin readin, my heart is beatind fast and then booooom. there is no more chapters. WHY?? ooo i hate when it's like this. but i'm happy i found this fic. good luck, update fast. : )) : ))
Chapter 17: ahhh yoseob dujun is yours ;c i seriously feel bad for seob T.T
vanilLaJae04 #7
Chapter 17: OMG NOOOOO! just when my junseung are finally together. drama comes... T______T